this is not a joke

Chapter 623 Found the Treasure!

Chapter 623 Found the Treasure! (Thanks to readers 1008 for the double alliance award!)
At this moment, outside the ancient house, that is, in the place shrouded in mist, two people were squatting on the ground and talking softly.

"Do you think Yan Zhixiong can handle this strange talk alone?" A thin and short man asked his companion.

His companion was just the opposite in stature, tall and strong, it was quite difficult to squat on the ground at the moment, as if even breathing was hindered.

"It's not necessary for him to do it alone, as long as he finds out the rules and informs us to go in and remove the rule center." The man curled his lips, "By the way, Lu Jinsheng, you just explored the mist, is there anything wrong? Discover?"

The thin man named Lu Jinsheng nodded: "This strange story is indeed a key point strange story. I passed through the fog and found that it was connected to another strange story similar to a church. I didn't get close to that church, just far away I took a look from a distance and then turned back. What about you, Jiang Bo, have you gained anything?"

The tall man named Jiang Bo shook his head: "No, walking through the mist I just explored, although I can see traces of a trail on the ground, it's strange that the trail has been cut off not far ahead. But what is certain is that it should have been able to lead to other places before, or other strange stories."

"This time, I heard from the Zongzhang that Zongfu and his old man have already met the gates of hell. Everyone is waiting to see if they can get a chance to 'raise their head' before the breath of strange talk overflows." Lu Jinsheng said.

Jiang Bo had a surprised expression on his face: "Didn't the father 'raise his head' already?"

Lu Jinsheng lowered his voice again, and explained: "I heard from Chief Jin Di that you think you can just raise your head? You can't find the existence of that thing just by raising your head."

"Then you said that the guy named Menno at the Gate of Hell can 'look up'?" Jiang Bo asked curiously.

Lu Jinsheng looked very clever, and obviously had more information than Jiang Bo, and replied: "Men Nuo is not as lucky as his father. I heard that he didn't find the key items that can raise his head. But Men Nuo is very strong. He adopted I found other methods so that I can barely raise my head. I don’t know how to do it, but we’d better not meet him, that guy is very evil..."

The conversation between the two ended here.

Because at this moment, Yan Zhixiong's big bald face poked out from the gate of the ancient house, and softly called to the area with deep fog: "Come in, this place has been cleaned up."

Lu Jinsheng and Jiang Bo looked at each other, and they both thought that this guy was not bad this time, and he performed supernormally, and he killed a strange talk so easily.

The most important thing is that the rule center of the ghost talk was destroyed. Although the two of them stayed on the periphery and did not enter the main area of ​​the ghost talk, they didn't feel it at all. It can be seen that Yan Zhixiong's performance was really good.

"Zhixiong, you are so fast today! Could it be that we miscalculated this strange story, and it is not the key strange story?!" Lu Jinsheng walked out of the fog and looked around cautiously while talking.

Yan Zhixiong didn't answer, but retracted his head behind the door and didn't show up again.

After a while, he replied behind the door: "This weird talk is really powerful, how could it not be powerful? The ancient house is the most powerful! So I got hurt a little, please help me bandage the wound first."

"Is it serious?"

Among the two people who walked outside the gate, one of them, Jiang Bo, immediately took a step forward and wanted to push the door in, but Lu Jinsheng grabbed his arm behind him.

Lu Jinsheng's expression was serious, he hesitated for a moment, and shook his head: "Something's not quite right! Yan Zhixiong never admits cowardice in front of us..."

With a slam, the courtyard door was opened, and a boy with two braids came out with a hop and a small mouth.

"It's boring, it was discovered so quickly!"

At this time, the bald man named Yan Zhixiong was still pasted on the boy's face. When he suddenly appeared and said these words with this appearance, it gave people an indescribable sense of weirdness, and his hair stood on his head instantly.

Lu Jinsheng stood behind, seeing that the situation was wrong, he ran away immediately!
In the next second, the boy had torn off the bald man's face and slapped it on Jiang Bo who was closest to him.

This time, the boy's angle and strength control were very accurate, and he covered the bald man's face on Jiang Bo's face. Although the face was crooked, it had completely covered Jiang Bo's own face.

Hearing indistinct screams from Jiang Bo's mouth, covered by the bald man's face, it seemed that his own face was also melted, and it was tightly pasted together with the bald man's face, and could never be separated again.

While screaming, Jiang Bo stepped back, stepped on the ground with his right foot, and rolled down the stone steps.

This guy quickly took out a very simple-looking dagger from his inventory, and cut at his face without hesitation.

Soon his face was covered with blood, because it seemed that this guy was cutting off the bald man's face, but in fact the two faces had been fused together in this short period of time, and cutting off the bald man's face was cutting himself .

This simple dagger was very sharp, but at the same time Jiang Bo also found that this equipment was not helpful for his current encounter.

He originally wanted to throw the dagger directly to kill the boy, but at this moment his eyes were completely blocked by blood, and he couldn't find the boy's exact position.

Soon Jiang Bo took out the second piece of equipment from the inventory. It was a fishing net. Before he could use it, the guy was already curled up on the ground, one-third of his head was melted by the bald man's face, and he became smaller. a big circle.

