this is not a joke

Chapter 620 Colosseum, broken!

The feeling of suffocation in Wei'an's neck loosened, and then Qiu Yun's face came into view.

But in the first two seconds, he couldn't recognize that it was Qiu Yun, because the other's head was deformed, and his face was also pulled and deformed.

After recognizing Qiu Yun beside him, Wei An quickly realized it.

I had an experience of being pulled by a strange force in the conscious world, presumably it was Qiu Yun who was pulling me, and the ringing in my ears at the beginning was also caused by Qiu Yun shouting beside me.

Looking at Qiu Yun's side again, Pei Na and Tang Li didn't raise their heads at all. Their expressions were stiff, and their skin was already slightly pale, as if the blood in their bodies had stopped flowing.

The two of them did not follow Wei An into the conscious world at all, and Wei An was the only one who entered the conscious world.

It was also because after successfully looking up at the sky that he violated the taboo at the center of the strange talk rules, he was pulled into the world of consciousness.

But Pei Na and Tang Li couldn't do this at all, so they didn't even have the qualifications to be pulled into the conscious world.

Besides, looking at it now, the two of them seemed to be in greater danger than Wei An, and even their vital signs could no longer be detected.

This scene made Wei An's heart sink.

However, like Qiu Yun, he did not try to drag Pei Na and Tang Li away from here, nor did he leave immediately according to Qiu Yun's persuasion.

He raised his head again and looked towards the sky.

Qiu Yun had a splitting headache and felt that he was going to blow up in the next second, but found that Wei An not only didn't leave after waking up, but also didn't help him to pull the other two.

Instead, he stood quietly and looked up at the sky!

The situation was urgent at the moment, and he had to wait until he escaped from here to see anything. Qiu Yun was anxious, and subconsciously raised his head, trying to follow Wei An's gaze.

He didn't know what scene could attract Wei An to watch it even in such a dangerous situation.

But when he looked up, Qiu Yun suddenly realized that he couldn't complete this action!
There seemed to be a Mount Tai directly above the top of the head. No matter what, I couldn't raise my head, and my gaze was suppressed, so I couldn't look directly up.

"How is this going?!"

He found that Wei An raised his whole head, staring straight at something in the sky, but he couldn't do such a simple movement.

"I... can't lift... my head! Why?"

Wei An heard his words, but he had no time to pay attention to him, he just stared at the sky intently.

After a while, he said: "If you can also raise your head, maybe you can avoid the current danger."

Qiu Yun was slightly taken aback, not knowing what was going on in his mind, but he quickly raised his head up again with great difficulty.

Although he really wanted to be like Wei An, at least Wei An didn't seem to have encountered any difficulties when raising his head just now, and just made this movement naturally.

But Qiu Yun has also realized now that in this strange talk, being able to raise his head seems to be the key to the problem, and now Wei An has found this key.

As for myself, although I accidentally learned about the problem, I couldn't do it at all.

"No, he can do it, so can I!" Qiu Yun gritted his teeth tightly, because the force was so hard that blood was already oozing from his gums.

Of course, part of the reason for this is that his head hurts very much.

"saw you again!"

Wei An murmured at this moment.

His eyes were focused on the sky, a scene that Qiu Yun couldn't look up at all.

In Wei'an's sight, a gigantic grimace appeared in the air.

When he was able to raise his head at first, all he saw was a dark sky, and then the sky evolved into red and black, and then, the black and red merged together to form this grimace.

It was a grimace that took a closer look to make out, but once you saw it, the face became crystal clear.

At this moment, in the empty eye sockets of Grimace, the invisible eyeballs seemed to be staring at Wei An, which was mixed with surprise, curiosity, and even a little panic.

Because from the point of view of this grimace, no one can look up and see this rule of himself in the strange story under his control.

This is a phenomenon that goes against common sense. If someone can do this, it means that he has the ability to destroy himself!

"Why do you have that kind of aura?!" Grimacing his lips, Wei'an heard a voice in his head, but no one else could hear it.

Wei An shrugged his shoulders, opened the item bar, and put on the bodyguard set that combined the horror helmet, the bodyguard medal, the bloody hammer and the killing axe.

With a jerk of his right hand, the bloody hammer and killing ax turned into a halberd axe, and the medal of the Guards shone brightly, projecting into the halberd axe.

