The Heavens: A Qing, the Yue Girl at the beginning

Chapter 504: An unexpectedly powerful enemy

Chapter 504: An unexpectedly powerful enemy (4K)

Normally, the palace guards must be quite elite. These snake-faced alchemical puppets are placed on the way to the temple to pay homage to the Dragon King. They cannot be shoddy products. The materials used are quite ordinary in strength. If they were to fight, they may not be able to defeat a B-level Deadpool.

"The internal structure is highly hollow and lightweight, with a density low enough to allow swimming in water. The hands are extremely sophisticated, with tens of thousands of elastic metal filaments, and each knuckle is embedded with a micro alchemical core. The movements they can perform are much more varied than those of humans..."

Zhao Qing moved slightly, grabbed a snake-faced man sculpture in each hand, weighed it for a few times, and used magic mechanics and alchemical biology to conduct a simple analysis. He soon came up with the answer: "Sure enough, the snake-faced man was not made for fighting, but a professional alchemical craftsman?"

This was not beyond her expectations. Just as the Da Vinci surgical robot from Country M could be sold for 20 to 30 million, with a price far exceeding that of ordinary mechanical products, high value-added production equipment was much more expensive than most combat weapons, and could better represent the pinnacle of alchemy attainments of the owner of this place.

In Zhao Qing's opinion, such a huge Bronze City must not have only a set of alchemical tools and the Dragon King's Egg as precious items. There must be many valuable things, for example, giant alchemical puppets, alchemical books, processing production lines, etc.

After all, even for the King of Bronze and Fire, smelting and casting a bronze city with a total weight of over 100 million tons is not a small project that can be completed in a short time. It is hard to believe that this is just a pure residence and it probably has other important functions.

A reasonable analysis shows that it is most likely either a super war weapon or an alchemical processing factory, or both. However, it may not be completed smoothly. Norton and Constantine may have been forced into a deep sleep before it was finally completed.

In addition, since she did not find any trace of dragons outside, she estimated that the Fire King's dragon servants also lived in the Bronze City, hiding in an unknown secluded place, which required research and exploration as they walked.

In Zhao Qing's perception, she also sensed the existence of radioactive elements in the puppets at the back of this "Road to the Temple", and the radiation from the last dozen or so snake-faced people was much smaller. It was probably because these bronze sculptures were filled with some corresponding metal elements, even the super-heavy stable island elements were no exception.

After walking for a while, Zhao Qing arrived at a spacious hall. Above it was a bronze ceiling that looked like a dome. Densely packed dragon characters formed a tree-like pattern. This was an alchemical matrix with important node properties, which also concealed a map of the overall structure of the Bronze City.

About a hundred meters ahead, a 20-meter-high statue of a giant snake-faced man sits against the bronze wall, representing the master of the elements, Dragon King Norton himself. The environment creates a solemn and sacred atmosphere that makes people hold their breath involuntarily.

Its face is calm yet majestic, and its eyes are looking straight ahead, as if it can see through the vanity of everything in the world. Its clothes and exposed arms are inlaid with silver runes, and spiritual elements flow through them.

"A combat mecha that integrates multiple alchemical matrices?"

Zhao Qing stopped and examined it carefully. He was a little surprised. The material strength of this thing could be said to be thousands of times that of the previous small alchemy puppet. The hundreds of millions of alchemical circuits inside weaved a heavy mimicry network of earth, wind, fire and water. The complexity was enough to exceed the imagination of all human alchemists in ancient and modern times.

Even with her exquisite perception and in-depth knowledge of the four elements and alchemical principles, it was difficult to judge the true combat capability of this giant alchemical puppet in a short period of time. She even had doubts as to whether it was remotely controlled or needed to be driven.

But according to the records in the "Ice Sea Scrolls", such a supernatural creation of alchemical technology is nothing more than an idol for humans and dragons to worship in the Bronze Temple.

The ancient people at that time entered this place in canoes wrapped in walrus skins and saw a huge bronze emperor sitting under the sky. They reverently offered five kinds of grains, two kinds of meat and an inhumane young girl to the gods, and cut the latter's throat and killed her on the altar.

But the gods did not respond to their prayers, and the Dragon King never showed up, so they thought that their sacrifices did not please the gods. The tribal leader committed suicide, and soon the entire tribe was engulfed by the fire sent down by the gods.

It seems that Norton is not impressed by the ignorant human sacrifices that the ancients considered to be the most precious. He even hates the act of killing relatives and specifically imposes the punishment of genocide. After all, the young girl is most likely from this tribe, and he himself is a top-level brother-con.

Then, Zhao Qing found thousands of corpses of Eastern Han soldiers under the water in front of the giant statue. He used the Taiyin energy to suck them out of the water one by one, pieced them together into the best possible shape, condensed water into ice, and placed them on the ice, ready to be transported out later when air transport is available.

