this is not a joke

Chapter 658 So he was there too!

[Plot 1: Through this dark corridor, you keep walking, feeling more and more confused.After walking for a long time, when you suddenly realized that you should stop, you looked down at yourself, the skin on your hands was covered with wrinkles, and you touched your face again, which was also full of wrinkles.You are old, I don't know how long you have been, the years have climbed up your cheeks, you have become old, and your thinking is slow, it took you a long time to realize that you don't know what you are looking for in the corridor, you have to go to where to go.But you know very well that that destination may never be reached.The probability of this scenario happening is 25%]

[Plot 2: When you walk forward, you quickly find something is wrong, it seems that this corridor is also moving at the same time.When you are moving forward, it is also moving forward, and when you try to retreat, it is also moving backward.You suspect that this hallway is alive, that it is not only conscious, but is aware of your behavioral patterns and reacts differently.So you suddenly change direction while backing up, speeding up and running forward. At this moment, you find that the speed of the corridor moving forward suddenly starts to increase, and a strange scene appears in front of you. The entire corridor stretches forward like a giant python. Forward.The probability of this scenario happening is 25%]

[Plot 3: You didn't move forward, but stood still and thought about how to break the situation and leave this seemingly endless corridor.After a while, you hear footsteps approaching from the front, getting closer until the footsteps are close in front of you, but you don't see anyone.At this time, there are footsteps coming from behind again. You turn around and find that no one can be seen. The footsteps are very close again, as if you are already standing in front of you face to face.Suddenly a voice sounded in front of you, a familiar voice was talking to you, and the next second you found that the person who spoke was actually yourself, and your voice came from the nothingness in front of you, revealing surprise and perplexity.You turned around sharply, and saw another self standing behind you with a terrified expression.The probability of this scenario happening is 25%]

[Plot 4: After walking for about a day, you finally saw a door appear at the end of the corridor. When you came to the door, you hesitated for a moment and opened it.The moment the door opened, there was a sudden push from behind, and you fell out of the opened door unprepared.Out there are cliffs, boundless heights, and you're falling madly.Looking back, the man who pushed you was standing at the door, looking down at you.His face seems familiar to you, "Lin Rui!" You blurted out.But soon you realized that it wasn't Lin Rui, but—father Gan Ming!When you turned your body and looked down the cliff again, a huge scarlet pupil appeared, the eyelids opened, like a huge mouth, you fell into it, and your soul was wiped out.The probability of this scenario happening is 25%]

The four plots all appeared in Wei An's mind under the powerful speculation of the plot editor.

Unexpectedly, the direction of each plot is completely different, and it seems that these four plots are not continuous, but are deduced into four plot branches separately, without a unified ending.

They all have a 25% chance of happening.

Now Wei An is sure that this corridor is indeed another kind of ghost story world. Although he can't open the inventory, the corridor has a ghost story plot.

It's just that these plots are very confusing to Wei An because of the difference in the world of ghost stories. They are completely different from the direction of the ghost story plots he understands. There are various plot branches with the same probability appearing at the same time.

This also indirectly shows that I still don't understand the types of these ghost story worlds.

However, this last episode reminded Wei An that he was not the only one who entered this corridor, there was another person in this world of ghost stories, and that was the patriarch Gan Ming!

There is at least a [-]/[-] probability that Gan Ming is also here, maybe he is secretly observing or following him.

Wei An didn't know when and how the other party came in, but since Gan Ming did it earlier than himself, he must have the means to get in here.

The first speculates that in the plot, the time changes here are a bit abnormal, and it will suddenly make me age quickly, and there is no sign.

This point cannot be ignored, proving that this place cannot stay for a long time, because the flow rate of time may change at any time.

In the second speculative plot, this corridor turned into a strange monster like a giant python, which means that it has always been a living thing, like a huge python, so be careful not to disturb it.

And the third speculative plot shows that the corridor world not only has a problem with the flow of time, but also has a problem with the superposition of space. Otherwise, it is impossible for two selves to appear, and it will happen that one self talks to the other self, and the other self is stunned. scene.

As for the fourth plot, Wei An's biggest discovery is that his paternal father, Gan Ming, may plot against him, so he must plan in advance to avoid losing the opportunity.

Based on the above conjectures, in general, it is necessary to find a way to leave as soon as possible, not to stay here for too long, and not to let Gan Ming plot against him secretly.

With a plan in mind, Wei An immediately consumed energy points, first entered the "bystander mode" to temporarily protect his safety, and then immediately activated the "positioning role".

The positioning is naturally the position of the patriarch Gan Ming at the moment. If the other party is here, he will definitely appear as a role in the plot.

Sure enough, a red dot began to flash at the end of the corridor in front of it.

"This guy is still in front of me!" Wei An was surprised.

Maintaining the spectator mode, he continued to walk forward. At this time, Wei An was no longer in the plot, so he didn't worry about what would happen in the plot role.

After walking forward for a while, the flashing red dot got closer and closer until Wei An was completely close.

However, the red dot disappeared when he approached, and Wei An looked back, and found that the red dot representing his father, Gan Ming, flashed behind him again.

"This ghost story world is really too weird, and the space has changed again!" Wei An thought to himself.

This time he didn't move any more, after observing the red dot behind him for a while, he just stood here and waited.

Because he found that the red dot behind him was moving, and seemed to be approaching him.

After waiting like this for more than half an hour, the red dot was the same as before, getting closer, but this time the other party approached him on his own initiative, and Wei An stayed where he was.

His pupils shrank slightly, and he saw a figure appearing in front of him. This man was of ordinary stature, about the same size as Lin Rui, and had the same appearance, but his appearance was slightly older.

It is obviously different from the appearance of the Mr. Vice President seen on TV in my memory, but the person I see in front of me should be the real appearance, and the appearance of the Vice President of Shenzhou State on the blue star is the one that my grandfather has always seen. It's just a fake.

Wei An noticed that Gan Ming's gait was a bit strange. He didn't take a branch line, but walked three steps to the left, one step back, one step sideways, four steps forward, and two steps to the right in the corridor. One step, one step back...

Of course, Gan Ming's overall direction is still moving forward, but it is much slower than ordinary people's walking.

Wei An understood at this moment that this should be the way to leave this corridor.

If he kept walking forward like he did just now, Gan Ming might disappear from the front and appear behind him as he walked.

"Follow his way!"

Wei An made up his mind and followed Gan Ming in the spectator mode, walking deep into the corridor exactly at Gan Ming's pace. (end of this chapter)

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