From Witcher to Lord of the Empire.

Chapter 258 The Appeal of Queen Miwei and King Demavi

Chapter 258 The Appeal of Queen Miwei and King Demavi

Edelsberg is the southernmost city in Aden. This city has a forge and a wool factory that are rare in Aeden, a large agricultural country, and its prosperity is second only to the capital Wengerburg.

Its geographical location is also extremely superior, with Venger Castle to the north, Livia to the south, Leiria to the east, and Mahakam Mountains where the dwarves live to the west.And if you go a little further west and cross the Mahakam Mountains, you will be Lower Soden, which has now been captured by the Nilfgaardians.

Although this is not a war zone, it is still heavily guarded.

A group of guards are guarding a teleportation point at the moment. They are informed that there will be distinguished guests coming to the door today, and they are ordered to be on guard.Sure enough, it didn't take long before a fiery red portal appeared in front of them.

Even without the king's order, they knew which force would come out of the portal at this moment—it was definitely Sintra.

Because now only the higher-ups of Sintra still use the portal for long-distance crossing.

After the Battle of Sodden Mountain, although the warlocks helped the northern border resist the black army, the power of the warlocks was also feared by the kings in the northern border.

In fact, the kings in the northern border have long been dissatisfied with the warlock group: the royal advisers are extremely willing to intervene in politics from time to time, and the Warlock Brotherhood often gives "admonitions" to the kings that they cannot accept.These are what the kings hate, and no one wants an immortal freak who knows how to spell to dictate his rule.

Especially the kings in the north are either incompetent and not enterprising, or wise but extremely conceited.

The strength displayed by the warlocks at the Battle of Mount Sodden turned these dissatisfaction into defenses.Although the behavior of the warlocks in the northern border to protect the country has gained respect from the people, and there are still flowers under the monument to the [-] warlocks who died on Sodden Mountain, but in fact the warlocks have lost the trust of the ruler.

Especially the portal, which king would be willing to put life and death in the hands of a warlock?Who knows what's on the other side of the portal.

For example, during the previous Northern Conference, the kings would rather spend more than a month trekking over mountains and mountains, rather than just take one step across the portal and across thousands of miles to Pontar.

Nowadays, only the ruler of Sintra in the northern border has sufficient trust in his country's advisors, and he will choose to use the portal, a way of travel that almost puts his wealth and life in the hands of others.

Sure enough, these guards did not expect: soon, a blond-haired knight came out of the portal on a steed.


As for the famous Lion of Sintra, he was already known in poetry in the North when he was still the "Lion Rider", and was widely circulated among the warriors in the North after he became a witcher. People with swords will regard him as an idol they yearn for.

When they saw Lann stepping out of the portal on a steed with their own eyes, all the soldiers praised in their hearts that seeing is better than hearing.The face that is as dazzling as the sun and the pupils that are majestic as a lion are praised by poetry, just a glance makes people dazzled and fascinated. I feel that only a real knight is worthy of such an appearance, and only such an appearance can embellish a real knight. knight.

Another swordsman from Aedirn focused his eyes on the Lake Lady's sword behind Lan En, and the look of yearning that burst out in his eyes became even hotter.

Then three more demon hunters walked out of the portal, one was as indifferent as a wolf, the other was as proud as a griffin, and the other was as cold and stern as a poisonous snake.The temperament of these three people alone can exaggerate their martial prowess, and they are all demon hunters, the mutants who specialize in killing monsters in poetry.

Only a lord as majestic as a lion can overwhelm these three warriors.The soldiers who greeted Lan couldn't help admiring in their hearts.

After Lann and the demon hunter, regular attendants and guards came out of the portal, all of them high-spirited and well-equipped.This time the soldiers couldn't help but compare themselves with them, only to find that the other party was much better than themselves.

Until the last few figures that appeared in the portal - dwarves.

Some people on Aedirn's side frowned involuntarily.

A graceful figure in black armor stepped out of the army and strode forward to say hello to Lan and the others.

"Good day, Lord Lannister, Lion of Cintra. I am Layla of Leiria, and you may call me Black Layla."

