In the side courtyard, Huang Er has woken up from his coma.

"The box, the box the king asked me to take!"

Suddenly, the first thing he paid attention to was not anything else, but the box that Qingniu asked him to get.

"The box? Didn't you give it to Doctor Xu?"

Huida, who was squatting nearby, heard what Huang Er said and tilted his head with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yes, yes, yes, I gave it to Doctor Xu!"

It was only after Huida reminded her that Huang Er remembered that she had given the box to Doctor Xu.

Thinking of this, Huang Er lay down on the bed with his whole body relaxed.

"Huang Er, why are you injured? What happened?"

Lang Da noticed that Huang Er was relaxed, so he asked this.

"I have no idea!"

"You do not know?"

Huida was a little bit unbelievable.

Huang Er nodded.

"Yes, when I was passing through a forest, a bolt of lightning suddenly struck me!"

"Fortunately, I was observing my surroundings at the time, so I wasn't struck directly by the lightning!"

Huida took a look at Huang Er's injuries.

"How come you haven't been hit directly in this state? If you were hit directly, wouldn't you be unable to come back?"

Huang Er smiled bitterly and said, "You are absolutely right. If I were really hit by that lightning, I'm afraid I would never be able to come back!"

"That lightning was so scary!"

When Huang Er talked about lightning, her words were full of fear and her body was even trembling slightly.

It was obvious that the flash of lightning scared her out of her wits.

"You don't know who it is?"

"do not know!"

Huang Er shook his head.

"When the lightning struck, I was just hit for a moment and became like this. If I had stopped to look at who it was, I probably wouldn't have had a chance to escape!"

Speaking of this, Huang Er's expression changed slightly.

"If that person is good at tracking, he might catch up with us!"

When Hui Da heard this, he snorted, "It would be fine if that person doesn't come, but if he does, the king will definitely not let him off!"

Huang Er shook his head.

"Your Majesty, it is not appropriate to take action now. If you take action, who knows what the consequences will be!"

These little monsters all know it.

Under normal circumstances, try not to cause trouble in human cities.

Because they don't know who are hiding among the human race, who knows if there are any perverts.

Huida understood what Huang Er meant by this sentence.

"Isn't that a last resort?"

When Huang Er heard what Hui Da said, her eyes suddenly flashed.

"We are now under the protection of Doctor Xu. If that person comes over..."

As soon as Lang Da heard what Huang Er said, he knew what Huang Er was planning.

He shook his head and said in a muffled voice: "Doctor Xu can't get into trouble!"

Huang Er looked at Hui Da suspiciously.

"Were you beaten stupid by that Doctor Xu?"

"No, you should be smarter!"

She looked Hui Da up and down, and said with a click of the tongue, "Doctor Xu really can't get into trouble. He still needs to treat our sister-in-law. If he gets into trouble, who will treat our sister-in-law?"

When Huang Er said this, she was silent for a moment.

"That Doctor Xu is a good man, we can't harm him!"

"By the way, you didn't tell the king about this, did you?"

Hui Da said hurriedly: "I didn't, I didn't tell the king that you were injured, but I was going to tell the king!"

"Then you don't have to tell the king!"

Huang Er watched him grow up.

"It's better not to let the king know about my affairs. I was injured, so I was injured!"

"Also, I feel that this guy is very powerful. Even the king may not be his opponent!"

"So... I'm ready to leave!"

Huida was slightly stunned when he heard this.

"You want to run?"

Huang Er said angrily, "You idiot, who wants to run?"

"That guy is so powerful, he should know the art of tracking. If he stays here, he will definitely find this place!"

"By then, both you and the king's aura will be exposed!"

"So I just left so he would chase me alone..."

Huang Er paused for a moment.

"I will go to Erniu Mountain to run. If you can still see me there later, it means I am fine!"

"If I don't show up at Erniu Mountain later...just assume that I ran away!"

Outside the door, Xu Zhiqing, who had been listening to the conversation between Huang Er and Hui Da, admired the decision made by Huang Er.

From this, Xu Zhiqing could see that Qingniu was really good to his subordinates.

If Qing Niu was a king who exploited his subordinates, these monsters would definitely not be willing to sacrifice their lives for Qing Niu.

Xu Zhiqing thought about it and knocked on the door.

"Huang Er, Hui Da, are you in the room? I'm coming in!"

