From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 257 Ice Giants Are Worthy of Continuing to Strengthen

Chapter 257 Ice Giants Are Worthy of Continuing to Strengthen
What Lane said was the strategy he had set up since the meeting with the King of the North: Adviser Mossack went north to contact Keweier's mercenary regiment, butler Ens was in charge of rearranging the logistics to deal with the war, and Marshal Vesekid was in charge of training the troops. And fight on the front line.

Now the three giants of Sintra looked at each other, and Mossak spoke first.

"Kelda and I met at Keweier, because he met many local nobles and even royal families during his travels as a demon hunter in his early years, and he knows many people who can help introduce them. I came back temporarily through the portal, and I will talk to you After reporting the situation, go back and join him immediately."

Mossack's first words made Lann look happy.The two masters Kelda and Geron are both hermits. Their disciples—that is, Lan and Cohen—go down the mountain to practice, while they stick to the Kyle Siren.

Now Kelda is willing to go down the mountain for the affairs of Sintra, which cannot be said to be a good start.Lan even felt that even if he didn't hire a corps, it would be considered a victory just to let the old griffin start to really get in touch with Sintra's political and diplomatic arrangements.

"Thank you for your hard work." Lan En said sincerely, "How is the situation?"

Mossack showed a tangled expression: "There are many twists and turns in the middle, and it is generally more complicated. In the end, although we successfully hired a corps, the nature and quantity of this corps are somewhat different from our plan. .”

Lann showed an inquiring look.

Mossack sighed: "Let me start from the beginning—first of all, Kerviel just went through a coup."


Kevier is located at the northernmost tip of the northern border. To the north is the Feilong Mountains where the Griffin School's stronghold, Kyle Siren, is located, and to the west is the endless sea.

Geographically speaking, such a location is a bit far away from the political center, but geologically speaking, it is not the case - because it is located in a mountainous area, Keweier has extremely rich minerals: iron, copper, silver, zinc, and other rare metals, even It also occupies more than half of the gold in the northern border, and produces three-quarters of the magic gold in the mainland.

At the same time, because it is located on the coast and widely accepts various immigrants, the glass industry and salt industry in Keweier are also extremely developed.They established a port in the Gulf of Prakshida, a trading hub for the entire continent.

But unfortunately, the territory of this country is not large, and the successive kings of this country do not seem to have any intention of expanding the country.Therefore, their population is very small, and the national defense force of the entire country is even handed over to mercenaries.In the case of Dasacoin, this country's combat effectiveness is very strong, and it even defeated the coalition forces of Kadwin and Redania.

In contrast, Kevier's shortcomings are also very obvious: this is a large trading country with an extremely prosperous economy and an extremely free market.This is the reason for the prosperity of the country. Occasionally, it can even rise to the position of "the most powerful country in the northern border" by virtue of its strength.However, King Kevier's control over the country is very weak. He is not so much a king as a large city lord.

In the plot of Lann’s memory, the current king Kevier will be stabbed to death by an assassin on the steps of his palace in order to protect his queen, and the guards in the palace will not arrive until most of his blood is drained .

This country feels like an enlarged Novigrad to Lane, and there is no central force like the Eternal Flame that can convince and unite everyone.Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the occasional outbreak of civil strife, coups, and even regional independence.


"The current king of Kovir is called Istrad. He has just regained the throne from the usurper, and his foundation is not stable. Moreover, in the previous coup, Bovis announced that he would break away from the Kingdom of Kovir and approach the inland eastern border. They also declared independence one after another. The national policy that Kevier has always believed in is to maintain neutrality in the war, so Istrad refused to send a mercenary group to help us fight against Nilfgaard."

"Even if we hire at a premium?" Lan asked inquiringly.

Mossak sighed, "Istrad said he would double the premium, and then send troops to attack us disruptors who disrupt the market."

Lan was silent. The treasures obtained from the mirror master could fill several warehouses, but Keweier's was enough to fill several castles.In terms of banknote ability, Sintra is still no match for Kevier.

"But you said the result was good?"

Mossack nodded: "Istrad himself is a rare sober person in the North, who can see the threat of Nilfgaard. After several rounds of negotiations, he decided to release a group of political prisoners, pardon and Let them form 'Freedom Corps' to join our wars."

From Keweier, the northernmost point in the North, to Sintra, the southernmost point in the North, this is actually exile in disguise.Throwing some political prisoners who were not suitable for killing but stayed in the country and made troubles to the front line to fight, King Istrad probably never thought about letting these people go back.

Lan pondered for a moment: "How many are there?"

Mossak replied: "Three thousand. The Redanian side sent a large number of transport ships as support, but we need to pay for their food and logistics by ourselves."

