Chapter 622

Even so, the boy was actually looking in this direction with a weird smile on his face.

The bald man wasn't sure it was him he was looking at.

To be on the safe side, he didn't intend to continue to walk through this long corridor towards the courtyard, but hesitated for a moment, turned around and walked back along the way he came from.

The courtyard in front of me has a beautiful environment, the water in the pond is crystal clear, and you can see the beautifully trimmed rockery inside. The rockery is hollow, and there are red and golden fish swimming in it.

Although the old house looks like it has traces of time, the air is actually fresh. When the bald man entered this strange talk, he was not sure that there was something weird in it.

Even the bald man felt that this place didn't seem like a strange story, until he smelled the strange atmosphere in the old house that couldn't be hidden.

But having said that, according to Wei'an's request, after sorting out the Whispering Boy, this ancient house looks too normal, clean and tidy, giving people a feeling that someone has always lived here.

It's just that strange stories are always strange stories, and the weird atmosphere cannot be covered up by the cleanliness on the surface.

After the Tale Boy used the bridge mirror to connect to one of the nodes of the super-large ghost story that Wei An talked about last time, the inside of the old house has been completely renewed, and a lot of energy is flooding in from the outside.

Guzhai Weitan showed a vigorous and dead energy that was countless times better than that of the stage controlled by Yi Zhen, and it was very in line with the temperament of the strange story's operation and growth.

Passing through the path above the pond and coming to the back of the lobby, the cautious bald man immediately looked back, and saw the strange boy still standing there under the swaying lantern in the corridor, covered by the red light, with his face on his face. Always smiling, never moving.

"This guy really can't see me." The bald man made a false alarm.

After a little weighing, he turned around calmly and prepared to execute the plan just now again.

Back in the corridor, the bald man took a deep breath and then held his breath, then leaned towards the left end of the corridor and moved in the direction of the Trickster.

In fact, under the protection of the black membrane transformed by the inner breath pill, even if he stood in front of Weird, took a deep breath, and stared at the other side intently, the Weird would not notice anything.

But at this moment, the scene in this ancient house is obviously a little weird. Just to be careful, the bald man is still very cautious in every move.

As he approached the boy step by step, his heart was in his throat.

Observing closely, one could see that the boy's face was covered with various traces of rouge, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman, nor did he know his age.

A strong, low-quality scent hit his nostrils, and the bald man didn't dare to look at it any more.

He quickened his pace and passed the boy, and quickly moved forward.

Neixi Pill is an item independently developed by the patriarch organization to investigate unknown ghost stories. Almost every member with some status in the organization will be given one or two pills regularly.

Of course, because these things are very useful, there are cases where they flow out of the organization. Jian Hui doesn't know how many of them he got there.

In fact, under the wrapping of the inner breathing pill, not only the breath of the person covered by the black film will be covered up in front of the weirdness, but even his breath, voice and other characteristics that can be detected by the weirdness will be covered.

In other words, the bald man now is standing next to the weird and talking, and the other party has no way of knowing.

Even if he really touches this monster, it will only feel strange, but he will not realize that there are humans around him.

It's just that the bald man always felt that this strange story was weird, and it was weirder than other node strange stories in this super strange story he had encountered before, so he became more cautious.

If you can avoid touching the boy, try not to.

Just as he walked away from the long corridor and came to the gate of the side courtyard, he subconsciously looked back to make sure that the weird boy was still standing where he was.

The next second, the bald man was slightly stunned, and found that the figure of the boy standing under the red lantern at the end of the corridor had disappeared, and the place was empty, only the light from the red lantern flickered slightly.

The bald man immediately looked around, for fear of being discovered by the boy, but he saw nothing.

After waiting for a while, after making sure there was no threat, he walked into the side courtyard, stood in the wide aisle in the atrium, and looked left and right at the side courtyard on both sides. It was pitch black inside and he couldn't see anything clearly.

He chose the side courtyard on the left and walked in.

I saw that the doors of the row of rooms in the yard were all open, and the inside was even darker, which might hide danger.

But before entering this ancient house, his companions outside told him that judging from the energy emitted by this strange story, this place is at least a very crucial strange story.

If you can control the rule center here, just like you control other key node ghost stories, then the patriarchal organization can lead the gate of hell.

In any case, what Zongfu meant was to rush to the gate of hell and completely take down this super-large monster.

"Now there are not many key ghost stories that can be grasped in this super-large ghost story, and we have already rushed to the gate of hell!"

The bald man couldn't help feeling excited when he thought that he was about to win the last key ghost story.

He glanced at the equipment in the inventory that could solidify the monster talk rule center, rubbed his hands excitedly, and suddenly snapped.

The bald man was taken aback for a moment, and when he looked up, he saw something stuck to the wall next to the first door that he was about to approach. It looked... bloody and bloody!
He couldn't help but take two steps forward, and after a closer look, it was indeed a mass of rotten flesh, no, it was...a rotten face!
The rotten face was not only bloody and bloody, but there were even white maggots crawling inside, and the facial features were squeezed and broken. If you don't distinguish carefully, you can't tell that it is a face.

"It's a pity! It missed!"

A sharp voice suddenly came from behind the bald head. It sounded like a woman, but it sounded like a man with the same childlike voice.

The bald head shook his whole body, and he slowly turned his head to look at the place where the sound came from.

Behind him, the boy who had disappeared just now was standing there, still looking in his direction with a smile on his face, the words just now were obviously spoken by him.

Not long after the words were finished, the boy reached out and took out another object from his arms, and slammed it at the bald man.

The bald head thought that the other party would not be aware of him at all, and what he said just now was for other people to hear, and he didn't wake up until he was hit!

It was his right side of the chest that was hit, suddenly there was a sharp itching in this place, and then there was a piercing pain.

Looking down, the black membrane covering the body was directly corroded, a mass of squirming flesh and blood clinging to his skin, quickly formed in this place, and transformed into a terrifying cheek with distorted facial features.

His cheeks squirmed at a high speed, and his bald head was so painful that he couldn't help but knelt down and howled.

But his voice was covered by the black membrane on his head, so he couldn't make it out at all.

Looking down, he saw that the rotten face on his chest actually spoke, but what came out was the voice of the boy not far away.

"I wasted my face! Well, I will use your face to make up for it. Although it is a bit rough, who can tell it after putting on makeup?"

The next second, the boy hopped on tiptoes and approached quickly, reached out his hand through the black film on the bald man's face, grabbed his forehead directly, and tore off his entire face with a bang.

The bald man let out an even more miserable scream, then his eyes went dark, and he fell to the ground.

The boy weighed the face that was peeled off in his hands, giggled twice, and then left the side courtyard, letting the bald man's body fall to the ground, twitching continuously.

Not long after he left, a white sleeve stretched out from the first opened door, like a nimble python, rolled up the bald man's body and slowly dragged him in.

After a while, there was a greasy chewing sound in the room.

"There are still people hiding outside!"

As the boy approached the front door of the lobby, he enthusiastically threw the bald face in his hand at his own face. With a slap, he instantly changed into this bald man, but his stature remained the same.

Just rubbing it constantly to ensure that the face of the bald man is in the correct position, the boy bounced towards the front yard of the ancient house.

When he was about to step into the back door of the lobby, his throat surged, and he hummed a few times in a sharp voice, which gradually became rough, and soon it was almost the same as the bald man's voice.

Jumping and jumping through the spotless lobby, to the front yard, bypassing the screen, and reaching out to open a gap in the front yard gate.

The boy didn't go out completely, but just stretched his face out of the door, smiled, and said, "Come in, this place has been cleaned up."

(End of this chapter)

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