zombie girlfriend

Chapter 409 The Tomb Inside the Stone Wall

Zhang Jingjiang suspected that the entire Mo'er tribe had secretly hid in the stone wall of the back mountain.This is due to the fear that the white tiger messenger played by Jiang Yiling would find out that someone had snatched a piece of the Jue Ling ore.Judging from the performance of the Mo'er people last night.On the one hand, they gave hospitality to Zhang Jingjiang and others.But he deliberately kept a distance from them.It seems that he is very scared in his bones.

So Zhang Jingjiang feels reasonable about his analysis.Also most likely.Everyone unanimously decided to go to the stone wall behind the village to check it out.And Jiang Yiling passed the induction.It was indeed confirmed that the remaining piece of ore was somewhere behind the village.

The location behind the village is a road leading to the stone wall.The entire stone wall is on a half-mountain-like stone beam.Said it was Shiliang.to more like a long strip of small mountains.There is a deep ditch in the middle of the stone wall facing the back of the village.Inside is flowing warm spring water.

The four walked slowly towards the stone wall along the road behind the village.Zhu Fakui, who was careful on the road, found the messy footsteps and the feces of livestock and poultry.This shows that the Mo'er people in the village have indeed come to the back of the mountain.

"The ancestors of these people were also one of the hundreds of clans in Central Earth. Why is there only such a small population here." Zhang Jingjiang said.He was talking completely to himself.Because he didn't know who to ask this question.

"The land of the west has always been the base of the Rakshas and the ghosts. Because the terrain is dangerous and the natural conditions are not good. Few people from the Middle Earth come to the west. But I didn't expect that the environment here can be regarded as a paradise." Kui Chen said.

"The environment here is really good. Master Kuichen, do you know how big the original world is?" Zhang Jingjiang asked suddenly.

Kuchen shook his head: "I don't know exactly how big it is. According to the calculation of Middle Earth, the sea in the east is boundless, and the plateau and wasteland in the west is even more unreachable. But look, it is calculated according to the distance. We are very It may be in the west of the plateau wasteland in the whole west. I don’t know where it is further west.”

"I doubt it will be the sea. I think we are boundless outside the southernmost protected area. I dare say. As long as you keep going. No matter which direction you go, it will be the sea." Zhang Jingjiang said.

"I don't know. I haven't traveled to so many places. In fact, many people may not be able to leave the place where they live in their entire life. They are born, sick and died there. They are far away from their hometown. The distance is tens of thousands of miles. It is estimated that it will last forever. The pain of not being able to go back. The Mo'er people should be the most profound." Kui Chen sighed.

"It is said that except for the land of Middle Earth, the resources in the four poles are very poor. But we see that the Mo'er people here can find rich silver spirit mines. I think this statement is not correct." Zhu Fakui interrupted.

"The Promise of Heaven and Earth has countless reserves. It's just that people haven't discovered it. I don't know if it's a blessing that the original world can preserve the original ecology." Zhang Jingjiang also sighed.

"It's hard to tell the people in the New Territories and the original territories. People there will live a happier life." Zhu Fakui also sighed.

"In fact, as long as it's not for the benefit of everyone's intrigue. It doesn't matter if it's in the demon world. It's still a Taoyuan there." Zhang Jingjiang said.

That's it.Kuchen immediately looked at Zhang Jingjiang with surprised eyes.The shock in my heart can be imagined.Jiang Yiling's expression was full of admiration: "Ah Jiang, your words are so philosophical."

Zhang Jingjiang scratched the back of his head and said unnaturally: "Really. I don't think so. It's just a feeling."

"You brat is still modest. Your thoughts are different from ours. Apart from some luck, I think your view of the whole world is also a key factor in promoting your cultivation." Kui Chen It's rare to praise someone.This time it really came from the heart.

In fact, Zhang Jingjiang knew it herself.He is actually a very troublesome person.Disputes continue.Jiang Yiling didn't want to be involved.He was forced to continue to work hard.Without these things.It is his favorite way of life to be able to hang out with Jiang Yi Lingwo there.

"After this matter is over, it would be nice if we could rest." Zhu Fakui licked his lips suddenly and said.

yes.Everyone was running around and never stopped.To be honest, no one is not tired.At this time, Zhu Fakui wanted to take a rest.In fact, it is the voice of everyone.

The traces of villagers walking on the road became more and more obvious.On both sides of the road there are some temporarily thrown garbage and lost shoes.Obviously these people left in a hurry.The road in front of you leads to the stone wall.But before reaching the stone wall, you have to go down a steep big ditch.The slope here is built specially for driving.Because they saw broken carts thrown on the side of the road.