Lane nodded, something is better than nothing.Let these political prisoners go to the forefront to fight against Nilfgaard. If they make contributions, they can also absorb them to rebuild Sintra after the war. The population of Sintra is now not enough to reproduce its former prosperity. On the premise of the rights of the Terra people, it also needs to absorb some refugees and immigrants.

And if I remember correctly, King Istrad himself would send out the "Freedom Legion" in this form in the subsequent Civil War. These political prisoners were originally some of Kovill's wrong-lined officers, and they had good combat effectiveness. And knowledge, and even many descendants of nobles.On the contrary, they are stronger than those ordinary mercenaries when fighting.

In the future, the free corps will play a pivotal role in the war against Nilfgaard. The Redanians even held a grand triumphant celebration for this foreign mercenary group.It's just that I don't know how different the composition of the Freedom Corps that Kevier sent to Sintra and the future one is.

"If this is the case, maybe these 3000 people can play more roles than the 5000 mercenary regiment we originally planned to hire." Lane affirmed the druid's mission situation, " Thanks for your hard work, Uncle Mossack."

"Ens, how is your logistics situation here?"

The old housekeeper opened the notebook he carried with him, and said with a serious look: "With the support of the treasures you brought back, young master, we purchased a large amount of daily necessities from Novigrad, and they gave us a gratifying discount ;Aden sold us the first batch of grain enough to last for half a year, and there will be more in the future; the construction of the territory is in order-in general, thanks to you, my work here is going well."

Lane nodded with satisfaction.

"However, His Majesty Demawi of Aedirn has put forward a condition." The old steward said, "He hopes that we can launch a counterattack against Nilfgaard as soon as possible, and at the same time, he hopes to have a meeting with you, young master."

As long as there is assistance, there will be demands.

After Ens finished speaking, Marshal Vesekid also took over the conversation: "I have a similar situation here. During this time, my troops have had contact with Queen Meewe's messenger, Leiria and Livia The United Kingdom is under a lot of pressure, and she also hopes that we can send troops as soon as possible. At the same time, she also hopes to organize a tripartite meeting with you and King Demawi in the near future."

Lane pondered for a moment.Nilfgaard is not the BOSS in the game. While he and others are developing, they are also continuing their strategic layout in an orderly manner. Apparently, Aden and the United Kingdom are already feeling the pressure.

"How are we preparing for the war now?" Lane asked Wesekid.

Vesekid obviously had a plan in mind: "Three thousand of our 5000 people are veterans who have been on the battlefield. Driven by them, the remaining 2000 people integrated quickly. There is enough logistical support to allow them to leave production and invest Training, now I can guarantee that their combat effectiveness will not be inferior to the Royal Guards."

"But we are still lacking in equipment. Although other countries are not stingy with supplies in trade, they have strict controls on weapons and armor. Fortunately, Lan Enyi brought back the Skellige craftsman family, which can Relieve the urgent need."

Enns put forward a different opinion: "The marshal is too optimistic. Although we have craftsmen, we don't have enough iron ore raw stones. The final armor may only cover two-thirds of the soldiers—and it's only half-length." A. Perhaps the coverage is even lower if damage and repairs are taken into account.”

Some things cannot be solved by throwing coins in a short period of time. The treasure Lane obtained from Master Mirror can be used to buy daily supplies, but for some strategic-level supplies, countries restrict exports even to allies.

Except for the truly heart-to-heart relatives like Skellig.

Lan rubbed his eyebrows: "It's not enough to think about armor. If I remember correctly, we also need siege equipment and other war machines, which require more metal raw materials, and the Skelliges are not good at making them." Yes. So I still have to run a dwarven Mahakam."

After assessing the current situation, Lan made arrangements with the three elders: "Marshal, Ens, you don't have to worry about the situation of Demavi and Miwei on your side. I will explain to them, and we will proceed step by step. .Until Skellige's reinforcements, Kovir's Free Corps are in place, and the armor penetration rate is acceptable, we can't start the war lightly-the Cintra people can't afford to wear and tear."

"Only we can decide when to start the battle. We not only need to recover the lost ground, but also ensure the maximum gain with the minimum loss. No outsider can give us 'advice' on strategy, especially those who have given us help ally."

Mossack, Ens, and Wiesekid nodded solemnly together.Vesekid's expression was particularly gratified, and the old marshal was very happy to hear that Lann had such a military opinion.

"This is the situation in Sintra recently, Lane, you should have gained a lot in Skellige, right?"

Mossak seems to have heard some bits and pieces of news, at least knowing that Easter has successfully ascended the throne and that Skellige is willing to send reinforcements.

