zombie girlfriend

Chapter 410 Dragon and Tiger Confrontation

The four followed Zhang Jingjiang into the grotto inside the stone wall from the steps on the right in front of the stone wall.Ritual halls and frescoes were found there.There are also the tombs of the Moer people.This is clearly the wrong place.

Return the same way.This time, under Jiang Yiling's leadership, he took the road on the left.This road is basically opened up relatively wide.The purpose is estimated to be to walk the cart.Because they found more than one damaged cart dumped by the side of the road.

The road in this area is basically a dirt road.On the gravel road.The traces of pedestrian walking are basically not obvious.The road to the right just now is basically bluestone pavement.No one noticed whether there was a large crowd passing by.But there is obviously the burial place of Shibi.Therefore, it should not be a place for the villagers of the Mo'er nationality to hide.

But the road on the left leads to the Silver Spirit Mine in the village.There is a good chance that all the villagers will hide here.But there was no obvious trace of a large group of people passing by on the road.

"Could it be here? What if they didn't hide here." Zhu Fakui whispered.

Zhang Jingjiang put her finger on her lips in a silent gesture.Then he said in a low voice: "Our goal is not to find those villagers. It's the ore. Besides, the place Yi Ling sensed should not be wrong. We just follow."

"Brother Jiang, you should go to the front. I'm afraid it will be bad if Miss Yi Ling is in danger." Zhu Fakui said.

"It's better for you to go to the front. It's uncomfortable for me to be close to her now. The aura of the white tiger supervisor on her body is very hostile to me." Zhang Jingjiang said helplessly.

Zhu Fakui heard this.The look on the face is wonderful.It's unbelievable and you're kidding me.But he looked at Zhang Jingjiang's face.Tactfully, he took two steps closer to Jiang Yiling.Consciously protect her.

To the left the road is winding down.After finally reaching the bottom of the ditch.They just found out.They were actually at the bottom of a prominent stone wall.The stone wall seems to be hollowed out under here.The stone wall above has become prominent.The space is huge here.But very depressing.

Jiang Yiling didn't stay here.Instead, walk through this space and go inside.After a few turns.Suddenly, the eyes suddenly opened up.They actually turned out of the space under the stone wall.And came to the other side of the stone wall.because of the angle.The place is not visible from the outside at all.But the environment here is the most peculiar.

Because under their feet is a large pit that spirals downward.The pit was obviously made of stone.It looks like an open pit mine.Judging from the scale of the place, the Moer people must have been mining here for a long time.Because there are countless large-scale equipment erected around the entire mine.Although they are all wooden equipment.But great style.

That's because of the kind of lifting equipment.They all use the trunks of big trees that are hugged together as booms.And the supporting place is also a big stone hewn out.The stakes are inserted directly into the cave.The fixation is all tied up with several huge rough wood reinforcements.And such a huge lifting device.There are more than a dozen along the mine pit.

When the Mo'er people with such superb skills launched their bow bed crossbow.It is not surprising.This kind of weapon of mass destruction for military use is not something anyone can create.Zhang Jingjiang was just weird.Why such a creative clan.There are only more than 1000 people.It was simply inconceivable.

The pit extends downward in a spiral shape.The sun was just able to find the bottom of the pit.There are densely packed cave dwellings on the wall of this big pit.Why is it called a cave dwelling instead of a grotto.Because it does look like a cave dwelling.Zhang Jingjiang didn't know that this was a special way of silver mining.It is mainly mined according to the veins.

Queson was completely indifferent to the terrain and scenery of the place.But Zhu Fakui and Zhang Jingjiang, who followed Jiang Yiling, couldn't help being amazed.They go all the way down.Observe these "cave dwellings" all the way.Some holes were found to be very shallow.But some holes are very deep.There are even many twists and turns with many branches.

But Jiang Yiling ignored these emptiness.She keeps going down.Her brows were always furrowed.Now at this stage her consciousness dominates.Then move forward with the feeling.So sometimes go very slowly.Sometimes you go too fast.

Queson followed behind her.Zhu Fakui is next.Zhang Jingjiang followed at the end.Even so he still felt uncomfortable.Had to fall back again.Knowing that Jiang Yiling led the three of them to the bottom of the entire mine.Then turned into a huge mine.

due to changes in light.It's suddenly getting dark in here.The depths of the mine were too dark to see clearly.Fortunately, at the entrance of the mine.There are torches on the walls.Zhu Fakui shook out the lighter and lit it.He and Zhang Jingjiang each hold one.If you see a torch on the front wall, light it first.The light is much brighter now.

There are many branches in the mine.But gradually upward.Every time Jiang Yiling felt it and chose a fork in the road to move forward.In this way, after walking about a few hundred meters, he suddenly stepped onto a stone platform.A beam of light directly above the head shone down.They actually walked from the main mine to the back of this mountain ridge. .

