this is not a joke

Chapter 654 Strangeness from Different Worlds

Wei'an didn't know that the cursed corpses in the black and white city had changed, so he walked to the middle of the streets of the dead city and stood still.

At this moment, all my things can be used, not only the item bar, but also the function of the plot editor.

Originally, this dead city was in a strange state. Although it looked like a strange story, it didn't have the factors that a strange story should have, such as no plot.

This makes the participant's inventory unable to be opened, and any weirdness encountered here is a dead end.

But now it seems to have completely changed, whether you walk to the center of the street or other rooms, you can feel that this place is no different from other strange stories.

In addition, when Wei'an was a little closer to the door of the room of some other cursed corpses, he could clearly feel that a plot was flowing out, and he could clearly sense it.

It seems that after turning on the last function of the plot editor - plot positioning, my own plot sensitivity to these strange stories has also become extremely strong.

When he approached the door of the cursed corpse's room again, the mushroom tattoo on Wei'an's arm shone slightly, and the cursed corpse's resistance to him was obviously not that strong.

Wei An couldn't feel any changes in his body after being close to other rooms with cursed corpses, and after experiencing the plot of the mushroom cursed corpses, he found that he had returned to his original state when he came out of the room.

Looking at one of the cursed corpse rooms closest to him, the plot editor in his mind appeared as if branded, with every detail clearly visible, more clearly than ever before.

This is the state of the plot editor after all functions are turned on at the end.

"After fulfilling the wish of the Mushroom Curse Corpse, I have harvested part of the energy, but it has not been quantified in this place different from other weird talk worlds, but there are probably thousands of energy points." Wei An speculated secretly.

This energy point is quite a lot.

Looking at the rooms of the cursed corpses in front of me, now that I have a full version of the plot editor, it is actually not difficult to solve the wishes of these cursed corpses before they die, all it takes is energy and time.

"You can't leave the dead city now, so let's just solve the problems here one by one."

Wei An made up his mind, and turned his gaze back to the door of the cursed corpse room that was closest.

"Love kills!" He said to himself, feeling the strange aura that made him fall into love, and approached step by step.

If it were just now, his spirit at this moment would definitely be affected to varying degrees, his mind would be full of fantasies about women and desire for love.

But at this moment, facing these desires that made him lose his mind, Wei An was calm, and just felt these strange feelings that suddenly appeared coldly and extremely rationally.

Stepping into the room of the cursed corpse, the spectator mode of the plot was soon activated.

From the outside, the time was actually not long, and soon he walked out of the room again, with a slightly rosy complexion, feeling the energy points obtained from fulfilling the cursed corpse wish.

Similarly, Wei An only knows a rough idea, and there are thousands of points, but he doesn't know the exact number.

The room behind was filled with daylight, no longer engulfed by darkness.

He then entered the nearest cursed corpse room.

There is no time limit here, and even the speed of time flow is different from other worlds. Wei'an walked in one by one, and came out one by one with relief.

His expression became more and more calm, and the rooms behind him lit up with light, dispelling the darkness of this dead city little by little.

There are more and more lights in the rooms on both sides of the street, making the street less dark. The moon in the sky has long disappeared, or the moonlight man who was lying on Wei An before is dead now.

Little by little, the dead city is being revived.

After an unknown amount of time, the room of the last cursed corpse was lit up, and Wei An walked out slowly.

I glanced at the plot editor in my mind, and glanced at the buttons of plot speculation, search for ghost stories, character positioning, spectator mode, embedded plot, and plot positioning one by one.

In particular, the two function buttons at the back can be said to be extremely powerful, and changing the direction of the plot after passing the plot positioning in the plot of the ghost story can be said to be invincible.

The plots of these strange tales of cursed corpses are quite special, requiring Wei An to take the role and complete them through his own experience, so he can directly enter the plot through the plot positioning without using the embedded plot function.

Looking up, most of the rooms in the entire dead city were glowing with light. There was no light in some rooms because the door was closed all the time. There was nothing in the room, and there were no cursed corpses and red coffins.

But now the streets of the dead city have become very bright, under the reflection of these lights, only one of the rooms looks very dark, unusually dark.

There was no light in the other rooms, but at least it was affected. Standing outside, you could more or less see the environment inside the room.

But in this room, after Wei An walked over, he carefully leaned into the crack of the door and looked in, but he couldn't see anything. It was as dark as the dead city before.

He didn't think much about it, secretly thinking that this place should be related to the exit, because it fits the characteristics of leading to another world.

I pushed the door, but it wouldn't open.

He took a step back, took out the halberd axe, split the door open with one axe, and then kicked it a few times until a complete room was revealed.

But only on the side near the door, the environment inside is still very dark.

Wei An hesitated for a moment, and controlled the Golden Wing Flying Blade to come out with a shining golden glow.

The reason why he chose to control the Golden Wing Flying Blade is because this set of equipment can emit bursts of faint golden light when used. In this dark room, the light is enough for him to see the situation inside.

When the light of the Golden Wing Flying Blade was on, it also pulled out a ray of light formed by a golden awn from the air at the same time, and irradiated it all the way.

Wei An was shocked, and immediately backed away, because just now, there were a lot of weirdness in the room reflected by the golden light.

These monsters were silent one by one, standing in every corner in the darkness, as if they were asleep, but when the golden light flew by, their eyes followed the golden wings and flying blades, indicating that they were not dead.

There are all kinds of these weird forms, not all of them are in humanoid form.

There are two strange heads, the body is snake-shaped, one head is lizard, the other head is tiger head, these two heads have human eyes and teeth.

There is a monster that looks like a tree trunk withered vines. Standing there, I thought it was just a dead tree stump. When I looked closely, even the skin of this monster was like withered bark, layered on top of each other, and some places had fallen off.

There is a weird body that completely deviates from the structure of ordinary creatures. It has a semicircular ring shape, and there are large and small sharp spines around the body. It seems that these spines are extremely hard.

There are humans with eyes all over their body, and there are creatures with a mouth full of sharp teeth...

These different types of weirdness made Wei An have to admit that they should come from completely different worlds of weird stories.

It is not the case that the same ghost story world belongs to different ghost stories, because the difference between these weird stories is too great.

Looking at it this way, the strange stories I entered in the human world, the weirdness that appeared in them more or less had human characteristics, and was inextricably linked with the human world.

But these weirdnesses come from different levels and different types of weirdness in the world of ghost stories, which are completely different.

Of course, if Wei An knows that his good friend Zhou Xin is currently following the strange rules of the weird world where the girl lives happily, it may directly subvert the three views.

Through the induction of the plot editor, Wei An felt that these various weirdnesses were the same as the cursed corpses in the different rooms, and they all had their own ghost story plots.

But the difference is that they do not have the treatment of cursed corpses, but are all crowded in this small dark room, and their respective plots are also intertwined in the strange space of this dead city.

If Wei An didn't have a plot editor, he wouldn't be able to know this hidden point.

After pondering for a while, Wei An recalled the Golden Wing Flying Blade, and then took out the soul lamp.

Although these monsters have their own plots, he still has to try to see if he can directly absorb them with the soul lamp. (end of this chapter)

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