Conquer Berlin

Chapter 126

In the hotel, Gou Bin watched the hotel owner and workers carrying the barrels of red wine. At first, the hotel owner wondered why the wine was delivered today.Under Gou Bin's stern explanation, the hotel owner dispelled his worries, and Gou Bin directly said that the owner of the wine shop was rich and started to ask workers to deliver wine, and he was no longer delivering wine or other lies.

After delivering the wine, Gou Bin used the excuse of going out for a stroll to solicit business and staying here for one night. The hotel owner didn't think too much about it, and agreed boldly. Seeing his cheerful appearance and providing free accommodation, Gou Bin guessed that he had a good relationship with the owner of the wine shop.

After arranging the place to stay, until noon, Gou Bin blinked at Sean and signaled to go out. After Sean understood Gou Bin's eyes, he went out with Gou Bin to inquire about the news, mainly in the west of the city, most likely a time-space transition The position of the machine, and the super-space-time conversion machine is too advanced, I believe Hitler will not be stupid enough to study it openly.

The Castle of the Earl of Rubes in the west of the city was once the territory of the Rubes family in the 3000th century. The castle covering an area of ​​more than [-] square meters has become a highly respected aristocratic territory in Millau. Before France was captured, members of the Rubes family, even if The mayor had to show some face when he saw it. The rich pedigree doomed the members of Rubes to be proud, but after the Nazis fell, it became history.

Gou Bin and Sean were sitting in front of a restaurant, looking at the opposite castle through the transparent glass, listening to the servants talking about the history of the Rubes members, the more they talked about the exciting parts, the more they talked about it, and they said something in detail What Gou Bin and Sean don't know very well, their German level is still half-baked, and they barely know that there are troops stationed inside, how many are there?I'm sorry, I don't know, people who are tired of work are looking for news inside.

Gou Bin looked pitifully at the attendant who had forgotten his roots and spoke fluent German, and took out a mark from his trouser pocket and gave it to the attendant. This was one of the dozens of marks he got from selling wine just now. Anyway, this mark was almost common in the Nazi-occupied areas. It might still be useful in the future, the gentleman servant bowed and thanked Gou Bin for his reward, and turned away without any sense of shame.

Sean despised the departing figure of the attendant, turned his head and saw the French woman on the street being dragged into the alley by the Nazi soldiers, the French woman was shouting and cursing, the local French people passing by were so used to it, they hurried away without even looking, Let the French women scream and shout, but no one has the courage to stand up.

Sean clenched his fists tightly, with the urge to rush out, under Gou Bin's warning gaze, he gritted his teeth and said: "Stupid nation, this Frenchman disgusts me, he deliberately looks noble and weak, no The stupid nation of bird eggs, I despise such people the most, they deserve to be occupied!"

Gou Bin picked up the bread and milk, and said in a low voice while stuffing his stomach: "Sean, I told you earlier that the people here are hypocritical and weak, only the regular members of the rebels deserve respect, and all the others are rubbish. Hurry up to fill your stomach and prepare to go in and investigate, don't talk so as not to be exposed, and most importantly, don't mind your own business!"

After Gou Bin said this, Sean immediately shut his mouth and stopped talking. He picked up the freshly baked bread, cut it into slices, and ate it with butter. It was rare to have such a moist little day, and Sean would definitely not let it go. After that, eating delicious bread and drinking fresh milk is the most satisfying and satisfying life for him.

Compared to Sean and Gou Bin having a hearty lunch, Jimmy and the others were much sadder. After catching up on sleep, they woke up and gnawed hard and cold canned beans. Their teeth almost collapsed amidst the crunching sound, while swallowing. The bean, which was hard to swallow, was very uncomfortable while brushing his teeth with the tail of his finger.

Sophia also held a can of beans, swallowing hard-to-swallow beans. Although Gou Bin told her to eat more canned fruit before leaving, Sophia didn't care at all. She was reluctant to eat the canned fruit that Gou Bin needed to supplement vitamins. Eating uncooked beans, I can only make do with it under no conditions.

Philos was very honored to get the canned high-energy meat from Sophia. He didn't dare to be greedy for the boss's food. If Sophia hadn't forced it, he could only watch the two of them eat lunch hungry. Jimmy kept it Deadly, Ferros couldn't reach it even if he wanted to, he had already engraved Sean's history of blood and tears in his heart.

Jimmy covered the sore right corner of his mouth with one hand, and said cursingly: "Damn beans, I hate these beans, my teeth are broken, and my face is sore, Sophia, if Cruz knows that you have finished eating his beans, oh! And Philos will definitely go crazy after eating his canned meat!"

Sophia glanced at Jimmy with a flat face, picked up the canned tableware, and said indifferently: "You don't tell me, I don't tell you, Philos doesn't tell you, does he know? When he asked, I just said beans for Ferros Yes, does he know? Philos, don't you?"

Ferros threw away the empty can, amidst Sophia's rhetorical question, threw away the can in his hand, scratched his head honestly, and said stupidly: "Mom said it's not good to lie, and you have to be honest, or God won't Philos, angels will hate Philos!"