The entire stone wall is tens of feet high from the bottom of the ditch.There are also some temporary huts and other things on the bottom of the ditch.The Mo'er people didn't expect to be drunk for a while last night.Someone disclosed the situation here to Zhang Jingjiang.As a result, more than a dozen caves, large and small, were all exposed under the stone wall.

The road before the stone wall is divided into two.One to the left and one to the right.The road to the left follows the dirt ditch.From a distance, there are several relatively small grottoes.The road to the right was artificially carved between the stone walls.Go up through a hollow grotto.

Zhang Jingjiang took the first step onto the road on the right.Everyone followed.Zhu Fakui asked: "Brother Jiang, why did you take this road?"

Zhang Jingjiang was taken aback.Then he replied: "There is no reason. It's just a feeling."

Zhu Fakui shut up.In this kind of thing.He was willing to believe in Zhang Jingjiang's judgment.He was silent.The other two were silent.Everyone followed Zhang Jingjiang through the grottoes and walked upwards.There is a hollowed out place on the top of this grotto, and it is not dark inside the grotto.And the road seems to be sorted out very clean.

Go up the stone steps.Everyone finally saw the murals carved on the walls of the cave.Some of these murals are obviously very old.Some are very fresh.They are all labor scenes.I think it is the life experience of the Mo'er people.There are farming, hunting, weaving, mining and so on.

The aged strokes are basically on the other side.It's all about hunting and building.Presumably it was the scene of the life of the ancestors of the Moer people.The characters above are all wearing earrings in their left ears.So you can understand it at a glance.

Going further inside is a huge cave.The top of the cave is made of artificially dug square ventilation holes and lighting holes.Obviously the walls of the cave are not thick.The entire cave is arranged like a sacrificial hall.A huge altar is placed there.Above are some pots and pans.

The four of them looked around here.Some people were looking at the murals, and Zhang Jingjiang approached the altar.See the black marks on it.There was a faint smell of blood.Behind the altar is a stone wall.There is a mural painted on it.

This mural is very strange.There is a strange person on it.A human body with a tiger's head.There are countless rays of light radiating from the whole body.It seems that this person is luminous.And below is a group of people kneeling to worship him.These people looked like they were from the Mo'er Tribe.

"Could this be the envoy of the white tiger guard they said? It doesn't look like Yi Ling." Zhang Jingjiang thought to himself.

"There is a big tiger painted here. It is eating people. What does this mean?" Zhu Fakui shouted.

Zhang Jingjiang also went to observe other murals.It was found that the painting on it was indeed as the translator told him.There are scenes of war on it.Later, there was a scene where the Moer people were expelled.It turned out that the Mo'er tribe seemed to be following a great god with a human face and a snake body.But that great god seemed defeated.So the Mo'er tribe was expelled as the defeated party.

In the back is the scene of the clansmen trekking hard.Then, a person exuding golden light appeared.That person is the tiger-headed man enshrined in the front.But it does radiate gold.There is also a picture of the tiger head leading the Mo'er tribe in the back... All the murals in the cave are probably such scenes.

Zhang Jingjiang pondered for a while.I feel that this place should be used for sacrifices.He glanced around.They found Jiang Yiling and Kuichen standing inside the cave.Only Zhu Fakui was missing.Couldn't help calling him.

"Ah Biao. Where are you?"

"Oh... I'm here" Zhu Fakui's voice came from the corner of the front stone wall.Zhang Jingjiang followed the sound and left.It was found that there was a passage there.It is diagonally backward.The stone wall on the front blocked the light.He didn't notice it just now.

Zhu Fakui came out after a while.His complexion was not good.Zhang Jingjiang and Jiang Yiling looked at him strangely: "Ah Biao. What are you doing in there? What's in there."

"Forget it. Don't go in. It's full of bones. It should be a tomb." Zhu Fakui said with a dark face.

Zhang Jingjiang nodded and said: "Yes, I understand. The old man said that they have a tomb inside the stone wall. It seems that it is here."

"Brother Jiang, do you think there will be that piece of ore here." Zhu Fakui asked.

Zhang Jingjiang was a little embarrassed. "I'm just following my feeling. I don't know this is a tomb." He looked at Jiang Yiling and said, "Follow your feeling. Otherwise, I'm going the wrong way again."

Zhang Jingjiang admitted that he led everyone in the wrong way.Although a little embarrassed.But it is also impossible.Then I had to go back the same way and go another way.Zhang Jingjiang fell behind.His eyes felt watery.The body is not very comfortable.Looking forward, he found that Jiang Yiling's body was emitting a faint golden light again.

Zhang Jingjiang couldn't help falling behind a few steps again.Only in this way will the discomfort in the body be better.

"What can we do in the future?" Zhang Jingjiang was troubled by this.

...Today is the first day of National Day.Yesterday the fisherman updated 6 chapters.It's really too much.I'm going to take a break later. ...

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