The heavens start from Quanzhen swordsmanship

Chapter 613 Please Save My Lady Niu

"Jie Jie Jie!"

"The meat of you two monsters should be very delicious!"

"Eating your flesh should increase my cultivation significantly!"

Xu Zhiqing, who was holding a kitchen knife, exuded a murderous aura that made the two monsters Huang Er and Hui Da tremble uncontrollably.

As Huang Er watched the man getting closer, her body trembled more and more uncontrollably.

Closer and closer, the knife was raised.

My life is over!

Huang Er's eyes widened in horror.

Then she saw a bright light flash in her eyes.

The kitchen knife stopped at her nose.

"I didn't expect you monsters to be so afraid of death!"

Xu Zhiqing took the kitchen knife.

"Just now, this was my thank you gift to you two for intimidating me on your first day!"

After saying this, Xu Zhiqing returned to the lounge chair in the yard.

He lay down on it comfortably, glancing at Huang Er.

"You said your king is on his way. How long do you think it will take for him to arrive? You can't let me wait for him here all night, right?"

At this time, Huang Er hadn't reacted yet.

Only after hearing Xu Zhiqing's question did she slowly recover from the feeling of death.

Just now, Shushu was scared to death!

Huang Er was thinking so when she turned her head and saw Xu Zhiqing's sidelong glance at her, which immediately made Huang Er shudder.

"No, no, I just got here before the king!"

"I estimate that the king will be here soon!"

As soon as the weasel finished speaking, there was a clanging sound from the door.

Xu Zhiqing was surprised and said, "Your king is quite polite!"

Do you still know how to knock on the door?
Not bad!

Huang Er and Hui Da looked at each other.

The one knocking at the door was definitely not the king.

If the king came knocking on the door, there would be a hole in it.

Just as the two were whispering whether the person coming was the king.

Xu Zhiqing stretched out his hand and took the evil-suppressing talisman that was used to suppress Huang Er.

"Go open the door!"

Huang Er didn't dare to say no. She turned around and jumped to open the door.

After Huang Er opened the door and saw who was outside, she immediately exclaimed, "Sister-in-law!"

A weasel calls someone sister-in-law?
Xu Zhiqing, lying on the chair, turned his head and looked outside the door.

Outside the door stood a man and a woman.

The man was of sturdy build, standing there like a door panel of a gate, with a pair of horns on his head and wearing a black leather jacket. A cold aura came over him.

The woman was wearing a goose yellow dress, her skin was as white and tender as plum blossoms and snow, and her figure seemed a little weak. She could not stand steadily and could only lean on the strong man's shoulders.

As Xu Zhiqing looked over, the sturdy man also locked his eyes on him.

"Are you the doctor?"

His tone was flat, without any emotion.

Like someone looking for trouble.

When Xu Zhiqing heard what this man said, he raised his eyebrows.

Then, he said calmly: "It's me!"

How could he be enthusiastic if the other party was not enthusiastic?

When the strong man heard Xu Zhiqing's words, he seemed not to notice Xu Zhiqing's cold look, and continued: "I brought my wife here, you come and treat her!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Zhiqing reacted.

Why does this person look like Bu Jingyun?

Bu Jingyun didn't cry and there was rarely any expression on his face.

This Ah Niu spoke in a cold tone, which was not the kind of person who wanted to ask for help.

He was somewhat skeptical as to how this guy had managed to survive Yao Ji's hands.

Thinking of this, Xu Zhiqing pretended to be indifferent and said, "I haven't settled the matter with you for sending your two men to try to capture me!"

"Now you still want me to treat her?"

Qingniu was stunned when he heard this, then he reacted.

"how do you want to do it?"

Xu Zhiqing touched his chin.

"Give me some compensation!"

Qingniu understood.

"Just tell me! What do you want?"

"I want some natural treasures to increase my magic power. Do you have any?"

Qingniu was silent.


"Do you have any powerful magic weapon?"

Qingniu was silent for a moment again.


"Neither this nor that, and you still want me to save your wife!"

After Xu Zhiqing finished speaking with dissatisfaction, he moved his gaze to the horns of the blue ox.

"I want a pair of blue bull horns!"

When Qingniu heard this, his stern expression did not change, as if Xu Zhiqing was not talking about his horns.

Instead, the two monsters, Huang Er and Hui Da, became excited.

"My king, don't agree to him!"

"Let him kill us!"

Xu Zhiqing saw the expressions of Huang Er and Hui Da and discovered that they did not seem to be faking it.


