this is not a joke

Chapter 621 The New Lord's Ghost Story

Chapter 621 The New Lord's Ghost Story
Wei An actually heard Wei Zhengdong's voice, but his consciousness has just returned to his body, so he can't react yet.

But as Wei Zhengdong said, he has already breathed.

When he was able to open his eyes and look around, Wei An found himself lying on the dry yellow sand.

A group of people were busy nearby, but their target was not themselves, but carried away Pei Na and Tang Li on a stretcher, and then Qiu Yun who was unconscious.

After all three of them were sent to the car, under Wei Zhengdong's command, it was the last one's turn to be carried on the stretcher.

"As expected, I am my own." Wei An secretly slandered.

His body was fine, but after returning to reality from the world of consciousness, he had just left the strange talk of the Colosseum, which made the recovery of control over his body slow.

However, the other three seemed to be more serious than him. Pei Na and Tang Li's faces were very pale. Although they left the strange talk, they still didn't wake up.

Because they were actually controlled by the rules center of the Colosseum at the beginning, their consciousness was completely cut off, and their life and death were unknown in the Colosseum.

Although he left Guai Tan smoothly at this moment, he didn't know how much he was affected.

What Wei An was worried about was that even though Pei Na's body recovered the moment she left Guitan, her spirit would be seriously affected. After all, there seemed to be something wrong with their consciousness at the time.

As for Qiu Yun, in order to look up at the sky in the strange talk just now, this guy insisted on using his spiritual totem power to try to fight against that huge rule.

And Wei An understands that this rule that cannot be raised is actually an unknown rule from the upper layer of the ghost story world. The Colosseum ghost story just simulated or borrowed part of its power in some way, so that it has reached almost the same level in its own field. Effect.

So Qiu Yun seemed to be fighting against the rules of the Colosseum, but in fact, he was delusional to fight against the higher-level rules with his own strength, and the result was that his forehead exploded directly.

Of course, this was Qiu Yun's injury in the Colosseum ghost talk. The moment he passed out, Wei An broke the Colosseum ghost talk, the ghost talk collapsed, and everyone left there.

Therefore, although Qiu Yun seemed to be seriously injured, in fact his body looked intact now.

Perhaps some parts of his body had changed, which made him still in a coma at this time.

"You're awake, son." After sending Wei'an into the ambulance, Wei Zhengdong came up and sat next to him, "Don't worry, Pei Na and Tang Li are fine, they just lost their minds and may need to sleep It will take a few days to recover."

"Will there be... a mental problem?" Wei An asked slowly.

Wei Zhengdong shook his head: "I'm not sure, I won't know until they wake up."

After a pause, he said, "I knew that strange talk was about to collapse, so I came here to take a look, otherwise I don't know how long you will have to lie here."

"Are you sure this strange talk has disappeared?" Wei An asked.

Then he licked his lips that seemed to be chapped.

Wei Zhengdong immediately opened a thermos cup for him, inserted a straw and handed it over: "This is warm water, drink it in small sips."

Wei An took a few sips, then heard Wei Zhengdong reply: "This super-large ghost story has not disappeared, but the main ghost story is dead. I can feel that it is no longer running, and the breath is gradually fading, disappear."

"The main monster is dead, but the super-large monster, that is, those node monsters are not dead, but are still running?" Wei An was surprised.

Wei Zhengdong nodded: "It's very strange, I sensed it several times, and I'm sure that those node monsters didn't disappear with the death of the main monster, they are still running without slowing down in the slightest."

"Why did this happen?" Wei An asked.

He wanted to sit up, but his mental strength was really exhausted just now, so he still lay down obediently.

Wei Zhengdong said: "There are two possibilities. One is that when those node monsters found that there was something wrong with the main monster, they took this opportunity to cut off the supply connection with the main monster and began to live independently. The second possibility is that They may already have a new master ghost story instead."

"The new master ghost story?" Wei An was surprised.

"This is just speculation, not necessarily true. In the next few days, I will investigate carefully to find out the reason." Wei Zhengdong frowned.

"If they really find a new substitute, it's best to destroy the master monster before it has fully grown, otherwise there will be endless troubles." Wei'an reminded.

"Of course, of course, as soon as I find the new location of the main ghost talk, I will immediately let our team's investigators attack it with all their strength! It should be done within half a day." Wei Zhengdong nodded heavily.

"This time the main ghost story collapsed, are there any other survivors besides the four of us?" Wei An asked.

Wei Zhengdong looked at his phone, and replied: "At present, I have received information from other places about the survivors, but the information is not complete. There are probably more than ten survivors, but I don't know if there are any of them like us." Secondary rescue target."

"Probably gone." Wei An shook his head.

Soon his eyes were concentrated, staring at the ceiling of the ambulance above his head, and after a while, he muttered.

"The new master ghost story?!"


The deep corridor of the ancient house.

Dim yellow lanterns swayed gently on both sides of the winding corridor with the breeze, making the lights in this area flickering, and everything seemed so blurred.

A sturdy bald man appeared at one end of the corridor, looked back at the pond and rockery behind the courtyard, and then looked directly at the area in front of the corridor, quietly observing.

Looking from his direction, he saw that there seemed to be two yards in the area ahead after passing through the promenade, and the left and right yards were sideways. As for what was inside, it was unknown.

The bald man didn't move rashly, but squatted down, and took out a long black object from his inventory.

He pressed a button on it, and said softly: "The breath in this strange story is very strong, much more than other strange stories, and the possibility has increased! Although I haven't seen any weirdness until now, it gives me a sense of smell." It's a feeling of being spied on at any time."

This thing turned out to be a black old-fashioned walkie-talkie!
After the bald man finished speaking, there was a voice from the walkie-talkie, but it was not broadcast, but the sound waves of the voice directly penetrated into his ears strangely.

"Don't take it lightly, make sure your inner breath pill is still within the expiry date, and use another one if you find that your breath is out of control. Don't worry about wasting it, as long as this matter is done well, the boss will reward you."

"It's up to you to tell." The bald man laughed, "I'm going to go through this corridor to investigate in the courtyard at the back. I'm sure I'll find clues that make this weird story so special. Wait for my good news!"

After saying that, he put the walkie-talkie away, and then took out another oval ball the size of a black quail egg, crushed it, and a black membrane appeared to wrap his body again.

This thing is actually the same thing that Jian Hui used to hide himself last time, that is, the inner breath pill that the speaker on the walkie-talkie said, a thing that hides human breath.

But just after the bald man used the inner breath pill, he was startled for a moment, and saw a short boy in a strange dress standing in front of the corridor where he was, where the dim yellow lantern light was flickering.

There are two braids on the boy's head, and the braids are still trembling slightly at this moment, and the boy is grinning in the direction of the bald head.

This scene appeared very suddenly, the boy appeared without warning, and the bald head couldn't sense any strange aura.

The bald head couldn't help shivering, lowered his gaze, and didn't look directly at the boy, because he knew that although some weirdos couldn't see human beings, they could feel human gazes.

Then he quietly cheered himself up: "I just took the Neiqi Pill. With the effect of the Neixi Pill... this weird...should just happen to appear here, it can' can't see me!"

 Thanks to Nicotiutopia for the [-] rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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