Chapter 141
Seeing that Yi Zhonghai blamed himself so much, Liu Haizhong was not polite.

Stepping up to accuse, "Old Yi, you are really telling the truth, why do you have to have a child at this time?"

"You and First Mother haven't had children for so many years, aren't you used to it?"

"Now that she's getting old and sick, how can she stand such a toss?"

"Even if the doctor didn't tell you what you should pay attention to, you should still pay attention."

"Isn't it nonsense to have children when you're sick?"

"Oh, you are so confused!"

The other neighbors also talked in low voices.

"Tsk tsk, what do you think this uncle thinks? Does he really want a child, or does he not want to live with the big mother, and wants to take the opportunity to kill the big mother."

"I think it's probably because he wants to marry another daughter-in-law, but he certainly didn't expect that the first mother could actually conceive."

"This person must have committed some evil in his previous life, that is, to be extinct. You see, he just had a child, but his wife and child died together."

"He used to pretend to be a nice guy, but looking at it now, he's not really a nice guy either."

"Yeah, I used to praise him for being kind to my first mother, but now he killed my first mother in order to have a child."


Yi Zhonghai could feel the contempt and ridicule from his surroundings, and most of the people in the courtyard had doubts about his character.

Although others misunderstood him, he didn't intend to harm Da Ma at all, because he didn't know Da Ma had a heart attack.

However, he couldn't explain this kind of thing, otherwise another lie would be exposed again.

He can only suffer in silence.

And this feeling of being despised and ridiculed made him very uncomfortable.

He used to be highly respected, and everyone in the courtyard admired him.

But now he has become a street mouse, he really can't accept it.

He decided again that he must restore his reputation, otherwise he would really not be able to survive this kind of life.

Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao are really hateful.

He made a fuss about giving birth specifically, which made it appear that he didn't care about the body of the first mother at all.

The former wife-loving character is gone, making him look extremely hypocritical now.

But he couldn't avoid this question, how should he explain it to make sense?
While he was thinking, Jia Zhang stood up and spoke for him.

Mrs. Jia Zhang glanced at the crowd, and said angrily, "What are you talking nonsense about, the old man is also a victim."

"If the doctor didn't make it clear, why would he think about having a child with the first mother at this time?"

"It must be because I think it's okay to think about having children."

"The old couple have not had children for so many years. Now that there are finally medicines for gynecological diseases, who doesn't want to have a child after the disease is cured?"

"Who wants to be extinct?"

"Don't think so badly of my uncle."

"If he didn't want Da Mom anymore, he would have divorced Da Mom a long time ago."

"Why would you want to kill her?"

"Doesn't that risk going to jail? Only fools would do it."

Wang Ming also stood up immediately, his eyes were flushed, and he said with a sad face: "You can't say that about my uncle."

"He's a good man, he can't possibly harm Big Mom."

"And the uncle must be very sad now. If you talk about him like that again, he must be even more sad."

Now he is worried that Yi Zhonghai will break the jar, and he doesn't plan to be a good person in the future.

So he had to help protect Yi Zhonghai, so that he still had a glimmer of hope for being a good person.

In this way, I will be able to eat out frequently again in the future.

Qin Huairu also immediately said: "That's right, you can't doubt others so casually."

"And it's a matter of two people to have a child."

"If the eldest mother doesn't want it, can the uncle force her to have it?"

"The first mother is not a fool. If she thinks it is risky to have a child, she will definitely not have it?"

"I think it must be that the first mother also wants a child."

"But the two of them didn't know what to pay attention to when they had a heart attack, so it ended up causing such a tragedy."

"In the final analysis, I can't blame the uncle entirely. How could he think so much?"

The deaf old lady also stood up to speak for Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai felt a lot better when he saw the four of them trying their best to protect them.

Although perhaps only Wang Ming and the deaf old lady simply believed in him, Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu might have some selfish intentions and wanted him to help.

But despite this, he is also happy.

After all, someone is willing to stand on his side and speak for him, willing to continue to believe in him.

And he also thought about helping Wang Ming and Jia's family more in the future, and at the same time continue to be filial to the deaf old lady, so that others can see him doing good deeds again.

To make everyone believe that he is really a good person again, and the big mother thing was just an accident.

Little by little his reputation will be restored.

And after hearing Qin Huairu's words just now, he suddenly thought that he could throw the blame on Big Mom.

In this way he can relieve himself of some responsibility.

But what made him unhappy was that Sha Zhu was standing in the crowd at this time, keeping silent all the time, and had no intention of defending him at all.

It seems that Shazhu has doubts about his character and doesn't want to trust him anymore.

He is very sad, after all, Shazhu is his favorite elderly care provider, if there are any accidents in the future, he can still ask Shazhu to help with the care of the elderly.

But now it seems that it is not easy to convince Sha Zhu again.

And Sha Zhu was indeed a little worried at this time.

Yi Zhonghai was originally an idol in his heart, but seeing the collapse of the idol's character design today is really hard for him to accept.

He never thought that such a thing could happen to Yi Zhonghai before.

Moreover, it seemed that Yi Zhonghai really couldn't get rid of his responsibility.

At this moment, Yi Zhonghai took a step forward, sighed and said, "Huairu is right, the first mother really wants a child."

"I didn't think it was a thing before I knew she was sick, but when she got sick, I didn't want it much."

"But she didn't agree. She thought she finally had a chance, so she couldn't let it go."

"She said that she has no children in this life, not only sorry for me, but also made her feel ashamed to see others."

"I always feel that I am inferior and not a normal woman."

"Besides, she also said that she had a heart attack a long time ago. She took the medicine for such a long time and it was fine, and she didn't feel uncomfortable, so she could continue to have children."

"She was crying and fussing, begging me to promise her, and I couldn't bear to refuse."

"Besides, I really want to have a baby with her. This is what we have wanted to do most for decades."

"At that time, we didn't know what to pay attention to when we had a heart attack. After all, the doctor really didn't say anything."

"The first mother didn't think there was any problem with her body, so we didn't take it seriously and thought it was enough to take the medicine on time."

"We don't want to say anything about being pregnant."

"At such an old age, I'm afraid that it will make people laugh if I say it."

"And at the time, I also felt that there was little hope of getting pregnant."

"Before, the reason why I wanted to arrange a funeral for her as soon as possible was because I wanted to handle it in a low-key manner, so as to avoid people making irresponsible remarks when she died."

"I didn't want to explain this at first, I wanted to save some face for her."

"But I didn't expect everyone to be so suspicious of me, saying that I killed her."

"This this……"

Yi Zhonghai burst into tears, choked up and cried excitedly: "We have been in love for so many years, she is my only relative, how could I think of harming her?"

(End of this chapter)

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