Soon he stood up, and there was no more screaming in his mouth, but with only two-thirds of his head on his head, his face was already that of a bald man, which looked extremely strange.

Just listen to the boy's order: "Kill your companion!"

Jiang Bo nodded, and strode after Lu Jinsheng in the direction he was fleeing.

The boy waited for a while, then stepped up to follow behind, blending into the thick mist.

After passing through the mist, there is a vast expanse of blue grass, without a trace of breeze, so the tip of the wild grass is directly facing the sky, like a sharp sword.

Lu Jinsheng had been here just now when he was exploring, so at this moment, he quickly hid his body in the densely grown weeds and remained motionless.

Not long after, Jiang Bo, who was wearing a Yan Zhixiong mask, chased after him, stood on the knee-high grass, looked around, and then chose a direction to chase.

"It seems that Jiang Bo's mind has also become blurred after being controlled." Lu Jinsheng thought to himself.

He knew very well that if he went straight in his direction, he would see the church-like building, but the direction Jiang Bo went in was nothing but weeds or weeds.

After hiding in the grass for a while, and convinced that Jiang Bo had gone far, Lu Jinsheng didn't get up, but crawled directly in the grass, heading towards the church.

He didn't stand up until he saw the outline of the church, making sure that no one had noticed him, and quickly approached the church.

From the current point of view, the key ghost story that Yan Zhixiong explored just now is terrible, and all three of them almost died in it, which shows that the key ghost story may have a great connection with the main ghost story.

Lu Jinsheng kept guessing, came to the door of the church, opened the door and walked in.

In fact, Wei’an’s breaking the main ghost story is an impossible task in the eyes of these people, and it will never happen anyway. They will think that the rules of the ghost story itself are fluctuating, and they will not think of the main ghost story.

After all, even the patriarch himself has not broken the rules of the master ghost talk.

Of course, Zongfu has more important things to do, and Lu Jinsheng is very clear that Zongfu even uses this big strange talk to temporarily hold back the thoughts of the people at the gate of hell.

These are all heard from Jin Di, the patriarch who is closest to the patriarch. Lu Jinsheng was originally called Jin Sheng, but when he was young, his parents divorced and changed his mother’s surname, so he added it in front of Jin Sheng A "Lu" word.

In fact, he and Jin Di are relatives, and are very trusted by the head of Jin Di.

After carefully observing the furnishings in the church, the golden equal-arm balance placed in the middle soon caught Lu Jinsheng's attention.

After he made sure that there was no danger here, the cat stooped and walked to the front of the balance, his eyes shining brightly, staring at the things in front of him.

"This is... a devil's deal?!" The well-informed Lu Jinsheng immediately recognized what it was.

The organization has been looking for similar strange stories, that is, strange stories that can be exchanged for equipment or special items, but they have not been able to find a satisfactory one.

The fishing queen, Su Ya, obtained an extremely precious fishing rod equipment, but it was too strictly controlled by the Guitan Administration, and her father sent someone to try it out to see if it could be snatched away.

That time was Su Ya's most dangerous time, thanks to Wei An's mother Wen Qiong, who was waiting by her side, she would be beheaded directly in the future.

Later, the administration stepped up security efforts, so that the grandfather could no longer find a chance.

As for Lu Jinsheng, he has long heard of the strange talk of "devil's trade". To some extent, this thing has a similar function to the fishing rod, the difference is that it needs to pay a price and exchange it with items.

Looking at the golden scale in front of him, Lu Jinsheng licked his lips, took off a ring worn on his left ring finger, and placed it on the left tray of the scale.

The balance immediately began to tilt, but then the tray on the right suddenly stabilized, and it seemed that something appeared, which made the weights on both sides equal, and the balance gradually became balanced.

Lu Jinsheng stared at the thing that appeared out of thin air on the tray on the other side until it became real, and found that it was a huge ring, which was three times bigger than the one he had just now. Bigger than a bracelet!
The ring on the tray at the other end has disappeared.

Picking up the bracelet, Lu Jinsheng found that the lines on it had changed, faintly forming the shape of a skull.

He knew that his ring had a psychedelic or weird effect on humans, and the exchanged ring had become the size of a bracelet, which meant that its psychedelic effect might have increased several times!

"I rub it, I found the treasure!"

Lu Jinsheng was overjoyed, and immediately took out a black stone from the inventory and placed it on the ground.

The stone burrowed into the ground by itself and disappeared without a trace.

Lu Jinsheng seemed to be talking to himself: "Second Uncle, I have found out the strange story of the devil's deal! Don't let the fat water flow to outsiders, hurry up and bring someone over here, I'll wait for you here!"

"Well, by the way, remember not to go near the mist for the time being! There is an old house over there, and there is a boy with a shofar braid. It should be the product of the realization of the strange talk rules."

 Thanks to readers 1657636295463211008 for rewarding the two leaders!The old dog is ashamed. During this period of time, the position has changed and the update has been pulled down. Now let alone adding updates, even normal updates are temporarily impossible.There are no words to express, the old dog can only kneel down and thank you!Thank you guys for your love and praise, thank you!There will be one more later.

(End of this chapter)

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