Conquer Berlin

Chapter 283 The Normandy Landing Battle


The Allied Forces Deploy Star-Studded Dwight Eisenhower (Commander-in-Chief) Arthur William Tedder (Deputy Commander) Walter Biddle Smith (Chief of Staff) Bernard Law Montgomery (Army) Bertram Ramsey (Navy) Terra Fordley-Mallory (Air Force) Omar Bradley (U.S. 2st Army) Millie Dempsey (British [-]nd Army) Duncan Grenham (Canadian [-]nd Army)

Facing the big offensive of the Allied forces, the army, the army, and the air force, the generals are gathered under the power of the stars, and they are also famous. Compared with the Nazi German army, they are much more pitiful. Winning Rommel (B Army) Friedrich Dormann (7th Army)


In the mighty Normandy, all kinds of ships and gunships were launched one after another in the early morning. The first thing to be dispatched was the battleships. The sound of intensive artillery fire violently attacked the entire Normandy fortifications. The small col was knocked down several feet [

Under the decisive order of the commander-in-chief of the Western Front, Gerd von Rundstedt, the Nazi army successfully survived the fierce artillery bombardment. When the landing ship began to land on the beach, it launched a counterattack with howitzers and heavy machine guns, causing heavy casualties to the army. Fortunately, there are no super cannons defending, otherwise the casualties of the Allied forces may still be rising in a straight line

The sound of the rumbling guns has never been peaceful. Luckily, the Nazis set up barriers in the shallow sea. These barriers are used to stop the Allied landing ships. Now they have become the Allied Army's dodge and gun ground. Unluckily, it was directly bombed. Fly up or fall down chest deep on shallow beach corpses floating everywhere on shallow beach

Boom~ A speedboat transport blasted a cannon, shit luckily blasted into the air, hundreds of allied soldiers on the speedboat transport were blown up, plop... plop... a group of deadly people rained down from the sky, a soldier on the landing ship Disgustingly sweeping off the hot internal organs from the top of his helmet immediately caused a boatload of people to vomit, it's disgusting

Hundreds of assault transport ships headed straight for the Normandy shoals. A large transport ship released a large number of transport assault ships, then immediately closed and began to retreat. The rest of the transport ships dropped down the gate one after another and released a large number of transport assault ships. They faced the danger of fierce bombardment. Charged straight to the beach, the blue sea water has now turned sticky blood red

A lieutenant officer on the transport assault ship raised his throat and shouted loudly: "The little girls of Spade K Company is now the time to verify whether you are a bitch or not, pick up the gun in your hand and fight to be a man. If you want to admit that you are a man! Men with targets are going to kill those son-of-a-bitch Nazi dogs..."

When the transport assault ship opened the front door, the Allied soldiers immediately carried all kinds of weapons and jumped into the waist-deep sea like dumplings. Under the shouts of the lieutenant officer and the sound of charging, they ran desperately towards the beach obstacle. When Soso's son shot over, one batch fell down and another batch charged

Boom ~ when several cannons landed on the side of the densely packed Allied soldiers and exploded, sadly, broken hands and feet splashed all over the sky. The recruits almost fainted when they found their broken feet floating on the sea. Which hero's parts are too sad? To suffer the fate of being divided into five horses, when a head floats over, many recruits who have just entered the battlefield are stunned.

Compared with the difficult landing on the Allied side, the Nazi side is not much better than the bunker formation that was destroyed by artillery fire. They directly used the corpses of their companions as sandbags to fortify the obstacles, erected machine guns, and fired fiercely at the Allied forces to prevent the Allied forces from attacking them. Tiger tanks and Elephant tanks on the front line followed closely behind on the battlefield

The commander-in-chief of the Western Front, Gerd von Rundstedt, is gathering at this time. The commanders of the defense lines are hiding in the back area of ​​the front line, commanding the basement with embarrassment. Loopholes and so on. Due to limited troops, we can only start to force coolies to fight back.

The commander-in-chief of the Western Front, Gerd von Rundstedt, with a black face, suddenly punched the podium and shouted angrily: "I just want to know one thing why the Allied firepower is so fierce, while our firepower is so fierce. There is only a little bit of this, why don't you tell me nonsense that the other party has more people than us, you should know that the line I am guarding is very stable."