"Your Majesty has been waiting for you for a long time."


Lan and all the demon hunters tightened their expressions, trying not to let themselves show the discomfort of having just left the portal, and even Hei Feng looked even more handsome because of this.

The city of Edelsberg was a place Lann had never been to before, so naturally he couldn't use the system's [Teleportation] skill, he could only use Mossak's portal.

Fortunately, it was not the first time for him to cross the portal, and he could still try his best to restrain his expression. Even in diplomatic occasions, this tense expression was more in line with etiquette and more able to highlight his majesty.

At this moment, Lan En looked at the officer in front of him who came out to receive him, just like her name—this was a female officer.This is rare in military camps, and women are generally excluded from the battle order on the mainland.But just like Milva in Lann's team, any woman who can join the army must have something special.

This female officer who calls herself "Heilela" is tall and strong, her black hair is tied into a whip and hangs down her back, and the sideburns on both sides of her head are all shaved off. Lane, who came back, felt a breath of islanders.

She was supposed to be wearing a red shirt inside, with a blood-colored collar turned out from under her neck; outside she was wearing a brown thin cotton coat, and on the outside was a black leather armor that was only as long as her lower abdomen, tightly wrapped with straps. On the body; on the shoulders and arms are shoulders and wrists made of a single piece of iron, and below the knees are also steel greaves.

This kind of strange dress is actually very dangerous. There is only a layer of leather armor and cotton clothes on the chest and abdomen, and there is not even leather armor on the waist, but the limbs are covered with thick steel.This is not a dress suitable for frontal battlefield charges, but rather a dress for fighting in special terrains such as jungles to ensure flexibility. Therefore, there is no need to worry about heavy weapons like warhammers in the front. Instead, the limbs increase the armor penetration rate and pursue defensive counterattacks.

This is also what a brave person would wear. Lane guessed that the female officer in front of him should be from some special forces.

And as soon as she heard her self-introduction, Lan En's memory was awakened, and she recognized that this was another person with rich and colorful descriptions in history.

"Layla of Leiria?" Lan asked intentionally, "But Queen Mivi has been waiting for a long time? But why did I see you wearing the symbol of Aedirn?"

On Leila's neckline, a badge of black, gold and red roses was fluttering in the wind.

"Lord Lannister, I am now loyal to His Majesty Demavi." Leila lowered her head, "But His Majesty Mi Wei is here, please follow me."

After confirming his conjecture with a simple dialogue, Lan didn't say much more.He is not a stamp-collecting fanatic in the original book, and the talent reserve of the Sintra people is temporarily sufficient, not to mention that Leila is now from Aden, and the relationship between Lan and Demavi-although it is not cold, but And definitely not friendly enough.


When Lann arrived, Mi Wei and Demavi were surrounding a sand table, seeming to be discussing the marching route.After hearing the movement, he was immediately attracted by Lann's side.

"It's been a long time, Your Majesty Mi Wei, Your Majesty Demavi." Lan En greeted the two of them strictly following the etiquette, "I kept you waiting for a long time."

Holding a glass of wine in his hand, Demavi snorted rather displeasedly: "Too slow, Lannister, too slow."

The tone was meaningful, and there seemed to be something in the words.After bringing Lane and his party back, Leila consciously entered the queue of guards behind Demavi, dedicated to guarding her king.

Queen Miwei raised her head, she still had the heroic appearance of the rose on the battlefield, which made the people of Sintra feel that there was a shadow of Queen Calanthe in a trance.

But compared to the time of the northern border talks, Queen Mi Wei's face is much haggard.Obviously, as the first line against Nilfgaard, she is under unimaginable pressure.

"Thank you, Lan, for letting you make this trip. I know that the battle in Sintra is not going well, but there is Soden between us. We can't make it through, so we can only let you come over."

Queen Mi Wei is still friendly to Lann.In addition to being on the front line against Nilfgaard, there is Lann's love for helping Miwei more than once in the Pontar Canyon. She is a queen who is strict with herself, and she is also a rare fiduciary in the northern border. the ruler.

