Conquer Berlin

Chapter 125 Disguise

The city of Millau is located in the southwestern center of France. It was originally a beautiful city. Since the Nazis captured France, everything has changed here. There are many military posts, barracks and military posts. The Nazi special number 403 field regiment is stationed here, almost There is a mixed reinforcement regiment of 1000 people.

Ten tiger tanks guard the exit of the main city of Millau City, and the infantry battalion and armored battalion are stationed in the city. The headquarters of the 403 Field Regiment is in the mayor's office building of Millau City, a castle full of ancient flavors, surrounded by garrisons With straight sentries and anti-aircraft guns, a temporary military checkpoint was built at the gate of the castle, and two heavy machine guns guarded the gate of the castle.

An officer in the castle reported the situation with an old-fashioned telephone: "Yes, sir, that's right, the spies have already stolen the information of the Allied forces. The intruder is the newly established Air Corps Marine Corps of the Allied forces. The members have... Yes, I They will be caught, sir, don't worry, hi, Hitler!"

After the officer hung up the phone, he put down his upward gesture, sat aside and picked up a telegram sent back by the spy, which contained a list, the list of the base of the Croatian Air Service Regiment, and the list of the newly formed Marine Corps of the Allied Forces, a line of nine All profiles are here.

Dinoster, a Nazi lieutenant-colonel officer, in his 40s, is the commander of the 403 Field Regiment, and he was also ordered to protect the chief scientist Nicole Vesaiah. Dinoster received it as soon as the Millau Hydropower Station was bombed. The news, through the news reported by the front troops, members of the Allied Marine Corps are heading towards the city of Millau.

This is most likely aimed at Nicole Visaya. Di Noster thought of this problem immediately. It may be that the hyperspace conversion machine has been leaked. The Allied Forces sent people to destroy the hydropower station. The next target is Nicole. Visaiah, the head of the SS called just now and asked him to closely protect Nicole Visaiah, and there will be a plane to pick up Nicole Visaiah at night.

After looking at the information in his hand, Dinoster immediately picked up the phone and connected to the internal line, saying: "Hi, I'm Dinoster, Adjutant Bills, immediately send someone to Nicole Visaya's research institute, and get Nicole Visaya received me from my office, yes, go right away, bring more people, and make sure to protect Nicole Visaya!"

"Cruze? Sergeant of the Marine Corps, who the hell are you?" After hanging up the phone, Dinoster picked up the information and looked at Gou Bin's resume. Apart from knowing his name and military status, he had nothing to gain. How good is the military secrecy system, but there is very little information on the nine of them.

"Ha Qiu!" Gou Bin slapped Ha Qiu on the hillside half a mile outside Miyue City, rubbed his nose with one hand, and pulled out the bullet from his body. Everything, including the distribution of troops and the garrison situation, although there is a regiment of troops inside, Gou Bin has to go in and make a breakthrough.

Jimmy climbed up a tree to keep a watchful eye on the movement around him. While watching the watch, he gnawed hard-to-swallow dry food to replenish his energy. Sean observed the general distribution of Mijo City with a telescope, and prepared the next course of action. There is a way out, otherwise going in blindly is simply asking for death.

Sophia looked at Ferros strangely. This guy is really a foodie. He ate food for three people by himself. At this time, he was still licking his lips as if I was not full. It was also a headache that couldn't be helped, but for the sake of his honesty and honesty, Gou Bin didn't care too much about it.

According to his own introduction, Philos is a mixed race, his father is a Nazi passionate seed, and his mother is an authentic French country woman. As for how his parents met, he doesn’t know, when he was born, his father was Abandoned their mother and son, because the family was poor, when they were sick and had no money for medical treatment, they had mental problems.

He was forced to work in the hydropower station. Who told him that he was born with a cool figure?After working in the pump room for a year, he was almost a good toy for being fooled by Nazi soldiers. Don't look at him sometimes being silly, and sometimes being normal for a few seconds.

When Sean took back the telescope, he turned his head and said: "Cruze, the investigation has been completed. The distribution of the city is very clear. Most of the main forces are gathered in the mayor's castle, and a small part of the troops are gathered in the west of the city. Judging by the situation, the target It’s just to the west of the city. Speaking of which, how come you are so familiar with Philos’ dry rations? Whose?”

Gou Bin directly said Sean's collapsed words: "Nonsense, of course it's yours! Well, it's good to find the target, and sneak in in a disguise later, eh? Sean, what's wrong with you?"

Sean opened his mouth wide and looked surprised. When he woke up and opened his backpack, he almost burst into tears. Well, his own three-day food was gone!In addition to rows of carbine bullets and a change of clothes, there is not even any food in it, so there is no need to be so desperate, right?Don't keep any cans?