The beam of light above the head spreads to the ground with a diameter of two or three meters.But it is a hundred feet high from the top of the head.This is a naturally formed cave space.The light is coming in from the sun outside a small hole at the top.

"Here. Here are all crystals." Zhu Fakui shouted.

He was right.When we got here, a lot of crystals appeared everywhere.However, the crystals here are all plate-shaped crystals.The whole body is silver gray.Jiang Yiling continued to walk in along these crystals.Behind Zhang Jingjiang squatted down to study those crystals.

Obviously this is a crystallization of silver spirit ore.It means that this must be the location of the Yinling vein.Judging from the current situation.The cause of the crystallization here should be the piece of the ore.

I think it was in the Zerg Canyon.There are also a large number of crystal crystals.That's also because there is a piece of ultra-spiritual ore.But the ultra-spiritual ore here will affect the structure of the ore around it, thus deriving special crystals.It's just that there are crystal crystals in the Zerg Canyon.But here is the Silver Spirit Mine.

Logically speaking.The crystals around the Absolute Spirit Ore will have a certain amount of aura gathering phenomenon.But not here.The crystallization of those silver spirit ores not only did not have any spiritual energy gathering.On the contrary, there doesn't seem to be any aura here.The entire space is filled with a killing atmosphere.

"Brother Jiang, come quickly. I found it." Zhu Fakui suddenly shouted in front of him.

Presumably, Jiang Yiling finally found that piece of ore.In fact, this result is also expected by everyone.Tell them from the Moer people.They are the time of the tribe guarding the White Tiger Stone.Everyone guessed it.

Zhang Jingjiang stood up and walked inside.But he couldn't help but release some of his consciousness.The environment here made him feel very uneasy.The aura of killing was getting heavier and heavier.But right now.Jiang Yiling in front suddenly let out an exclamation.Seems to be in some danger.

This is what Zhang Jingjiang is concerned about.As soon as she heard her exclamation.Immediately ran inside.The stone platform extends backwards all the way.There was another ray of the sun shooting down from overhead.And there are a lot of silver spirit ore crystals piled on the ground.

Jiang Yiling hung there far away.And rose to a higher place.Kuichen and Zhu Fakui next to him were looking up.Zhang Jingjiang saw from a distance that nothing special happened.Instead, I feel relieved.This happens every time Jiang Yiling absorbs the ore of the ultimate spirit.Instead, he was no longer surprised.

Jiang Yiling's whole body was completely enveloped in a faint golden light.This look is the same as before in the vampire fantasy.This shows that she has already started the absorption stage.Zhang Jingjiang was seeing this scene when he came over.

But the moment he got close.The golden light that suddenly enveloped Jiang Yiling's body suddenly flourished.The golden light began to radiate and expand rapidly.Jiang Yiling, who was in it, suddenly began to twist his body in pain.And Zhang Jingjiang here also felt a huge coercion suddenly came.

This coercion came very quickly.So much so that Zhang Jingjiang had an effect on him before he could react.Zhang Jingjiang was immediately crushed to the ground with one knee.He was terrified.Involuntarily, he mobilized his strength to resist the pressure.

"Om..." There was a sudden buzzing sound in the whole space.The golden light on Jiang Yiling's body exploded again.This golden light is completely brilliant white.At the same time, Jiang Yiling's body disappeared into it.A low whistling sound suddenly appeared in everyone's ears as if it came from hell.

Accompanied by the sound of tiger roaring.A dragon chant followed closely behind.Zhu Fakui and Kuichen looked at the scene in surprise and couldn't help opening their mouths.Because within the space in front of you.Above the golden light where Jiang Yiling was.A huge phantom of a white tiger flashed out.And on top of Zhang Jingjiang's head opposite it.A huge blue dragon also suddenly appeared.

The white tiger looks extremely ferocious.Clouds and smoke.A snow-white tiger fur.With black stripes.Steel teeth and claws are majestic.And Qinglong on the opposite side is not to be outdone.The dragon's beard stretches.Longan shines.The four-claw hovering momentum is astonishing.

The white tiger was obviously inspired by that piece of ultra-spiritual ore.But Qinglong came from Zhang Jingjiang's body.This blue dragon has not appeared for a long time.Because there are not enough wood attribute elements around.Sometimes Zhang Jingjiang couldn't even feel the powerful spiritual consciousness of Qinglong in his body.

"Quickly get out. A dragon and a tiger must be injured in a fight." Kui Chen couldn't help shouting at Zhang Jingjiang at this time.

But now Zhang Jingjiang suffers from being unable to support his body at all.Under the huge coercion of both dragon and tiger.He couldn't move his body at all.And at this time.The white tiger raised its front paws and roared again.It rushed towards the green dragon above Zhang Jingjiang's head.

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