Conquer Berlin

Chapter 282

(The update is the fastest and most stable,) "Daniel, Daniel, damn, is Daniel Nima in there?" The ground of the engine room is covered with corpses. The black-painted cabin surface shows that there have been fierce battles here. The rules are played on the walls. The shadow of more than a dozen Nazi soldiers lying dead on one side in a strange way, thick plasma flowing on the ground

Jimmy picked up the butt of his gun and knocked on the engine hatch, calling out for Daniel's locked hatch inside, which proves one thing: Daniel must be inside, otherwise the Nazi soldiers wouldn't have guarded the engine room desperately. It is the heart and lifeblood of the launching ship. If something happens, the entire bow ship will be scrapped.

Barbara on one side rolled her eyes at Jimmy, shouting endlessly, and said with a suspicious face: "Jimmy, maybe Daniel is not inside. If there is no other way, we can only go to support Cruz and the others. Now the battle is still going on outside, if we don't go to support them. I'm afraid..."

Jimmy shook his head and refuted Barbara's words, his face became a little difficult and he said: "No, no, no... Barbara, you are wrong, Daniel must be in it, damn it, Daniel is so difficult, don't you know that the situation is urgent now, I need tnt explosives The damn entrance was blown up Wow~Daniel what are you doing here?"

With a bang, Daniel opened the cabin door with blood on his face, and seeing Jimmy and Barbara, he shook his head under Barbara's inquiry, wiped the blood on the corner of his face with one hand, and licked his lips lightly with his tongue. When he felt chilly, he took out the baggage inside and put it on the cabin door, nodding without saying a word [

"What's going on in Daniel?" Barbara seems to have noticed the difference in Daniel. At this time, Daniel is much more stable and mature than the one she first saw. It's the process of recruits changing. Even Jimmy noticed Daniel's inconspicuous transformation.

Under the caring eyes of Jimmy and Barbara, Daniel's murderous aura slowly disappeared and replaced him with a blank expression: "I ha ha... It's okay, I just killed two smart pigs inside, Cruz, what about their side?" By the way, there is good news to tell you that the engine of the launch ship has no problem and can be started at any time.”

After Jimmy picked up the burden, he took out two packs of tnt explosives and said with a sigh of relief: "It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, Daniel, take a good rest and wait for our news. When the time comes, we will contact you in the captain's command room and lock it up." The door isn't us, don't open the door, you know, no Barbara, now it's our turn, dogdog..."

"Okay." Daniel clutched the pistol at the hem of his trousers, glanced at Jimmy and Barbara's leaving figure, picked up an MP40 submachine gun from the ground, put it back into the engine room, closed the hatch, and hid aside, trembling. Be afraid, get strong, and then the rest is all weakness

With a bang~click, Michelle, who finished the last shot, became entangled. He didn't have any more balls, so he didn't dare to go down and add some balls. When the gun rang out, he immediately ran towards the roof where Michelle was hiding, even with the help of Josh, it was hard to resist.

"The idiot really thinks I'm so easy to catch, baby, you'll follow me from now on." Michelle sneered at the Nazi soldiers below who were about to rush up, grabbed their Mauser 98k sniper rifles and started jumping to another place about two meters away. The place where Michelle jumps right after the run-up

"Come over there and surround him!" The Nazi soldiers followed Michel's pace and ran in the direction of Michelle. Gou Bin and Josh were on the watchtower. Michelle attracted the Nazi soldiers Jimmy and Josh away. Barbara and the two ran out one after another. The two hid aside and didn't know what they were discussing.

Jimmy took out two packs of tnt explosives and said with a suspicious face: "Barbara Gobin and Josh are suppressing like this. There will always be no way to run out of food. Now the two tnt explosives are blowing up one by one. We don’t have so much time if we open the entrance hatch of the barracks.”

Barbara knows what Jimmy means by not having so much time. The scheduled time is almost here. Now 30 minutes have passed from 20 minutes. There are still 10 minutes left. If the Nazi soldiers on board are not dealt with, there is no way to launch the atom. Atoms mean that there is no way to destroy the launching ship

Even if they want to launch a launcher to go back now, it is impossible. No one will control this big guy, let alone face the Japanese interrogation and so on. The island country is still okay. The problem is to solve the more than 500 Nazi soldiers on board

Barbara's eyes lit up after hearing Jimmy's idea, then she shook her head and said hesitantly: "Jimmy, you mean to blow up the entrance and exit of the barracks so that the Nazi soldiers inside can't escape. Is the serving size of two packs a bit far-fetched?"

