The heavens start from Quanzhen swordsmanship

Chapter 614: Half Human, Half Demon, Half Human, Half Immortal

The Qingniu couple were left behind by Xu Zhiqing.

Madam Qingniu's health is not suitable for traveling again.

"Is it okay at Erniu Mountain without you?"

Xu Zhiqing asked Qingniu.

"no problem!"

Qingniu's eyes were on the lady sleeping on the bed. It was just a cave, he didn't care.

"If someone occupies my cave, I will fight them back when I return!"

Xu Zhiqing nodded slightly when he heard this.

All monsters are like this.

If you can defeat them, you can occupy the cave.

If you can't win, you can only give it up.

"Let your wife rest first. I'll give you something later. Cook it and feed it to your wife when she wakes up!"

Cook it?
There was a blush on Qingniu's stern face.

"Doctor Xu, I...I don't know how to cook!"

He was the great bull demon king of Erniu Mountain, so how could he have ever cooked anything himself?
"Oh, I almost forgot you're a monster!"

Xu Zhiqing prepared to go to the kitchen.

When Qingniu saw Xu Zhiqing was going to the kitchen, he hurriedly asked, "Doctor Xu, can you teach me how to cook?"


Xu Zhiqing looked at Qingniu with admiration.

He is also willing to cook for his wife.

I guess he has never done such a thing.

Xu Zhiqing brought Qingniu to the kitchen.

“This is spiritual rice!”

"Before cooking rice, wash it with water to remove dust, so it will be clean and hygienic to eat!"

"This is spirit meat, you can cut it into small pieces..."

As Xu Zhiqing spoke, he cut the lean meat into cubes.

The blue ox on the side stared with its eyes wide open and remembered it clearly.

"These greens are just ordinary greens. Chop them up!"

Xu Zhiqing put all the diced lean meat, glutinous rice and green vegetables into the steamer.

"Remember, if you are just steaming rice, just add enough water to the steamer until it reaches above the first joint of your index finger!"

"What I'm teaching you is to cook porridge. The amount of water should be several times more than the amount of rice!"

Xu Zhiqing originally wanted to say multiples, but then he thought Qingniu probably wouldn’t understand.

"Just add as much water as you can, but not less!"

As he said this, he took a special look at Qingniu's palm.

Qingniu has a burly build and his hands are much bigger than others!

"You also use the first joint of your index finger to steam rice, so you can cook rice in the future!"

Qingniu raised his right hand, looked at his index finger, and remembered it firmly.

Xu Zhiqing put the steamer in place, added firewood under the pot, and then threw a fire talisman over.

As the fire charm went out, the wood was lit.

"Pay attention, listen to the sound, the water is making a loud noise, which means the water has not yet boiled!"

"Come over and listen carefully for a while!"

Upon hearing this, Qingniu pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

Soon, he heard the sound of water changing in the country.

"Did you hear it? After it boiled, the smoke filled the air and the sound became smaller!"

Xu Zhiqing said this with a smile, and then continued to add firewood.

"The water has boiled, but it will take some time for the rice in the steamer to cook thoroughly!"

About half an hour.

Xu Zhiqing lifted the lid of the pot.

A rich fragrance blows towards you.

Qingniu even swallowed subconsciously.

"Remember this time, usually this time is enough!"

Xu Zhiqing said this, pointing to the steamer.

"Look, this vegetable and lean meat porridge is thick but not bland, and bland but not watery!"

"If the water boils, he's the food!"

"If there's more water, you could call it porridge!"

Xu Zhiqing said this and covered the pot again.

"I've taught you the method. Isn't it simple?"

Qingniu nodded.

He has already watched it.

The things cooked are all spiritual rice, spiritual plants and spiritual meat, and there is no need to add any rare treasures.

If Madam Qingniu keeps eating these things alone, her body will be replenished after a period of time.

Xu Zhiqing handed the kitchen to Qingniu and went back to his room to sleep.

The next morning, Xu Zhiqing smelled burnt food.

As soon as he went out, he saw Aunt Liu.

Aunt Liu had a worried look on her face.

She had originally arranged for someone to cook in the morning, but a slender-skinned man was standing in the kitchen.

The cook who went to cook was thrown out directly.

This made Aunt Liu very angry.

But no matter how she tried to persuade the charcoal-black burly man, she couldn't convince him.

So he just came to see the master.

"Master, who is that black charcoal in the kitchen? He occupies the pot and refuses to leave, saying that he wants to make porridge for his wife!"

"I think he's almost smoked into charcoal!"

When Xu Zhiqing heard what Aunt Liu said, he frowned deeply.

