Conquer Berlin

Chapter 16 Rescue Successfully

At nightfall, two motorcycles stopped one mile away from the prisoner-of-war concentration camp in the Alban Mountains. This is the only way the prisoner-of-war camp must pass. The icy concrete road has faint traces of wheels, and it is obvious that it has not been too long. Time, the traces on the road represent everything.

The surrounding roads seem a bit empty, with several cylindrical farmland buildings erected on both sides, and there is almost no place to hide around. Going around here shows a reason. Their ambush position is wrong, and it is still very wrong. There is nowhere to hide.

There are still two or three trees on the side of the road, but the tree body is too slender, right?There are still some rocks and things around, and you can barely get down to cover, but if it is inconvenient to fight, you will definitely get bullets if you stick out your head, and it will definitely bloom if you stick your butt up.

As for the wooden railings on the roadside, let alone those roadside railings, it is estimated that if you kick them over, they must be in pieces. How can this be considered an ambush?It's not too bad to be a target. It is estimated that the enemy's guns will sweep over, and it is normal to be full of purples and reds. I don't know what escort the opponent uses. If it is an armored half-track vehicle, dig a hole and wait for it to be buried!

Jimmy jumped off the motorcycle, looked around with a cold heart and said, "Hey, Sean, where are we going to hide? This is an endless open space. Could it be that we hide in a cylinder of straw? It's a very interesting question." Serious question, are we in the wrong place?"

Barbara looked in the direction of the prisoner-of-war camp a mile away, swallowed hard and said, "Uh, Jimmy, you don't need to ask now, it's the wrong place, I guess it's too late to change places now, see, prisoner of war There's a light coming out over there!"

Indeed, when everyone looked at the one-mile prisoner-of-war camp, sporadic lights flickered. Judging from the situation, it should be that the escort vehicles came out. Through the sporadic lights of the cars, there were only three vaguely, and two of them should be military trucks. Type, one is a motorcycle or something.

After Sean got out of the car, his buttocks were raised, feeling so painful that he had no choice but to look at the equipment of his team, except that he and Barbara were Mauser rifles, Jimmy and Gou Bin were both MP40 submachine guns, and Snoopy was still his Heavy machine gun, this bit of firepower is not strong enough!

Of course, the mg42 heavy machine gun mounted on two motorcycles is the key point. This heavy machine gun, known as the Allied harvester, is ideal for dealing with infantry. Make sure that the opponent is not a half-tracked transport vehicle, or else you will be killed. I really don't know how death is written.

Snoopy had just had a fever for less than a day, so he got up with weak hands and feet, and said with a grinning voice, "Sean, now everyone's life is in your hands, how you fight and how you play depends on your will." We will listen to you even if you give up the mission!"

Gou Bin picked up the mp40 submachine gun, shrugged his shoulders with an indifferent expression, and said, "Well, that Sean, although I am in favor of the latter's abandonment of the mission, hehe~ I haven't finished my sentence, but now everyone is here , you can’t go back empty-handed, can you?”

Sean despised Gou Bin's unscrupulous words, looked at the four soldiers and said, "Okay, guys, now we have an advantage, that is, we pretend to be the other party's personnel, everyone quickly push the car aside, pretending that the car is out Question, Barbara, you go to the middle of the road and stop the car!"

Barbara looked at Sean in disbelief, pointed at herself stupidly with one hand, and exclaimed, "Ah? Isn't it? Why is it me again? What if they don't stop for such a dangerous thing? Alright, Just go, really, it's too bullying!"

To be honest, Barbara is a little scared of such a dangerous job. Sean's idea is very simple, that is, to pretend to be enemy personnel to block the way to see the situation. It is simple and full of life-limiting challenges. It is not an exaggeration to play with fire and set yourself on fire!If one is not done well, it is really enough to kill.

Sean walked up to Barbara, said with a serious expression on his face, "Barbara, run back to the motorcycle as soon as the battle is loud, Snoopy alone doesn't have enough firepower, you run fast Come on, you are clever, everyone depends on you!"

Barbara nodded with a black line on her face. Such a glorious mission is really terrible. It seems that Sean has already seen his shortcomings, such as fast escape speed and short stature. Sean looked helpless With an expressionless expression, he patted Barbara on the shoulder and blessed him wordlessly.

Gou Bin and Jimmy drove the motorcycle to the side of the road and stopped. Of course, the two heavy machine guns of mg42 were aimed at the direction of the prisoner of war camp. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the main staff.

Sean saw that they were almost ready, and immediately started to arrange and said: "OK, Cruz, Jimmy, open the safety and prepare to fight. After Barbara stops the enemy, start fighting immediately, Cruz, your marksmanship is not good. Don't make trouble at this time!"

