The Heavens: A Qing, the Yue Girl at the beginning

Chapter 503: Telling the Secret, Kuimen

Chu Zihang's voice was neither too loud nor too low, just enough to penetrate the noise in the Internet cafe and fall into Lu Mingfei's ears, with a subtle seriousness. His blue T-shirt looked particularly clean under the dim light of the Internet cafe, and was out of tune with the surrounding environment.

"Uh... Chu Zihang? How come you are here? And you know my name?" Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment and almost choked on the drink in his mouth. He swallowed the cold liquid in a gulp, widened his eyes, and looked at Chu Zihang in disbelief.

This scene was like an NPC from the real world suddenly jumping out of "StarCraft", and it was the kind of legendary figure that usually only existed in grade rankings and in the mouths of teachers. He started talking to me, and I felt like he was about to "award" a task.

After all, even if he really wanted to publish some difficult task strategies, it would be better for him to find Liu Miaomiao in his class. Unlike Lu Mingze, who was praised by his aunt, he only ranked in the top ten in one subject. After all, Liu Miaomiao was the first in the class and in the top five in the grade...

Lu Mingfei's mind was jumping around and he subconsciously looked around to make sure he had not heard or seen the wrong person. The other players in the Internet cafe were either playing with their heads down or discussing game strategies in groups of two or three. It seemed that no one noticed this little episode.

The cursor on the game interface froze due to his distraction, but the opponent's fire came relentlessly, and the screen was instantly covered in red.

Chu Zihang turned slightly, his eyes swept across the miserable defeat on Lu Mingfei's screen, a barely perceptible apology flashed in his eyes, and then he regained his usual calmness, as if appearing in a place like an Internet cafe was nothing new to him:
"I just happened to be stopping by. There's something I need to talk to you about."

"Oh, I see. So what exactly do you want to talk to me about?"

Lu Mingfei scratched his head, closed the game interface, turned around and faced Chu Zihang. He noticed that the bag on his waist was slightly bulging, and the cold light of the metal and the outline of the handle were faintly visible. He couldn't help but take a few more glances and thought to himself:

"With this equipment, if you don't know, you might think he's going on some secret mission."

“Don’t be nervous, this is just a work of art.” Chu Zihang seemed to see through Lu Mingfei’s thoughts and explained softly, “I’ve been interested in kendo recently, and I just practiced swordplay with a friend nearby…”

At this point, he seemed to realize that the topic had strayed a bit, so he changed the subject and repeated the purpose he mentioned at the beginning: "As for why I am here, it is because I noticed something about your family, and I feel it is necessary to tell you."

"About my uncle and aunt? What happened to them?" Lu Mingfei frowned slightly when he heard this, and a sense of vigilance rose in his heart. Although he usually complained about his uncle and aunt's partiality, when someone really mentioned it, he couldn't help but show concern.

At the same time, Lu Mingfei was also muttering in his heart: No way, Master Chu, apart from the thin relationship of being in the same school, have we ever had any formal exchanges? You came to this smoky internet cafe to find me, and even involved my uncle and aunt? This plot is too ridiculous!

Although my aunt is usually mean, it's nothing serious that Chu Zihang, a big shot, would personally come to the Internet cafe to talk about, right? Could it be something about my uncle's unit? I remember that my uncle's position seemed to be a researcher in Binhai City of the Provincial Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. Maybe he had some business connection with the Chu family?
Lu Mingfei's heart skipped a beat, and various speculations flashed through his mind, but in the end he decided to remain calm. After all, a person like Chu Zihang, who was both a top student and the most handsome boy in the school, would not come to tease him for no reason, right?

"You go ahead and talk. I'm listening." He tried to make his voice sound calm, crossed his arms, and put on a posture of listening attentively: "Could it be that they won a 5 million lottery without my knowledge and are going to give me half of it?"

“Maybe that’s a bit abrupt,” Chu Zihang ignored Lu Mingfei’s frequently changing expression and went straight to the point: “However, I’ve noticed recently that your life at your uncle and aunt’s house doesn’t seem to be going well. They seem to prefer your cousin Lu Mingze, and to you…”

At this point, Chu Zihang paused, as if he was choosing his words, "Some neglect. On the day the typhoon came, you ran home alone in the heavy rain, and no one came to pick you up. I saw it all."

"…So that's what it is."

Lu Mingfei still didn't understand the situation. He thought that he should be grateful to the person who gave him the favor. His aunt's hundred-yuan bill was now transformed into several pieces of change in her pocket. "After all, my academic performance is slightly worse than Lu Mingze's, which is understandable."

