this is not a joke

Chapter 618 Imagine

Chapter 618 Imagine
Wei An and Pei Na suddenly had tinnitus at the same time, and there seemed to be something buzzing in their ears.

Wei An stretched out his index finger to poke at the ears, and Pei Na pressed the two ears with the palm of his hand.

"You have tinnitus too?" The two spoke at the same time.

The two are still talking about what happened at this moment at home, and they have already raised a high degree of suspicion in their hearts.

The tinnitus lasted for a short time, and the feeling disappeared quickly, but the two felt it at the same moment.

Pei Na immediately raised her head and looked around the living room, trying to find the reason why she and Wei An had tinnitus at the same time.

Wei An shook his head and said, "You don't need to look for it, maybe... there is something wrong with our body."

Pei Na's heart trembled: "Hurry up, think about how to get out!"

As soon as the words were finished, there was a sound of opening the living room door, and Wen Qiong came in with a smile on her face, carrying a large bag of freshly bought vegetables in her hand.

"No need to help, I can do it." Seeing Pei Na standing up, Wen Qiong thought that the other party was coming to help again, so she quickly stopped her.

Pei Na didn't move, watching Wen Qiong struggle to carry the big bag into the kitchen, then turned to look at Wei An.

Wei An shook his head, signaling her not to provoke Wen Qiong at this moment.

The two slowly came to the door of the kitchen without speaking, seeing that Wen Qiong seemed to be able to do housework alone at this moment, he was very happy.

Humming an unknown tune, she dumped a large bag of things on the ground, vegetables and fruits rolled all over the floor, including several pig's trotters, animal offal, and even a live chicken.

This live chicken didn't know if it was suppressed by those viscera just now, its head was covered in blood at this moment, it was half dead, but its head moved without making any sound.

Wen Qiong walked to the front of the chopping board, took a sharp kitchen knife on it back, bowed down, grabbed the head of the live chicken, and lifted it up.

At this moment, the rooster finally flapped its wings twice, and made a cooing sound in its throat.

Wen Qiong was still humming, walked to the cutting board, and pressed the chicken head in her hand on the cutting board, so that the live chicken's body was hanging outside, and the chicken's neck was just exposed.

Immediately, the kitchen knife in Wen Qiong's hand chopped off with a whimper, the rooster jumped violently, and the neck hanging from the chopping board was cut off with a knife.

The blood from the fracture splashed out, spreading everywhere on the cutting board and the wall, and Wen Qiong's hands were almost stained red.

But at this time, Wen Qiong was still humming the song, the smile on her face remained unchanged, she turned around and threw the chicken head into the vegetable sink next to it, then picked up the bleeding chicken body and threw it into the sink together. into the sink.

Wei An gently tugged Pei Na, and the two quickly retreated to the bedroom, closing the door gently.

"Has Auntie always killed chickens like this? And she is very skilled in holding a knife!" Pei Na lowered her voice.

"That's not my mother." Wei An shook his head.

After a pause, she continued: "She is just a little close to my mother in behavior and habits, but she obviously magnifies some of my mother's emotions. For example, my mother does like to do housework, but she will not do it so easily and bloodily." kill a chicken."

Pei Na froze for a moment, as if thinking of something, she asked, "Tell me, if we are in the conscious world, would these people be imagined by us?"

Wei An nodded: "I was thinking the same thing just now, and it seems that it is indeed possible now. This world has materialized the people in our hearts, and we didn't notice it before we knew it, and we didn't notice it. What do those pedestrians on the street look like? If you look closely, they may not have facial features at all, and their faces may be a blank slate.”

Pei Na looked at Wei An in surprise.

"Contact Tang Li and tell her to hurry up and join us." Wei An said, "Or we can go find her now."

"The phone is still on the coffee table outside." Pei Na said.

While speaking, she opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Pei Na's body tensed up and she almost kicked her sideways.

I saw Wen Qiong standing at the door with the bloody kitchen knife in her hand. According to the distance she was standing now, she was almost standing close to the bedroom door just now. Maybe she could hear the conversation between the two people in the room. uncertain.

"Son, are you going out?" Wen Qiong raised the kitchen knife in his hand.

