The apricot trees were broken by brute force and fell to the ground.

Qingniu, with his bare hands, was not afraid at all of the man in front of him holding a big knife.

The two men were fighting with each other, and the surrounding sand was filled with wind and sand, covering the two of them, making it difficult to see their figures.

When Xu Zhiqing arrived, he saw this scene.

After he arrived, he looked at the two people fighting in front of him.

He was not in a hurry to make a move.

Instead, he stood at a distance and watched.

The man holding the knife didn't seem to have any magic.

Xu Zhiqing was amazed by his superb knife skills.

The opponent's cultivation level was not low, and every slash he made was filled with terrifying murderous aura.

"I don't know what kind of magical weapon this knife is. It looks scary!"

Xu Zhiqing stood aside, squinting at the two of them.

He didn't know where that person came from.

But when fighting with Qingniu, it seemed that there was no one to tell who was better.

Xu Zhiqing looked at it intently.

The other party slashed at the green ox with a knife, trying to cut off its head.

Qingniu punched out.

A huge force knocked the sword crooked.

Xu Zhiqing noticed that Qingniu was wearing a pair of gloves on his hands.

I don't know what material the gloves were made of, but when they were cut by the sword, they made a constant clanging sound.

"You monster, why don't you stay in your mountain honestly? How dare you stay in the human world!"

The man who was speaking had his eyes wide open and his long beard flying.

His hair was very long and grew on his head like weeds.

Xu Zhiqing didn't know whether the opponent's hair was originally like this, or if it became like this during the fight with Qingniu.

Xu Zhiqing watched the two men fighting for a while, and then saw the man suddenly took out an iron chain from his waist.

When Qingniu threw out a punch, he swung out the iron chain he had taken out.

The iron chain was like a flexible arm, wrapped around Qingniu's arm.

The man then suddenly pulled the chain, and his whole body flew into the air, kicking out with both feet.

The banging sound kept coming.

Qingniu was kicked dozens of times in the chest.

The man retracted the chain and the blue bull was kicked away.

"Humans have their own world, and demons have their own demon realm!"

"The world cannot tolerate monsters coming here!"

When the man spoke, he exuded righteousness.

The knife in his hand was emitting a blade of light!
Qingniu stood up from the ground, his eyes were red and his whole body exuded a black demonic aura.

The green ox is a monster, and a big one at that.

He clenched his fists and stared at the man.

"I came here to hurt no one!"

"Just because you haven't hurt anyone now doesn't mean you won't hurt anyone in the future!"

The man stared at the blue bull.

"You are a monster, not a human!"

"How about humans? How about monsters?"

Qingniu had a blank expression on his face.

"People? People should be managed by people!"

"Monsters shouldn't come to our human world!"

"If it comes, then damn it!"

The man said and picked up the knife.

"Remember, the person who killed you is from the Hu family!"

The man surnamed Hu rushed towards Qingniu as soon as he finished speaking.

His steps were obviously not big, but in the blink of an eye he was next to Qingniu.

When Xu Zhiqing saw this scene, he raised his eyebrows.

Every step this person takes is very mysterious. It looks like a small step, but each step can actually cover three to five meters.

Obviously, what footwork should be.

Xu Zhiqing looked at the man, and then saw Qingniu put his hands together, and a murderous aura instantly rushed towards the man.

The man seemed to have anticipated this and immediately raised the knife to block it in front of him.

The invisible evil spirit met the knife and was instantly split into two, heading to both sides of the man.


The man held the knife upright, cut off the evil spirit that was coming towards him, and then slashed at the green ox with the knife.

Before the knife reached Qingniu, the blade light had already arrived in front of Qingniu.

Qingniu raised his arms and blocked them in front of him.

With another bang, the green bull flew out again.

The green bull flying in the air had its clothes burst open with a crackling sound.

A green-skinned cow with scales appeared on the ground.

The blue bull mooed, then rushed towards the man.

When the man saw this, he chopped it down with a knife.

With a clang, his hand trembled and he almost couldn't hold the knife.

Just as the green bull was about to hit him, he turned around and flew over the bull's head.

When he flew behind the green bull, he turned his head and saw white smoke coming out from where the green bull was.

The white smoke grew thicker and thicker, enveloping him.

Just as the man was looking at the smoke vigilantly, a head suddenly appeared at the front of the smoke.

"What a cunning bull demon!"

The man said this and chopped down with the razor again.

But this time he didn't just use a knife, he swung out an iron chain with his left hand.

The iron chain spun on the ground and slid towards the blue ox.

