The heavens start from Quanzhen swordsmanship

Chapter 615: Not Afraid of Trouble

The monster was born by a monster’s mother.

People are born from their mothers.

Now it seems that being half-human and half-demon may also be a possibility in life.

What if it is gods and demons?
"Half-god, half-demon?"

When Xu Zhiqing left Yang's house, he was thinking about these things in his mind.

Whether it is half human, half demon, or half human, half god, it is definitely difficult to tolerate it in the world.

Xu Zhiqing was thinking about Yang Jiao in Yao Ji's belly.

This kid must have been born as a demigod.

If you start cultivating it from a young age, you may actually achieve something.

As Xu Zhiqing was thinking, he suddenly remembered something.

The gods in heaven all have their duties, so they should report for duty every day.

Yao Ji has been on earth for so many days, she should have been discovered, right?
A day in the sky, a year in the ground.

It’s been less than a year since Yao Ji came to the human world?

Xu Zhiqing touched his chin.

I always feel like something is not quite right.

He looked back at Yang's house and thought he could ask this question later.

If this problem could be solved, perhaps in the future, Yao Ji would not have to face the assassination by the Heavenly Court.

With this thought in mind, Xu Zhiqing returned to the yard.

In the yard, Qingniu's wife was lying on a bamboo chair basking in the sun.

Madam Qingniu's surname was Zhao and her given name was Zhao Ji.

He is not short, about 1.6 meters tall.

Another thing is that his skin is very white, and he doesn't look like he comes from a hunter family at all.

But it just so happens that the other party actually came from a hunter family.

When Zhao Ji saw Xu Zhiqing coming, she hurriedly stood up and knelt down to thank Xu Zhiqing.

She also learned from Qingniu and the wolf demon that her current condition was caused by pregnancy.

Because of her weak constitution, the baby in her belly could only passively absorb her life force.

Whenever Zhao Ji thought of this, she felt a sense of fear.

It didn't matter if she died, but she almost implicated the baby in her belly.

Fortunately, her husband insisted on having Dr. Xu examine her.

In addition, she also learned about Doctor Xu from her husband Qingniu, but she didn't quite believe in the relationship between her and her husband, so she wanted to test them.

Apart from this, Doctor Xu did not make things difficult for them.

Instead, he took out precious spiritual rice, spiritual beast meat and other things to help her replenish her qi and blood.

When Xu Zhiqing saw Zhao Ji wanting to kneel down, he quickly reached out and supported Zhao Ji.

"You have a baby in your belly, and you are very weak. If you want to thank me, just keep it in your heart!"

"It's good to lie on a chair and get more sun. It can make your physique better!"

Xu Zhiqing said and asked Zhao Ji to continue lying down.

Just as Zhao Ji lay down, a weasel with matted hair all over its body flipped down from the courtyard wall.

The weasel's fur was burnt yellow, as if it had been struck by lightning.

Xu Zhiqing looked at Huang Er suspiciously.

"Were you struck by lightning when you went out?"

Huang Er moved his mouth, then leaned forward, rolled his eyes and fainted.

As he lay down, a small box fell out of its mouth.

Xu Zhiqing looked at the small box.

He remembered.

Isn’t this the box that Qingniu asked Huang Er to bring?

At that time, Huang Er also told Qingniu not to worry.

Xu Zhiqing squatted down as he was thinking about it. Before his hand touched Huang Er, he felt a tingling sensation.

"Oh my goodness, he really was struck by lightning!"

Xu Zhiqing narrowed his eyes.

He also sensed a fluctuation of magical power on Huang Er.

The thunder that struck Huang Er did not seem to be natural thunder, but was caused by someone using magic power.

Huang Er had already fainted at this time, so Xu Zhiqing couldn't ask even if he wanted to.

However, he speculated that Huang Er might have met some cultivator who was good at slaying demons and eliminating evil!
In this world, there are monsters and monks.

Ordinary cultivators are not like those particularly righteous demon-slaying cultivators, and they will not attack monsters randomly.

They wouldn't even care if they saw a monster.

Unless the monster did something that they couldn't bear to watch.

Only then will they take action.

In addition to this type of monks, there is another type of monk who hates evil.

These monks, perhaps due to some stimulation, will not care whether the monsters they see are good or bad.

As long as you are a monster, you will be killed.

However, such cultivators are also quite murderous.

Even you can't reason with such a monk.

It doesn't make sense.

