The boundless big world is filled with white mist everywhere.

In the rise of this white mist, a huge city is looming, sinking and floating in the white mist like the sea, it is the black and white city.

And outside the black and white city, a transparent thread penetrated out, stretched to the boundless distance, passed through the thick fog, and connected to an unknown place.

This silk thread is the connecting point between the black and white city and the strange talk of ancient houses, similar to the nodes in a spider's web.

And the current connection method is precisely based on the method of the super strange talk.

Driven by the Black and White City, the ancient house moved forward slowly. They didn't know where they were going in the fog, but the moving direction of the two strange stories kept a constant upward speed.

Behind the ancient house ghost story, there are still a large number of transparent silk threads, which are connected to other node ghost stories obtained after it inherited the super big ghost story, and these ghost stories are continuously delivering energy to it.

The boy in the ancient house is living a very nourishing life today, because the evolution of the entire ancient house has exceeded his imagination, and it is getting stronger almost every day, including himself.

But there is one person who is not very happy, and that is the scavenger girl in Black and White City.

Because she found that since she connected with Guzhai Weitan, the degree to which her city absorbs the original breath of ghost talk has been reduced a lot. A lot of original breath obviously poured into her city in large quantities, but it will be sucked away by the ancient house in an instant, and she can only keep a small amount here.

It's as if his black and white city has become a passage, and the original breath of the strange talk is only flowing here, and the target is at the ancient house, and here is only because the original breath passes through, so part of it is intercepted.

The boy once came to Black and White City at the invitation of Wei An.

But when he found that the powerful and weird rules of the scavenger girl were looking at him with unkind eyes, the boy felt something was wrong, so he never went to Black and White City with various excuses.

Of course Wei An knew the reason for this, but now he didn't have the energy to take care of it, but put more energy on the top of his head, on the higher world.

Because as he got closer, he found that the original breath was indeed poured from above.

Now except for him, no one else in Black and White City can look up normally.

Of course, Wei An didn't believe that he was the only one who could do this, and there must be other people who could look up at the world on the top floor, because there were more than one playing card, and at least four suits.

I got two cards, a heart and a box, and opened the safe of the K of hearts, but there are still two playing cards of spades and clubs in other people's hands.

The safe corresponding to these two cards might have been opened long ago.

That is to say, the person who opened the safe has obtained the same ability as himself, and can look up and observe the top world carefully.

In a sense, they broke a taboo, a taboo that few people can break.

"Now my city is not actively going to that place." The scavenger said to Wei An.

"Why?" Wei An was puzzled.

The scavenger girl turned her head to look in the direction of the old mansion's ghost talk: "Now the ghost talk over there is pushing my city forward. It seems that they want to get more breath of origin."

"Is that super-large strange story in the ancient house?" Wei An said with a smile: "Then you might as well turn around and let them lead you in front, which will save trouble."

"No." The scavenger girl immediately shook her head and didn't say much.

Wei An rolled his eyes, and probably guessed that she was actually still thinking about harvesting those original breaths.

If the position is changed so that the ancient house is in front, those original breaths may not be absorbed by the black and white city, and although it is only a little less in this way, at least there is still.

"What do you think is in that direction?" the scavenger girl changed the subject.

At first she could barely raise her head, but now, like everyone else, she couldn't do it anymore.

However, the scavenger girl's perception ability is extremely strong. She can detect the faint and unpredictable danger in that direction. Although it is very attractive for me to want to understand, but at the same time, there are also unpredictable risk factors.

Wei An shook his head: "I don't know either, but after getting closer to a certain distance, it's better to let the ancient house ghost talk in front. If there is danger, at least there will be a counterbalance."

"What's the current situation in your world?" the scavenger girl asked.

Wei An said: "It's not optimistic. My father and mother have been dispatched to the central city by the General Administration. That world has also been eroded by the breath of origin. There are strange stories everywhere, and they are the kind of 'words can't be followed'."

"Is it different from our ghost story?" the scavenger girl wondered.

"Yes, it's different." Wei'an explained: "In the past, when we entered the ghost story, it was the world where the ghost story entered. It was an existence independent of the human world. After successfully completing the mission, we would leave and return to our world, and the injuries on our bodies would heal on their own."

After a pause, Wei An continued: "But the current ghost stories of the human world appear in this world. When encountering them, participants will not go to other ghost story worlds. In other words, all ghost stories happen directly in the human world. There is no world or so-called regional barriers."

The scavenger girl nodded: "I can understand that the residents of my black and white city encountered the strange story I arranged. Everything happened in this city. Whoever enters is the participant. Even after successfully completing the strange story, the participant will not leave, because he belongs to this city. If the participant is injured in the strange story, he will not recover after the strange story ends, because this is the rule of this world and will not be modified by the rules of other worlds."

"Yes, that's it!" Wei An said solemnly.

"It's really troublesome, and the death rate of those humans in your world will be very high," said the scavenger girl.

"So... the source of the breath of origin invading all worlds must be dealt with as soon as possible. I can't imagine that it will be later." Wei An said.

"It's a pity!" The scavenger girl suddenly sighed, she wanted to look up at the sky, but she couldn't do it at this moment, she just raised her head and stopped.

Wei An was very clear about what she meant when she said "it's a pity". This breath of origin is a good thing for the black and white city, a ghost world, that can promote its faster evolution.

But the opposite is true for the human world.

Of course, from the perspective of evolution to the world of ghost stories, the human world at this time is only in the initial stage of transformation. With the deepening of evolution in the future, it will sooner or later become like other worlds of ghost stories.

Could it be that the other ghost story worlds were originally the same as the current human world, which was perfectly normal, but after being eroded by the original breath, they became what they are today?

Doubts arose in Wei An's heart.

Suddenly, a loud bang came from the sky, and a slight shaking occurred. The whole Black and White City was like a giant ship that hit something in the sea of ​​clouds and made a sound.

Almost at the same moment, the scavenger girl freezes all the residents in the black and white city, and all the residents in the city stop their behavior and thinking.

"Did you find your destination?" The scavenger looked like she wanted to raise her head but couldn't.

Wei An looked up and found a hole in the cloud layer, and a large amount of original breath visible to the naked eye poured into the city, but these breaths did not enter the city, but only reverberated in the sky, and seemed to be attracted by something, pierced through the cloud layer on the other side and disappeared.

"Master, we seem to have met a big guy!" The boy's voice sounded strangely beside Wei An's ears, but he was not here at the moment.

Not only that, while talking, the boy was still smacking his lips, as if he was eating something.

Now the boy is very comfortable, he can be absolutely sure that his original choice was right.

With the right master, now the benefits are relented, and the evolution of the old mansion ghost story is beyond imagination, including the improvement of his own strength, which makes the boy sometimes have self-doubt, questioning whether he is still the innocent, down-and-out kid with a pretty face and collection addiction. (end of this chapter)

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