After a few sounds of Kalala, the speed at which the smoke spread suddenly slowed down.

When the man saw this, his face lit up with joy.

"Got you!"

As the man spoke, he took the steps that Xu Zhiqing couldn't name, and in the blink of an eye he was next to Qingniu again.

In front of him, the two front hooves of the blue ox were tied tightly with iron chains.

The entire bull's head fell to the ground.

At this time, the man stopped talking.

He drew out his knife and chopped at Qingniu's neck.

There was a clang.

His knife did not strike down.

Xu Zhiqing stopped the man's knife.

"Brother, please spare his life!"

Xu Zhiqing looked at the man.

He had no intention of fighting with the man.

Previously, he did not take action because he did not want to fight Qingniu on his own.

He had thought that it would be strange for a king as powerful as Qingniu to be able to defeat this man.

The result was indeed beyond his expectations.

He looked at the iron chain wrapped around the blue ox's hooves and narrowed his eyes.

He didn't think it was an ordinary chain.

If it was an ordinary iron chain, it should not be able to restrain the green ox.

"who are you?"

The bearded man looked at Xu Zhiqing who appeared in front of him, his eyes showing a vigilant look.

Because he couldn't even figure out what kind of monster this person was.

Generally, if he cannot see the true form of a monster, it must be a very powerful monster.

The person in front of me is not a monster?

How could a human help a monster to speak?

"I'm the doctor from Xingzilin, my last name is Xu!"

Xu Zhiqing chuckled and pointed at the green ox behind him.

"As for this one, he is the bull demon from Erniu Mountain. He came here because his wife was sick, so he brought her here for treatment!"

While Xu Zhiqing was speaking, Huang Er and Hui Da also came over.

When the man holding the knife saw the two monsters coming over, he tightened the knife in his hand.

Especially when he noticed Huang Er, he put his left hand in his arms again.

When Xu Zhiqing saw this scene, he said calmly: "My dear, they didn't hurt anyone..."

However, before he could finish his words, the man in front of him swung his left hand.

He threw out a piece of talisman paper.

However, before he could chant the spell.

Xu Zhiqing flicked his fingers slightly, and the talisman paper in the sky cracked into two pieces with a crackling sound.

This action made the man stunned for a moment.

Then he picked up the big knife in his hand and slashed at Xu Zhiqing.

"Don't even think about lying to me!"

The man shouted loudly, and the knife was about to fall on Xu Zhiqing's head.

"Doctor Xu, be careful!"

Huang Er hurriedly warned him. Seeing this, Xu Zhiqing did not retreat but advanced directly to the man's side.

He lightly slapped the man on the chest.

Then he floated away again.

At this time, the man's knife fell.

But it hit the air.

Xu Zhiqing was standing half a meter away from the man's knife.

When the man saw this scene, he touched his chest.

He didn't feel any pain in his chest.

Just as he was thinking this, Xu Zhiqing smiled slightly.


As he uttered the word, the man's clothes on his chest exploded with a bang.

However, the man was not injured.

There was no surprise on Xu Zhiqing's face.

Because he just left a trace of energy on the man's clothes.

Just now he just detonated his energy.

The man looked down at the clothes on his chest, revealing a tuft of chest hair.

He looked at the torn clothes, then raised his head and looked at Xu Zhiqing.

"Why didn't you hurt me?"

Just now, he felt that if the monster in front of him wanted to hurt him, it would not just be a matter of tearing his clothes.

Xu Zhiqing said calmly: "You are a demon slayer. It is not your fault to kill demons. If you are here, at least many demons will not dare to harm people!"

"So I won't kill you!"

"Also, what I said before was true!"

Xu Zhiqing said this while pointing at the tags on Huang Er and Hui Da.

"Their names are on their tags. If they do something bad, you don't have to do anything. I won't keep them!"

After listening to Xu Zhiqing's words, the man was silent for a moment.

"You're really not a monster?"

"It can't be that I am a monster just because I helped the monster, right?"

After Xu Zhiqing refuted, he chuckled and said, "You can ask around. Am I a monster?"

When the man heard this, he looked at Xu Zhiqing deeply.

"My name is Hu Zong, I'll remember what you said!"

"I won't kill them this time. If I meet them again in the future... I will kill them!"

After the man finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the apricot forest.

Xu Zhiqing looked at the man's back.

He wanted to communicate with the man, but the man left.

Hu Zong?

Xu Zhiqing shook his head, he had never heard of it.

This world is huge. In addition to the high and mighty gods, there are also many masters hidden in the world.

