Chapter 637
In fact, another powerful ability of the cursed corpse is to affect living creatures within a certain range, causing a large number of mushrooms to grow on their bodies.

But there are no living things around here. The chubby aunt standing in front of her and the little boy in her arms obviously look like living people, but nothing happened, and no mushrooms grew on their bodies at all.

That means they are weird.

It's just that Lin Rui has never seen such a powerful monster.

He unconsciously swallowed his saliva.

The short-haired woman I saw in the stairwell just now should not be in the same group as these people, and it seemed that the woman wanted to help herself, but she was nowhere to be seen.

There are only two possibilities, one is that he was killed by the weirdness in front of him, and the other is that he knows that he is invincible and has already hidden it.

Because the aunt and the little boy looked really strong, Lin Rui was also worried about whether the manifested cursed corpse could kill them.

A large amount of mold spread quickly, and soon came to the feet of the grandmother and grandson.

At this time, not only molds are growing out of the ground, on top of those small and dense molds, a huge bright mushroom blooms like a flower, and it is so green that it is about to flow out from the center of the mushroom. Juice.

Seemingly sensing the danger, the chubby aunt took a quick step back holding the little boy.

In the next second, the super-large bright mushroom exploded, splashing juice and fragmented mushroom flesh. Before that, the aunt had already turned around with the little boy in her arms, exposing her back.

A large amount of juice and mushroom flesh stained the ground and emitted white smoke, corroding the uneven hole. The mushroom attached to the aunt's back burned through the clothes, and then burned the fat flesh on her back. go in.

Blood kept flowing out, but the aunt didn't even shake her body, and quickly turned around holding the little boy and looking at the mold on the ground.

"The skills of the cursed corpse don't lie in this!" She opened her mouth slightly and said a word.

While speaking, she stepped out one step at the same time, and when her right foot was about to land on the mold, the ground eroded by the mold suddenly shrank and collapsed, as if she was afraid of being stepped on by that footstep. self-disintegration collapse.

The chubby aunt stopped her feet suddenly and stared at the pothole that suddenly appeared on the ground. She didn't know what she had found, but her expression was never more solemn.

A crumpled arm stretched out from the hole, with slender fingers, grasping the edge of the ground seam.

After more dirt and stones fell down, a thin, bald old man crawled out of the hole. He was covered with a huge sack, only his hands and feet were exposed. The kind of token held by Black and White Impermanence.

The moment she saw the old man, Ying Xi, who was hidden in the stone wall at the gate, shivered suddenly. She recognized this old man at a glance. She had seen this old man before.

Not only that, this terrifying old man was also the culprit of her first death since she transformed into a weird one.


In the hands of this level of weirdness, she knew very well that she could only die once, and it was impossible to escape a second time.


Ying Xi felt that the current scene was unlikely to happen, so how could the gravekeeper appear here?

After a moment of hesitation, he looked at Lin Rui with a sudden realization, seeing Men Nuo's expression bye, and finally affirmed his own thoughts.

"Hahahaha... not bad, not bad, you are really good!"

At this time, the chubby aunt kept her surprised eyes and stared straight at the old gravekeeper who crawled out from the cracks in the ground.

And the little boy in her arms finally spoke up and spoke, but the tone of his speech didn't sound like a child at all, but an adult.

"The tomb keeper in the tomb of the cursed corpse?" The little boy continued with a smile on his face, "Your strongest manifested weirdness should be the tomb keeper, right? Based on your experience, no There is nothing stronger than that."

Looking at Lin Rui at this time, his face was pale, his anger was like a gossamer, he could not fall down with only one breath, and his eyes were fixed on Men Nuo.

He didn't dare to speak, and he didn't dare to be distracted, because the last sliver of mental power had been exhausted to manifest the tomb keeper, and he was worried that he would be relieved as soon as he opened his mouth, which would cause the tomb keeper who finally materialized It can't exert its power at all.

"It's true that I can't keep you anymore. I'm afraid that even the old man Zongfu didn't think about your growth, hahaha..."

The old gravekeeper roared, drowning out the other party's laughter. While roaring at Menno, the old man's body began to swell rapidly, his limbs stretched rapidly, and soon reached three meters high, and the token in his hand also grew. big.

He held the command with both hands and slammed down on Menno's position.

He didn't know what Mennuo was planning, but he didn't dodge. The next second, the chubby aunt who was holding him was smashed right on the ground. There was a sound of bone cracking, and flesh and blood flew everywhere, as if the whole person exploded on the spot.

The token hit the ground under her flesh and blood, making a bang.

After the movement, the token was removed, but there was no sign of Mennuo.

The tomb guard had a hideous face, dragged the token on the ground, and looked left and right, but he never saw the little boy again.

The powerful and violent aura on his body began to fade quickly, just like the receding tide, when it came it was fierce, and when it went it was also extremely violent.

Click, the token fell to the ground, and the gravekeeper fell back into the hole he just climbed out of, never to be seen again.

At the same moment, Lin Rui fell to the ground straight, his eyelids were extremely heavy, and he was about to close...

But vaguely, he seemed to see a short-haired woman in a leather jacket coming out from the cracked wall at the gate.

This woman was Ying Xi whom she had just seen in the stairwell and had died once in the cemetery before.

At this time, Ying Xi went straight to a middle-aged man.

When did this middle-aged man appear? Lin Rui found that he didn't notice it at all, and he didn't see it until now.

"Well, it's kind of... like myself."

"Zongfu." Ying Xi came to the side of the middle-aged man, with a respectful tone, and slightly bent over.

The middle-aged man nodded, didn't speak, just looked at Lin Rui who fell on the ground.

"I just said why Mennuo disappeared suddenly, so he sensed you coming!" Ying Xi continued.

The middle-aged man shook his head at this time: "Because I came here for one reason, and the second reason is that the one just now was just Menno's avatar, and his real body is not here."

"Ah!" Ying Xi was startled.

The middle-aged man turned his attention to Lin Rui again, and saw that he had closed his eyes and could barely feel his breath.

Ying Xi immediately stepped forward, ready to take Lin Rui away directly.

The moment she stepped forward, she noticed that Lin Rui's body twitched slightly, and a soul visible to the naked eye left the opponent's body, pulled out, and floated about half a meter high from the body.

Lin Rui's soul was expressionless. Although his eyes were open, he didn't seem to have any consciousness.

Immediately, he saw the soul turning around in a blissful manner, heading towards the intersection not far away.

On the side of the intersection, someone burned a pile of paper money, and beside the paper money, there was a disheveled woman squatting there. In front of her was a bowl of rice that was placed neatly, with chopsticks inserted straight into it.

There are also nine sticks of incense burning slowly at the side, surrounded by light smoke.

" he dead?" Ying Xi was surprised, and turned to look at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man frowned, as if he was thinking quickly.

After a while, he raised his head and said, "It's the strange talk rules that are causing trouble..."

As soon as she spoke, she saw that unkempt woman quickly picked up the rice bowl on the ground before Lin Rui's soul approached, flipped it upside down, and put the erratic Lin Rui in it, and then put the whole rice bowl into her tattered bag Clothes, turned around and walked to the other side of the intersection.

The whole process was extremely natural. Although it seemed that Lin Rui was taken away, it seemed that the scavenger woman was eager to take the bowl of rice for the dead, accidentally turned the bowl upside down, and then hid it impatiently. Leave for fear of being seen.

"Did you just leave?"

In the next second, the middle-aged man's voice sounded behind the scavenger girl.

(End of this chapter)

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