Zhang Jingjiang kept his eyes closed before, first using his soul perception to probe, and then to think, and Ye Shan and the others were confused by his surprise, but he still understood what he said!

But if you understand it, you understand it, but none of these people can understand what he means, not only these giants, but even the orcs don't understand, so Huang Yuhuan came over and tugged him.

"Have you really found a way?"

Zhang Jingjiang nodded and said to Huang Yuhuan: "Yuhuan, do you Huangli tribe rely on casting bronze drums to drive wild beasts?"

Huang Yuhuan nodded and said: "That's right, people in my clan usually use special bronze drums when they need to rely on monsters and large beasts to work and fight, and they have been raised since childhood, just like my Xiaobai!"

"I saw those bronze drums, they are of different sizes and styles, and I think they have different functions!"

Huang Yuhuan nodded again, and Zhang Jingjiang said: "To be able to cast such a complex copper drum, this kind of casting technology must be very advanced, and your smelting technology for smelting copper ore must also be very high?"

"Well, there are several elders in the tribe who are responsible for this!" Huang Yuhuan nodded.

Zhang Jingjiang nodded, but said to Shi Lang: "Now pull up this green sunflower! Then look at its roots!"

The servant didn't hesitate when he heard the words, he stepped forward and grabbed the green sunflower, his muscles swelled up, and he pulled it out with all his strength. The root of the green sunflower was not deep, and it didn't go deep into the soil, but it seemed that there were countless His paws were tightly holding a black and blue stone. The reason why Shi Lang was exhausted was because of this stone.

Zhang Jingjiang took the stone and inspected it for a while, and immediately confirmed that it was a relatively large iron spirit ore. He lifted it up and said to this kind of person: "Look, everyone, this kind of ore is called iron spirit ore! Iron ore is used to make iron, and steel is not only harder and tougher than bronze, but also not easy to damage! Although you can't make bronze drums to control wild animals, you can use them to make weapons and tools. The best choice!"

Ye Shan took the stone curiously, and looked at it carefully: "Is there really such a miraculous thing?" All the giants gathered around, curious about the iron ore in Ye Shan's hand, Zhang Jingjiang's words undoubtedly It's like a shot in the arm, making these big guys feel excited. If they can really use this brand new metal to make weapons, then do they still ask the orcs?

"Let's go back. I see that the ore reserves in this area are very rich. Let's go back and discuss it, and then we can start large-scale mining tomorrow!" Zhang Jingjiang said.

Zhang Jingjiang solved the problem that they had been entangled with for a long time when he went to the tribe of the giants. His original intention was to rely on his own or the power of Kui Chen's soul to help them detect and find a mineral vein. Now they have found the iron vein so quickly. Ling Mine also made him feel very satisfied!

The high priest of the Shichao Tribe couldn't help being very excited when he heard that Zhang Jingjiang had helped them burn the wasps to death and found honey. The tribe's infectious diseases could finally be cured. When mining ore, an old face suddenly became excited!

"The ancestors of my clan once heard about this kind of thing. I know about iron tools. It is rumored that this kind of iron tool can easily cut off a bronze axe. I also know that this kind of iron tool exists in the hands of the Huangli tribe!" He trembled. Weiwei said.

Zhang Jingjiang looked at Huang Yuhuan, Huang Yuhuan said: "Yes, Dad does have an ancestral dagger, which is very sharp and is stored as a sacred object. My family has found some of this kind of ore before, but it doesn't seem to be the case. The color, the smelted thing seems to have no other use other than being hard, it can only be used as a sledgehammer for us to make copper ore!"

It seems that the orcs did not understand the iron smelting and casting process. Zhang Jingjiang thought: "Iron casting and smelting is a process of removing impurities, so there is still some knowledge in it!" He said to everyone.

Ye Shan asked, "Does Zhang Engong know how to make metal?"