Maybe the other person knows that what you said is right.

But in the other party's eyes, humans are humans, goblins are goblins, and all goblins deserve to die.

As for the good and the bad, the demon slayer's goal is to slay demons, not to distinguish between good monsters and bad monsters.

Xu Zhiqing had no special feelings towards this demon slayer.

Such a demon slayer is just living in his own world.

If everyone meets each other, if they can talk it out reasonably, there is no need to fight.

If we can't reach an agreement, then I'm sorry, it's better for everyone to rank based on their own strength.

"Big Wolf!"

Xu Zhiqing turned his head and shouted "Wolf!" towards a woodshed.

As soon as Lang Da left the room, he saw Huang Er lying in the yard.

"Huang Er?"

"Doctor Xu, what happened to Huang Er?"

Xu Zhiqing glanced at Wolf.

"She must have run into some demon slayer or something like that!"

"Fortunately, her injury isn't too serious. Even if she doesn't take any medication, she can just sleep for a few days!"

Wolf heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this.

However, his face immediately became somewhat ferocious.

"Doctor Xu, do you know which demon slayer injured Huang Er?"

"Oh... I don't know the details, but looking at the damage, it doesn't look like it was caused by a spell, but rather like it was caused by a talisman!"

"Looking at the power of this spell, you are no match for him, Wolf!"

When Wolf heard this, the expression on his face froze.

"Then forget it for now!"

Lang Da said this and took Huang Er back to his room.

It is best for monsters not to walk in human cities.

Because there are walking demon slayers in human cities.

Who knows, a monster might just meet a monster slayer.

If they encounter such a demon slayer, it would be fine if they can defeat him, but if not, they will be killed very quickly.

However, there are relatively few monsters in human cities.

Monsters also have their own territories.

They won't run out randomly.

Because the spiritual energy in the mountains and forests far exceeds that in human cities.

They also need to practice.

Among humans, they still need to hide their identities for fear of being discovered.

I don’t dare eat anything randomly, for fear that my identity will be revealed.

But in their own territory, they don't need to worry about these things.

Lang Da, Huang Er and others used to hang around Erniu Mountain.

It is still rare for them to appear directly in human towns.

They had only heard of demon slayers, but had never met one.

Xu Zhiqing thought that Huang Er might be unlucky, so he ran into him. How could there be a demon slayer around here?
Xu Zhiqing was quite curious about this.

If there was a chance, he thought he could meet the demon slayer.

I just don't know if the demon slayer is willing to meet him.

Xu Zhiqing picked up the wooden box in his hand and took a look. The wooden box was only the size of a palm.

He was very curious about what was in the wooden box.

However, since this thing belonged to Qingniu, he was not going to open it and take a look.

Thinking of this, Xu Zhiqing came to the kitchen.

Yes, ever since Qingniu learned cooking, he has been spending the whole day in the kitchen.

It was the first time that Chef Zhu had met someone who was so passionate about cooking, so he did not hide anything and taught Qingniu all the cooking skills he had mastered.

It’s just the beginning, and he has just started to plan it in his mind.

He hasn't started the formal teaching yet.

What he was now teaching the strong man who was riding a green ox was just how to cook porridge.

Cook various porridges.

Only after the strong man has mastered the time and heat of cooking porridge will he further teach the young man other things.

Chef Zhu saw Xu Zhiqing come in.


Xu Zhiqing waved at Chef Zhu.

He glanced at Qingniu, who was picking firewood at the moment.

"Master Zhu, do you think the thickness of the firewood also affects the temperature of the fire?"

"Don't all firewood burn? Is there anything that can affect the temperature of the fire?"

As a monster, Qingniu was so focused on learning that he didn't even notice Xu Zhiqing coming into the room.

Xu Zhiqing did not bother Qingniu either.

After seeing Xu Zhiqing giving him a gesture, Chef Zhu continued to teach him about Qingniu.

"Think about it, does a thick piece of wood burn longer? Or does a thin piece of wood burn longer?"


Qingniu is not a fool.

He felt that he could still learn this problem.

"When the thickness and length are the same, what kind of firewood do you think will burn longer?"

This reverse question made Qingniu stunned for a moment.

Then he thought about the knowledge that Master Zhu had told him yesterday.

"Generally, the wood that feels very hard and heavy will burn longer!"

"Not bad!"

Master Zhu is very satisfied with this man who used to be a dark-faced sturdy man and is now a brown-faced sturdy man.

