this is not a joke

Chapter 657 Awakening!

In the plot of the ghost talk, at the foot of the snow mountain.

The old woman's wick in the soul lamp has a hideous face at this moment, her face has been torn apart, and she is on the verge of completely collapsing.

But at the same time, her eyes were also wide open, as if she also sensed that she was about to be attacked when she closed her eyes.

The green light emitted around the long lamp is like layers of green cloth, turned over, as if to surround the wick, in an attempt to protect the old woman's head from injury.

But the black shadow in the snow-capped mountain was rapidly approaching here, and an extremely terrifying pressure descended. This black shadow seemed to represent the strange projection of the man, and it was the most terrifying existence in this strange story.

The green glow of the soul lamp not only wrapped around the head of the old woman, but also extended out, and began to strengthen continuously.

He should also be aware of the approaching terror and want to fight back.


Naturally, Wei An didn't know all of this, and when he left, he only hoped that the two parties could win the battle.

However, the environment of the dead city has completely changed. Strictly speaking, it is no longer called a dead city. Even if the man can extinguish the soul lamp, he will still be severely damaged.

Maybe the plot will be completely damaged, and it will be reduced to an ordinary monster.

Wei An looked at everything in front of him, his heart was agitated, the door behind him that he just walked out of had disappeared, and he was standing in a long corridor at this moment.

The end of the corridor is dark, and it doesn't look like another world here, but it gives people a feeling that there is no end at all. Perhaps, the corridor in the darkness is the end of the world.

There are no fancy decorations on both sides of this corridor, just white wall bricks, which are neatly built one by one. There are no windows in the corridor, but there is no dull feeling.

"This is... the passage leading to the upper world?!" Wei An was taken aback.

He walked forward cautiously, farther and farther, when he looked back, he could only see the same dark corridor as the front.

He kept walking like this for more than ten minutes, when Wei An stopped.

He was suddenly confused.

Looking back at the way he came here again, Wei An felt a sense of confusion at this moment, he couldn't tell which direction he was going!

Because the front and back corridors are exactly the same, there is no difference.

"If I continue to walk here, I may not be able to reach the end, and I can no longer tell which direction is forward and which direction is backward."

Because now Wei An finds that his cognition about forward and backward is becoming confused.

He tried it, and found that the item bar could no longer be opened, which meant that the world in this corridor was not an ordinary ghost story world, similar to the dead city before.

However, the plot editor in his mind still exists, and after all the functions are developed, Wei An suspects that this editor may always exist in his mind from now on and will not disappear.

Even if he returns to the normal human world, it should still exist.

In other words, I should be able to modify the plot in the world I know so far through the plot editor.

After continuing to walk for about half an hour, Wei An was actually unable to accurately calculate how long he had been walking. Although the mobile phone he was carrying was still there, the time had stopped long ago.

He found that he might not be able to get out of this corridor.

He stopped, lost in thought.

"Every world has a plot, no matter whether it looks like a plot or not, but if there is no plot, no matter what world it is in, it cannot continue."

Wei An thought carefully, carefully recalling every strange story he had ever experienced.

Don't Look Back, Green Leaf Milk Tea Shop, Bloodthirsty Butcher, Passengers, Hospital Mortuary, 309 Bedroom, APP Solitaire, Three Rumors, Surprise Flight...

These ghost stories not only have plots, but also extremely rich plots. Even when I entered the dead city just now, I thought that the inventory could not be opened, and that it was not a ghost story world without any plots. This idea was obviously wrong.

The dead city also has a plot, otherwise how to explain where the Moonlight Man came from?What is it going to do to itself?
The inventory bar can't be opened because...

Wei An frowned tightly, analyzing bit by bit.

If it's all about the world of ghost stories and has a plot, it's impossible not to open the item bar, unless...

He raised his head slowly: "Not applicable! In the ghost story world of the dead city just now, it doesn't apply to the item bar in my mind, although this item bar can be used in most of the other ghost story plots I encountered."

"That's why there are differences in the world of ghost stories, not all worlds of ghost stories are the same." The doubts in Wei'an's heart are like onion skins, being peeled off piece by piece, revealing the core inside.

"What I did in the dead city just now was to use the plot editor to directly transform the world of strange stories into the world of strange stories that I am familiar with, so the item bar can be used again, and I can also let my weapons and equipment kill those who come from different worlds. The weirdness of the ghost story world. In fact, those weird original worlds are different from the ghost story worlds I encountered before, because of the changes in the rules, their strength will be greatly reduced, because they are not suitable for it!"

Wei An looked at the corridor seriously, and thought silently: "Then this place should actually be a world of ghost stories, and it also has a plot, but it's different from those worlds of ghost stories I've encountered, so the inventory can't be opened."

Now he understands that the inability to open the item bar does not mean that this is not the world of ghost stories, it is just another world with completely different rules of ghost stories.

Thinking of this level, Wei An suddenly froze.

Based on this idea, a weird idea suddenly jumped into my mind.

"The rules are different, so we think this is not the world of ghost stories, but a normal world. At first, didn't we also think that the world we live in is normal? So... Is the world where I was born and raised me normal? Isn't it normal? Is it another ghost story world with different rules that I discovered now?"

Wei An thought of the aura called the breath of origin that kept pouring in. It might just be the aura of ghost stories from a certain world. The moment it poured into his own world, it assimilated the pollution of this world into the familiar world of ghost stories.

In fact, the place where I grew up was a world of ghost stories, a different world of ghost stories.

It's as if when I first entered the dead city, the dead city was originally a world of ghost stories that I had never seen before, but I forcibly changed the plot of all the cursed corpses, turning it into a world of ghost stories that I knew well.

On the current Blue Star, it is not the same experience.

"What we don't adapt to is that the current ghost story has been transformed into another ghost story!" Wei An's eyes became brighter and brighter, "Actually, all of our worlds are ghost story worlds, and we live in them all the time. In the strange world."

He looked at the end of the dark corridor in front of him, and said to himself: "It's all strange stories, and Blue Star is also strange stories. All the worlds are strange stories, but they are presented in different forms. And the strange stories we have always encountered as Blue Star people are only roughly They belong to the same type, so our thinking is rigidified by this same type of ghost story! Thinking that we are normal, other different rules are ghost stories!"

At this moment, Wei An has just experienced an unprecedented awakening.

He stared at the corridor, opened the plot editor in his mind, and directly clicked "Plot speculation".

Sure enough, with the help of the full-featured plot editor, the plot speculation about this corridor immediately appeared without reservation, and the plot content was so bizarre that Wei An had never seen it before. (end of this chapter)

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