Jimmy curled his lips and glanced at Gou Bin and Josh, then turned his head to Barbara and said angrily: "Barbara, if you have other better ways, I don't mind. Okay, talk nonsense and get ready. It's started, ready, no, we're going to start installing the explosives"

"Okay." Barbara took the dynamite bag thrown by Jimmy, patted the dynamite bag and Jimmy nodded and spread out. Such a thrilling and deadly thing is really enough to kill, at least Barbara thinks so, holding the dynamite bag and going straight Fumbled towards the barracks on the right. The Nazi soldiers who were hiding in the barracks did not notice that they rushed over to install explosives in one fell swoop, buried them alive under the cabin, and went to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish with the launching ship.

Gou Bin seemed to have noticed the movements of Barbara and Jimmy, and immediately greeted Josh on the side: "Josh, how many drums do you have?" They ran out to harm people, how is there any problem?"

"Oh, it's a big problem, Cruz, I'll be the last one to drum it up and do my best." Josh glanced at the double-linked cannon that looked like a red gun, wondering if he could withstand it. After all, the drum has become a problem. Now they It's like a waste of money, and the Nazi soldiers can't escape.

Ding ding... Sean, Snoopy, and Gibbs rushed over in time. Immediately, they threw grenades to suppress the pace of the Nazis. Sean's timely appearance relieved the pressure on Gou Bin and Josh. Amidst the rumbling explosions, the Nazi soldiers at the gate of the barracks retreated back and forth

With Sean and the others joining the firepower and shooting cover, Jimmy and Barbara can easily install the explosives. The two of them completed the installation of the explosives one after the other. Immediately evacuate the power of the TNT explosive package. It is not a joke. It is no problem to blow up the barracks. You can even bury the Nazi soldiers inside alive

After confirming that Jimmy and Barbara were gone, Gou Bin shouted at Josh: "Josh, don't worry about those Nazis in the barracks, support Michelle, there are many Nazis behind him, damn me?" It’s up to Josh, I’ll leave it to you, and I’ll go down first.”

Gou Bin was so depressed at this moment that it was critical that the double-linked machine guns were fired. This is a very serious problem. Michelle was still being chased by more than a dozen Nazi soldiers. The Nazi soldiers behind Michelle fired powerful firepower, causing the Nazi soldiers chasing Michelle to retreat quickly.[

Boom...Boom...Two explosions sounded like the earth was shaking, and the entire bow of the launch ship shook several times...The launch ship made a sound like teeth were pressed, and the entrances and exits of the two barracks collapsed. A series of screams came from the collapsed The explosion in the barracks was so sudden that the Nazi soldiers in the barracks couldn't react in time

"Yooh~ damn Nazis, you guys have to die today too haha..." Sean cheered when the two barracks collapsed It's like destroying a barracks

Snoopy wiped the sweat from the corners of his face with one hand, his whole body grinned and hissed his mouth, and touched the itchy part on his shoulder. This was left by Doenitz when he escaped by plane. The pain in his heart made Snoopy feel uncomfortable for a while. After Gibbs breathed a sigh of relief, he immediately ran over to treat Snoopy's wound briefly.

"What's wrong with Snoopy? I was shot again. Fortunately, it's only a minor injury and a serious injury." When Gou Bin climbed down the stairs, he asked the grinning Snoopy who was injured. Snooped and comforted Snoopy at the same time, a minor injury is better than a fart

Snoopy grinned his teeth and smiled calmly and said, "Hey... hiss~ Minor injuries, minor injuries and serious problems, that's right, Cruz, this is the information I found in the command room of the launch ship, what do you give to Josh? The important thing is that I don’t know how to find it casually~ Gibbs tap lightly”

"Oh is that so?" Gou Bin accepted the information from Snoopy with a curious expression on his face. Unfortunately, it was all in German. Gou Bin didn't know many people, probably most of them didn't know Nai. Gou Bin had to wait for Joe from the watchtower. I got down and asked what was written on these materials, it probably has something to do with this bow ship.

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