This burly man looked very strong, and he thought that the other party's brain was not enough.

Unexpectedly, the other party's memory is quite good.

Unfortunately, like someone who has never seen the world, he doesn’t even know some of the most basic things.

He also needs to teach this person one by one.

However, it felt like this strong man had been taught this by someone before.

He looks cold, but he is actually a kind-hearted guy.

"Generally speaking, when choosing firewood, we should choose the one with better quality. What kind of firewood has better quality?"

"It has to do with its material, dryness, wetness, thickness and size!"

In the kitchen, Xu Zhiqing did not disturb Chef Zhu.

He waited in the kitchen for a while, and only spoke after Chef Zhu finished imparting knowledge about the Green Ox.

"Qingniu, Huang Er has brought this wooden box for you!"

Xu Zhiqing took out the wooden box and also told him about Huang Er.

After Qingniu heard what Xu Zhiqing said about Huang Er, he took the wooden box hesitantly.

"Doctor Xu, I was originally planning to give you this wooden box, but now I'm wondering whether I should give it to you or not!"


Xu Zhiqing looked at Qingniu in confusion.

"What are you going to give me?"

"If it's some kind of reward for treatment, I saved your wife because of your sincere feelings, not some vulgar things!"

"So, don't even think about giving me any compensation or anything like that!"

Qingniu nodded heavily upon hearing this.

"Doctor Xu is a man who does not value profit. I know that!"

He said, raising the wooden box in his hand.

"I thought that you, Doctor Xu, needed to practice, and the wooden box in my hand is a formula for a pill!"

"This pill can increase your magic power!"

When Xu Zhiqing heard this, his eyes lit up.

He hasn't spoken yet.

Qingniu continued, "I got this formula not long ago! I took in a seriously injured monk who was being chased by others and was seriously injured and dying."

"Before he died, he gave me this wooden box and told me the function of the elixir recipe in the wooden box!"

"However, he also told me that if someone comes after the recipe and I can't defeat them, I can hand over the recipe!"

When Qingniu came to this point, he said slowly: "Doctor Xu, this is also the reason why I hesitated after hearing what you said about Huang Er!"

"I don't know why that person hurt Huang Er, but I feel it might be related to the pill recipe!"

Qingniu added another sentence after he finished speaking.

"Of course, it may not matter!"

Qingniu said as he handed the wooden box to Xu Zhiqing.

"Doctor Xu, I've thought about it, you should just take the wooden box!"

Xu Zhiqing looked at Qingniu in confusion.

Qingniu shook his head and explained: "If the people who hurt Huang Er did so because of this recipe, then they should have the recipe here!"

"If he comes to my house and I can't produce the recipe, I'm afraid he will hurt innocent people!"

"If it weren't for this recipe, then Doctor Xu, you can use this recipe with confidence!"

After Qingniu finished speaking, he remembered another thing.

"Doctor Xu, can you make an elixir?"

Xu Zhiqing took the wooden box first.

"There shouldn't be much difference between alchemy and medicine. I'll do some research on my own!"

How could he make elixirs?

He had never been exposed to alchemy.

In Uncle Jiu's world, he did not learn alchemy from Uncle Jiu.

It is even more impossible for his senior brother Huang Daoren to practice alchemy.

Xu Zhiqing thought about alchemy, and he suddenly remembered something.

In Uncle Jiu's world, shouldn't there be some more powerful elixir recipes?

Xu Zhiqing thought of the immortals and gods in Uncle Jiu’s world.

The gods in that place should be different from the gods in this world.

I'm afraid the elixirs from that place can't increase your magic power.

Xu Zhiqing said this and immediately opened the wooden box.

Inside the wooden box was a piece of animal skin.

"Speaking of which, can't you just write down the recipe?"

"Why bother?"

Xu Zhiqing said as he opened the animal hide.

The Yangling Pill, the main ingredient is half a piece of Chuanxiong, and the auxiliary ingredients are three pieces of Heishuzhi and four-leaf Lingcao...

After he finished reading it, he put the animal skin away.

Then he cast his gaze into the fire.

"Qingniu, did that person tell me how much mana this Yangling Pill can increase?"

Xu Zhiqing looked at Qingniu.

Qingniu shook his head.

"I didn't ask, and he didn't have time to tell me!"

Xu Zhiqing nodded.

"You should learn cooking skills well!"

"I'll go see Huang Er!" (End of this chapter)

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