“What can I say? Living in my uncle’s house, I can’t eat and drink for free. Besides, Lu Mingze and I live in the same room. Apart from our different attitudes, our living conditions are pretty much the same… Especially my uncle, he’s actually a pretty good guy…”

"They are my family after all. Even if I feel a little uncomfortable living under someone else's roof, I have nowhere else to go. I can only make do with it until my parents are willing to finish their endless archaeological projects..."

"That being said." Chu Zihang continued, "But after investigation, it turns out that your uncle and aunt had some problems in handling the living expenses sent by your parents. They probably used part of the funds on your brother Lu Mingze and reduced your share."

Chu Zihang paused, as if looking for the right words, while Lu Mingfei had an expression of "I knew it would be like this" and secretly complained in his heart "Do I need you to tell me this? I've been used to it for a long time", but unexpectedly, the other party's next words surprised him:

"However, your uncle's superiors have recently noticed this problem and believe that this practice is not only unfair, but may also affect your growth and mental health, damage the unit's external image, and is a bad practice. Therefore, they have issued a warning and asked them to correct it."

No wonder my aunt was so generous yesterday. It turned out that she used a hundred-dollar bill as hush money for this reason. Lu Mingfei's face darkened slightly, but soon returned to normal. He shrugged and said casually:
"I can't help it. After all, I'm not their biological child. But they didn't abuse me. At least I have enough food and drink, and I can still come here to play games, right? Since the company asked my uncle and aunt to correct their behavior, I think my life will get better and better, and my living expenses will increase a lot."

"But, Master Chu, how did you know about this? Are you a part-time detective? You came to tell me all these things. Could it be that you not only came down to earth to experience the sufferings of the people in the Internet cafe, but also want to work as a family conflict mediator?"

Chu Zihang smiled, which was rare, and then restrained his expression: "I have my own channels, and this is not the point. As for why I told you, it is because I think you have the right to know the truth, and..." He paused, "Maybe I can provide you with some help."

Hearing this, Lu Mingfei felt inexplicably touched, but was then suppressed by reason: "Help? Forget it, Master Chu, I appreciate your kindness. But you know, I am used to being submissive, and suddenly someone tells me that I can resist, which makes me feel helpless."

Chu Zihang frowned slightly when he heard this, and was obviously dissatisfied with Lu Mingfei's negative attitude: "Getting used to it does not mean accepting it, Lu Mingfei. You have the right to fight for what belongs to you, including your living expenses, your dignity, and even your future."

There was an unquestionable power in his words, which made Lu Mingfei raise his head and look at him seriously, feeling the hidden encouragement and confidence from them.

"Future?" Lu Mingfei repeated the word, with a trace of confusion in his eyes. He had never really thought about his future, because in his opinion, it seemed to be something far away, full of unknowns and variables.

Chu Zihang seemed to see through his thoughts and continued, "I know you may feel confused now, but please remember that everyone's future is in their own hands. You have the potential and ability to create your own glory."

"And I came to you today, hoping that you can make some changes."

"If you want to urge me to study hard, then forget it. I'm really not good at it and I don't have the energy to do it." Lu Mingfei replied half-jokingly and half-seriously: "But I still want to thank you for your special attention to a small person like me and for coming here to encourage me."

"You still can't fall behind in studying." Chu Zihang nodded, took out a black USB drive, and inserted it into the idle computer in the Internet cafe next to him: "Next, I will provide you with some different options to improve your current living conditions."

"Different choices?" Lu Mingfei repeated doubtfully, but he had already started imagining all kinds of melodramatic inspirational drama scenes in his mind, "For example? Let me drop out of school and work as a bricklayer? Or suddenly inherit billions of dollars?"

The corners of Chu Zihang's mouth twitched slightly, and he seemed to be unimpressed by Lu Mingfei's humor. He took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Lu Mingfei: "This is a friend of my father. He works in a well-known law firm."

"If you want to negotiate with your uncle and aunt to get better support conditions, and if you need legal aid or any form of help to protect your rights, you can contact him. For my personal benefit, all consultations are free."

Then, he took out another business card from his pocket and handed it to Lu Mingfei: "This number is the contact information of a psychological counseling agency opened by my friend. If you need it, you can also go and talk to them. Sometimes, talking is also a good way to relieve stress."

At this time, the contents of the USB flash drive opened automatically on the computer in the Internet cafe, and several folders popped out. Chu Zihang's eyes stayed on Lu Mingfei's face for a moment, as if he was evaluating whether the other party's mental state at the moment was suitable for receiving the next information, and then he slowly spoke:
"In addition, you can also try to contact your great-grandfather's old comrades. They may be able to provide you with some special help."

"Great grandfather's old comrade? What are you talking about?" Lu Mingfei looked confused: "I can't even remember my grandfather's name clearly, let alone great grandfather. Besides, are they still alive? If you count them, they should be over a hundred years old!"