Zhang Jingjiang said with a smile: "I know a little bit, I only know that good iron needs to be continuously hammered and forged, and the final thing is hard, and the weapon is sharp! And when smelting iron ore, I also know that charcoal and Keep blowing the wind, and the molten iron that comes out has less impurities!"

"Well, it seems to be the same for refined copper ore!" said the high priest.

"Abba said the same thing!" Huang Yuhuan added.

Zhang Jingjiang stood up and said: "This matter still requires the cooperation and cooperation of your two tribes. The people of the Shichao tribe are in charge of mining ore, and the people of the Huangli tribe are in charge of smelting and processing. Although I have important things, I can still stay." For a few days, I will help you sort out some steps of making ironware! What do you think?"

Everyone stood up and bowed to Zhang Jingjiang: "Everything is according to benefactor's will!" Zhang Jingjiang was so panicked that he didn't know who to help!


Everyone is unwilling to waste the next time. After all, Zhang Jingjiang doesn’t have much time to stay, so the people of the giant tribe should treat their illnesses. In the afternoon, they organized people to mine ore, and Shi Lang sent people to follow. Huang Yuhuan went to the orc tribe to strengthen the cooperation intention between the two parties. After all, the iron spirit mine here is of high purity, and the orc tribe also needs to make tools and weapons, while the giant tribe can provide ore. Not only will there be no conflict between the two tribes, but there will be many With a good foundation for cooperation, the relationship will be stronger.

Zhang Jingjiang stayed in the giant tribe, Ye Shan meant to let him take a break, but Zhang Jingjiang was trying to recall what he had learned about the modern smelting technology. The New Territories are rich in resources, and raw materials of various metals and ores can be found everywhere , but due to over-exploitation has seriously affected the environment.

But in the original world, it is just the opposite. The races here have always lived a simple and primitive life, and due to the lack of resources, the environment has always been in a primitive ecology, but it is also poor and backward, which are like two extremes , you can't tell it's better there!People in the New Territories will definitely yearn for the world of the original world, but if the people in the original world come into contact with the highly developed life in the New Territories, it is hard to say whether they will return to the original world again!

Whether such extremes can be merged, Zhang Jingjiang dare not think, no matter who merges with whom, it is estimated that it will bring a devastating disaster to the other party!The impact of modern society on primitive areas is a clear proof. Zhang Jingjiang dare not think about it. He has now solved the problems of the two major races on the southern Wuyuan Continent, and he has also left behind for him to deal with Ziyang Mountain. When I got down, I should try my best to find Ziyang Mountain.

To deal with Ziyang Mountain, Zhang Jingjiang doesn't have the strength. Jiang Haishan called the chief minister in his body to wake up. He wanted Zhang Jingjiang to persuade the chief minister to save Jiang Yiling, but Zhang Jingjiang didn't think so. If he could help him, it would be all right now, because Kuchen no longer needs to be stored in his body, but Zhang Jingjiang couldn't open his mouth, because the relationship between him and Kuchen was too complicated.

When alone, Zhang Jingjiang used to rely on the power of his soul to enter his necklace, but found that there was a boundless layer of black mist inside, and he could not detect the location of Granny Yun at all. If he wanted to save Granny Yun, he could not do it for the time being. Zhang Jingjiang also gave up this plan, he just passed the Nine Suns Dragon Armor Art into the necklace, hoping to help Granny Yun.

As for Kuchen, he also summoned him and asked him about the hornet's egg!What the hell is it!Kuichen was also curious about Ci, but he couldn't say what it was, but he knew what it was based on Zhang Jingjiang's description of the wasp. It was a northern "Xichi spirit bee" specially domesticated by the Heixuan tribe in the north. A kind of monster bee!

This made Zhang Jingjiang think of the wood zombie, which is also a bug from the north. Why is it such a coincidence that they are all strange bugs from the north, but aren't they all related to the Heixuan clan?Zhang Jingjiang couldn't help remembering the Heixuan clan in his heart.

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