Erns and Wiesakid both showed anticipation when they heard the words.

Immediately afterwards, Lane's words met their expectations, even far exceeded them, and they were so shocked that they forgot to respond for a moment:

"When I first came to Skellige...then the castle was raided by the Velca...I took a berserker...and a night goblin...and an ice giant...Nif The Gards are attacking...the Skellige crowd is excited..."


The sky was getting dark, and Lane didn't know how long he had been talking.

The three listening elders picked up their wine glasses from time to time, and soon found that the jug was empty, and Hardy, who was serving the wine, had come in countless times.

The evening wind blew in, and everyone felt refreshed for a while.

"Your Majesty East is all right, I am really lucky. If Her Majesty the Queen finds out, she will be able to rest in peace..." Ens lowered his head and gently wiped the corners of his eyes. Under your leadership, young master, he recovered."

The old butler always cared about people.

Mossak was annoyed at the appearance of a traitor like Artis in the Ring of Oak, and then he began to smile wryly: "You really gave me a lot of problems, Lann... Research on the necklace that can curse humans into immortal werewolves , to crack the secret of the transformation of a berserker, and you still want me to try to teach your ice giant druid magic?"

Although the old druid said "difficulties", his eyes were shining. For a spellcaster like him who loves academics and research, the attraction of these items is fatal.It's just that he already has too many squeezed projects in his hand, so he has to come one by one.

Finally he said, "Let's take care of your ice giant first."

If Lane wants to bring the ice giant from overseas to the mainland, Lan can't afford to consume such a huge amount of magic power at the moment, so he must use an orthodox teleportation circle to transport it - after all, it is a giant more than ten meters tall, and even a serious mage Opening such a big portal can't send it so far.

The Druids in the Oak Ring are already helping to draw the magic circle, and Mossak is in charge of Cintra.After coming to the mainland, Lan's mana can support the consumption of summoning the ice giant.

Of course, the Ice Giant is still too conspicuous in Sintra. Lan plans to hide him in the snow mountain of Kaer Morhen first. The environment is also suitable, and he will be summoned as a secret weapon when needed.

Old Marshal Vesekid is the most excited about the existence of the ice giant.

"Is it a giant more than ten meters tall, invulnerable, and infinitely powerful? If it is used to attack the city, we can drive away Nilfgaard now..." The old marshal with white beard and hair suddenly started to inhale.

"No, no, there are still weaknesses in that case. We need to defend against Nilfgaard's trebuchets and bed crossbows, as well as their mage troops. This kind of monster... no, a war beast can support the national strength alone, one or two It would be a pity to lose it in the first battle." The marshal immediately vetoed his idea, and continued to mutter, "You can equip him with plate armor, cotton armor lining, and a layer of leather armor on the outside. To enchant, There are still enough weapons to show their strength..."

To equip a giant more than ten meters tall with armor, or plate armor, and enchant it?

The marshal's murmurs, which were obviously over the top, made the corners of Ens and Mossak's mouths twitch.

Lan En nodded in agreement, and it was his wish to maximize the fighting power of the ice giant.

Lann's mentality has been inflated since having the ice giant.He even had the idea of ​​using [Teleportation] to teleport to the Nilfgaard Palace and then summon the Ice Giant.Then he can run on his own, and the ice giant will be done.

But this idea was quickly suppressed after he calmed down.

First of all, if Lan wants to reach Nilfgaard through [Teleportation], he must first have a teleportation point in the capital of Nilfgaard.Either he would go there by himself, or he would let his attendants or companions with teleportation points go.In today's North-South situation, this is already an impossible task.

Secondly, the Black Sun Empire has its own warlock organization and even warlock troops.Under the centralized power of the emperor, these warlocks are still very obedient.

The reason why the ice giants have been able to wreak havoc on the archipelago for so many years is because in the mountains, there are also reasons why the islanders have not been able to effectively organize to deal with it.If he went to the Nilfgaard Palace rashly, tens of thousands of forbidden troops, various large-scale attack equipment, and an entire royal warlock group would definitely make this ice giant with a long history into "history".

But Lane just suppressed the thought, not strangled it.The current ice giant can't do it, but it doesn't mean that the ice giant with the follower panel can't do it in the future...

"The marshal's opinion is actually very constructive. It is possible to consider putting armor on the ice giant... It seems that Mahakam has to go all the way, and only the dwarves can do this kind of thing. .”
For the next few days, Lan stayed in Brokilon Town.After arranging some matters at this stage, Lane set off to visit Queen Mivi and King Demavi for a tripartite meeting.

According to the news brought by the marshal and the old steward, the two rulers are now in Edelsburg.

(End of this chapter)

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