He looked at Qingniu, this monster actually had such great charm.

Just when Xu Zhiqing was wondering whether Qingniu would fight with him, Qingniu actually nodded.

"Okay, I promise you!"

He added another sentence.

"But this is after I cure my wife!"

Xu Zhiqing looked at Qingniu, and Qingniu was also looking at him.

"Then it's a deal! I hope you won't regret it later!"

After Xu Zhiqing finished speaking, he went to the clinic first.

He looked at the woman in the goose yellow skirt.

"Please sit down!"

The light yellow woman bit her lip, but finally shook her head.

"If you want my husband's horns, I'd rather die! I can't cure you!"

As the woman spoke, she turned around and reached out to touch Qingniu's cheek. She said softly, "Aniu, let's go home, okay? I won't treat him anymore!"

"Your horns are the foundation of your existence. If you lose your horns, how can you deal with the monsters around you?"

"Let's go back!"

Xu Zhiqing sat in his seat, his body motionless.

But in his heart, he felt admiration for the yellow-haired woman's actions.

Xu Zhiqing didn’t know what the pair of horns meant to Qingniu, but he felt that they must be very important.

Isn't the most threatening thing about a cow its horns, which are so sharp that they can pierce through a person when it butts him?

As Xu Zhiqing thought about it, he had already begun to think about treating the yellow-haired woman.

After Qingniu brought the woman back, Xu Zhiqing had already decided to treat her.

However, he still chose to make things difficult for a few people.

He wanted to let the Green Ox Monster know that the human world and the monster world are different.

Xu Zhiqing sat on the chair and looked at Qingniu.

He was quite curious about Qingniu's decision.

This Qingniu was willing to bring his wife here, and he was not worried that it was a trap set for him.

Or maybe he thought it might be a trap, but still came here without hesitation.

Xu Zhiqing waited for Qingniu's decision.

Will he obey the woman's wishes, or will he be willing to give up his horns and insist on saving the woman?

Just as Xu Zhiqing was thinking this, Qingniu, who had been thinking for a long time, spoke.

"Okay! Let's go back!"

The light yellow woman smiled slightly when she heard this.

"Husband, let's go home!"

Qingniu nodded.

"it is good!"

Hearing this, the woman looked at Xu Zhiqing.

"I'm sorry to bother you today!"

As the woman was speaking, the blue ox behind her raised his hand and gently tapped the woman's back. The woman's body went limp and she fainted.

Xu Zhiqing was shocked when he saw this scene.

The young man looked at Xu Zhiqing. "Treat her. I promise to give you two horns after she is cured!"

He was silent for a while, then whispered, "Carry her up!"

Qingniu was not afraid that Xu Zhiqing would harm him, so he held the woman and sat down in front of Xu Zhiqing.

Xu Zhiqing put his hand on the woman's wrist.

After a while, he looked surprised.


"Doctor, what happened to my wife?"

When this stern Qingniu saw Xu Zhiqing's face, there was a hint of panic in his questions.

Xu Zhiqing looked at the blue ox.

"Was her original body not so weak?"

Hearing this, Qingniu looked down at the lady in his arms.

"She is the daughter of a hunter, so she can shoot a bow and arrow without any problem!"

After Qingniu finished speaking, he quickly asked, "Doctor, what's the situation with my wife?"

"She is very weak now. If she is not contained, she will die soon!"

"As for the reason..."

Xu Zhiqing looked at the woman's belly.

"You can touch her belly. With your magical power, you should be able to sense a faint beating!"

Upon hearing this, Qingniu followed Xu Zhiqing's instructions and placed his hand on his wife's belly.

Then he noticed a slight beating in his wife's stomach.

His eyes immediately turned cold.

"How dare someone hide in my wife's belly!"

When Xu Zhiqing heard Qingniu's words, he suddenly didn't know whether to cry or laugh.


"Um... Qingniu, is there a possibility that your child is hiding in your wife's belly?"

Qingniu didn't even think about it.

"I do not have kids!"

Xu Zhiqing was silent.

The wolf demon and weasel standing aside also fell silent, and the two monsters looked at each other.

Finally, Huang Er whispered, "My lord, is it possible that my sister-in-law is pregnant?"

Qingniu shuddered all over.

He finally reacted this time.

"This time... Doctor, you mean..."

Xu Zhiqing looked at the excited Qingniu.

He waved his hand.

"Don't get excited yet!"

Qingniu looked at Xu Zhiqing's stern expression, and his excited expression slowly calmed down.

