this is not a joke

Chapter 617 Qiu Yun's Totem

Chapter 617 Qiu Yun's Totem

Now Qiu Yun is considering whether he should take the risk to go out.

His spiritual totem, the alien beast Lao Xie, can devour strangeness in a short time after it is activated.

However, there is one thing he must control well, that is, strictly speaking, Lai Xie is a totem of no owner. Although it seems that Qiu Yun himself is using this spiritual totem now, in fact, he knows very well that once Lai Xie devours too many weird will devour the Lord.

This is somewhat similar to the soul lamp that Wei An obtained.

However, Wei'an can control the long soul lamp to turn off at the right time to interrupt its engulfing, but if Lao Xie's engulfing is completely released, Qiu Yun will not be sure to take it back at all.

Even after absorbing a few more monsters, Qiu Yun could clearly feel his blood spurting, as if he was about to merge with Lao Xie.

He was worried that when the time came, it would not be a question of whether he could control it, but that after Laoxie absorbed the weirdness to a certain extent, he would directly turn himself into a part of it.

After all, when I got this spirit totem, it was quite accidental, and it was obtained from the body of a dead participant.

And the participant's corpse didn't look like a normal person's body at all, but a deformed mutant, with two feet growing in the waist, and the connection between the arms and the body was also transferred to the back.

According to Qiu Yun, the mutant human should only be able to crawl on the ground before he was alive, because two horns with the function of barbs grew on the back of his head.

Qiu Yun was worried that he would become like that in the future, so he was always cautious when using this evil totem.

Of course, once Lao Xie is aroused, its power is extremely astonishing. So far, Qiu Yun has not seen any monster that can escape its devouring.

He is well aware that the change in the strange story of the Colosseum may be due to the progress of the work of other investigators, which has led to changes in the whole strange story.

If I don't do my best at this moment, those investigators may be in danger.

Because looking at the current situation, it is obvious that the ghost story rules are exerting force, causing red and black intertwined grimaces to appear everywhere, blocking the participants from continuing to explore.

It is certain that the ghost talk rule is to wait until it eradicates this threat before it resumes its previous operation, so at this moment, other participants are locked in the basement and are not allowed to go out.

There was no time to delay, Qiu Yun stood at the door for a while, and found that after he had aroused part of the totem Laoxie, the grimace outside the door obviously sensed the threat and did not dare to approach.

Without much hesitation, he immediately reached out and pressed the door.

Originally, the door had been blocked, but after Qiu Yun's hand touched the door, the invisible force against the door dissipated instantly.

Qiu Yun pushed forward, and the door opened.

The feeling of dead silence outside the door flooded into the basement instantly, but it was completely blocked by Qiu Yun alone, and at this moment the light blue light on his forehead became more intense.

The other participants in the basement felt the fear, and immediately hid further inside, all crowded together.

"Don't go near the door!"

Qiu Yun turned his back to these participants and said a word, then walked up the stairs, step by step into this dead land.

Now he couldn't hear a sound or feel any breeze.

However, after turning on the totem Laoxie, he could feel that the biggest threat of death was in a certain alley not far away.

Guided by this feeling, Qiu Yun walked through the nearest alleyway, and found that the familiar alleyways before him had changed.

A large number of stone bricks fell off, the ground was full of dust, and there was a strange atmosphere in the air, but there were only two colors, red and black.

However, Qiu Yun didn't realize that he couldn't raise his head. He even glanced at the distant direction a little bit, but he didn't realize that he couldn't raise his head to look at the sky normally.

His attention was still on the greatest threat of death sensed by the spirit totem.

After waiting for a while, after confirming that there was nothing threatening him, Qiu Yun walked in that direction.

Along the way, his evil blue light was emitting. This thing has a strong deterrent effect on Weird, so even though Qiu Yun had already left the basement, until now his totem hadn't been able to absorb a Weird.

That's why he dared to come out like this directly, because Lao Xie's power is very special, and that deterrent power can scare away other monsters without knowing it.

Of course, under normal circumstances, when Weird feels this spiritual totem, it is basically too late to run.

However, Qiu Yun paid attention just now, and found that these ghost faces floated and moved very fast. If they appeared by themselves, they had a high probability of escaping before Lao Xie absorbed them.

Just thinking about this, a grimace in front of him made a tearing sound, and was absorbed by the blue glow on his forehead with a whoosh.

No matter what, there is still the weirdness of not having time to escape.

The Laoxie totem flickered slightly, and the frequency was a little faster. Qiu Yun also accelerated his action speed, and quickly approached the sensed place.

Soon he discovered that there were more than a dozen ghost faces gathered in front of him, and in the center surrounded by these ghost faces, there were three people standing there impressively.

At this time, two people's faces seemed to be stained with grimaces, only one man raised his head, and was not stained by the floating grimace for the time being.

After discovering Qiu Yun approaching, more than a dozen ghost faces gathered around fled one after another, including the one that hadn't gotten close to Wei An, and the two ghost faces stained by the two women were unwilling to give up, so they desperately Speed ​​up fusion erosion.

"This is... Tang Li, Wei An?" Qiu Yun recognized Tang Li at a glance, because the two had worked together for a long time and were very familiar with each other.

Wei An, who was recognized in the next second, was the last to recognize Pei Na.

Seeing that the grimace had eroded half of Tang Li's face, Qiu Yun approached quickly and grabbed Tang Li's grimace.

Lao Xie on the forehead emitted a cluster of blue light, which quickly covered Qiu Yun's entire right palm along his arm, and then filled the fingertips of his five fingers, and embed them into the grimace suddenly.

The grimace trembled, and it only struggled twice symbolically. It was pulled up from Tang Li's cheek abruptly, and was sucked into Lao Xie along Qiu Yun's palm with a whoosh.

Qiu Yun felt satisfied with Lao Xie on his forehead, he didn't think much, and reached out to grab Pei Na's grimace again.

This grimace also began to struggle.

At this moment, the dozen or so ghost faces that were forced to retreat just now suddenly turned back, swarmed and squirmed and merged with each other, and quickly turned into a half-human tall ghost face, hanging in the air and opening its mouth to Qiu Yun, without a sound. The attack came.

Qiu Yun didn't notice it, but the laoxie on his forehead came out directly from the back of his head, and he couldn't tell what this strange beast looked like, because it was always covered by this blue glow.

The blue light trembled, and there was a beast cry inside, the blue light opened, and directly bit the approaching half-human grimace, no matter how much the grimace struggled, it was useless.

Almost at the same time, Lao Xie devoured the whole grimace and the little grimace just now.

Qiu Yun's body trembled suddenly, and he felt a slight bulge between his foreheads. At this moment, Lao Xie's actions seemed to be out of his control.

The energy of those grimaces is also too strong. Although it looks like a small one, after being swallowed by Lao Xie, Qiu Yun can feel that one grimace is at least worth ten ordinary monsters.

It was slightly dark before his eyes, and suddenly he saw a row of grimaces appearing in front of him again, merging with each other to form a bigger face than before, and it seemed that he was about to attack himself soon.

"What are you doing? Come with me!" Qiu Yun said hastily, and shouted at the three people who were standing still.

(End of this chapter)

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