zombie girlfriend

Chapter 74 You Must Come Chapter 1

The speed at which the giants mined ore was extremely efficient. In the evening, several carts of ore had been dragged back. The giants were divided into two groups to do different things. Shi Lang and several warrior captains organized their men to go to the hunting ground. Hunt for food, and the wild mountains are very interested in mining iron ore.

Early the next morning, the people who went to contact the orc tribe had already returned. The patriarch and elders of the orc tribe held a meeting overnight to discuss the matter. , so responsible for helping them build the weapons they use.

This is due to two reasons. The first is that Zhang Jingjiang is the benefactor of the entire orc clan. The orcs believe in him and are willing to sell his face. It is many times better, and the orcs urgently need this kind of thing!

At any time, things like interests are at the forefront. If you are an ordinary orc, you may not care about these things, but as an old man in the clan, apart from favors, you should consider interests more Zhang Jingjiang didn't believe that the orc elders didn't agree to cooperate, but this was due to human nature and had nothing to do with people's hearts.

So Zhang Jingjiang decided to let Yeshan prepare to go to the orc tribe with the ore immediately. The honey of the wasp was very effective in the infectious disease caused by them. Many people got better immediately after taking the water made from honey. People's institutions are also stronger, and their recovery speed can be described as rapid.

Since iron ore is an important thing related to the future of the giant tribe, Yeshan asked the high priest to organize almost half of the male giants to mine iron ore. The entire hillside has been dug up by them. Where is the Iron Spirit Mine? The large ore veins made Yeshan very happy.

However, the women of the giant tribe were organized into the hunting grounds to hunt for food for the entire tribe!These female giants are tall, and their bodies are not inferior to those of the male giants. Many of them have tough personalities. There are many women who are naked to the upper body, with huge breasts dangling on their chests, carrying stone axes, Running strides!

Zhang Jingjiang took Ye Shan and others with several carts of iron ore to the tribe of the orc tribe. There will be a close cooperation process between the two tribes, so the road connecting the two tribes will be very fast. was opened up.

After Zhang Jingjiang and the others came to the Beastmen, Huang Yuhuan who was waiting there was very happy to see him, and the Beastmen also chanted favor to him!This still made Zhang Jingjiang not used to it. The Great Elder led a group of elders and clansmen to greet him, and apologized to Ye Shan. Regarding their difficulties, Ye Shan waved his hands boldly and ignored them.

The next thing was a matter of course. The orcs used the clay blast furnace they used to cast copper drums, and under the guidance of Zhang Jingjiang, they began to smelt iron ore, and the obsidian they used was like coal. After adding a certain amount of charcoal, the soil blast furnace was burned red!

Beast craftsmen are very good at manipulating and using animals to help them work. The green bull and the giant elephant are both extremely powerful animals, but they all obediently obey the mercy of the orcs. The huge blower blows the flames in the furnace high. It's so bright under the night sky!

Two days later, the first furnace of molten iron flowed out, and a huge battle ax was cast. The craftsman started the forging process with animal power, during which another truckload of ore was sent over!The giants are responsible for transporting obsidian!

One day later, the battle ax was successfully forged, the whole body was black, but the edge was sharpened!Ye Shan picked up this huge battle axe, feeling extremely excited in his heart. He has a huge figure, and holding this battle ax, he is as majestic as a god of war.

With an ear-splitting roar, a huge ax shadow flashed under a white light, and a boulder outside the door was split in half!Such a tomahawk made of iron showed great power, and Ye Shanrou's laughing voice also showed his love for this tomahawk.

The successful casting of the Tomahawk involved the hard work and hard work of many people. Now that the casting is successful, people naturally cheered. Zhang Jingjiang looked at all this with a smile. He knew that his mission here was over, and it was time for him to leave. It's time to go, there are less than two months left before the agreement between myself and Jiang Haishan.

"Plop!" With a sound, Ye Shan knelt down on one knee in front of Zhang Jingjiang with his battle ax in hand, his eyes filled with tears, and he said in a choked voice, "Grandfather! Mr. Benedict and our clan seem to have the grace of rebuilding. Shi Everyone in the Chao tribe will never forget the great kindness of benefactor! Ye Shan swears here that if he calls in his lifetime, everyone in the Shichao clan will definitely go through fire and water for him!"