All the Nazi officers present bowed their heads silently. The sound of rumbling gunfire and the sound of falling sand are intertwined. None of the Nazi officers present here dared to say a word, nor did they dare to challenge Gerd von Rundstedt's temper.

"Commander, Führer has sent a telegram." When Gerd von Rundstedt was angry, a signal soldier was holding a telegram just sent from Berlin in his hand. Gerd had already reported the news to the past when the front line lost. Gerd also thought about one thing, that is, the firepower and numbers of the retreating allied forces were too different from his own.

Gerd opened the telegram handed over by the communicator, and his face suddenly became difficult. Hitler actually wanted to defend Normandy with all his might. He just felt that the Führer's order was a little too unreasonable.

Under the puzzled faces of the Nazi officers, Gerd threw out the telegram with one hand, his face became a little decadent, he waved his hands vigorously and said, "You guys, the Führer wants us to stick to Normandy, what can you do about it? Now just say it." I won’t have a chance to say it after I don’t say it.”

Although Gerd's words were a little too false, when the Nazi officers received the Führer's telegram, they all looked at each other in dismay and stuck to the Normandy defense line. There is no difference. The situation in front of me is just like this. It will be a matter of time before we lose.

A Nazi officer stood up to bear the brunt and boasted about his strategy: "Sir, maybe we can pull back the defense line a little so as to avoid the bombardment of the Allied ships, and the Allied landing battle is only the vanguard infantry. We can rely on the armored forces to counterattack and go back. Can…"

Another Nazi officer immediately retorted: "If we retreat, we will give up the solid line of defense to the Allies. We will be in trouble if we want to fight back, and behind the Normandy line of defense is all the way to Pingchuan. There are no other fortifications at all. If the heavy firepower of the Allied forces comes, aren't we asking for trouble? I don't agree..."

At the meeting of the bunker command post, the diehards and the retreating factions immediately appeared, and the two sides expressed their opinions, which is exactly what the old saying goes. Sitting and not trying to make do with it, he is waiting for the two parties to finish the fight before making a final conclusion

Compared with the red-faced and red-faced Nazis, the Allied Army also has a hot rogue general, George Patton, who is commonly known as the third army commander. At this time, he is not used to the mother-in-law of the Allied Army. The Allied Commander sitting here with a big cigar in his mouth [

George Patton slammed on the podium with one hand and cursed angrily: "You bastards, you bastards are all worthless guys. You've been here for a long time, except for talking some fucking useless nonsense. What good advice is there to give a soldier's life wasted just sitting here for you guys"

Angry, especially the British officers who are not full of anger. George Patton's provocative words immediately aroused their anger and denounced. hilarious yankee

George Patton pointed at them angrily and said: "Fucking old man, don't be convinced. You are all like this. I hope you will win the war, let alone millions. You are here to brag about me. You old man will be a hero and get out of here."

When George Patton turned and walked out, he suddenly walked to the door, turned around and pointed at Omar Bradley with one finger, and cursed: "Omar, you bastard, don't laugh, that's so happy. The great hero Cruz, who I have been thinking of for a long time, let you Mother ruined the battle and died, you are a broom star, evil spirit, the war is over, I was annoyed when I fought with you."

Omar Bradley has a mouth shaped like a gorilla face and it is difficult to close the round-rimmed glasses. I don’t know when they will fall to the ground. A challenge the size of George Patton really shocked Omar Bradley’s elite marines. Omar Bradley was killed. Lee did get the news, he's been busy on the front lines.

Until George Patton threw out a battle report, Omar Bradley picked up his eyes, and his face became sad. All the elite marines who participated in the destruction of the launch ship were missing. The fleet sent by Pearl Harbor found that the incident site was filled with oil. There is also the shocking news that nearly 10 people were killed and injured in Kyoto, Japan

'What's going on?' Omar Bradley was a little dumbfounded. When the guard behind him picked up his glasses, Omar Bradley checked again and finally came to the conclusion that what was going on? Even Omar Bradley Radley himself doesn't know if the Elite Marines got the job done or failed.

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