Sofia was directly defeated by Phiros's words, and she put her hand on her forehead and said, "Feros, I tell you, from now on, my mother is God, don't say mother after another all day long, if you don't obey, you won't have anything to eat. Is God more important than what you eat?"

With a puff, Jimmy almost swallowed when he heard Sophia's words, and spit out the beans in his mouth. Sophia's words are really awesome, how dare they slander God?After seeing Sophia's unfriendly gaze, Jimmy turned his head and pretended nothing happened. It's too tough. Is my wife God?

Under Sophia's rhetorical question, Ferros scratched his head a little too much, thought hard for a long time, and finally muttered: "God is more important than food? Hmm... It seems that food is important, but I don't listen to my mother. The angel doesn't want her mother anymore, it's so embarrassing!"

Boom...Jimmy desperately kicked his feet and kicked his chest, and Philos's sturdy topic once again gnawed at him. Jimmy was convinced by this guy, and I don't know how Gou Bin found such a top-notch brother. The old Sophia also took it directly, and stopped talking, so as not to lose her mind.

Sophia put down the cans in her hand, pointed to an unloading truck outside the city and said, "Okay, Jimmy, let's leave here after we're full. Have you seen the truck in the camp outside the city? Leave every hour after unloading the goods. Maybe this is the truck we need, grab it and go around the right bend and cross the west side of town, what do you think?"

Jimmy nodded in response and said: "Well, well, then I will ask Ferros to act like a fool and block the way, oh! It should be no need to pretend, just block the way. After the Nazi soldiers get off the car, we will kill them secretly , shooting is not acceptable, leave this to me!"

Sophia sneered and said, "What? Jimmy, do you look down on me? Tell you, when I came out to be a spy, you were still being trained in the boot camp. If it wasn't for Cruz who stopped me from taking action, I would kill people faster than you Hurry up, why don't you believe it?"

After Sophia finished speaking, he proved his strength with actions. The unsuspecting Jimmy was immediately tripped by Sophia's backhand and fell to the ground. When Sophia stepped on it, he said sweatingly: "Believe, believe, Miss Sophia, you are God! !Hehe~ Am I afraid to be on the safe side? Since you are so confident, Sister Sophia, it is a pleasure to cooperate!"

Sophia let go of Jimmy's hand, clapped her hands and said triumphantly, "Hmph~ You're smart! Philos, hurry up and carry something when you're full!"

"Oh!" Philos nodded foolishly, picked up the backpack and the gun on the ground, Jimmy swallowed the deadly beans quickly, the truck outside the city was almost unloaded, and he missed the opportunity if he couldn't wait. There will be no next time, not to mention the need to go around in a big circle to the west of the city to lay an ambush in advance.

On the other side of Miyo, a group of six people struggled to climb over the mountains and ridges. Barbara, who led the way, followed Gou Bin's wishes and headed southwest, advancing with difficulty on the deserted mountain road. This is the way to preserve the strength of the team. As long as the distance It went smoothly without any accidents, and it is estimated that they will be able to arrive in Rodez in three days.

Snoopy's face was pale, and even his lips became pale. He was injured and lost a lot of blood, and he had been traveling all night. Now he was already exhausted. Even if the four recruits took turns to help him share the heavy weapons, the heavy rucksack on his back It was still heavy, with bullets and two rockets inside.

After reaching the jungle level, Barbara stretched out her hand to signal to stop, turned around and panted and said, "Hoohoo guys, we've been driving all night and morning, and we're here to rest for two hours, Josh, Burstyn , you two are in charge of vigilance, Gibbs, take care of Snoopy and help him change his medicine!"

Barbara went to them and took off their water bottle and said, "I'm going to find water, Michelle, you have hunting experience, go hunt wild game, remember, try not to use guns, we don't know if there are any pursuers behind , or are there any Nazi soldiers patrolling nearby, just for safety, understand?"

Michelle nodded and put down her marching backpack, picked up her sniper rifle and went to the jungle to hunt. Barbara waited for Josh and Burstyn to go to guard, then nodded to Snoopy to find the water source. Nubby just grinned forcedly when Barbara looked over, and let Gibbs tear off his clothes to examine the wound.

When Gibbs tore open Snoopy's wound clothes, he found the pus oozing from the wound, and said in surprise: "Snoopy, your wound is inflamed, and you have a damn high fever, it must be infected!"

Snoopy's pale lips trembled twice, and he said with a forced smile: "I, I'm fine, really, Gibbs, don't tell them, trust me, I, I'll be fine, just bear with it, I'm not Will become a burden to the team, I, I..."

"Ah..." Gibbs sighed wordlessly, now he tells Barbara that they know it's useless, there are no medicines and everything is fake, all the medicines on his body are morphine and tourniquets, or other things, nothing at all There is no common medicine for high fever, unless you get it in a big city hospital. Under Snoopy's pleading, Gibbs nodded as he agreed, anyway, he couldn't hide his high fever for long.

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