The two motorbikes of the motorcycle regiment swayed in the wind, ding ding dong dong~ Gou Bin held his helmet with one hand. To be honest, this helmet really didn't suit Gou Bin, the size of the big one was not enough. Tight, the whole person was staggering in the small compartment of the three motorcycles, and Gou Bin felt faint signs of being thrown out.

Gou Bin, Barbara's driving skills, has nothing to say, a rotten one!It was obvious that he was very unfamiliar with refueling and refueling. Even grabbing the front of the car was wobbly. I don't know if he was cold or afraid.

Jimmy is much safer, look at Sean's wretched expression, with his arms around Jimmy, Gou Bin is sick to death, and the worst thing is that he raised his butt, if Jimmy was a woman, they would spread their arms and they would be a copycat version of Titan Nick, oh~ it's a three-wheeled motorcycle Nick, it is estimated that Jimmy let go of his hands and killed three times in one car.

Snoopy grinned and put on the mg42 heavy machine gun with both hands. This heavy machine gun, known as the Allied Harvester, is an upgraded version of the mg34. Changing bullets is also extremely fast, and the 42-round ammunition belt is almost unsurvivable after cleaning.

The most obvious is that in the autumn of 1942, during the Battle of Kasselin Pass in Tunisia, North Africa, young American soldiers with no combat experience were stunned by the hail of mg42 bullets, and the torn linen Lah~ The sound also left a terrifying impression on them.

It is said that the battle was very fast at that time, and more than 2400 American soldiers raised their hands and surrendered. How did Gou Bin know?Unfortunately, Sean was one of more than 2400 American soldiers who were rescued and then fought on the Gustav Line. He happened to be in front of Gou Bin on the day of the landing battle.

On the road to the prisoner-of-war concentration camp in Alban Mountain, the mountain road is twisted and twisted, and the five-meter-wide mountain road looks a bit rough. Abandoned villages can be seen everywhere along the way, as well as the corpses of local aborigines. It is desolate. The landscape indicts the tragedy of war.

Jimmy drove a three-wheeled motorcycle proficiently, with thick windproof goggles in his eyes, and wiped off the snow on the goggles with one hand from time to time. In the heavy wind and snow, Laza's beard was covered with snow. Pay attention to the movement ahead, there is no need to be sloppy at all, after all, it is now the territory of the enemy.

As for the surrounding scenery, Jimmy has long been numb to the point of insensitivity. He is used to it and loses his heart. The dilapidated villages are all caused by the war. What, dead people still happen every day.

The roar of the engine suddenly came from the front, and the white and heavy snow seriously affected the sight. Even in broad daylight, the visibility was still extremely poor. The closer to the front, the clearer the roar. Joyo could see the shadows of troops appearing on the opposite side.

Seeing the German team, Jimmy slowed down and pulled over to one side, reminding the people behind him, "Okay, guys, we're in a little trouble. It's a regular German motorized infantry regiment with more than a dozen half-track vehicles and elephant tanks. Shit, there are more than seven cars, Snoopy, lower your damn head!"

"Oh!" Snoopy lowered his head in wonder, pulled up the collar of his military overcoat to cover his face, and at the same time pulled off his helmet a little. It's really unfortunate to encounter a large German army. Goofing off, at least Snoopy is the first one to go off the gang, the color of skin depends on success or failure!

Pang Dang~ Barbara, who couldn't brake in time, bumped into Jimmy's motorcycle in front of her. Sean, who couldn't react in time, leaned forward and sat down suddenly, his distorted face almost screamed in pain. Fortunately, Jimmy in front reacted in time. Cover Sean's mouth, otherwise it would really alarm the German troops in front.

Barbara knocked the motorcycle off and wiped the snow from the eyepiece with one hand. Seeing Sean's bad appearance, she couldn't help apologizing in embarrassment: "Uh... That Sean, I'm sorry, I, I was too nervous for a while, no Sorry, I was too nervous for a while and couldn't stop it, don't take it personally~"

Gou Bin had a guilty expression on his face, this Barbara was really the street killer type, Gou Bin patted his chest with one hand and said: "Come on, Barbara, I can tell you are a novice, come down quickly , don't rely on killing people, alas~ even if you want to be lazy!"

When Barbara heard Gou Bin's words, she couldn't help but the corners of her mouth twitched. She looked at Gou Bin with a black line on her face and said, "Oh! Cruz, you know how to drive this thing? Damn Cruz, why didn't you say it earlier? Kill me You have been nervous for a long time, did you do it on purpose?"

Gou Bin curled his lips and said, "Cut~ I saw that you were scrambling to drive, thinking that you would let you go. How could you know that you are half-baked? Now you are blaming me instead? You didn't ask me, how did you know me?" Can’t open it, can’t you? It’s impossible that you said you want to open it but I won’t open it for you, right? I don’t want to open it but you want to rush to open it, everyone is reasonable!”

