this is not a joke

Chapter 624 The lord talks about the ancient house!

Chapter 624 The Lord's Strange Story—An Ancient House!
The black stone seems to have the function of connecting the outside world and the strange story, at least it can provide a direction guide for the outside world, so that people outside can accurately find the strange story.

After arranging this device, Lu Jinsheng found a corner in the church and sat down, making sure that his eyes fell on the golden balance, and began to wait quietly.

the other side.

In the mist surrounding the wide lawn outside the church, he glanced at the Trickster in this direction, and quickly hid himself.

After a while, he had returned to his old house.

While smacking his lips, he thought about it: "I didn't expect so many people to have abnormal appearances? Why do they want to destroy the strange talk? How good it is for everyone to get along in harmony! If you don't understand, you have to ask the adults what to do." Fortunately, my lord's plan is still under control!"

The boy quickly came to the pond and jumped in without hesitation. He seemed to be able to breathe freely in the water. He walked to the entrance of the rockery and knocked on the wall...

So I don't know how long it took.

During this period, the Tale Boy has been staying in the water, the water surface is clear, standing on the promenade above can clearly see him standing respectfully at the entrance of the rockery.

Suddenly, the water at the entrance of the cave surged and bubbles burst out, and a man in a "rubber raincoat" swam out of it.

Glancing at the boy, he kicked his legs and swam towards the surface of the pond.

The boy quickly followed.

The two quickly surfaced. The man took off his rubber raincoat. The clothes on his body were not stained with any water marks. It was Wei An.

And the boy himself was weird, and he also stretched out his hand without a drop of water, standing beside Wei An cleanly and respectfully.

"My lord, did you hear my call?"

"No." Wei An shook his head, "I just broke the main ghost story of this super-large ghost story, and I just came over to take a look when I came back."

Hearing that Wei An's arrival was not due to his call, the boy was inevitably a little frustrated, but soon he became shocked: "My lord, you have broken the main ghost story of this large ghost story?! No wonder..."

"No wonder what?" Wei An already had a guess in his mind, so he rushed over without stopping.

"It's not very stable in the house these days. When you left, you asked me to graft other node strange stories, so I used the bridge mirror to do it one by one." The boy said.

"How many connected?" Wei An asked.

"About three to five...well, one, uh, no, thirty or fifty." The boy hesitated.

Wei An was surprised: "You have connected so many? Dozens of strange nodes!?"

The boy nodded unnaturally: "After connecting the first node ghost talk, the breath flooded into the house, which made people feel refreshed, so I used the bridge mirror to connect a few more on a whim. And I found that This large-scale strange story is very well connected, and during this period of time, it has also received the breath of strange stories from all directions, nourishing this house very well."

"Then the main ghost story was eliminated, and your place has become better." Wei An blinked.

The boy frowned and shook his head.

"Do you feel that the influx of breath is more than before, and it has exceeded your previous connection number?" Wei An asked.

The boy nodded immediately: "Yes, I also feel very strange."

Wei An said in a deep voice: "If I'm not wrong, under your careless operation, this place... has now become the main ghost story!"

"Ah!" The two shofar braids on the boy's head trembled wildly, showing that his heart was undergoing a powerful shock.

Wei An was about to radiate fear, making the boy instantly feel the terror from him, and brought back the memories of when he faced him back then.

If this becomes the main ghost story, all the node ghost stories will provide the ghost story energy to the ancient house, which will double the growth of the Tale Boy every day, and its rules will also accelerate the evolution, and the result is hard to predict.

Fortunately, Wei'an had controlled the boy earlier, so that Wei'an had already planted a strong idea in his heart, and he could not resist anyway, and was also planted the seeds of fear by the opponent.

This made the boy even more afraid to disagree with Wei An.

Moreover, although the ancient house has become the subject of ghost stories, it is still far behind the Colosseum. For Wei An, he is not to be feared for the time being.

Although he knew that the reason why the ancient house became the main ghost story might be because the boy connected dozens of ghost stories at once, but Wei An would definitely not tell him the truth.

"Why do you think I want you to guard this house well? Well, now that my plan has been successfully implemented, you will become stronger in a short time." Wei An pretended to be unfathomable, and said to the boy .

The boy didn't think about it, and nodded quickly: "My lord has a clever plan! Last time, my lord told me that if there are any unruly people entering here, I should also let me treat them well. Now someone has been introduced by me according to my lord's instructions. The deal' spooky talk."

Wei An was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect the boy to move so quickly.

"These people are all in the same group. They want to break the rules here. They have a lot of equipment on them, and they are also very weird. Some of the equipment even I can't see through." The boy said with a smile: "But they don't know how much I have. Terrible, those tricks are just child's play in front of me, less than one-tenth, uh, no, one-hundredth of an adult's ability."

"Are you confident in your abilities?" Wei An half-smile, and at the same time, a bigger sense of fear erupted, almost to the point of activating the "image of fear".

The boy trembled violently, feeling his muscles all over his body shaking from fear.he
He hurriedly lowered his head, put away the smile just now, and said tremblingly, "My lord, calm down! The little one didn't have any other ideas, and he didn't dare to go beyond the rules. He just killed two of them according to the lord's order, and killed the last one. A smarter introduction into the strange story of the devil's trade."

Then he said: "That person will probably make more transactions after he has tasted the sweetness, and leak that strange story."

"Well, you did a good job." Wei'an's handling of the boy was loose and tight, and now he sang a bad face, "It's not easy for me to come forward directly. From now on, you will always keep an eye on that side. The more the merrier, then... let's play a big one."

"My lord, please forgive me for talking too much, who are they?" the boy asked nervously.

"A group of people who want to control you, control all the monsters, and step on your flesh and blood to get more benefits." Wei An replied.

After finishing the words, he took out a photo, which was actually drawn upon closer inspection, but it was very realistic.

This is a portrait.

"Remember, if there is this person among those people, you must be extremely careful and report to me immediately." Wei An solemnly reminded.

The person on this portrait is none other than Gan Ming, Vice President of the State of China.

After successfully escaping from the strange talk in the Colosseum, Pei Na was in excellent health and woke up as soon as she arrived at the hospital, and exchanged the important information she learned in the Colosseum with Wei An again.

But Tang Li and Qiu Yun took a little longer to recover.

Especially Qiu Yun, he should have suffered some mental damage, but he kept smiling after waking up, saying that he had made a breakthrough.

Although Qiu Yun didn't explain it, Wei'an believed that this guy's breakthrough might be related to the explosion of the blue light in his mind, and perhaps this result prompted Qiu Yun to gain some kind of stronger power.

Wei An's guess was correct, but he didn't know that Qiu Yun also had a spiritual totem.

But now, after Qiu Yun's spiritual totem, Lao Xie, exploded in the Colosseum because of Qiu Yun's forced raising of his head, he was completely reborn and completely surrendered to this master!
(End of this chapter)

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