He thought about his wife's illness.

"Doctor, is my wife's condition related to the baby in her belly?"


Xu Zhiqing nodded slightly.

When Qingniu heard Xu Zhiqing's words, his expression trembled slightly.

"Doctor, how can you cure my wife?"

Xu Zhiqing looked at Qingniu with admiration. He didn't even say how to protect his child.

"Let me first tell you why your wife became like this!"

"You are a demon, she is a human..."

Xu Zhiqing paused here.

There is no reproductive isolation between humans and demons.

Maybe there is reproductive isolation between humans and demons, but there is no reproductive isolation between humans and demons after they have transformed?

"You monsters have very strong vitality. Your wife is pregnant with your child. The child in her body needs a lot of vitality resources!"

"Your wife is just an ordinary person. She doesn't have as much magical power as you, nor does she have as strong a physique as you!"

"The only thing she has is her own vitality!"

Xu Zhiqing's words made Qingniu understand.

He looked at his unconscious wife.

"So, the child is sucking her life force, right?"

When Qingniu said this, his face was conflicted, and finally his eyes became fierce.

"Doctor, is there any way to remove the baby from my wife's body without hurting her?"

Huang Er and the wolf demon who were staying beside Qing Niu were shocked when they heard what the king said.

They wanted to say something, but then they thought about how sad the king must be for making such a decision!

“Why do you want to take it out?”

Xu Zhiqing glanced at Qingniu.

"You have a stupid brain? Are you stubborn?"

"The child in your wife's belly is unconsciously absorbing your wife's vitality, and the premise is that your wife is malnourished!"

"If your wife has adequate nutrition, then the baby in your wife's belly will be able to grow healthily!"

Xu Zhiqing’s words made Qingniu’s eyes widen.

He hadn't thought of this at all.

He was just concerned about his wife's situation.

He was only thinking about saving the adult or the child, and never thought about whether he could save both.

Qingniu, holding his wife, knelt down in front of Xu Zhiqing with a plop.

He held his upper body erect.

"What are you going to do?"

Xu Zhiqing was startled by Qingniu's actions.

"Doctor, as long as you can save my wife and the baby in her belly, don't even mention asking for my horns. I will even give you my life!"

When his wife was ill, he also invited a doctor to visit.

However, the doctors couldn't find anything when they came to the house.

Although he was angry, he did not kill the doctors. Instead, he paid them gold and silver and sent them back.

Although this was the first time he met Doctor Xu today, he was able to feel the fetal heartbeat in his wife's belly.

Xu Zhiqing looked at Qingniu with a serious expression on his face.

It was obvious from the other party's expression and words that he was not joking.

After looking for a long time, he suddenly smiled.

Xu Zhiqing stood up.

"Brother Niu, although you are a monster, you are a rare monster with feelings and righteousness!"

"Stand up!"

"I promise you, I will do my best to save your wife!"

Xu Zhiqing asked Qingniu to put his wife on the bed.

After the woman lay on the bed, Xu Zhiqing examined her again.

It was finally confirmed that it was really caused by the baby in the belly.

"Do you have some old-age spiritual medicines in your cave?"

"Your wife is weak, and now she needs to be boiled into porridge with some spiritual herbs to nourish her body!"

"You are in Erniu Mountain. There should be some aged medicinal herbs in Erniu Mountain. Go and ask your men to find them!"

After Xu Zhiqing finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Qingniu.

He thought about it and decided to forget it.

If we could use the essence and blood of the green ox, perhaps the effect would be better.

"Wait a moment!"

Xu Zhiqing said this and walked aside and wrote a prescription.

"Do you understand?"

He was worried that Qingniu wouldn't understand.

"can't read!"

Qingniu speaks his mind.

"Doctor, my lord, I understand!"

Huang Er stood up straight.

Xu Zhiqing handed the prescription to Huang Er.

He then said to Huang Erdao.

"The more medicinal herbs on this house, the better!"

"After I get it, I'll mix it for your sister-in-law!"

After Huang Er received the prescription, he turned to Qingniu and said, "My lord, I will go back to Erniu Mountain right now! Bring me the stored herbs!"

"Huang Er, wait a minute!"

Qingniu called Huang Er and he hesitated for a moment before speaking: "Go to my cave and get the small box I put at the entrance of cave number one!"

"Remember, the other herbs can be lost, but the small box must not be lost!"

Huang Er saw that the king was speaking seriously and nodded.

"Don't worry, my king. I'll be back soon!" (End of this chapter)

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