Conquer Berlin

Chapter 127 Your Mother Is the Virgin Mary

Bang Dang... Bang Dang... The military truck was speeding on the suburban road. The Nazi soldier driving was drinking red wine and humming popular music. A Nazi soldier in the passenger seat was drowsy and shaking his head in the bumpy cab , I really admire his endurance and invincible sleep skills, he can still fall asleep under such an environment.

Jimmy is lurking on the side of the road watching the truck coming, Sophia is lying on one side, holding the m1 semi-automatic rifle tightly in her hand. This rifle can not only shoot and kill people, but also can be used as a stick to beat Sap or something. Philos is stupid Lie on one side, tilting his head under Jimmy's pointing, until Jimmy was so angry that he told him to go out, and finally rewarded him with a kick.

Hey~ The truck braked suddenly, and the drowsy Nazi soldier hit the glass head-on, grinning his teeth and opening his eyes, and found his companion beside him in cold sweat. When he turned his head to look outside, he was speechless. The big man scratched his head foolishly and giggled, even the Nazi soldiers driving the car honked their horns a few times and didn't move away.

After honking the horn several times, the Nazi soldier driving the car got angry and cursed when he saw that Ferros still didn't go away, "Big man, are you looking for death? Get out of here! Yo ha~ you still don't go away, right? Go away!" , brother, go down and beat this big fool!"

When the two Nazi soldiers walked up to Ferros angrily, they immediately swallowed wildly and couldn't speak. Ferros was like a hill. Just standing like this, the two Nazi soldiers reached his chest. , It feels like a child is going to beat an adult, which is quite weird.

Ferros scratched his head foolishly, looked down at the two stunned Nazi soldiers, and said the German words that made them collapse: "Mom said, fighting is not good, are you really going to hit me? At that time, not only will it hurt your hands, but I will also hurt, won't I?"

Nazi soldier A looked at Nazi soldier B in dismay, and said a little madly: "Hey, brother, what do you think? Have we met a fool? Damn it, this guy is really superb, a fool or a lunatic ? I have convinced him! How can he speak so fluently?"

Nazi soldier B rubbed his forehead with one hand, gritted his teeth and shook his head and said, "I don't know, no matter who he is, anyway, I want to beat this big guy, beat him hard, damn it, it made me hit my head , your mother is sick, do you know? Stupid? I want to beat you now!"

Philos scratched his head foolishly, and said something that was more than enough to kill him: "Well, how did you know that my mother is sick? That's right! My mother saw God two years ago, and she said she was waiting for me in the sky , why are you hitting me? Give me a reason to hit me!"

He vomited blood, and the two Nazi soldiers almost vomited blood. This Philos is really the best, saying something that makes people angry?Do you need a reason for hitting someone?no need?Not only the two Nazi soldiers collapsed, even Jimmy and Sophia, who were waiting for an opportunity, almost collapsed to the point of speechlessness. This Philos is really superb.

Jimmy patted his head with one hand, moaned in pain and said: "Damn it, I don't know how Cruz found the best big guy, and the words he said are really endless, hey, Sophia, get ready, wait for two When the Nazi soldiers beat Ferros, we went behind to attack!"

Sophia nodded in response to Jimmy's words. She also noticed the Mauser rifles in the hands of the two Nazi soldiers. If she rushed out rashly, the two Nazi soldiers would definitely shoot in surprise. The military camp site in Miyo City is a troublesome matter, which is not conducive to Gou Bin and the others who sneaked into the city to handle affairs.

The only plan for now is to make Feiros suffer, use his strong body to attract two Nazi soldiers, and when they start beating Feiros, when they don't pay attention to this side, rush out to attack the two of them in the back, so as to With his size, he shouldn't be at a disadvantage.

Nazi soldier B was frantic to the extreme, gripping the Mauser rifle tightly in his hand, and said through gritted teeth: "Big man, I tell you that you don't need a reason for beating someone. You are looking for death, brother, go, beat him!"

When the two Nazi soldiers were about to hit, Philos made a stop gesture and said: "Wait, your reason is not enough. My mother said, hey, why did you hit someone? It's too violent, everyone said Be reasonable~ It’s wrong to hit someone, stop beating, it’s not fair, I’m angry if you hit me!”

"Damn it! Do you think your mother is the Virgin Mary?" Nazi soldier B approached the edge of rampage, raised the Mauser rifle in his hand, and beat Philos desperately with the butt of the gun, and Philos was between the two of them beating, The left and right arms blocked their attacks, and yelled that it was unfair that I was angry.