Sean's words really hit Gou Bin's heart, and Gou Bin said with an embarrassed expression: "Hey, Sean, it depends on the situation, and I don't want to, that, do you have any grenades? You can't just do it for a few days. Kill the opponent with a gun? There is a big difference!"

Jimmy shrugged and patted his waist pocket with both hands, then patted Gou Bin's shoulder with one hand, and said with a smirk on his face: "Yes, Cruz, after you kill them, there will definitely be grenades. Give me, wow~~ The convoy is coming, Barbara, it's up to you!"

Barbara had a nervous expression on her face. A motorcycle appeared first at the turn [-] meters ahead, followed by two military transport vehicles. It was so dark at night that it was impossible to tell how many people were on the vehicle. It seemed that this time The transport of prisoners of war in China is really enough.

Barbara shook her hands under the light, and looked like she was stopping a car for help. When the motorcycle that was driving stopped, a German soldier jumped out of the car, shouting German that the five people could not understand. While waving before walking, the two transport trucks behind also stopped.

When the German soldier approached, Sean suddenly raised the Mauser rifle in his hand, bang~ After firing a shot at the unsuspecting German soldier, Sean shouted loudly: "Barbara, speed up!" Run back! Guys! Fight! Snoopy, cover fire!"

There is no need for Sean to call Gou Bin and Jimmy to shoot first, with a crackling sound~ two mp40 submachine guns swept towards the German soldiers who reacted and shouted Alang, chirping~~ Snoopy's mg42 heavy machine gun swept towards the two Trucks, a hail of bullets shattering the windows.

Those German soldiers who jumped off the truck just now turned into a hornet's nest before they could react. Barbara immediately ran to another motorcycle, pulled up the safety of the mg42 heavy machine gun, and burst out with bullets On the other side of the truck, all the German soldiers who had just emerged were shot and killed.

Crackling~~ The German soldiers who did not emerge from behind the truck shot back on the ground. Before they fired a few shots, the prisoners of war jumped out of the car to resist one after another. The screams and gunshots rang out from behind the truck. It was obvious that these prisoners of war They were fighting with the German soldiers, and the German soldiers suffering from the enemy on both sides were miserable.

Sean was holding a Mauser rifle that looked like a father-in-law in his hand, and it was really fatal to shoot and pull once. Seeing the prisoners of war rioting, Sean shouted: "Cruz, Jimmy, rush with me, rescue the main mission personnel first, Snoopy, Barbara, you two cover fire, Cruz, Jimmy, you two, hurry up, dog dog~~"

Gou Bin fired at the same time, and the mp40 submachine gun fired randomly. As for whether he hit the enemy or not, he didn't know and didn't have time to verify it. When he hit his head, the Mauser rifle was directly inserted into the opponent's mouth, and bang~ a very powerful shot pierced through the back of the opponent's head.

When the German soldiers died, Sean grabbed the mp40 submachine gun in his hand, ran behind the truck and swept the German soldiers lying on the ground. Unarmed prisoners of war jumped out of the truck one after another, fighting the German soldiers hand to hand, and someone hijacked the prison car They must fight for their lives, and maybe there is still a chance of life if they fight, and they will wait to die in coolies in Jewish concentration camps.

A prisoner of war emerged from the back of the truck, whistled at Sean, who was wearing a German soldier's uniform, and called Sean's attention with one hand, saying, "Hi, are you the American soldiers who came to rescue me? I am a British parachutist." Captain Logan, nice to meet you!"

The German soldiers escorting the prisoners of war were quickly wiped out, and many prisoners of war were also killed on the ground. Only then did Sean have time to look at the British guy who summoned him. The two big black beards are obvious, the tip of the tall nose is swollen and there are traces of blood, it seems that he has suffered a lot of abuse!

Sean looked at the officer who claimed to be Lieutenant Logan. Although he was not sure, his identity as a British was unquestionable. Sean nodded and said, "You are Captain Logan? Well, very good, we The mission is finally completed, Snoopy, Barbara, cease fire, come here, Jimmy, Cruz, come and help Lieutenant Logan get off the car!"

Lieutenant Logan pursed his lips, wiped his red and swollen nose with one hand, and said with his big beard trembling, "Oh no, soldier, I don't think it's a good idea to get out of the car. There are trucks coming out of the prisoner-of-war camp behind, and they want to escape here alive." , hurry up and get in the car!"

Sean heard that following the direction of Captain Logan's finger, more than a dozen truck lights appeared in the prisoner of war, Sean couldn't help but yelled: "Oh, damn it, why are there so many? Get in the car, speed, Baba Pull you to the front compartment, Cruz, quickly help Snoopy into the car, dog dog~"

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