Barbara almost had the urge to vomit blood when she heard Gou Bin's words. Gou Bin's adaptation of Tang Yan's version is really powerful enough, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a universal kill without borders. If it weren't for the German soldiers in front of her, Barbara Maybe even jumped over to kick Gou Bin to get off the car, who came?Long-winded enough.

Jimmy let go of Sean and ordered in his place: "Okay, you two stop fighting, Cruz, you will drive and change right away, your marksmanship is bad to be a driver, hurry up, and you will drive slowly. , don’t pay attention to those German soldiers saying hello, ok?”

"Okay!" Gou Bin and Barbara answered in unison. Barbara changed places with Gou Bin with a resentful expression on her face. Gou Bin took Barbara's windproof goggles, put them on her face and waited while riding a motorcycle. Jimmy led the way, and Gou Bin felt extremely nervous at this moment.

Jimmy drove the motorcycle slowly, trying to keep his speed as low as possible, so as not to cause the other party to interrogate him if the speed was too fast. Snoopy had a nervous expression on his face, and kept his head down to cover up. Yes, I'm afraid the only thing to do is raise your hands.

An armored motorized infantry regiment has at least a thousand people. Now seeing the team in front of me, there are at least 2000 German soldiers, and they are almost heading straight for the 3000 reinforced regiment. Those half-track vehicles and elephant tanks alone are a reinforcement. The team is already there, and there are those who carry rocket launchers, and mg42 heavy machine guns abound.

Gou Bin has a frightened expression on his face. Even if they don’t shoot or anything, spitting out a mouthful of water is enough to kill the five of them. For this task of saving the British, Gou Bin It is believed that the odds are more than good, and there must be only a lot of German troops in the prisoner-of-war camp. I am afraid that it will be difficult to complete the task in ambush.

In front of me is a very regular equipped motorized infantry regiment, 3 motorized infantry battalions, 1 artillery battalion, 3 motorized infantry companies, 1 machine gun company, 1 artillery company, among which there are 3 infantry platoons, 1 Anti-tank platoon, an infantry mortar platoon, 3 infantry squads in the platoon, and 10 infantry squads in each infantry squad, a very strong team.

What attracts the most attention is the Commander, who is actually a woman!This is a bit of a conflict with the fact that the German army does not have female generals as standard. They wear the Knight's Cross on their collars. This kind of medal is usually issued only after completing a major operation, and it is still a beautiful general. Look at Sean and Jimmy. dumbfounded.

The female general's uniform has a p38 pistol hanging on the edge of the two pockets. Compared with the regular men's military uniform, it is simpler and more beautiful. The two chest pockets are omitted and the collar is open. The original knee-length skirt has been replaced by trousers, which is very convenient A rare style, the empty shoulders did not reveal her identity.

Her long golden hair is coiled up, and she wears a regular women's slanted military cap. Her beautiful face reveals a touch of indifference, her blue eyes stare ahead, and her tall nose bridges a look that Gou Bin thinks is very cute. The earthy glasses, the plump and plump lips sprayed with a light mist, but there is an ancient European noble aristocratic temperament in the glamorous beauty.

Bang Dang~ Jimmy stared at the beauty in a daze. He didn't even know that his motorcycle was driving off the side of the road. He didn't wake up until he hit a rock or something. Sean also woke up from it. Note that the two fake clowns are looking at the two fake clowns with uniform contempt.

With the buzzing sound, Gou Bin stopped in time so that he didn't make a fool of himself and bumped into it. Fortunately, these German soldiers didn't come over to check or anything. Judging from their hurried pace, it seemed that something went wrong on the front line. The sound of orderly footsteps and the sound of tank tracks came from Gou Bin and the others passed by.

The beautiful general sitting in the jeep had a serious expression on her face. As for the clown posture shown by the two soldiers, she didn't pay attention to it or pay attention to it. She picked up the map in her hand and didn't know what she was studying. The map is tucked back under the seat.

He inadvertently closed his eyes to the outside, and immediately noticed Gou Bin and the others outside. He just glanced at the five people indifferently, then turned his head and didn't look at them. That inadvertent stare was engraved in Gou Bin's heart. His face seemed to be engraved in Gou Bin's mind for a long time.

This hurried troop passed by quickly, until it disappeared from the eyes of the five people, Gou Bin couldn't help sighing in his heart: "Nie Ma's~ What a beautiful girl!"such a pity!This cross-border love affair can't afford it, nor can it hurt it. The old man Rui En's bloody lesson, Gou Bin will never forget it in his heart. '

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