Didn’t I prepare porridge for that guy Qingniu last night?

Wait until her wife wakes up a little, drinks the porridge and then takes a nap. Why cook porridge in the morning?

With this idea in mind, Xu Zhiqing went to the kitchen with Aunt Liu.

However, he saw a charcoal-black man squatting in front of the pot door and blowing hard towards the bottom of the pot.

To be precise, it is the blue ox.

At this moment, Qingniu no longer had the stern look he had before. His entire face, neck, and even the horns on his head had turned dark.

It's obvious that this is caused by long-term smoking.

Xu Zhiqing came to Qingniu and looked at the pile of firewood under the pot. He sighed.

When Qingniu heard Xu Zhiqing sigh, he realized that Xu Zhiqing had arrived.

Qingniu turned his head and looked at Xu Zhiqing, his brows deeply furrowed.

"Doctor Xu, why won't this firewood burn?"

Xu Zhiqing patted Qingniu on the shoulder.

"This one……"

"Just watch here for a while!"

"Aunt Liu, please ask Chef Zhu to come and cook!"

"By the way, let this Niu Qing learn from this!"

Aunt Liu said "oh", and then called Chef Zhu over after a while.

Chef Zhu is a forty-year-old man with an honest look on his face.

He has strong and powerful hands and is a good wok flipper.

He used to be a famous chef in a restaurant in Linzhou City. Because he taught his unique skills to his apprentice, the apprentice asked the restaurant for lower wages, and as a result, he was kicked out of the restaurant.

Betrayed by his apprentice, he was so disheartened that he simply opened his own breakfast shop and stopped being a chef.

It was not until Ren Yingying heard about his story that she came to her house and invited him to be the chef.

Chef Zhu didn't agree at first, until Ren Yingying told him the countless ways to cook food. Then he simply closed the breakfast shop and stayed in Quanzhen Temple as a cook.

After Chef Zhu came in and looked at the pile of firewood under the pot, he wanted to complain about the black charcoal, but finally, thinking of Xu Zhiqing being here, he stopped talking.

However, he couldn't help but complain.

"You stuffed the bottom of the pot with firewood, leaving no gaps at all. Air can't get in, so the fire can't start!"

As Chef Zhu spoke, he took out most of the firewood, which showed how much firewood Qingniu had stuffed under the pot. After Chef Zhu took out the firewood, he lifted the lid of the pot.

When he saw what was in the pot, he shook his head helplessly.

"The water you put in is a little too little for porridge, and a little too much for rice! I don't know what you want to cook?"

Qingniu has a very stern expression, perhaps because he has little contact with humans.

He was so naive that he actually thought Chef Zhu was asking him a question.

"I'm going to cook porridge!"

"Cook vegetable and lean meat porridge!"

Chef Zhu didn't think much about it and said subconsciously: "You should add more water when cooking porridge!"

As he spoke, he scooped another half scoop of water with the scoop and added it in.

"Look, that's enough!"

"And the diced meat... you cut it too irregularly!"

"If you want to cook a porridge that looks good and tastes good, you have to cut the meat cubes into the same size!"

"If they are different sizes, some will ripen faster and some will ripen slower..."

Chef Zhu was talking on the side, and Qingniu was silently taking notes, constantly saying words of thanks.

He felt like a bit of a fool.

Doctor Xu demonstrated it to him yesterday, so why couldn’t he cook porridge this morning?

Xu Zhiqing looked at Qingniu who was earnestly learning from Chef Zhu.

He smiled.

"Chef Zhu, his name is Qingniu, you can teach him some recipes to nourish the body!"

"Okay, Doctor Xu, I will teach him. I don't know if he can learn it or not!"

Chef Zhu agreed.

He thought about how the charcoal in front of him had stuffed the bottom of the pot with firewood when he was cooking, and he doubted this guy's IQ.

When Qingniu heard what Xu Zhiqing said, he knew that Xu Zhiqing asked the chef in front of him to teach him the recipe for nourishing his body for his wife.

He thanked Xu Zhiqing.

Then he bowed to Chef Zhu and said, "I will definitely study hard!"

When Xu Zhiqing saw this scene, he didn't know what to say.

Who could have thought that the bull demon king on Erniu Mountain would actually be such an infatuated man?

For the sake of his wife, he is willing to stay in the kitchen to learn how to cook.

Xu Zhiqing thought of the Bull Demon King.

If Bull Demon King could stay away from women, he might be considered a good man.

It's a pity that he has too many pets outside and plays too much with them.

Xu Zhiqing left the kitchen.

He did not tell Chef Zhu and Aunt Liu about Qingniu's identity.

