this is not a joke

Chapter 646 Demon Eyes

Although the boy is in his old house at the moment, he can still feel that there has been a change here. The two strange stories did not move forward, but encountered obstacles.

But because of the scavenger girl, it is inconvenient for the boy to show up, so he is currently communicating with Wei An in this way.

Now that this guy's strength has improved terrifyingly, even Wei An doesn't know how he did it.

Wei An even suspected that this guy could know the changes in the sky at this time, and he didn't know if the boy could look up at the sky.

"Can you see the changes in the sky?" Wei An asked.

The boy replied: "I'm blocked by the black and white city of this vicious big sister. I can't see it, but I can feel it. Because there are a lot of origins pouring into my ancient house, too much, I have to hurry up and absorb it. Master, be careful! If something is wrong, call me immediately!"

The scavenger girl seemed to know that Wei An was communicating with the boy. She looked around, trying to make sure if the boy was in her own city at the moment, but she couldn't feel it.

For this boy, if it weren't for Wei An's relationship, the scavenger girl would never cooperate with him anyway, because this guy's strange stories are so attractive that Black and White City can only stare blankly.

At this moment, in the sight of Wei An looking up at the sky, besides a large number of sources pouring in from the hole in the broken cloud layer, a huge vertical pupil appeared, and the entire hole was pressed against the hole, directly filling the hole.

The vertical pupil is estimated to be about [-] meters in size, because it is partially covered by the clouds, and it has not yet fully seen its whole picture.

The pupils turned, and a huge sense of oppression descended.

Wei An felt the hairs all over his body as if they had encountered static electricity, and instantly stood up, his heart beating faster. Although he raised his head just now, the moment he saw the vertical pupil, he immediately lowered his head, as if he couldn't lift it up.

The vertical pupil seemed to be looking for something, and quickly cast his gaze.

"How do I feel..." the scavenger girl was speaking.

In fact, she felt the same as Wei An at this time, but because she couldn't look up, she didn't know what happened and what caused it.

As soon as the words came out, an extremely obscure air pressure appeared, and the scavenger girl felt her throat stagnate, she couldn't speak, and she had the illusion that someone would kill her at any time.

She immediately shut up and didn't question her anymore, just like Wei An, she remained silent.

The voice of the boy next to his ear also disappeared, and he seemed to realize that something was wrong.

At this moment, the whole city was silent.

The terrifying vertical pupils stared straight at the direction of Wei An and the scavenger girl, as if they were discerning something, and after about ten seconds, they looked away.

At the same time, the vertical pupil's eyelids opened and closed left and right, and he blinked. The whole black and white city let out an extremely dull roar, as if there were countless things making noises at this moment, and he couldn't tell what it was.

However, Wei An could clearly notice the slight trembling of the scavengers' body, and her complexion was extremely ugly.

The vertical pupil quickly retracted, and the hollow cloud layer returned to its original state, but the source of the turbulence just now was much less.

"Dead, they're dead!" the scavenger girl muttered to herself, her lips moving.

Wei An didn't speak, but he could feel a large amount of dead energy suddenly appearing in the whole black and white city, coming out from various places almost at the same time, billowing up, unable to dissipate.

These people seem to have exploded to death directly, with incomplete bodies.

"How many died?" Wei An asked softly after realizing it.

The scavenger girl's face turned dead gray, she gritted her teeth and said, "Half, half of my residents are gone."

There was a burst of bloody smell coming from the streets and alleys. At this moment, under the control of the scavenger girl, those who were frozen in the city did not riot, because they did not know that their relatives and friends were dead.

At that moment, in the blink of an eye, half of the city's residents randomly died!
The scavenger girl's heart is bleeding. Even if she is not a normal human being and does not fully possess many human emotions, these residents are like her children, born one by one after her rules were gradually perfected.

Usually living in this city, in this world, can be said to be carefree.

Although there are ghost stories in this city, they don't have much intersection with ghost stories, and the scavenger girl can erase the memory of any of the residents at any time.

As the city grows, the population of residents increases, which means that the scavenger girls are also becoming stronger, and the rules are gradually evolving.

But now that vertical pupil is just a blink of an eye, ruining half of the achievements of the scavengers, how can she bear it?
"Just now, what was it?" There was a deep chill in the eyes of the scavenger girl.

Wei An felt deeply guilty.

He originally thought that he only needed to get close to that place, and then explore by himself, but he didn't expect that something went wrong halfway.

It seems that the upper world is full of dangers, and even the road is not safe. Now it seems that there is no need to let the black and white city of the scavenger girl take risks again. Just now, Shutong directly killed half of the people in the city. This is a warning.

"That's a huge eye, similar to a beast, just blinked." Wei An said.

The hatred of the scavenger girl has taken over everything. Although she knows that there is a big gap between herself and the other party, her hatred has not diminished at all, and even has a tendency to become more and more intense.

"If you find it, even if you lose this city and everything I have, I will make it pay!"

Wei An's heart skipped a beat.

It seems that the scavenger girl is just a monster after all, and her thoughts can never be figured out according to normal human beings. Even if her current thoughts are to die together, she will take revenge.

"In fact, there is a better way." Wei An said: "Now it seems that we are infinitely close to the destination. I can ask the ancient house to help me find the passage and way to enter that world, and then go to find out, at least find out the details of the other party. After I come back, we have enough information to discuss long-term plans without fighting to the death."

After saying that, Wei An called out to the boy and said: "Boy, let me explore the destination ahead, I want to go in. Also, now you switch to the front, put the black and white city behind you, and save more of the absorbed origin for the black and white city to recover blood."

"Master, but I still have 317 node monsters to feed..." The boy's voice sounded miserable in his ears.

But Wei An knew that he was pretending to be miserable, and asked coldly: "Hey, there are 317, didn't you only have more than 200 last time? You have absorbed more than a hundred in such a short time!"

"Hey, master! It's like this, you listen to my sophistry, er, no, you listen to my misery, er, it's not..." The boy panicked.

"Needless to say, it's settled." Wei'an interrupted him, "For now, don't absorb other strange stories, and leave the original source to Black and White City to recover blood."

"Okay... yes, master."

Wei An glanced at the scavenger girl, and saw that her face seemed to be getting better.


In the next second, a large amount of original breath came back, filling the entire black and white city. Compared with the little absorbed by the black and white city just now, it was just a trickle, but at this moment it is directly surging.

"Damn it, you kid, you actually hid it from me just now!" Wei An yelled.

The scavenger girl's complexion looked better again.

The boy pretended not to hear, and after a while, he said in an exaggerated tone: "Master, I have connected to the target! Do you want to go there now?"

Wei An turned his head to look at Pei Na who looked concerned, and replied, "Go now."

"Together we will!"

Pei Na and Lin Rui said at the same time. (end of this chapter)

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