Conquer Berlin

Chapter 224 Rampage

"Kruz, there are a lot of Nazi soldiers outside to support me. I can't hold on any longer. Come up and help!" When Gou Bin just jumped onto the truck, Snoopy immediately loaded himself with guns, dense submachine guns and rifles, and Heavy machine guns with powerful firepower fired directly in the direction of the truck.

With such powerful firepower, Jimmy didn’t even dare to stick his head out. He didn’t dare to stick his head out when lying in the driver’s seat. He didn’t know how long this truck could last. It’s normal for the water tank to leak due to such intensive shooting. The most frightening thing is that the bullet will break through the iron sheet or something and shoot in. Jimmy will be the most unlucky at that time.

Fortunately, the other party didn't have any heavy-fire anti-tank javelins, and it probably didn't arrive. If those anti-tank javelin teams came, needless to say, it would be normal for the whole truck to be destroyed in one pot. Right now, Jimmy can only rely on Gou Bin's firepower to suppress them. The Nazi soldiers in front, otherwise Jimmy wouldn't be able to drive or something.

Bellamy replaced the lighted box in her hand, and reminded Gou Bin with a worried face: "Cruz, the weapon detonation time is only 5 minutes, and it has been almost 2 minutes now. If you don't run away, the Hessokin inside will be killed." Detonate, it will blow up the surrounding tens of meters to the ground!"

Ma Yingfei picked up the anti-tank javelin on one side, and said hesitantly: "Yes, Cruz, there are five boxes of Hesorkin in it. According to this weight, plus there are a bunch of cannons inside, it is very Dangerous, we will be in big trouble if we don’t leave here, even if the arsenal doesn’t explode and their anti-tank javelin soldiers appear, we will definitely be suspicious!” [

Hearing the words of Bellamy and Ma Yingfei, Captain Thomson's face turned dark for a while, because he caused everyone to suffer. If they were not trying to save themselves, they would not be trapped here now. If they were really like Bella As Mi and Ma Yingfei said, he really became the culprit!

Gou Bin's face became very ugly and said: "It's useless to say anything now, the important thing is to fight back and leave here. Fortunately, we still have heavy firepower equipment, Gougou...ready to fight, Barbara, take the anti-tank The Rockets are coming, ready for a strong counterattack, Jimmy, get ready to start the truck!"

"Okay!" Jimmy huddled in the cab, the glass had already become slag, and now under such fierce firepower, it would be fatal to raise his head, and he had to wait for Gou Bin and the others to start a strong counterattack for a moment, and quickly start the truck to take advantage of the chaos I ran away, that's all I can do now, otherwise I really can't leave here.

"Here, ahem...Give me a gun, I, I can still fight!" Captain Thomson saw that they were all preparing to fight back, and he was struggling to get up. He was weak and wanted a gun forcefully, no How dare you say it, in the current situation of manpower shortage, one more person can give more strength, so there is hope for escape.

"Barbara, give the instructor a gun!" Gou Bin didn't even think about asking Barbara to give Captain Thomson a gun. It's fine anyway. Gou Bin knows one thing, Thomson is probably a soldier. The bones are at work, and you have to die in a dignified manner. It is better to die in a dignified manner with a gun than to die accidentally with empty hands.

Now Gou Bin expects that those prisoners of war will come out to create chaos. I believe that the gunshots have been going on here for so long, and those prisoners of war have already moved to escape. No matter what, no one can endure this hell on earth. There are as many prisoners of war. With 10,000+ people, it would be a headache if they really escaped.

"Are you all ready? OK! Fight back!" Gou Bin picked up the anti-tank javelin thrown to him by Barbara, glanced at the prepared fighting posture of the others, and immediately shouted a counterattack. After shouting, Gou Bin was the first to bear the brunt Stand up, with your perverted ability, you can return the track traces of Zi in time.

With a sound, Gou Bin didn't even need to aim. Who cares so much about the blackness, just shoot at the place with the strongest firepower. After Gou Bin fired the rocket, he immediately heard the panicked shouts of the Nazi soldiers. After shooting, Gou Bin squatted down and continued to load the rocket.

With a bang, the rocket fired by Gou Bin immediately exploded. Taking advantage of the momentary blaze, the rest of the people stood up and began to shoot forward with anti-tank javelins and submachine guns. Sigh... two rockets were launched at the same time, Bella Mi and Barbara held submachine guns and shot straight at the confused Nazi soldiers in front of them.

