Conquer Berlin

Chapter 225

On the dark winding mountain avenue, a truck quickly turned left and right on the dangerous mountain road. There was a silence in the car, and finally rushed out of the Bruges concentration camp. Everyone was relieved. The loss this time was only Sean. He and Barbara were injured, and Chennai's gunshot wound lost two more capable men.

Although Sean and Barbara once emphasized that there is nothing wrong and they can continue to fight, Gou Bin still dare not flatter him. People with healthy limbs can't have any losses, and Gou Bin can't guarantee that people with injuries will hold back or something.

At this time, Bellamy and Ma Yingfei had gloomy expressions on their faces. Now that it's over, two more powerful helpers have been lost. Sean and Barbara were injured, which is a terrible thing , I am afraid that the task of blowing up the five gate gods is a bit unfavorable right now, at least the lack of manpower is very unfavorable for this operation.

Bellamy didn't know whether it was worth it or not to rescue the dying Captain Thomson, because Captain Thomson had no important information at all, and if there was any, it was probably why he was arrested?Bellamy didn't know whether he was careless or the other party deliberately set up a trap, and he only learned the news from Gou Bin.

Bellamy glanced at Gou Bin, who was simply treating Thomson's injuries, and said hesitantly: "Cruz, our task is getting more and more difficult now, and we lost two capable people in the blink of an eye. In terms of our mission, it is very fatal. Originally, we were short of manpower, but now..."[

After Gou Bin helped Captain Thomson temporarily stop the wound and whip, he shook his head and sighed and said, "Needless to say, Bellamy, I know what you want to say. No one would have thought of such a thing happening, and no one could have predicted it." Yes, make arrangements for Captain Thomson first, and we will discuss other matters later."

Out of respect for Sean and Barbara, Gou Bin didn't put all the responsibility on them. When something like this happened, Gou Bin knew that the two of them probably didn't want to do it either. If you want to blame it, you can only blame the Nazi tracked armored vehicle that suddenly came out. If it weren't for that tracked armored vehicle, it wouldn't be like this.

"Cruz, we..." Sean paled and wanted to say something with guilt on his face, but was immediately stopped by Gou Bin. It is useless to say anything now. If you have time to discuss these issues, you should think about how to be safe When they reached Sophia, Captain Thomson, Sean, and Barbara must go to heal their injuries.

Losing Sean and Barbara's two right-hand men, I'm afraid the only one who can be used now is Ferros, a big man. There should be no problem with his combat ability, but sometimes his head is not fast enough. If his head is fast enough , is definitely a great help for the God of Killing, but it is a pity that God gave him a compulsive body, but took away his normal intelligence.

The whole carriage fell silent for a while. Bellamy shook her head and sighed while she didn't know what she was thinking. Ma Yingfei held a submachine gun in her hand and looked at the roof of the car with her eyes dazed, but she didn't know what she was thinking. As for Tom Captain Mori was even more guilty, coughing dryly and repeatedly. While being whipped by the Nazis, he also had to endure inhuman torture.

"Captain Thomson, how did you get arrested? Could it be?" Gou Bin was most confused about how Captain Thomson was arrested?Didn't he go scouting for the newest Nazi gunboat?The commander is Denitz of the wolves, from a water mouse to a cat. This is a big change, and it makes Gou Bin puzzled.

After Gou Bin gave him food, Thomson recovered a lot of energy, and said: "Traps, all are traps, Cruz, the new Nazi gunboat, is a trap, how can the Nazis have the energy to study it now?" The water fleet is gone, and their eyes are now targeting the destructive atoms!"

"Atom? Isn't it a new advanced V3 rocket?" Gou Bin asked Captain Thomson in astonishment when he heard Thomson's words. Atoms are not a fun thing. If Hitler researched atoms, it would be a terrible thing. , although the United States has almost developed the little fat man, but that is rewarded to little Japan.

"Atom?!" Bellamy's face became hesitant. Atom Bellamy and the others had destroyed Hitler's den before, but they didn't expect that Hitler would not give up and devoted himself to studying atoms again. This is very abnormal. The lethality is huge, especially those radioactive substances are even more fatal.

Atom is one of nuclear weapons. It is a weapon of mass destruction that uses light and heat radiation, shock waves, and induced radioactivity of nuclear reactions to cause lethality and destruction, and to cause radioactive pollution on a large area to prevent the opponent's military operations in order to achieve strategic goals. It is also an extremely A deadly weapon, the level of pollution is as high as decades and difficult to remove.