While asking questions, Xu Zhiqing went straight into the room.

When Huida saw Xu Zhiqing coming in asking questions, he scratched his head.

"Doctor Xu, next time you come in you don't need to ask any questions, and we haven't closed the door yet!"

Xu Zhiqing smiled slightly when he heard this.

“This is the etiquette of our world!”

Huida was a little suspicious.

"Doctor Xu, are you lying to me? How can you come in while asking questions?"

"Don't worry, I'm not lying!"

Xu Zhiqing dealt with Hui Da casually, while his eyes were on Huang Er.

"I heard everything you said before!"

When Huang Er heard Xu Zhiqing's words, she wanted to stand up from the bed.

"You are already injured. Even if you want to lead the enemy away by yourself, there is no way!"

After Xu Zhiqing finished speaking, he thought for a moment and said, "I don't know the identity of the person who hacked you!"

"If he comes here because of your identity as a monster, then we can deal with it very easily!"

"If he went to get the wooden box for you, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to deal with it!"

Huang Er's eyes moved.

Only Huida was still standing there in a daze.

What does it mean that nothing will happen if you are a demon slayer? But if you are just looking for that wooden box, there will be trouble.

Neither Xu Zhiqing nor Huang Er had any intention of explaining to Huida.

"I don't know whether he is the former or the latter!"

She didn't even dare to look at Huang Erlian's face, let alone his purpose.

"Since he's the demon slayer and he's nearby, he'll definitely come looking for us. All we have to do is wait for him to show up!"

"As for you, don't even think about leaving here!"

Huang Er understood what Xu Zhiqing meant.

"I understand, Doctor Xu!"

"Take good care of your injuries!"

As Xu Zhiqing was talking, he suddenly turned to Huang Er and said, "Your name is Huang Er, and his name is Hui Da, right?"

Huang Er hummed.


After saying this, Xu Zhiqing turned around and left, and then went to the blacksmith Wang's blacksmith shop in the town. "What does Doctor Xu mean by this?"

Gray still doesn't understand.

"Why did he specifically call out our names?"

Huang Er ignored Hui Da and narrowed his eyes.

She had a guess in her mind that she should go to help them make some token that could prove their identity!
When Xu Zhiqing left Wang the blacksmith's shop, he had three mahjong-piece-sized patches in his hand.

The first token had the words "Qingniu" written on it, and the second and third had "Huang Er" and "Hui Da" written on them respectively.

"This is the only solution!"

Xu Zhiqing looked at the thin patch in his hand and felt a little emotional.

He doesn't really want to get into trouble.

It would not be worth it to provoke someone of unknown origin just for the sake of three monsters.

So, if the person who came is a demon slayer.

Then his way of dealing with it is to use Qingniu, Huang Er and Huida, all of whom are monsters he has subdued.

This can be considered an excuse.

If it's the second one...

He simply handed the recipe to the other party.

Anyway, he had memorized the recipe.

Anyway, he didn't keep the recipe for anything else.

Xu Zhiqing returned home with the three tokens.

He handed one to Qingniu.

After hearing Xu Zhiqing's explanation, Qingniu did not feel insulted and simply took the token and put it around his neck.

Huang Er and Hui Da didn't have too many ideas.

After Xu Zhiqing gave them the tokens, one of them even wore them around his neck with great joy.

"In this way, we can be considered to have status, right?"

Huida fiddled with the token around his neck. He really liked this little tag.

After Xu Zhiqing prepared a sign for the three monsters, no one came to visit them for the next two days, so they no longer paid attention to it.

Xu Zhiqing went to find Yao Ji.

He got the recipe for Yang Ling Dan, but he didn't know how to make it.

He wanted to ask Yao Ji if there was any way.

In the yard, Yao Ji learned that Qingniu had given Xu Zhiqing such a pill recipe in order to repay him.

She couldn't help but sigh.

"That green bull is indeed a unique monster!"

Xu Zhiqing nodded in agreement.

A monster with feelings and righteousness does things that cannot be viewed through the eyes of ordinary monsters.

Yao Ji nodded, then said regretfully: "I don't have any, and I don't know anything about alchemy!"

"Do you have any friends?"

Xu Zhiqing looked at Yao Ji.

"You are a deity in heaven, so you must have a lot of good friends, right?"