In the dark night, no one could see the other party clearly. The searchlights of those guard towers had already been blown up, and the position of the other party could only be determined by sporadic gunfire. Jimmy started the truck immediately after two rockets were fired, and at the same time Time turned on the headlights of the truck that turned into a one-eyed dragon, and the convoy started for an instant, only catching the dazzling hands and feet of the unprepared Nazi soldiers.

Boom~Boom~ When two explosions sounded at the same time, screams came from the direction of the Nazi soldiers, and Snoopy even set up a loaded heavy machine gun, and yelled at the Nazi soldiers scurrying around. Call: "Haha...Nazis! Try your own weapons!"

Chi Chi Chi Chi... When Jimmy started the truck and turned on the lights, Snoopy frantically shot at the fleeing Nazi soldiers. Those unsuspecting Nazi soldiers were even more tragic. It was as if they were temporarily blind, the light was so intense that they couldn't react for a while, and they were temporarily blind.

"Go!!" When Jimmy put the gear on, he slammed on the accelerator to let the truck rush out. The people in the car almost staggered, and they couldn't stand under the action of inertia. It was too violent a charge. No, Jimmy directly took out his submachine gun, turned the steering wheel, and fired straight ahead.

"Stop them! Trash, all of them are trash, no one is allowed to run!" Bang bang...Major Cruise shot and killed the fleeing Nazi soldiers a little angrily. The deserters scattered around, and they, who had been in a peaceful life for a long time, immediately showed a mess when they rushed in.

"Sir, the armored convoy is here!" When Major Cruise vomited blood in anger, he finally heard some good news. The tracked armored vehicle appeared to the west first, and the truck that started to flee was shot with heavy machine gun fire, ding ding Amidst the clanging sound, sparks were fired from the back of the truck.

"Damn it!" Barbara and Sean in the middle yelled, and saw the two of them squatting at the same time and covering the wound with one hand. Sean and Barbara immediately began to give first aid to their arms, and they didn't expect a crawler to emerge from the side or something.

When Bellamy had just replaced a rocket, he looked at the time on his wrist and said with a pale face: "Oops, we are running out of time, and we are about to explode in one minute, Jimmy, hurry up!" Come on, speed up and rush out, or we will all die here, hurry up!!"

"What a bad night!" Jimmy gave up the idea of ​​continuing to shoot, and directly pulled back his submachine gun, immediately changed gears and rushed out. The serious water leakage of the truck has become a serious problem, and Jimmy didn't know how to force it. , How long can this truck last, and how far can it run.

Jimmy didn't dare to tell about the water leak in the truck. The white mist of water vapor had already started to radiate. The one-eyed dragon's headlights seriously obstructed the line of sight, and Jimmy had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush forward. [

"Sir, it's not good, the prisoners of war have started to riot!" When Major Cruise became angry, the Nazi soldiers around him even said that Major Cruise vomited blood. It is a terrible thing for prisoners of war to make trouble at this time. He was about to dereliction of duty. When Major Cruise turned his head, he immediately found the prisoners in black and white stripes rushing out.

"Stop them, damn it, get out!" Major Cruise yelled angrily when the truck rushed past him. Major Cruise, who was not convinced that the truck just slipped away, is now facing a prisoner of war riot again. Angrily, he kicked a Nazi soldier away, grabbed his heavy machine gun and shot at the prisoners of war.

Boom...Boom...Major Cruise just fired two shots, and there was an explosion that pierced the eardrums behind him, a very strong and deadly explosion. Major Cruise felt a blank blindness in front of him. It was too white, and the intense light had surpassed the tolerance limit of the naked eye, not only Major Cruise, but also the Nazi soldiers around him.

Rumbling... Before Major Cruise could react, the sound of thunder that rang throughout the day seemed to be thundering, followed by a burst of shaking and shaking, debris and stones splashed everywhere, and there was a burst of intense The explosive wave swept Major Cruise's back, and when Major Cruise was swept away, he lost consciousness.

The earth-shaking explosion sound came and went quickly, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only violent flames rising into the sky. The explosive fluctuation of force was like a shock wave, directly blowing the heavy tracked armored vehicle over to one side.

When the Nazi soldiers who had survived the disaster looked at the arsenal, they saw that the originally hidden arsenal was razed to the ground at this time, and a large pit tens of meters wide was sunk in the ground. Some even started to grab guns to resist, which seemed to add fuel to the fire of the Nazis.

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