Chapter 142

Everyone watched him cry with grief, and felt some sympathy in their hearts.

Yi Zhonghai was alone, and he had been in love with Da Ma for so many years, so he probably wouldn't do such a thing as murdering Da Ma.

And he also made it clear just now that the first mother asked for the child on his own initiative, so it is impossible for him not to agree.

Later, I wanted to close the case quickly, not because I wanted to hide any crime, but because I was concerned about the face of the big mother.

It would be embarrassing and laughable for the two of them to have a child if it got out.

It's understandable that Yi Zhonghai didn't want to say anything.

In this way, it is not entirely Yi Zhonghai's responsibility, and it can even be said that he is not at fault.

Moreover, after contacting his previous charitable deeds, many people are more willing to believe that he is a real gentleman.

Sha Zhu was also more willing to trust Yi Zhonghai, what he did was understandable.

So he said, "It seems that we all blamed the uncle wrongly."

Yi Zhonghai was secretly happy when he heard what Sha Zhu said. It seemed that Sha Zhu was willing to believe him again.

Xu Damao snorted coldly, "I said, my lord, although you have said so much, it is only your side of the story after all."

"Big Mom has already left, even if you want to ask for proof, there is no chance."

"Although I hope what you say is true, I think it's better to remain skeptical."

"After all, no one knows what you two were thinking at the time."

"Maybe it's because you want a child, but it's not necessarily necessary to force her to have one."

"Think about it, everyone. The aunt feels ashamed of the lord in her heart, and she definitely can't bear to refuse."

Many neighbors nodded silently, thinking that what Xu Damao said was reasonable, and they should not just listen to what Yi Zhonghai said.

Xu Damao continued: "Of course this is just my guess."

"But no matter what, my lord, everyone in the yard is suspicious of you."

"Just now we heard from a few neighbors that they don't want you to be the first uncle anymore. It's better to let the current second uncle, Comrade Liu Haizhong, be the one."

Liu Haizhong smiled shyly at Yi Zhonghai, "Hey, Lao Yi, look at this mess."

"However, I also feel that your reputation has been discredited, and it is not appropriate to continue to be a master."

"Look, how about..."

Yi Zhonghai sneered secretly, he didn't expect that they wanted the position of uncle.

Although he didn't really want to give it to him, he also felt that he couldn't sit firmly in the position of uncle with his reputation now.

It's better to let it out and look more generous.

He smiled and said, "Hey, Lao Liu, you are right, I am really not suitable for this position."

"It's up to you to be the master."

"I just thought that the big guy will help arrange the funeral of the big mother, so that I can feel at ease."

Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao didn't expect Yi Zhonghai to be so happy.

Liu Haizhong waved his hand and said with a smile: "Hey, Lao Yi, don't worry, we are neighbors, we will help with the funeral."

Wang Ming stood up and said dissatisfiedly: "Why don't you let the uncle continue to be?"

"He didn't do anything wrong."

"And I don't think you can be a good first master, second uncle."

Liu Haizhong shook his head with a smile, "You idiot don't understand anything."

"Old Yi's reputation is not good now, even if people in our courtyard believe him, people outside will have doubts about him."

"When he goes to the streets to hold meetings in the future, others will make irresponsible remarks about him and talk about him behind his back."

"If he continues to be, it will not be good for our yard's image."

"So we still have to change people."

Yi Zhonghai shook his head to Wang Ming and said, "Forget it Xiao Ming, I don't have the mood to care about others now."

"It's good for Lao Liu to sit in this position."

Wang Ming looked frustrated, and sighed: "Anyway, in my heart, you are the uncle."

Yi Zhonghai was pleased when he heard this.

Although his position as uncle today has already been removed.

But in time, when his reputation recovers and Liu Haizhong makes any mistakes again, the people in the courtyard will beg him to continue to be a master.

Liu Haizhong announced at this time: "Okay, then I will be the uncle of the courtyard from now on."

Xu Damao, Liu Guangtian and others took the lead in applauding.

Liu Haizhong looked at Yan Pugui again, and announced, "Old Yan, you will be the second uncle from now on."

Yan Bugui smiled, and at the same time, he secretly made plans in his heart.

Now that Yi Zhonghai has stepped down and his reputation has been ruined, should we discuss with him about Wang Ming's custody.

Or let Lao Liu hold a general meeting to discuss it?

At this time, Liu Haizhong continued to say: "Now the position of the third master is vacant."

"I felt the need for someone to fill the void."

"Da Mao is a smart kid, and he can do things properly. Among the younger generation, he is very capable."

"I think Da Mao will take the seat of the third master."

"It's also about developing new people, so that young people will take over from us in the future."

Xu Damao smiled and said to Liu Haizhong: "Master, thank you for your cultivation."

"I really want to come to this position and do something for the courtyard."

"Then I won't refuse."

Others in the courtyard had no objection.

In terms of ability and brains, Xu Damao is indeed the top among the younger generation.

None of them can match.

But Sha Zhu disagreed.

"No, I have nothing to say when I said that you guys fucked up the uncle. After all, the uncle did make some mistakes."

"But why is Xu Damao the third master?"

"Second uncle, you let him take the position just because of your words?"

"We have to ask the opinions of the rest of us, right?"

"I see that you two have made an agreement, and you just want to let the old man step down and let Xu Damao take the stage?"

"This is a shady scene, we don't agree."

"Even if I want to choose the third master, I should be able to compete, right?"

The deaf old lady echoed: "That's right, our idiots have a good character and integrity."

"Why do you let Xu Damao be the third master and not let us be fools?"

"Liu Haizhong, I think you took advantage of Xu Damao!"

Liu Haizhong tried his best to argue that he just thought Xu Damao was better than Sha Zhu.

Xu Damao sneered at Sha Zhu: "I said, Sha Zhu, do you think you have a good character?"

"How do I remember that your conduct is not very correct?"

"Are you really going to compete with me for this position?"

Sha Zhu wanted to say something else at first, but he suddenly remembered that he stole Xu Damao's dumpling stuffing.

If he continues to compete, Xu Damao will definitely reveal this matter.

In that case, his reputation in the courtyard will be ruined.

It seems that Xu Damao had already thought about it, knowing that he might have objections, so he planned to use this matter to block his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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