Chu Zihang did not answer directly, but clicked on a folder in the USB drive. The screen lit up, and black and white photos and portraits came into view. One of them was particularly eye-catching:
A tall middle-aged man, whose face is somewhat similar to Lu Mingfei, with indomitable spirit and determination in his eyes, carrying a Hanyang rifle on his shoulder, as if he is ready to charge into battle at any time, looking heroic.

"This is the information I found about your great-grandfather based on your family tree data." Chu Zihang pointed at the photo and said in a deep and powerful voice: "I came here to show you this - his name is Lu Yuanzhi, an extremely rare S-level hybrid, and also a hero who sacrificed his life for his country during the War of Resistance Against Japan."

Lu Mingfei stared at the pictures and portraits on the screen with wide eyes, looking at them in disbelief. He had never heard his family mention his great-grandfather, let alone the existence of "mixed-bloods". At this moment, his heart was filled with shock and confusion.

"Half-blood? What's that?"

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but ask, his voice trembling a little, like a flame swaying in the wind: "Are you talking about... a person with super powers?" He always thought that he was just an ordinary useless junior high school student, but he didn't expect that there was such a secret hidden in his family.

"Yes, hybrids. They possess power beyond that of ordinary people. They are the elite of the hybrids of dragons and humans, but they also bear special responsibilities and missions... Your Lu family is a hybrid family with a long history, and its history can be traced back at least hundreds of years."

Chu Zihang's tone was a bit solemn as he began to explain in detail the existence of the mixed-blood society, from the ancient dragon legend to the coexistence of modern mixed-bloods and humans, supplemented by the illustrations in the USB file. Every detail fascinated Lu Mingfei:

"Your great-grandfather, Lu Shanyan, was a revolutionary. Not only was he brave and fearless, he also played an important role in the mixed-race society. And your great-grandfather, Lu Yuanzhi, also inherited this honor and mission, and used his life to defend the peace of his homeland."

"According to the existing information, your grandfather, a descendant of Lu Yuanzhi, may be an A-level hybrid, and your father, Lu Lincheng, is a registered S-level hybrid... This also means that you are likely to inherit this power and awaken a high-purity dragon bloodline."

“The mixed-blood society has its own rules and order. Although you have been living in the world of ordinary humans, your blood determines your extraordinaryness. Your uncle and aunt may not understand this, but they should give you the love and support you deserve instead of treating you as a burden.”

Lu Mingfei stood there in a daze, his brain working rapidly, trying to digest this sudden information and organize it into a clear thread, but his thoughts were like a wild horse that was unbridled and difficult to tame. He turned his head to look at Chu Zihang, his eyes flashing with complex emotions:
"So, you came to me this time to tell me that I'm actually a hidden superpower? And then ask me to join some mysterious organization and save the world? It's just like being in a movie. I feel like I'm about to turn into a superhero!"

"This is not a movie, Lu Mingfei." Chu Zihang smiled slightly, with encouragement and expectation in his smile: "Saving the world may be too exaggerated, but you do have the opportunity to change your life, and even your destiny."

"If you are willing, I can help you get in touch with this world and understand your true identity and potential. At the same time, your great grandfather's old comrades are willing to provide you with shelter and support, so that you will no longer be restricted by your uncle and aunt's guardianship and gain resources and freedom."

Lu Mingfei was silent for a moment, feeling mixed emotions.

He never thought that his life would be so dramatic, from a neglected loser high school student to a mixed-race descendant who may have extraordinary powers. This is not only a change of identity, but also a vision and fear of the infinite possibilities of the future.

"Thank you for your reminder and help. I will seriously consider your suggestion." Lu Mingfei took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He looked at Chu Zihang with gratitude and confusion in his eyes: "But why are you helping me? We are not familiar with each other."

Chu Zihang smiled slightly, and that smile seemed to hide many unspoken secrets: "You don't need too many reasons to help someone. Maybe it's because I see some potential in you, or simply because I think you deserve a better life."

"We are all students of Shilan, classmates, and also one of the countless lonely souls in this world. Sometimes, when we see people around us in trouble, we can't help but want to lend a hand, even if it's just a tiny bit of help."

Lu Mingfei was stunned. He had never thought that a person as brilliant as Chu Zihang would have such a delicate and gentle side.

He lowered his head, was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "Thank you, Chu Zihang. Although I don't know how to repay you, I will remember your kindness."

Chu Zihang nodded slightly, seemingly not caring about Lu Mingfei's gratitude. "You don't have to repay me. I just hope you can make the best choice for yourself. If you need any help, whether it's in study or life, you can always come to me."

After saying that, Chu Zihang stood up and prepared to leave. Before leaving, he reminded Lu Mingfei to pay attention to the time and not to play too late.