In general, the lethality of atomic shock waves and thermal radiation will be far greater than the damage of radiation, but the radiation damage of radiation is more complicated than shock waves and thermal radiation, and people also have misunderstandings about it. Mutations will occur in animals within the irradiated area.

However, if human beings ingest a high dose of radioactive elements all over their body, the individual will die immediately, and other individuals who ingest a lower dose will survive, but will die of subsequent complications. The most tragic thing is that those offspring, even There will be serious physical defects and so on, and what makes Gou Bin feel strange is that it seems that the Nazi leader doesn't like this atom very much.

Germany's science and technology was in a leading position at that time. Before 1942, Germany's level in the field of nuclear technology was roughly equivalent to that of the United States and Britain, but it fell behind. The first experimental graphite reactor in the United States was developed by physicists e.Under the leadership of Fermi, it was completed and reached criticality in December 1942.

Germany, on the other hand, uses heavy water reactors to produce plutonium 239. A small subcritical device was not built until early 1945. In order to produce highly enriched uranium, Germany once focused on the development of high-speed centrifuges. , progress was slow.

Secondly, Hitler's persecution of scientists and some scientists' uncooperative attitudes are another reason for the slow progress in this area. More importantly, the German fascist leaders are overconfident and believe that the war can end quickly, and there is no need to spend effort to develop Still must become an atom to grasp.

At first, it was not supported, and then it was very difficult to catch it. The research and development work finally failed. Now, when I heard Captain Thomson say that the Nazi leader started to study atoms again, Gou Bin began to feel confused and confused. Which one is the matter? the truth?This made Gou Bin feel a headache, the truth, Gou Bin needs to know the truth of the matter.

Lieutenant Thomson swallowed hard, and said Gou Bin's astonished words: "Hitler did not give up the study of atoms, and he said that he gave up and disdained to study, but in fact he had already started to study, and the study was successful. What they call The v3 rockets of the rockets are actually the real bodies of atoms!"

"Haven't you given up on the research? Did you research the atom? Is the v3 rocket an atom?!" Gou Bin's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief. What's going on?How could it be researched earlier than in the United States?Gou Bin knew that the American atom was only researched at the end of 1945. How could Hitler rewrite history?

Bellamy was taken aback and said with a pale face: "Impossible, didn't we destroy his HEU base at the beginning? Where did they come from to produce HEU? Why didn't our senior agents receive Any news from the top military?" [

Hitler researched the atom, which is a terrible thing. Bellamy doesn't know where Hitler's atoms will be thrown. The most likely is the United Kingdom, which is like a deadly enemy, which is Bellamy's country. If Hitler really throws atoms, Is there still a possibility for Britain?Bellamy didn't know and didn't dare to think about it.

At this time, Bellamy felt a shiver in his back. He didn't expect to save Captain Thomson this time, but it was too late, because Captain Thomson said, carrying a camouflage V3 The rocket's atomic gunship, which should be a modified launcher, has already gone to sea, and it went to sea a few days ago as planned.

Captain Thomson coughed up a mouthful of blood, and his originally energetic face gradually turned gray, and he tried his best to speak: "Ahem, Keke... Ke, Cruz, this, cough cough... this time to stop the atomic bomb. It's up to you to launch, it's up to you, you must stop them, their target, just, just..."

"Instructor, instructor, you, what's wrong with you, you..." Gou Bin found that Captain Thomson's face was getting more and more uncomfortable, and he helped him up anxiously. When Gou Bin helped Captain Thomson, he found that his waist I don't know when the part was hit. Gou Bin found out through the hole in the carriage that the bullet came in from outside the carriage. It should have been shot by a tracked armored vehicle while escaping!

While Gou Bin was shaking, Captain Thomson tried his best to open his sleepy eyelids, and intermittently said the last words in his life: "Ke, Cruz, you, you are, are mine, pride, pride, Stop, stop, stop launching, launching ships, he, their purpose,, beauty..."

Before Thomson could finish his words, he turned his head and clung to Gou Bin's clothes and slid down the carriage, dead. Thomson died just like that. A sense of sadness filled Gou Bin's heart. Gou Bin really wanted to raise his head and yell loudly, but unfortunately Gou Bin couldn't do it, as if there was a shell stuck in his throat, he couldn't speak for a long time.

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