Seeing that the two Nazi soldiers were fighting more and more vigorously, chasing Philos and hitting them with Mauser rifles, completely carrying Sophia and Jimmy behind their backs, when Sophia was about to run out when the time was ripe, Jimmy held Sophia with one hand and whispered: "Wait!" Wait, Sophia, don't be impulsive, there is movement, wait and see!"

Jimmy shook his head under Sophia's questioning gaze. At this time, he had already heard the vibrations coming from the ground. In the following training sessions, Adeline taught a lot of experience for the special air crew, including listening to the passing cars. The sound of rolling and vibration, when Jimmy was lying on the ground just now, he heard waves of vibration.

Under Jimmy's hesitant gaze, Sophia gave up her impulsive behavior, and said with a hesitant expression: "What's the matter Jimmy, is there any movement?"

Jimmy nodded and said: "Well, if I'm not wrong, there should be an armored convoy ahead, I don't know how many there are, anyway, it's not far away, if we go out now, we're going to kill ourselves, wait and see Well, Philos should not be so impulsive!"

Sophia heard Jimmy's explanation, let go of her inner doubts, lay down on the side, and learned from Jimmy's listening. After Jimmy's teaching and discipline, Sophia faintly heard the sound of the track rolling, and Sophia, who was hesitant, began to worry about Ferros. I'm really afraid that he won't be able to hold back at the critical moment and take action to resist some kind of mistake.

I don't know if it was because the two Nazi soldiers didn't fight hard enough, or because Ferros was born with rough skin and dry skin. Under the repeated beating of the two Nazi soldiers, instead of feeling pain, he yelled and talked nonsense. The two Nazi soldiers were so angry that they chased Ferros around the truck.

Six tracked armored vehicles appeared under two Nazi soldiers chasing Feiros. The fast-moving tracked armored vehicles were filled with a carload of Nazi soldiers. When they saw the two Nazi soldiers chasing Feiros, they immediately laughed and booed. This kind of bullying They often do things for civilians, and they have long been accustomed to it.

The commander on the tracked armored vehicle took a look at the behavior of the two Nazi soldiers, waved his hands in surprise and continued to move forward. When the track squeaked and squeaked, the two Nazi soldiers respected the Nazi etiquette and welcomed the soldiers on the front line. , They are in charge of logistics and are not as honored as the soldiers on the front line.

After all the tracked armored vehicles passed by, the two Nazi soldiers had just put down their gestures when suddenly there was a heavy blow to the back of the head. The eyes of the two Nazi soldiers went dark, and they fell limp before they could see the attacker clearly. Philos came forward and grinned. Laughing, each hand carried the fainted Nazi soldiers and hid in the front of the car.

"Oh!" Jimmy opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it. He couldn't believe the facts in front of him. Is this Philos really stupid or fake?Not only Jimmy was surprised, even Sophia on the side was also surprised. This was the first time she saw Ferros, who was so wise and foolish, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

Seeing the way Ferros turned his head and winked at him, Jimmy squeezed out his teeth and scolded: "Damn it, this Ferros must be what Cruz often said about pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, sometimes crazy and silly Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr so, it is really true that you don't show your face!"

"..." Sophia didn't know what to say, until after the Nazi tracked armored vehicle went away, Feiros, who had recovered from his naivety, strode back, carrying two fainted Nazi soldiers on his shoulders, and ran into the road. Throw it into the edge of the jungle, and then clap your hands as if nothing happened.

Jimmy walked up to Fellowes, looked him up and down, shook his head in a weird way and said, "Good guy, tsk tsk~~ I can't tell! Fellowes, I didn't expect you to be so clever in pretending to be a pig and a tiger. Even I Almost cheated in, you are amazing, you are awesome!"

Philos scratched his head, and when Jimmy was spinning around like a fly, he said honestly and vigorously: "My mother said that fighting is wrong, but my mother didn't tell me not to fight. Of course they beat me back. Yeah, huh? Jimmy, what's wrong with you? Is my mother wrong? Or..."

Jimmy slapped himself on the forehead, stretched out his hand to interrupt Feiros who was nagging endlessly, and said in a gesture of surrender: "Well, I know, your mother is the reincarnation of the Virgin Mary, so I have convinced your mother, teach me You are such a good son, Sophia, get out of here!"

Philos scratched his head and nodded vigorously, "Huh? Really? I also think my mother is the Virgin Mary, otherwise how could she go to heaven? My mother said... Hey, wait for me! I Mom said it's a bad habit not to wait, hey!"

After Jimmy started the truck, after Ferros jumped onto the rear of the truck with his heavy machine gun on his shoulder, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed out. He really couldn't stand this guy, Ferros. Fortunately, Sophia was sitting in the passenger cab. Come on, come on, Jimmy must have a pistol ready, either he will die or he will kill himself for free.

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