When Yao Ji heard Xu Zhiqing's words, an embarrassed look appeared on her face.

"I do have a few good friends, but I'm afraid they'll know about my situation, so I don't dare to meet them at all!"

Xu Zhiqing nodded in understanding.

"Actually, I think you can still go meet those friends of yours!"


"Maybe your friends can help you!"

Xu Zhiqing said casually, and finally said seriously: "You can find friends. For example, if you need the method of alchemy, but you don't know how to do it, what should we do if you don't find friends?"

"But, when you meet your friends, just don't tell them about your own affairs!"

Xu Zhiqing still believed in Yao Ji's friends.

The reason why he didn't let Yao Ji tell her own story was because her friends would feel embarrassed if she told them.

Yao Ji is a deity in heaven, so her friends must also be serving the heaven.

If Yao Ji told her friends about her affairs, should her friends tell the Heavenly Court?
Tell the Heaven that they were the ones who betrayed their friends!

If they don't tell the Heavenly Court, they are deliberately concealing it.

So the best outcome is not to say anything.

Even if they guessed it in the end, it didn’t matter. As long as the last layer of window paper was not broken, no one would tell anyone.

Yao Ji didn't expect Xu Zhiqing to know so much.

"I still don't really want to go looking for my friends... I'd better give it a try!"

Yao Ji didn't want to see those friends.

As a deity in charge of the desire world, she specializes in punishing those who have lustful desires.

Now, she also has desires.

She really doesn't deserve to be the goddess of desire.

She didn't want to look for her friends, but when she thought about the fact that the Yang Ling Pill could increase her cultivation and magic power, she felt it was worth it for her to go and meet those friends in heaven.

"Sister-in-law, there is actually one thing I don't quite understand!"

"you say!"

"Then, gods in heaven, do you want to report for duty?"


Yao Ji gave Xu Zhiqing the answer directly.

These words made Xu Zhiqing raise his eyebrows slightly.

"Sister-in-law, how often do gods call the shots?"

Yao Ji said seriously: "Most gods and immortals check in once a day to prevent gods and immortals from descending to the mortal world!"

"Because one day in heaven is one year on earth!"

"Some people will secretly come down to earth to do things because of their own problems!"

"In order to manage the gods, the Heavenly Court will call in a check-in once a day!"

When Yao Ji answered Xu Zhiqing's question, she knew why Xu Zhiqing asked this question.

"I'm different from others. I rarely show up for work!"

"Because I am a woman from the Desire Realm, the ruler of a realm, I don't usually need to report for duty. I only need to go once every two or three decades!"

After hearing this, Xu Zhiqing had an understanding of the affairs in Heaven.

"Sister-in-law, you have been in the mortal world for so long, why haven't the people in heaven come to arrest you yet?"

Yao Ji rolled her eyes at Xu Zhiqing.

"Why are you arresting me? I came here to capture the three-headed dragon!"

Xu Zhiqing simply did not answer this question.

The three-headed dragon was no match for Yao Ji, but he used conspiracy and trickery to outwit Yao Ji.

The three-headed dragon should be seriously injured now and dare not show up at all.

If the Three Heads don't come out, Yao Ji won't be able to catch the Three Headed Dragon, so naturally she won't have to go back to Heaven for the time being.

Xu Zhiqing felt that his sister-in-law was quite smart.

Just when Xu Zhiqing and Yao Ji were talking about how it would be best to ask for some medicinal herbs when meeting a friend, Huang Er suddenly appeared outside the yard.

"Doctor Xu, it's bad, that guy is fighting with the king!"

When Xu Zhiqing heard this, his face changed slightly.

"Brother Xu, do you need my help?"

As soon as Yao Ji saw Xu Zhiqing's face, she knew that something bad must have happened.

Xu Zhiqing thought for a moment.

"Sister-in-law, you can go with me to take a look, but don't show up. If I can't stand it, sister-in-law can help me a little!"

When Yao Ji heard Xu Zhiqing's words, she knew that Xu Zhiqing was worried that her identity would be exposed.


Xu Zhiqing followed Huang Er to the outside of Quanzhen Temple.

At this time, some apricot trees in the apricot forest had suffered external violence and were leaning here and there.

In the apricot forest, two figures were fighting each other.

One of them held a large knife, which was almost like a door panel, and he wielded it vigorously. (End of this chapter)

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