this is not a joke

Chapter 638 Gather monsters and talk about the power of the world, kill!

Chapter 638 Gather monsters and talk about the power of the world, kill!

After hearing the middle-aged man's voice, the scavenger girl who was acting in a play paused slightly at this moment, and she smiled.

Turning around without any concealment, raising his dirt-covered cheeks, he cast his eyes on this gentle-looking middle-aged man.

"I... didn't realize you were here," the scavenger girl said.

Now that she has been found out, she doesn't need to hide anything, and she really didn't notice that a middle-aged man entered her black and white city.

What she felt just now was because the ghost-turning man and the others accidentally leaked their breath, which was noticed by the scavenger girl.

But as she approached here, the scavenger girl discovered that more and more auras were exposed. For example, there was a strange aura hidden in the wall next to the gate.

Just now, there was an extremely powerful and strange aura hidden in the community, and soon after this aura was locked by her, she found that it was a fat aunt holding a little boy.

Originally, the scavenger girl was going to help Lin Rui, but when she found out that Lin Rui was able to use her own power to defeat Men Nuo's avatar, she held back and did not move.

The most important thing is that at that time, she suddenly discovered another more domineering aura suddenly appeared in the vicinity, this aura is very restrained, if the scavenger girl is not the master of Black and White City, she would not be able to detect it at all.

After seeing the appearance of the middle-aged man's paternal father, and the restrained and domineering aura appearing on this man, the scavenger girl made up her mind not to confront this man head-on for the time being.

Because she was worried that Black and White City would be destroyed, and this was her foundation.

So she immediately mobilized the black and white city's strange talk rules, made use of the "crossroads" rules, and used a natural blending method to make the weak Lin Rui look like a "soul", enter her protection range, and then take him away.

At this time, Lin Rui just fell into the powerful rules of the scavenger girl and turned into this seemingly "soul" method. In fact, as long as the scavenger girl is willing, she can restore the weak him to his original appearance at any time.

This is a powerful means for the scavenger girl to exist as a rule.

But it's a pity that the middle-aged man is really not an ordinary person, he saw through the whole plan of the scavenger girl at a glance, so he came directly behind her and shouted to stop.

"You are the rule here? The rule that has been able to develop independently." The ancestor's eyes were soft, and with a gentle smile on his face, he looked at the face of the scavenger girl who couldn't see the facial features clearly.

He naturally knows what it means for a rule to develop independently. That is the only way for rules to evolve, and it is also very difficult to succeed.

But the rule in front of her stood directly in front of her. Not only did she have a human appearance, but she also possessed more powerful thoughts and strategies than ordinary people.

If I hadn't been vigilant just now, I would have let the strange talk rules take away Lin Rui, the pawn I planted.

And there is another point that the patriarch is very puzzled, what is the reason behind this strange talk rule that he can be so friendly with Lin Rui.

"Since you know that I am the rule here, won't you restrain yourself when you get to my territory?" The scavenger girl was not polite, her tone seemed ordinary but actually implied a threat.

"If you don't hold back, can your city...can eat me?" The patriarch leaned forward, and moved closer to the scavenger girl.

His pair of black pupils suddenly turned into vertical pupils at this moment, and the center of the pupils also turned a touch of turquoise.

The scavenger girl only felt a sudden shock and stinging pain in her eyes. She immediately closed her eyes and quickly took two steps back.

There is still the clear picture of the middle-aged man in front of him, leaning forward, his eyes are strange, staring straight at himself, no matter whether he closes his eyes or not.


Even though the scavenger girl knows very well that she has her eyes closed, she can still see all the scenes around her, seeing this terrifying middle-aged man, seeing the short-haired woman in a leather coat not far behind him, and seeing her makeshift clothes. The strange talk of the crossroads.

The stinging in the eyes continued to intensify, and the scavenger girl could feel fluid draining from the pupils.

But she knew it was impossible, because she was weird, not human, and it was impossible to produce human matter, but this feeling was very clear, as if she had always been human.

People will die!
An extremely powerful threat of death came, and she almost used her hands to shield her eyes.

A group of dark clouds appeared from the top of the head, and the sky suddenly fell into darkness. Gusts of wind blew up at the intersection, mixed with biting cold, as if three or nine days had arrived in an instant.

At the same time, the scavenger girl's eyes were relieved and no longer hurt so much, but the figure of the middle-aged man was still lingering in front of her pupils.