These people who attacked the Bronze City two thousand years ago have been suffering from long-term loss of vitality, and it is now difficult to tell whether they are mixed-race or not. However, there is no doubt that they had amazing courage. Unfortunately, they ended up being wiped out in an instant.

Judging from the fact that there were no fatal wounds on all the skeletons and the direction of the bone deposition, this group of people were simply cannon fodder who were fooled into coming here to die. They probably didn't even see the Dragon King. They were all killed by an extremely powerful word spirit. It is hard to say how meaningful their deaths were.

It is estimated that the only purpose is to attract attention and make the enemy relax their vigilance. The person who actually made the Fire King twins cocooned in that battle was obviously someone else, and the possibility of the dark forces of the dragon clan being involved cannot be ruled out.

Although Zhao Qing's attitude tends to be towards the humans in the dragon world, based on the currently known information, she is very skeptical about the justice of this dragon slaying. She thinks these soldiers are just pitiful victims in the struggle between major forces, and they may not even know that they need to face two invincible first-generation species.

Norton used the alias Li Xiong and supported Gongsun Shu in his attempt to declare himself emperor at the end of the Xin Dynasty. Apart from that, he didn't do anything bad. He basically just built good relations with the local lords and lived here peacefully. He didn't have any intention of reviving the dragon clan.

In contrast, Wu Han, a general under Liu Xiu, allowed his troops to plunder and massacre the people of Chengdu after defeating Shu. In fact, the harm to the local people was far greater than that to the Dragon Clan, and it was also one of the major black spots of Emperor Guangwu.

In the past few thousand years, the infighting among humans has far exceeded the "blood debt" of dragons. This has always been Zhao Qing's view. He thinks there is no need to over-publicize the racial hatred between humans and dragons. It is really an unprovoked disaster to kill a dragon if he has not done anything bad.

In the vast universe, as intelligent races born on the same planet, this is a rare luck and fate. However, after entering the civilized era, both sides are still obsessed with fighting each other to the death instead of cooperating for mutual benefit and making progress together. It has to be said that it is a pity.

Without considering the dark forces behind the scenes, the ideas of the secret party that want to exterminate the dragon clan and refuse peaceful exchanges are actually very similar to the "Yellow Peril" extremism in the West in the past, which "does not need a reason" to insult and harm the Chinese.

"Although this dragon map covers many other areas, it seems that there are no passages that can be opened actively except for the underwater living spirit door? It seems that the center that controls the operation of the mechanism should be deeper."

After sticking the floating ice with the bones on the bronze wall, Zhao Qing continued to take out some dragon blood and opened the turbofan-shaped metal plate entrance. After walking in the water for a while, she officially arrived at the Dragon King's palace. According to a rough estimate, she had only visited a few tenths of the Bronze City. She jumped off the waterwheel and came to a bronze-cast, ancient-style residential building. She felt an ominous feeling inexplicably in her heart. Two black crystal swords quickly appeared in her hands. Her breath became more restrained. She walked quickly along the metal wall and came to the door of the bedroom in the house with a solemn look.

The furnishings in the room were extremely simple. On the low table stood a ceramic vase with a blooming white camellia in it. On the wall hung several scrolls with ink paintings. On another wall hung a white robe. On the bed sat a handsome young man of about sixteen or seventeen.

He was dressed in a white robe as bright as the moon, his eyes were pure black and shone with a clear light, he was thin and had a pale complexion, giving people the feeling of someone who had just recovered from a serious illness. When he saw the "guest" coming, he leaned forward slightly, as if he wanted to stand up to welcome him, or as if he wanted to smell Zhao Qing's scent.

The Dragon King Constantine unexpectedly revived silently, waking up from a long sleep of two thousand years. He sat in his seat as in the "past", with a calm attitude, waiting for the intruder who came from afar.

"I don't remember anything like you. My brother told me to be wary of uninvited 'strangers'..."

As if he had quickly realized that Zhao Qing was definitely not a friend he had met before, Constantine spoke softly, then waved his hand and summoned a long box from under the bed.

With a clear sound, the long bronze box with intricate relief patterns and a faint dark golden glow opened in an instant, and seven swords slowly opened like brilliant peacock tail feathers. They were the "Seven Deadly Sins" cast by Norton himself at the beginning of the Christian era.

Their shapes can be found in famous swords from all over the world, from heavy swords in the shape of sabers, curved-blade Atkan long swords, quaint straight-blade swords, dangerous wrist-cutting knives, to short swords that are only the length of forearms. They are named Superbia, Invidia, Ira, Acedia, Avaritia, Gula, and Luxuria, which mean pride, jealousy, wrath, laziness, greed, gluttony, and lust. When combined together, they are called "saligia", which means the sin of unforgiveness.