Wei An knew very well that in his memory, his mother played very well with the kitchen knife, and she was definitely a ruthless character in ghost stories. As long as she had a knife in her hand, she could even tear down some low-level ghost stories. The rule center is destroyed together.

"Not going out, just making a phone call." Pei Na said.

"Who are you calling?" Wen Qiong asked.

"Call... Dad and ask him when he will come back for dinner." Wei An replied.

"No need to call, I'm already back." Wei Zhengdong's voice sounded in the living room.

A figure flashed and stood up from behind Wen Qiong.

Wei Zhengdong did not know when Wei Zhengdong had returned, and when Wen Qiong was talking to them, he had been standing by the bedroom door.

"Tell you, I pretended to be a jerk again today." Wei Zhengdong smiled, but in the eyes of Wei An and Pei Na, his smile seemed somewhat weird.

"What are you pretending to be?"

Wen Qiong slowly lowered the kitchen knife she held in her hand, but she still held it tightly. Even if Pei Na used grappling skills to snatch it, she might not be able to succeed.

"Lao Qin and Lao Zhao were competing in the downstairs garden for leg presses. Lao Qin said that he had been practicing lower back leg presses since he retired, and even performed it on the spot. He mocked that Lao Zhao couldn't do it." Wei Zhengdong said happily He started talking, "I told you, Lao Zhao, you can press it. It is definitely straighter than Lao Qin. No one else believed it, including Lao Zhao himself. Then, guess what, I straightened him straight , that one-character horse is much better than Lao Qin's standard! Thanks to me!"

"Where's old Zhao?" Wei An asked.

"I'm waiting for an ambulance, but looking at his body, I might not be able to wait any longer." Wei Zhengdong was still smiling, "By the way, are you going to make a move?"


Before he had a chance to refute, Pei Na immediately came up with a standard split.

Wei Zhengdong was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "It seems that I don't need to contribute."

"Wait for me, the chicken will be ready soon, today we will eat chicken." Wen Qiong turned and went back to the kitchen.

Wei Zhengdong also sat down in front of the sofa in the living room, and turned on the TV casually.

Pei Na took this opportunity to take the phone back to the bedroom, the two closed the door, and then called Tang Li.

After connecting, Pei Na briefly analyzed the current emptiness with Tang Li. Tang Li was surprised at first, but she calmed down soon.

"Wei'an tells you to buy a plane ticket and come here now. The three of us must stay together and find a way to leave, otherwise the current danger may be even higher." Pei Na said.

But Wei An shook his head: "No, if this is the world of consciousness, Tang Li doesn't need to take a plane, and she doesn't even need to take any transportation if she wants to see us."

"Then how do we meet?" Pei Na looked at him in surprise.

Wei An said: "We can see you now. You tell her that this is just the world of consciousness. If the three of us are determined to meet at this moment, we will definitely meet right away."

Pei Na maintained a surprised expression, but no longer hesitated, and immediately conveyed Wei An's meaning on the phone.

Tang Li on the other end of the phone was also very surprised. After talking for a while, they hung up the phone.

"What should we do now to meet?" Pei Na asked Wei An.

Wei An was silent for a moment, then said, "She should be right outside the door, what else is there for?"

Pei Na let out a cry, and then heard a familiar voice suddenly coming from outside the living room: "Old Wei, are you watching TV alone at home? Where are Wei An and the others?"

This voice came from Tang Li.

"Has she arrived?"

Pei Na opened the bedroom door in surprise, and saw Wei Zhengdong standing up, talking with Tang Lizheng in a lady's suit in some surprise.

"Team leader Tang, what brought you here? Don't tell me in advance. I'll ask my wife to cook a few more dishes. I'll order another takeaway eighteen cages. Let's have a few drinks today. We must Have a few drinks!"

"Who is she?" Wen Qiong's voice sounded, and she stood at the kitchen door with the bloody kitchen knife in her hand.

Pei Na looked back at Wei An, lowered her voice and asked, "Are these the parents you imagined!?"

"Don't push me all the time, you have your own imagination." Wei An said.

(End of this chapter)

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