Lu Mingfei looked at his departing figure, and an inexplicable feeling of being touched surged in his heart. He suddenly realized that there were people in this world who were willing to care about him unconditionally, even if they were not familiar with him.

Back in the game, Lu Mingfei's mood could no longer calm down. His fingers tapped on the keyboard unconsciously, inputting various commands. However, the game screen had long lost its appeal. The huge amount of information he learned today occupied all his thoughts.

He closed the game and reopened the USB file, trying to recall whether there had been any unusual clues in his family, but his memory seemed to be covered by thick dust. Apart from the daily trivialities and dullness, he could hardly find any traces related to the word "special".

"Chu Zihang, thank you." As the night deepened, Lu Mingfei left the Internet cafe, mumbling to himself, and with a new resolve and hope, he set out on the road home. The starry sky outside was bright, as if there were endless possibilities waiting for him to explore.


At the same time, thousands of miles away in the Three Gorges Kuimen, the surface of the river was filled with hazy fog. Zhao Qing had already received news about Lu Mingfei. He was thoughtful and appreciated Chu Zihang's efficient action. He was looking forward to the former's next choice.

Recently, through several rounds of negotiations with the Chen family, she has successfully merged the Black Prince Group, dismantled the alchemical matrix buried in the suburban mining area, and bought more than half of the shares of Shilan Middle School, rapidly expanding her influence in the Binhai City area.

The reason why the little things in Lu Gucheng's family were specifically pointed out by the superiors was naturally Zhao Qing's doing, and the various information about Lu Mingfei's ancestors and the contact with his great-grandfather's old comrade-in-arms were also the result of her special investigation, and she collected as much information as possible about the key figures in the original work.

Although the blood relationship between Lu Mingfei and Lu Lincheng is somewhat suspicious, the existing information shows that since the first generation Lionheart Club member Lu Shanyan, there has been no problem with the blood inheritance of the Lu family from generation to generation, and they are all high-level mixed-bloods above Grade A. Except for the small number of people, it can be called a top family.

Perhaps tired of the tragic sacrifices, Lu Mingfei's grandfather, who was suspected to be an A-level hybrid, chose to leave the hybrid society, moved to this small city, and died early. Therefore, the brothers Lu Lincheng and Lu Gucheng knew almost nothing about the domestic hybrid world until Kassel Academy discovered the former's S-level bloodline.

As for Chu Tianjiao, this person's identity information is basically forged, and the remaining information is extremely limited. There is no large mixed-race family with the surname Chu in the country. There are only more than 200,000 people with the surname Chu in the country. We can only guess that he also comes from a hidden dragon-blood family with a small population similar to the Lu family.

If he wanted to track down the case, he could only look for clues from Su Enxi and Lu Mingze who had hired him to carry out the mission. This guy Ange seemed to have lost the relevant memories, and the corresponding information of Kassel Academy had been deleted long ago, leaving only a few words.

Speaking of which, the R-level sword "Murasame" looks very much like the style of "Ame-no-Habakiri and Butsu-mimyouhin" that Lu Mingze likes to summon. Maybe it was specially made by him.

Speaking of alchemical weapons, Zhao Qing pondered secretly in her heart that the seven deadly sins hidden in the Three Gorges Bronze City, this set of Norton's pinnacle works that was enough to kill the Dragon King, was about to be brought to light, thereby greatly increasing their own resources and strength. Therefore, she rushed over as soon as she had free time.

Although it had not experienced an earthquake and the Bronze City was still buried deep under water with no trace visible from the outside, Zhao Qing searched carefully for a long time and successfully discovered its location and scope. He also measured that the thickness of the entire city was about 240 meters and 1200 meters square.

Next, she quickly dug a downward passage and came to its living gate, using the prepared dragon blood to open it without resorting to violent invasion.

After entering this place, Zhao Qing saw a bronze corridor in front of him. On both sides of the corridor stood exquisite bronze sculptures as tall as ordinary people. They were all people dressed in ancient clothes, officials or generals, holding ivory tablets in their hands.

The only difference is that extending from the collars of their robes and armor are slender snake necks with cobra-like heads. Some of the snake heads even have hats on them. After counting, there are 88 statues in total, representing the 88 metal elements controlled by the Dragon King.

On both sides of the corridor, countless metal discs covered the bronze walls that were tens of meters high. They were all extremely precise gears, surrounded by a circle of sharp structures like wolf teeth, biting into each other.

"They don't look like simple guards. The hardness of the metal used is quite limited, and they are not equipped with lethal weapons." Zhao Qing casually inspected a few sculptures. He knew that they were obviously alchemical puppets with ingenious designs, but he also had some doubts in his heart.

...(End of chapter)

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