Because they couldn't put their wealth and life in the hands of the warlocks, neither Queen Mivi nor Demavi was willing to go to Sintra through the portal. Indeed, Lan could only cross over to Sorden.

Of course, with King Demavi's arrogance, even if the road was clear, he would definitely not be willing to go to Sintra to meet Lane.

At this moment, the king of Aedirn snorted again: "I really don't know why you trust Warlock so much, you really don't look like Calanthe's nephew."

Lann frowned slightly, and his tone was soothing, but tit-for-tat: "Advisor Mossak is a highly respected druid in the archipelago. He was brought to Sintra by my uncle, and he was trusted by my aunt during his lifetime. He is enough for me to trust him." The elder of life. Thanks to him, I was able to come here to gather with the two majesties, otherwise, I am afraid that we will not be able to meet until we get through the lower Soden."

After hearing the tit-for-tat words, Demavi frowned, and suddenly raised his voice, his words contained anger.But his topic was no longer about Sintra or the spellcaster, but Lane's last words.

"Since you know that the Nilfgaardians in Lower Soden are blocking us, then go and get through Lower Soden! Lannister, we have given you so much support, when will you send troops?"

King Demavi's words were unceremonious, even a bit reprimanding.Queen Miwei frowned slightly at Demavi's tone, but she was the queen of the United Kingdom after all, and even if she had a good impression of Lann, she still had to put state affairs first.

Obviously, Leiria and the United Kingdom of Livia also hope that Lann will send troops as soon as possible, which is also the purpose of their discussion with Lann today.

"I have heard Marshal Vesselkid report the demands of the two His Majesties."

Lan En took his seat and swung the wine glass in front of him.Demavi snorted coldly, and still tilted his head to let the bartender on the side come forward to serve the wine.

The tripartite meeting has officially begun.

"We don't want you to send troops right now, Lane. But I still hope that Sintra can relieve our pressure." Queen Meewe is not as aggressive as Demavi, "The Nilfgaardian's attack on the United Kingdom is intensifying , they are attacking us from Lower Soden in a steady stream."

"At the same time, another force of Nilfgaard was stationed on the other side of the Yaruga River. Although I knew that they could not cross the river, I still had to send some troops to guard against them. , the frontline forces are still tight."

Queen Meewe said sincerely: "We really need Cintra to join in."

Lane was silent for a while.He is not a person who does not know what is good or bad. His position is Sintra, and protecting the country and its people is the top priority.However, Queen Miwei did take care of her a lot, and also helped him mediate among the kings during the northern talks. It was not something he could calmly watch such an ally perish.

After thinking for a while, Lan turned his attention to King Demavi again. I don't know why the monarch of Aedirn was so eager to let him send troops. Could it be that he really cared about Queen Mivi so much and guarded against Nilfgaard?
Demavi drank the fine wine in the glass, then stretched out his hand to signal the bartender to come forward, and spit out a word: "Schita'tael."

"Henselt has gone too far, and Nilfgaard seems to have begun to make big moves, allowing the scourge of inhuman races to spread to Aedirn. I need a peaceful external environment for me to Bring back the troops, and completely eliminate the unstable factors in the kingdom without any scruples." Demavi said coldly.

Different from the idea of ​​"to fight against the outside world, we must first settle down at home", King Demavi seems to think that it is better to drive away Nilfgaard, and wants to wait until there is no foreign aggression before slowly taking care of domestic instability; it may also be because he is now There is a troop out there and they don't want to fight on two fronts.

This also reflects the importance he attaches to Scoia'tael.

"I have formed a special force to deal with the Scoia'tael, and Leila who just picked you up is one of them." Demavi said, "Foltest also has Scoia'tael in the country, and he also formed a A similar force, it seems to be called the 'Blue Iron Guard'."

It turned out to be for Scoia'tael, so fuck you!
Lane thought to himself.Speaking of which, he had contacted a Scoia'tael army before, and showed his identity as the blood of the ancients. I don't know if the leader, Iorves, had brought his will to the leader of the elves in time.

(End of this chapter)

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