this is not a joke

Chapter 644 Surrounded

"What are you doing these days? Many websites cannot be opened, and many messages cannot be sent out."

"Yeah, when I send a message, it says 'Unable to send from network'."

"what are you sending?"

"Here, I was going to ask you last night, have you ever heard the legend of a headless woman, but I couldn't send it?"

"Why do you ask this?"

"My mother told me yesterday. She said that when she and my grandma were cooking at home, she inadvertently told the story of a headless woman when she was a child, and then she saw the headless woman downstairs yesterday."

"What? True or false? Although strange rumors have erupted everywhere these days, don't be suspicious, have you read it wrong?"

"Uh...should...shouldn't be. Wait..."

"What are you doing? Surprised?"

"I seem to see that... that headless woman."

"Ah! Where are you now?"

"At home, the headless...woman is...downstairs in my house. I saw her from the window."

"how do you know……"

"Her neck is empty, oh my god, I can see the broken flesh, the blood is... all coagulated, and it's still... black! She... she came in and entered the door of my downstairs unit. What should I do... What should I do? I am alone at home!"

"Don't hang up, I'll report to the management bureau for you, and I'll call right away!"

"There's a knock on the door. It's not knocking, it's knocking. She's knocking on the door. I... Should I hide, or jump off the third floor? It's not... not too high, I should be able to..."

"Don't be impulsive! I'm on the phone, hello, hello, are you talking about the administration? I want to report the crime, I..."

"She came in, that headless woman, I...I, by the way, we can't contact, hang up quickly, you can find more people..."

Before he could finish speaking, the call came to an abrupt end.

It wasn't the other party who hung up, nor did the friend hang up after listening to the other party's words, it just disconnected.

In this friend's ears, there is also the sound of the other party's shortness of breath because of panic, which is the kind of sound that is about to cry and wants to hold back as much as possible.

"Can't contact? Why did he suddenly ask me to hang up?" The friend reacted at this moment.

In the next second, his body trembled violently, and he felt a cold air surrounding his body. It seemed that the surrounding sky had darkened a lot, and a layer of goose bumps appeared all over his body.

After shaking his head, he looked down and saw a black shadow standing behind him. Because of the light projection, this shadow happened to cover his own shadow.

The goosebumps on his body didn't subside, but more and more. His head roared, and the uncontrollable fear rushed to his head. It was blank, and he only knew to turn around slowly and look behind him.

A headless woman in black was standing behind him. It was because of the headlessness that she could tell that this person was a woman, because her female features were more obvious, but the wound on the broken neck was also very obvious. The cut was uneven, bloody and black.



Residents in various urban areas of the Shenzhou Kingdom have discovered this fact. Many Internet sites became unusable overnight, especially story sites, let alone movie and TV series sites.

Even the words "I'm telling you something" on the mobile phone will be rejected because "the network cannot send", but sending other words has no effect at all.

Soon, information about the birth of ghost stories began to spread, saying that they would copy various information and make it a fact.

Some people don't believe it and choose to try it boldly.

Some people didn't experience any abnormality after trying it, but at least half of them fell into the strange talk they created.

Over time, they discovered that after the construction of the ghost talk, it will perfect the loopholes in the storyline by itself, and even evolve these loopholes into terrifying and deadly plots.

However, what Yue Long and others were worried about did not happen, because unless the story is long and the plot is very complete, no matter how terrifying the story is constructed by people, how powerful the lethality and scope are, it will not be able to form a real ghost story.

But if it has not been formed now, it does not mean that it will not be possible in the future. After all, the original breath of those ghost stories is continuously entering this world, and it cannot be effectively blocked.

When the quantitative change produces a qualitative change, even the most absurd ghost stories will be formed.

"Old Wei, what can you do?" The first time he saw Wei Zhengdong, Yue Long got up from the office chair, put down his identity, grabbed Wei Zhengdong's hands, and said sincerely.

Wei Zhengdong was a little flattered, although he was usually careless, but now this Yue Long is equivalent to the status of the Vice President of the State of China.

Although there were other vice-presidents who presided over the work after the president became seriously ill, the current strange talk was rampant, and only Yue Long could deal with the strange talk and have management skills. After the disappearance of another vice-president, Gan Ming, these heavy responsibilities fell on Yue Long.

"Director, I can't think of the best solution. I'm waiting for my son to give me a response." Wei Zhengdong replied honestly.

"Have you ever tried to enter that dark space?" Yue Long asked.

Wei Zhengdong shook his head: "Going there won't work. If I go in, it will instead form a bridge between the human world and the world of strange stories, causing more strange stories to appear."