Humans are not necessarily incapable of defeating gods.

Some people claim to be gods but do things like monsters, and they will still be killed.

"Look at your king, there shouldn't be anything wrong!"

Upon hearing this, Huang Er and Hui Da hurried to Qing Niu's side. Seeing the king tied up with iron chains, they stepped forward to untie the chains.

As soon as the two men touched the iron chain, there was a crackling sound and both of them were shocked.

Xu Zhiqing looked at the chain in surprise.

He squatted down and looked at it carefully.

He found that the iron chains tied to the blue ox were tightly connected together.

From time to time, yellow light flashed around the iron chain.

Xu Zhiqing glanced at Huang Er and Hui Da who were electrocuted.

It was obvious that the iron chain was carrying lightning.

He glanced at Qingniu, but Qingniu seemed fine.

"Qingniu, can you transform into a human?"


With a long moo, the blue ox returned to its previous appearance.

However, his hands were tied with iron chains.

Xu Zhiqing looked at the iron chain again. The two ends were clearly not tied together, but it was tightly tied to the blue ox.

He thought this should be a magic weapon.

"That guy doesn't even want his magic weapon!"

Outside the apricot forest.

Hu Zong, who had just walked out, scratched his head which looked like a chicken coop.

"Did you forget something?"

He thought of the fight he had had with that man before, and it was obvious that that man could easily defeat him.

"Forget it, let's find out who this person is!"

In the apricot grove, Xu Zhiqing touched the iron chain.

He tugged hard.

The chain was not pulled open.

"It's so weird!"

Xu Zhiqing was amazed.

He thought about it, and then infused his magic power into it.

However, the chain still did not loosen.

Xu Zhiqing was amazed.

If this chain was tied to him, he probably wouldn't be able to untie it.

"Qingniu, you are very strong, try to see if you can untie this chain!"

When Qingniu heard this, he nodded slightly.

Then he used his magical power to try to open the chain.

He had just started to use his magic power when he heard a crackling sound.

A yellow light flashed on the iron chain, and Qingniu shuddered and fell to the ground.

"Your Majesty!"

Huang Er and Hui Da were anxious to go forward.

But the two of them thought of the previous scene and did not dare to move forward.

Xu Zhiqing looked at the blue ox lying on the ground thoughtfully.

"Don't use your magic, both of you. Lift up your king and follow me!"

Huang Er and Lang Da looked at each other, and they carefully lifted the boss.

Although Huang Er is short.

But you know what, she really had no problem lifting the blue ox.

Xu Zhiqing took them back to Quanzhen Temple.

"Put him in the yard! I'll go find someone!"

After saying this, Xu Zhiqing left.

Huang Er and Lang Da didn't know where Xu Zhiqing was going.

The two of them could only protect the king.

The only place Xu Zhiqing could go was naturally Yang Mansion.

When Yao Ji saw Xu Zhiqing coming, she put down the work in her hands.

"Is the matter resolved?"

“That’s half the problem!”

Xu Zhiqing talked about the iron chain.

"That's a demon-binding rope!"

Yao Ji directly told the origin of the iron chain.

"Is that what a demon-binding rope looks like?"

Xu Zhiqing thought that the demon-binding rope should be a rope.

"Do you know how to unlock it?"

"Either use a spell or a magic weapon to cut it off!"

Xu Zhiqing sighed.

He doesn't have any magic weapon.

Even Bu Jingyun's peerless sword could not cut through the bundle of demonic ropes.

"But it shouldn't be a proper demon-binding rope!"

Yao Ji spoke again.

"If it was a proper demon-binding rope, Qingniu wouldn't have had any chance to struggle! The demon-binding rope would have made it impossible for him to even use his magic power!"

Xu Zhiqing's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Then he could try using Bu Jingyun’s peerless sword.

"Sister-in-law, this is the formula for Yang Ling Dan. Can you ask some of your friends to find it for you?"

"Then ask if anyone is willing to help refine it!"

Xu Zhiqing told Yao Ji about the effects of Yangling Pill.

Seeing that Xu Zhiqing did not shy away from telling her the recipe for Yang Ling Dan, Yao Ji hesitated for a moment and then took it.

"Let me give it a try!"

She also has some good sisters in heaven.

If she looks for it, those good sisters will probably help her!
When Xu Zhiqing saw that Yao Ji agreed, he also stood up and left.

He wanted to go to Bu Jingyun to get the peerless sword and try to use it to cut the bundle of demon ropes. (End of this chapter)

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