Then Wei An threw the halberd and ax directly into the air!

the same moment.

Inspired by seeing Wei An able to raise his head, Qiu Yun tried his best to fully release his spiritual totem without any worries, as if he was afraid that the strange beast Lao Xie would not control him.

The protruding part of his forehead suddenly flashed the most dazzling blue glow than ever before, and his whole head was extremely transparent, like an alien.

Because Qiu Yun believed that since Wei An was able to raise his head, it must be due to the means he obtained after going through such weird stories.

Even if Wei An has a spiritual totem as a means, he also has a totem, but it's not easy to control.

But if you use the totem to let yourself look up at the sky, then you don't have to worry about using the totem at this moment!

Besides, Qiu Yun has another thought, that is, after absorbing the weirdness, Lao Xie has become so powerful that it will turn against him one day sooner or later, so this moment is an excellent opportunity to use the action of looking up at the sky to make Lao Xie forceful. If there is no potential, it is best to make both sides suffer, and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

A click.

The voice sounded so crisp, and it was unknown which part of Qiu Yun it came from.

Wei An's heart skipped a beat when he heard it. After throwing the halberd axe, he glanced at Qiu Yun, and saw that the other party had already raised his head halfway!
Although there is still a long way to go before it can be fully lifted, at least the current Qiu Yun is much stronger than Tang Li and Pei Na.

Those two people couldn't hold their heads up at all, and their lives were already in danger while they were still working hard.

Qiu Yun's face was ferocious, his whole body was tense, his hands clenched tightly into fists, his swollen head kept lifting and lifting...

At the same time, the strange beast Laoxie in the forehead is beating non-stop, becoming excited, violent, and unscrupulous...

In the next second, Qiu Yun's forehead exploded directly, and the extremely dazzling blue light went out instantly, and Lao Xie, who was still extremely excited just now, instantly languished, and all the power quickly dissipated as the forehead exploded.

At the same second, the halberd and ax thrown by Wei'an carried all the power from the guard suit, and after accurately determining the position of the grimace, it flashed across the grimace's face, and a frightening line was drawn from the grimace's left cheek Scar!
It was this terrifying scar that prevented Lao Xie from dying, and Qiu Yun's head was only injured on the forehead, and other parts did not explode.

Qiu Yun fell to the ground suddenly, not sure if he was dead or not.

And the Scar Grimace in the sky actually relied on other small Grimaces to provide all-round protection. As the rule center of this strange talk, its most powerful power is to absorb weird energy, and create one Colosseum after another, creating one after another The terrifying world of consciousness.

If people saw and discovered its true colors, this guy would be completely exposed to the enemy. In addition, its actual physical combat power would be a piece of fighting scum, and it would not be able to withstand a set attack at all.

Of course, no one has ever been able to escape smoothly with the terrifying illusion created by this grimace.

Even if someone is able to leave this strange talk, they have only completed the task within the scope allowed by the rules. It is simply impossible to destroy this strange talk.

But Wei An saw it, and although he had gone through a lot of hard work, it was worth it in exchange for the most effective attack!

The scars on that face grew rapidly visible to the naked eye, until the entire grimace was pulled beyond recognition, and finally collapsed into a large number of fragments with a bang. The ground hit Wei An's left hand.

Surprised, Wei An immediately backed away, but the aura came very quickly, and Wei An only felt his hand sink, as if there was a lot more for no reason.

Turning over his left hand, he saw a palm-sized grimace mask being held in his hand. This mask was exactly the one he took out of the incinerator in the crematorium consciousness world last time.

But at that time, the mask was in a virtual state, and it disappeared after it came out. I didn't expect to keep the virtual state with me all the time.

Now, after being filled with the massive black and red aura, it gradually became real. Wei An subconsciously threw it into the inventory, and the grimace mask entered it firmly.

The world in front of me finally began to wither this time, like a flower that had bloomed to the extreme, everything began to wither and perish. In Wei An's eyes, the whole world turned gray and white until it disappeared completely...

What disappeared together with the Colosseum strange talk, was a large amount of black and red aura in the sky that did not enter the grimace mask.

The eyes were replaced by complete darkness, until Wei An's body moved and his shoulders were shaken.

"Son, son!" Wei Zhengdong's voice sounded beside his ears, "Well, I'm still breathing, it's fine."

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