"Plop! Plop!..." Immediately behind Ye Shan, the giants fell to their knees, and everyone shouted in unison: "I am willing to go through fire and water with my benefactor!" The sound shook the sky.

Not only that, seeing this scene, the Beastman clan also knelt down and shouted the same words. The Great Elder of the Beastman clan led all the elders to kneel down together. This made Zhang Jingjiang unbearable. Picking him up, he lifted Ye Shan and said to them: "Everyone, don't do this! I just fulfilled what I should do as a spirit body tribe. I will leave tomorrow, but I will still come back. Please believe me I!"

"Where is Engong going?" Ye Shan asked.

"West Ziyang Mountain beyond the mountains!" Zhang Jingjiang said with deep hatred.

"Let me send the bravest warrior in the clan to escort you there!" Ye Shan said.

Zhang Jingjiang smiled bitterly and said, "Thank you! Patriarch Yeshan, but I need to take a large bird to get there. It's very far away, and the warriors of the nobles may not be able to walk so fast! I don't want them to suffer any harm because of me!"

"Who said that you big men are going to escort me! I will personally escort En Gong there." A female voice suddenly sounded, and Zhang Jingjiang saw that it was Huang Yuhuan, the daughter of the Great Elder!

"Thank you Yuhuan! As I said, the journey is far away. I don't want you to be in any danger for me. Besides, your father is old, and he needs you by his side!" Zhang Jingjiang was very moved.

But Huang Yuhuan was already crying, big teardrops fell from her face, it seemed like pear blossoms with rain! "But you don't know when you will come back after you leave! I want to accompany you...!" She still choked up.

"Silly girl!" Zhang Jingjiang persuaded her softly: "Didn't I say I would come back? It could be half a year at most, or three months at least. I will definitely come back to see you!" He turned around and looked at the elder with a slight smile.

"Yuhuan once told me that you have large flying monsters that can fly, can you lend me one?"

The Great Elder nodded and said, "Yes, but those birds must be controlled by someone. To fly over the entire mountains, with two people, the speed may be a bit slow!"

"How slow will it be?" Zhang Jingjiang asked.

"Flying over the monster mountain range can take as many as ten days, or as few as seven or eight days!"

Zhang Jingjiang thought for a while and said, "It's okay! I'm sorry to trouble you!"

The Great Elder nodded and said, "I'll arrange it for you now!"

The news that Zhang Jingjiang was about to leave spread all over the orc tribe. Many people ran to his residence to see him off, and many people kept him. But he couldn't take it away, except that after he stored some food and drinking water in the astrolabe, he could only leave many things behind.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Jingjiang didn't want to sleep or practice. He went out and found a stone platform to sit down. Looking at the vast mountains in the distance, he couldn't help but think of Jiang Yiling. Suddenly a robe was draped over his shoulders. It was a long robe made of linen with an ancient style. Zhang Jingjiang turned his head and saw that it was Huang Yuhuan!

"Your clothes are torn. The robe I made for you, I don't know if it will fit!" She said softly.

Zhang Jingjiang didn't say anything, just nodded with a smile. The words of thanks are too much and they are false. Sometimes you need to give others a chance to repay you, or a chance to let others do things for you, so that they will be very happy. Comfortable!

"I'm giving Xiaobai to you. It's much faster than those birds. It only takes three days to cross the mountains from here! So you must come back!" Huang Yuhuan said again.

Zhang Jingjiang was shocked when he heard the words, and said in his heart: "It's over! This debt is too great!" He knew very well the relationship between Baihu and the girl, and he was given such an important thing to him. How can I accept it!

"I...!" Zhang Jingjiang opened his mouth to refuse, but Huang Yuhuan's small hand covered his lips!

"I said, you must come back. I can see Xiaobai when you come back!" After speaking, the girl flicked her long hair, turned her head and ran away, leaving Zhang Jingjiang looking at her back stupidly...

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