The green ox just has a pair of horns on its head, and at first glance it looks like a hat worn on its head.

Some people like to wear some strange decorations on their heads on weekdays.

The fact that the green ox has a pair of horns on its head is nothing surprising in the eyes of outsiders.

After breakfast, Xu Zhiqing took Qingniu to see his wife.

After examining Madam Niu, he turned to Qingniu and said, "According to the current situation, if we continue to make up for it, it should be able to be made up in about six months!"

"By the way, after your wife eats these things, a portion of her spiritual energy will be transferred to the child in her belly!"

"This way, the child in Madam Li's belly won't absorb the vitality of your Madam's body!"

"In the future, just rest assured and let your wife take care of the baby here!"

After Xu Zhiqing gave Qingniu instructions, he asked him to learn cooking skills well, saying that the effects of multiple dietary therapies could speed up his wife's recovery.

After giving his instructions, Xu Zhiqing left the yard.

He went to ask Yao Ji, if a monster and a human combined, what would the half-human, half-monster child be like?
Are gods and humans half-immortal?
So monsters and humans are half-monsters?
The blue ox's child seemed to be more than three months old, but the fetal heartbeat was extremely weak.

It must be because Madam Qingniu’s physical condition is not strong enough.

If the other party had not called her back, Madam Qingniu's health might have collapsed long ago.

The baby in her belly should have died.

Soon Xu Zhiqing arrived at Yang's house.

"Sister-in-law, you are still making clothes for your children!"

Baby clothes were drying in the yard.

There are men and women.

Yao Ji didn't know whether the baby in her belly was a boy or a girl, so after she sewed clothes for the boy, she sewed clothes for the girl.

In addition, there are things like hats and shoes.

Xu Zhiqing looked at the clothes Yao Ji was sewing for the children, and it seemed that she was preparing to put together a complete set of four sets for spring, summer, autumn and winter.

"It won't be long before the baby is born, I have to prepare in advance!"

"I don't know if it's a girl or a boy, so it's better to prepare more!"

What Yao Ji said makes a lot of sense.

Xu Zhiqing didn't say much to Yao Ji about this.

He can't say that it's a boy in your belly, right?

"Sister-in-law, that blue bull came to see me last night!"

"He brought his wife with him!"

Xu Zhiqing talked about what happened last night.


Upon hearing this, Yao Ji showed curiosity on her face.

Even though Yao Ji is the goddess of desire, she cannot avoid having a gossipy heart.

Especially, the love affair between a monster and a human.

Xu Zhiqing thought for a moment and briefly explained what he had done last night.

As he spoke, he noticed that there was something wrong with the way Yao Ji looked at him.

"How can you test a couple like this?"

"Qingniu brought his wife here. Doesn't that prove that they are truly in love?"

"I really want to beat you up after hearing that!"

Yao Ji was rarely angry.

Xu Zhiqing touched his nose and let Yao Ji say a few words.

"However, for a monster to be able to do this, it seems that they really love each other very much!"

"The woman would rather not treat her own illness than watch her husband lose his proud horns. Qingniu is willing to sacrifice his own life to beg you to treat his wife..."

As Yao Ji was talking, for some reason, her eyes turned red.

When Xu Zhiqing saw this, his heart skipped a beat.

If Yang Tianyou came out and saw his wife in this state, would he have any misunderstanding?
"Brother Xu, since you can help them, you must help them well!"

"They are also a pair of miserable people!"

Xu Zhiqing nodded repeatedly and agreed immediately.

He felt that the reason why Yao Ji became like this was probably because of her pregnancy. Her body produced certain hormones that made her sentimental and more and more like a mother.

"Sister-in-law, there shouldn't be any problem with a child like theirs being half demon and half human, right?"

This is what Xu Zhiqing was thinking.

When Yao Ji heard Xu Zhiqing's question, she also restrained the emotions on her face.

She frowned.

"I don't know about that either, but being half demon and half human is fine, as long as it exists it will make sense!"

Xu Zhiqing didn't expect that Yao Ji could actually say that existence would be reasonable.

"If such a child is born, and his identity is exposed, the human race probably won't tolerate him!"

"Among the demon race, the demons probably won't like it either!"

Xu Zhiqing shook his head.

"But there is always a glimmer of hope!"

After he said this, he glanced at Yao Ji.

"Sister-in-law, I'm going back!"

Yao Ji looked at Xu Zhiqing's back as he left, and she seemed to be thinking about something.

She touched her bulging belly and felt that Xu Zhiqing was pointing at her.

"Can't you accommodate it?"

"Can't both heaven and earth accommodate it?" (End of this chapter)

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