The man murmured: "Anyone who has my shadow, kill him!"


The scavenger girl lifted off directly into the sky, reaching an altitude of 30 meters in an instant, and the building under her body shrank rapidly.

But suddenly the figure of the middle-aged man in front of her grew several times, as if a phantom had become real. In fact, there was nothing in front of her, and everything was in her pupils.

But the scavenger girl didn't think so, a feeling of life and death crisis appeared, and she had reason to believe that the shadow in her pupil could kill herself.

Turning my head to look, I can't get rid of this shadow no matter what, no matter where I look, there is the figure of my father, and this figure is a huge threat, just as my father said: Anyone who has my shadow, kill him.

The grandfather's shadow in his pupils was getting closer and closer, he stretched out his hand, and grabbed the scavenger girl's neck.

The scavenger girl suddenly choked on her throat, as if her throat was actually pinched, unable to breathe...

She didn't hesitate, knowing that there was nothing around her neck, she raised her hand and inserted it into her eye sockets, pulling out both eyeballs alive.

Originally, even if she closed her eyes, she could see the shadow left by her grandfather, but at this moment, the scavenger girl lost her eyeballs, and the organs capable of seeing images disappeared, so the shadow of her grandfather disappeared as expected.

For the scavenger girl, there is no difference between having eyes or not, she is just a rule, this black and white city belongs to her, and the whole city is in her heart.

With a light wave of his hand, the whole city was instantly plunged into darkness, but none of the lights were turned on, only a layer of hazy gray enveloped the city.

The pedestrians who were originally on the street stopped moving one by one, as if their time was frozen at this moment, and all the sounds disappeared.

In the induction of the scavenger girl, only the short-haired woman was still standing on the side of the street, but the middle-aged man also disappeared.

Already alert in her heart, she immediately replaced her body with a pedestrian at the entrance of a remote alley in another corner of the city, and left here.

When the scavenger girl appeared at the entrance of this alley, the sense of danger was still there, and she replaced her body with the hostess of a warm home on the other side of the city again.

Immediately there was another replacement, coming to the fat boss of the tobacco shop in an urban-rural junction on the edge of the city, and then replaced again...

In this way, after teleporting the body more than ten times in a row, the sense of danger disappeared, and the shadows that appeared in the pupils became extremely dim, and finally disappeared for the last time.

At this time, the scavenger girl looked gloomy.

She actually didn't want to use this method to hurt everyone in the city, these people were like her people.

The lips moved slightly, without making any sound, but clearly conveyed the command.

"All the strange stories in Black and White City will be activated immediately, and we will do our best to kill all outsiders."

In the coffin shop in the city, dozens of paper figurines disappeared in place, several large hospitals lit up with strange green lights, and even the roofs of ambulances were flashing with green lights, and they started up one after another, heading to every corner of the city .

In two funeral parlors in the city, under the dark sky, there were rows of corpses waiting to be cremated. The trolleys suddenly moved by themselves and slid towards the outside. These corpses were still wrapped in white cloth.

At the same time, the rest of the patriarchal organization and the Gate of Hell lurking in the city stood on their heads, as if they were being watched by something.

"The power of a single ghost story is weak, try to form a superposition state, no matter what happens, even if you all collapse in the end, kill them for me!"

The shadow of the patriarch began to gather in front of the short-haired woman Ying Xi, and after solidifying into reality, he shook his head slightly: "The rules of this city want to protect him, so we can't catch Lin Rui for the time being. Unexpectedly, this weird world It has evolved to such a scale! Mark this place first, and then guide the world above to swallow this ghost world, perhaps this place will have a greater effect on us.”

"What about Lin Rui?" Ying Xi was puzzled, "Isn't his current ability just what you think..."

The patriarch interrupted her: "If necessary, you can give up."

Then he looked up at the dark sky, "If you can enter the world above, what's the point of sacrificing Lin Rui!"

At the same time as the words fell, a paper man with a pale body and vermilion on his face was standing across the street.

Not long after, another paper figure appeared, completely overlapping with this paper figure, then a third paper figure, also overlapping with it, and then the fourth...

The overlapped paper figurines were even paler in color, and became bloated and fat. There was a sense of alienation from all over the body, as if as long as it approached, the target being approached would surely die!

"Father?!" Ying Xi picked up the metal wire in his hand to be on guard.

"Don't worry about it, let's go." Zongfu looked away, turned and walked into the community.

(End of this chapter)

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