These weapons didn't look like they were forged two thousand years ago. They were brand new, with a chill light flowing on the blade's edge, condensed lines on the blade's body, and intricate and profound patterns on the blade's surface. Each one trembled and let out a deep and powerful roar, as if it was about to break through the air and fly.

As one of the masters of the seven deadly sins, Constantine could control the living spirits sealed in his swords. He did not need to consume dragon blood to awaken them. Instead, he just needed to think about it. He looked calmly at the uninvited guests in front of him, slowly clenched his fists, and closed his five fingers, as if he could order them to attack at any time.

"My name is Constantine. I have been to the peak of fire, where I melted the ocean of bronze and forged the name of God."

When the alchemical field of the seven deadly sins had not yet been officially released and formed, in the vast space stirred by the collision of the two sides' spiritual thoughts, blood-red rainbow light hung from mid-air, and a huge pyramid stood tall, piercing the sky. Golden magma gushed out from the top, and black smoke columns reached the sky and the earth.

This is a temple of fire and metal. The blazing flames spurt out like a solar corona, spreading out in the sky like a blazing battle flag, or like a dazzling light that illuminates the way back to home through the fog of the wilderness.


In Zhao Qing's original plan, after entering the Bronze City, she would not touch Constantine's bone bottle without permission. After all, there were too many revived dragon kings and it was difficult to control them. The situation was changing abnormally, so it was better to maintain stability for the time being and collect other valuable things here first.

But she did not expect that the course of the story would be completely different from the normal one. Just like in many cases when humans approached the dragon tomb and were noticed by the dragons in the tomb and immediately awakened, Constantine also felt a similar threat and, with the help of the alchemical matrix, completed his resuscitation ahead of schedule.

In fact, most of the weak hybrids are not enough to arouse the vigilance of a sleeping Dragon King, because these guys theoretically cannot pass the level of Dragon Servant. The strength of the alchemical materials used in the Dragon King's "coffin" and bone bottle is almost at the same level as the Seven Deadly Sins, and is equally difficult to break through.

In other words, only individuals who are equal to or even stronger than the dragon servants guarding the bedroom can cause the Dragon King to spontaneously revive when approaching his sleeping place. Otherwise, it is just a small fight between termites and there is no need to pay any attention to it.

This has to be said to be a kind of arrogance deep in the hearts of the pure-blooded dragons. Thousands of years ago, it might have been a good strategy for them to avoid low-level disturbances and reduce power consumption. The alchemical mechanism arranged in the dragon tomb alone is enough to bring heavy casualties to those who have ulterior motives.

But today, with the rapid development of human technology, there are more and more ways to brute force the defenses of dragon tombs. Even weak individuals have the possibility of breaking through the powerful ancient defenses. However, those dragons that fell into a slumber early on cannot keep up with the pace of the times.

In fact, in the past hundred years, the number of dragon tombs that have been discovered and successfully excavated is indeed far more than in the past. Many pure-blooded dragons died unclearly because they were not resuscitated in time and were baptized by high explosives and intensive alchemical bullets when they had just woken up and were still weak.

To put it simply, the potential threat level of almost all members of the Secret Party is far from reaching the level that can forcibly revive the Dragon King, but Zhao Qing significantly exceeds this standard, and was unable to hide his strength under the strict monitoring and sensing of the alchemical matrix inside the Bronze City.

Judging from the fact that Tang lost his memory for many years and had no power after being hatched by Old Tang, while Constantine retained his memory and partial strength, the latter's condition is undoubtedly much better. As the one with palm power among the twins, he should theoretically wake up earlier than Norton, but something went wrong for some reason and the order was changed.

At this moment, Constantine, who had just escaped from the bone bottle, had not even fully recovered his normal strength as a juvenile, but his combat power might be even higher than that of Li Wu Yue, who wiped out the secret party Lionheart Society that year. Coupled with the Seven Deadly Sins Alchemy Set that had the power to kill the Dragon King, he was undoubtedly a formidable enemy beyond imagination.

To make matters even worse, under Constantine's blood induction and summoning, the two dragon servants in another area of ​​the Bronze City also woke up simultaneously. As pure-blooded creatures that gave birth to the bodies of giant dragons, they would naturally be two forces that could not be ignored if they faced the enemy at home.

"The sound is rumbling and faint, like thunder and lightning. When a tiger roars, the wind in the valley rises. When a dragon soars, the clouds rise."

From the depths of the continuous bronze walls, a high-pitched and undulating dragon roar could be heard. Zhao Qing's expression remained unchanged, and a dark light condensed on the two swords in his hands. He glanced lightly at the seven deadly sins spread out in a fan shape, and noticed that the dragon patterns on them lit up with blood-red pupils, ready to go, but suddenly took a step forward.


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