Sean rummaged through the bag and said, "Cruz, can I protest? Well, I'm unlucky, and I'll go to the city to fill my stomach later, Cruz, have you arranged a candidate? What about the pick-up? Blowing up the target is always about to escape, without a truck we are very likely to be caught!"

After Gou Bin picked up his sniper rifle and watched the inner city, he put down the gun and nodded and said, "Well, it's not good if there are too many people in the city, Sean, you can go in with me, Sophia, you and Jimmy Find a way to get a truck outside, we will start to move after dark, when the time comes, you will go to the woods to the west of the city and wait for us..."

After hearing Gou Bin's plan, Sophia nodded and said with hope, "Well, okay, Cruz, can the two of you handle it? There is an armored corps inside. By then, I'm afraid ..."

Gou Bin stretched out his hand to interrupt Sophia's words, shook his head unquestionably and said: "There is nothing wrong with it, you and Jimmy just take care of Philos, and get our escape truck ready before dark, and our equipment will be left to you for the time being." Safekeeping, Sean, let's go!"

After Gou Bin finished speaking, he took Sean and left. The two left their equipment behind. They must not bring weapons when they sneak into the city. The inspection at the checkpoint was so strict, and they were immediately arrested when they found the weapons. Sophia looked at Gou Bin The leaving figure shook his head and sighed, then turned to look at Miyo City and did not speak for a long time.

On the road leading to the city of Millau, a carriage pulled three wooden barrels of red wine towards the direction of the city. A drunk man in the carriage was blushing from drinking, and the young man driving the carriage shook his head. He has long been used to his behavior, and every time he goes to the city, he has to steal some of the client's wine to drink.

Gou Bin, who had been in ambush, immediately stared at the carriage. It was not long before the morning, and there were few pedestrians on the road. After a Nazi motorcycle passed by, Gou Bin pointed to the carriage after confirming that there was no one there, signaling to Sean on the side to prepare Alright, while Sean on the other side nodded wordlessly.

When the carriage approached, Gou Bin suddenly jumped out. Before the young man driving the carriage could react, Gou Bin had already jumped into the carriage. When the young man was about to shout in panic, there was a bang, and Gou Bin's fist was hard He knocked him unconscious on the spot, and Gou Bin, who took the reins of the horse in his hand, pulled back, and the horse pulling the carriage obediently stopped.

The owner of the winery felt that the carriage had stopped, and was about to ask what happened when Sean had already jumped on the horse. Under the stunned expression of the owner of the winery, Sean punched him unconscious on the spot, causing the two of them to Gou Bin and Sean carried the two of them into the woods and began to change their clothes.

When Sean took off the clothes on the owner of the wine shop, he suddenly put on a bitter face, looked at Gou Bin's clothes in a tangled look, and said wonderingly: "Keluzi, why don't I change with you? This fat man's clothes are too fat, It's a bit nondescript on me!"

Gou Bin looked down on Sean and said: "Come on, Sean, I didn't tell you to take off your clothes. Is my clothes the same? Just put it on, who can tell that there is red wine on it?" It won’t work if you add more, change it quickly, lest someone pass by and find out!”

When the two of them changed their clothes and came out, a Nazi motorcycle happened to pass by. Gou Bin pretended to be pulling on the chain of his country clothes trousers, as if he had just stopped to drain the water. The movement, the Nazi soldiers on the motorcycle just had a quick look and then sped past.

Looking at the motorcycle speeding past, Gou Bin heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Sean who was also relaxed and said: "Huh, did you see it? Fortunately, it was in time, otherwise it would have been really messed up, let's go, we are now Start going to town, don't talk nonsense when you go in, and keep being your drunkard!"

"Well, you can talk about anything with wine!" Sean nodded indifferently. French red wine has always been Sean's favorite, especially now that there are so many manors. On the top of the barrel, pick up the leftover wine that the owner of the wine shop just drank and continue to drink.

The Nazi soldiers at the gate of Mijo City checked the people passing in and out. When it was Gou Bin’s wine cart’s turn, the Nazi soldiers raised their hands to signal Gou Bin to stop. The Nazi soldiers checked the wine carts as usual, and walked to Sean’s At that time, he immediately covered his nose, waved his hands and shouted to pass, then drove Gou Bin and the others into the city.

Gou Bin heaved a sigh of relief, waved the rein and patted the horse, and the wine cart drove slowly into the city. When passing the city gate, Gou Bin deliberately looked at the deployment of the surrounding troops, and immediately found that the city wall of Miyo City was hollow. , the inside can also hide soldiers to ambush inside, Gou Bin frowned when he found this, it might be a bit troublesome to escape by then!

Sophia standing on the hillside held Sean's binoculars and watched Gou Bin and the others enter the city safely. After confirming that they had entered the city safely, Sophia shouted to Jimmy who was on guard: "Jimmy, they have entered the city. It's okay, take a rest." In the afternoon, we are going to rob a truck, and you too, Ferros, take a good rest, and I will be on guard!"

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