this is not a joke

Chapter 655 The Madness of the Soul Lamp

The moment the soul lamp was taken out, the old woman who was the wick immediately opened her eyes.

Her long, shaggy hair was originally tied up as a wick.

But the moment she opened her eyes, the wick exploded instantly, and her hair became disheveled again.

Of course, at the same moment, the wick had already started to burn, emitting a green light that quickly radiated out.

This is an effect unique to the soul lamp. Even if the old woman who was the wick felt it was sudden, she couldn't stop Wei An as the master from taking out the lamp.

At the moment of burning, suction is generated, sweeping in all directions.

Those motionless monsters created a commotion at this moment, and in the induction of Wei'an's plot editor, a large number of plots surrounding each monster's body began to become chaotic.

In fact, many of these plots are incomplete, and this moment is even more fragmented.

Wei An stepped into the room with a soul lamp in hand.

The monster closest to him grabbed it. This monster only had one arm and one foot, just like half of a normal human body.

Wei An immediately manipulated the golden wing blade to penetrate his head and fly out from the other side.

At the same time, the long lamp suddenly sucked in, and the plot about this guy was completely shattered, and it ceased to exist, and it was also instantly sucked into the long lamp.

"It needs to be killed first, so that it can be inhaled better." Wei An probably knows how to absorb these weird things.

They didn't enter this room as they wished, so although they all had ghost story plots on them, they couldn't enjoy the special treatment like the red coffin cursed corpse.

So even if you get close to these monsters, the participants will indeed suffer from falling into the plot, but not completing the plot is not a prerequisite for killing this monster. The difference is that if you are trapped in the plot, you will be caught by these monsters during this period. Get rid of it first.

But Wei'an doesn't have this trouble. At present, these weird plots can't trap him no matter whether they are complete or not.

In fact, when encountering that kind of really powerful ghost talk plot, he only needs a spectator mode to get out of trouble.

Wei'an entered the room step by step, the flame of the soul lamp in his hand fluttered. He couldn't absorb them directly like absorbing other ordinary monsters before, but needed Wei'an to break through the plot first, and then he could absorb them.

These plots are indeed as Wei An expected, not all of them are complete. Some plots are fragmented and broken down so badly that it is almost impossible to see the complete version.

There is also a part of the plot, although Wei An can roughly understand it after entering, but due to incomplete reasons, he escapes easily.

The flow of time in these plots is different from that in the dead city. Even when Wei An encounters a certain monster, Wei An is temporarily trapped by the plot, but the long lamp of the soul is always burning, holding back the monster's impact on Wei An. further infringement.

After Wei'an broke through the plot, Changdeng immediately absorbed the weirdness into it.

After inhaling four or five monsters of various shapes one after another, Wei An suddenly found that these weird plots had little influence on him.

Because the Soul Lamp's ability grew crazily after inhaling these rather special weirdness at this moment, the head of the old woman on the wick had become extremely full, with a ferocious face, swaying left and right, and even the skin folds were clearly visible.

The wick of the long lamp is stronger when it is strong, but it was more difficult to absorb these special monsters at the beginning, but after Wei An assisted several times and successfully swallowed several monsters, the old woman's head became stronger and stronger.

Wei An felt that the long lamp in his hand seemed to be several times bigger at this moment, but this was just an illusion, because only the wick got bigger.

The old woman's fluffy long hair was burning with green flames, giving people the feeling that even the long lamp was inflated several times.


A shrill scream came from the old woman's mouth, and several odd-shaped monsters in front of her eyes only resisted twice symbolically before being sucked into the wick.

The green awn has a wider range of divergence, and the light is more abundant.

Wei An was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect the old woman to be able to make a sound!

Looking down, I found that the old woman not only opened her mouth, but even opened her eyes. Her eyes wandered, as if she was observing her surroundings, and also seemed to be secretly peeping at herself.

"This soul lamp, it seems that after absorbing too much, it will indeed mutate?!"

Wei An was a little uncertain about this special item.

But now the situation is special, some of the monsters around him with powerful abilities have already walked towards him, their bodies wriggling and making squeezing sounds.

These monsters are extremely powerful in the dark, and with the rather complete plot surrounding them, it would take a lot of effort for Wei An to deal with them by himself.

Even after the plot is broken, he still has to kill this weird body. If this kind of weird number is only used together, he will definitely be overwhelmed, and he may encounter some unknown danger.

Wei An didn't take back the long lamp, but let it continue to burn, and continued to frantically absorb the approaching weirdness.

If you want to pass here, this is the best choice at present, even if you have to give up this soul lamp in the future, you will not hesitate.

The old woman's eyes no longer wandered, but stared straight at the most powerful monsters among the monsters close to her.

For a moment, when Wei An looked at the wick, he also found that the old woman no longer avoided his gaze, but stared directly at him. It didn't look away until a powerful monster approached, and absorbed the opponent with all its strength.

From the very beginning when he got the soul lamp, Wei An already understood that the soul wick transformed by the old woman should have a backlash effect, that is, after reaching a certain level, it will eat the master.

Moreover, this wick is extremely weird, and when it is strong, it will be strong. Of course, the premise is that it can last through the first wave of weird absorption.

If Wei'an hadn't broken the plot of the ghost story in advance, this long lamp might not be able to absorb the first few.

At this moment, the soul lamp has obviously become stronger, and it no longer needs Wei'an's help to absorb those weird things that only have broken plots. Even the old woman's eyes looking at Wei'an are also aggressive.

After absorbing the weirdness of another body like a pile of mud, the soul lamp flew up directly, out of Wei'an's palm, and floated towards the weirdness in the deepest part of the darkness.

Wei An was taken aback for a moment, and turned his eyes to the depths of the darkness, because he was already standing inside the room, and he saw that there seemed to be a door in the innermost part, and there was a very subtle light behind the door. If he was not standing here, he would not have noticed no.

Soon the ray of light was blocked by a few wriggling monsters, because the flying long lights were already approaching them. These monsters let out low growls from their throats, emitting bursts of plots from their bodies that were more powerful than those monsters just now. Influence.

But at this moment, the soul lamps have become extremely terrifying, the old woman made a shrill and long whistling sound at them, and the green light emitted became thicker again, as if it had become a swimming green cloth.

The green cloth directly wrapped the nearest monsters, and dragged them back towards the old woman's head.

During this process, the weirdness shrunk visibly with the naked eye, while the old woman stretched her mouth to a terrifying extent, abruptly swallowing all the absorbed weirdness.

After it swallowed these monsters, the weird atmosphere in the dark room instantly dropped to the bottom.

However, the soul lamp did not continue to fly forward, because on the right side of the suspected room door, there was an extremely normal-looking human man sitting.

The man lowered his head, as if he was in deep thought, until he was the only one left in the strange room, then the man raised his head slightly and looked at the floating soul lamp.

Wei An's pupils shrank. From the man's body, he found that the plot of the other party's strange story was very complete, not as fragmented or incomplete as the strange plots just now.

This man gave Wei An the feeling that he himself was a strange story.

Wei An has felt this feeling before in the scavenger girl, because after all, the scavenger girl is formed by the rules of Black and White City. In a sense, she is a strange story.

"This weird strength is comparable to that of a scavenger girl!" Wei An secretly said. (end of this chapter)

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