After a pause, he said: "But I am here, Mr. Director, don't worry, this place will never be eroded by the atmosphere of strange stories."

Not long after the words were finished, Tang Li walked in quickly from outside Yuelong's office without even knocking on the door.

She first glanced at Wei Zhengdong and Wen Qiong, and anxiously said to Yue Long: "It's not right, Director, there was fog filling the street outside 5 minutes ago, and now the fog has entered our bureau at a very fast speed, and it seems to have a strong purpose."

"Which places are shrouded in fog?" Yue Long asked, turned around and walked to the desk, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

It was soon discovered that the phone couldn't be connected, and the same happened when I took out my mobile phone to make a call.

Tang Li put down her mobile phone at this time and said, "It seems that the signal is completely cut off."

Wei Zhengdong and Wen Qiong also looked at their mobile phones, Wei Zhengdong said: "Impossible, with me here, it is impossible for these strange stories to invade us."

Wen Qiong seemed to remember something: "It's not invading us, it's trying to surround us and not let us leave."

"I'll go and have a look." Wei Zhengdong immediately prepared to go out.

Wen Qiong grabbed him and said, "Are you out of your mind? You must be fine if you enter the fog, but if you leave, the few of us may immediately enter the strange talk and be killed by you!"

Wei Zhengdong let out an "oh", hurried back, and stood obediently beside Wen Qiong.

Tang Li also had the same thoughts as Wen Qiong, but seeing Wen Qiong's aura crushing Wei Zhengdong, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

"What's the matter with the fog?" Yue Long asked.

"It should be the kind of fog that entered the ghost talk." Tang Li replied: "The original breath of the ghost talk is getting stronger and stronger, but I think this time, after Wei Zhengdong and the others entered the management office, the fog surrounded them. The purpose... seems to be very strong."

"Is someone manipulating it?"

"It's unlikely." Tang Li shook her head. "If it's manipulation, I can't think of anyone who knows our movements better than Zongfu, um, Gan Ming."

"You mean that the appearance of these original breaths is related to Gan Ming?" Yue Long was a little puzzled.

Wei Zhengdong took over the conversation and said, "Maybe I have to ask Wei An about it. The message my son entrusted was that Gan Ming was stalking them inside. Now the other side is also being eroded by the breath of origin. It's just not a big problem, but what mechanism seems to have been activated, so he has to figure it out."

Tang Li thought about it: "That's what this guy Gan Ming did. He used the breath of origin to open up our world and seek some kind of benefit for him."

At this time, the fog became thinner, because it was close to Wei Zhengdong, and outside Yue Long's office, it was surrounded by a large amount of fog.

Including the management staff in the office next door, they have all fallen into the newly formed strange talk.

They only heard a cry of surprise, and then fell silent.

"Do you want to open the door and go out to have a look?" Wei Zhengdong said, "Wherever I go, you just follow me. Let's leave here first."

When he said this, he cast his eyes on Wen Qiong and asked if she agreed.

Wen Qiong hesitated for a moment, looked at Yue Long, Yue Long glanced at Tang Li, Tang Li looked at Wei Zhengdong again.

"Well, it seems to be back to me again." Wei Zhengdong muttered to himself, but he didn't dare to speak out.

Wen Qiong also seemed to have noticed his embarrassment, reached out to hold him, and said: "Let's go, no matter what, let's get out of here first."

As soon as the words were finished, there was a loud bang, and the door in front of me instantly sank into the house, a crack was broken, and the mist poured in, but it still didn't fully enter the house, it just lingered at the door.

"It seems that even if we don't go out, these guys don't want us to stay here at ease," Tang Li said.

She glanced inside her inventory and found that she could already see it, although the inventory was only translucent, which meant that they might enter the strange story in front of them at any time.

"I hope my son can get a result as soon as possible!" Wen Qiong said.

"Let's go!" Wei Zhengdong grabbed her hand and said to the others.

He was confident that after he approached, the guy outside could only back away, not daring to face his sharp edge.

The door in front of me was hit by something again, revealing a bigger gap, and there was a white mist lingering crazily outside, but it lingered near the door panel and didn't go deep into the house.

Suddenly, one eye looked in through the gap in the cracked door, and then an extremely pungent voice sounded.

"Dongdong, why don't you open the door?"

"Damn, it's my mother?" Wei Zhengdong turned to look at Wen Qiong with a terrified expression.

Wen Qiong showed disdain, and replied: "Do you think your mother will be outside?"

"That's true. If you count it, my mother should be 12 years old this year." Wei Zhengdong nodded solemnly. (end of this chapter)

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