Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 207 This is all for you

Chapter 207 This is all for you
He Yushui smiled secretly, thinking that Yu Haitang had really taken the bait.

On the one hand, it is the attraction of money, on the other hand, it is the attraction of sex.

It's hard not to be tempted.

Now is another great opportunity.

All this can be obtained for a small price, and without any responsibility.

She didn't bother to refuse.

He Yushui pushed back again, but Yu Haitang insisted.

He Yushui sighed and said, "Well, since you want to do this, then I won't stop you."

"But Haitang, I really didn't expect you to do this for me."

"You are really kind to me."

Yu Haitang hugged her shoulders and said with a smile, "Who told you to be my good sister?"

"You are willing to share your secret with me, which shows that you really trust me."

"In order to repay your trust, what is it if I do this for you?"

"And I'm here to set an example for you in the future."

"Actually, this kind of small problem has no effect on marriage at all."

"On the contrary, it can test whether the person you marry in the future is really willing to marry you."

"If they are sincere, they will never care about such small things."

He Yushui nodded happily, "Haitang, no matter what, you are really kind to me."

"I should have told you the secret from the beginning."

Yu Haitang smiled and waved, "Hey, it's never too late to tell."

"As long as you are willing to tell me, it is enough to prove your trust in me."

"Then how do you break that thing now, can you help me?"

He Yushui nodded, and then performed some operations.

After getting it done, the two went to the hospital together.

Yu Haitang cried and told the doctor that she was injured while riding a bicycle.

I want a doctor's certificate.

The two went to the same hospital that He Yushui and Wang Ming went to last time.

The doctor is also that female doctor.

She didn't think too much, seeing Yu Haitang's sad and frightened face, she naturally believed it.

After checking, he comforted Yu Haitang again, and finally issued a certificate to Yu Haitang.

Then Yu Haitang and He Yushui went back to the courtyard together.

After succeeding, Yu Haitang was secretly excited, thinking that now she could agree to Wang Ming's request.

But it's about picking the right time and place.

At first, she thought that her sister's house was very close to Wang Ming's house.

Wang Ming didn't close the door when he slept at night.

She could sneak into Wang Ming's house in the middle of the night.

But this idea is a bit too bold.

There are so many people in this courtyard, there is no guarantee that there will be no one going to the toilet in the middle of the night.

If found out, her whole life would be ruined.

So after thinking about it, she decided that it would be better to go to the small courtyard at Wang Ming's house.

Moreover, this matter has to be discussed with Wang Ming in advance.

The next morning, after breakfast, she went to look for Wang Ming at Wang Ming's house.

At this time, Wang Ming was waiting for Ran Qiuye to pick him up.

After seeing Yu Haitang coming in, he ignored her and turned his head away.

Make an angry look.

Yu Haitang walked over with a smile, sat by the bed, and said to Wang Ming: "Brother Xiao Ming, you won't be angry with me, will you?"

Wang Ming snorted coldly, "Why aren't you angry?"

"You obviously lied to me, don't think I can't see it."

"When it comes to not spending money for you, you don't plan to talk to me."

"It means you don't like me at all and don't plan to marry me."

"Just trying to cheat my money."

Yu Haitang smiled and hugged him from behind, "You really don't believe me?"

"You have no idea how much you're asking for from a girl."

"I can't make a decision for a while, and I haven't figured out how to tell you."

"Although I spend your money, you can earn more when you have no money."

"And my innocence is only once. If you suddenly don't want me, how will I live in the future?"

"Don't you think about it for me?"

Wang Ming said angrily, "I never said I don't want you."

"It's you who don't want to marry me."

Yu Haitang smiled and said, "Hey, I knew I couldn't explain it to you."

"You definitely won't think for me from my point of view."

"But since that's the case, there's no other way."

"Who made me like you?"

"For you, I am willing to agree to your request."

"But you have to treat me well in the future."

"If you just ignore me after you get me, you don't want me anymore."

"At that time, I will have no face to see people."

Wang Ming turned his head happily, "Haitang, are you really willing to promise me?"

Yu Haitang nodded, "Yes, I've been thinking about this question since I left your house yesterday."

"I'm wondering if I should trust you or not."

"This is a very important choice for me. If I make a wrong choice, my life may be ruined."

"But there is no way, I always have you in my heart, and I can't bear to let you go."

"So after thinking about it, I still choose to promise you."

"For you, I am willing to take great risks."

"I just hope you don't misunderstand me in the future and treat me well."

Wang Ming's face was moved, and tears welled up in his eyes.

She grabbed Yu Haitang's hands and said excitedly: "Haitang, I never thought you could do this for me."

"Now I regret that I didn't talk to you properly yesterday. I almost thought you really didn't plan to talk to me."

"But don't worry, I will never let you down."

"I will treat you well in the future."

Yu Haitang showed a gratified smile.

But she couldn't help thinking about how to reject Wang Ming at that time.

If Wang Ming was really persistent and stalking, she would not be able to marry someone else.

She suddenly thought of Ran Qiuye, and asked, "By the way, Brother Xiaoming, you're going to ask Teacher Ran to make up lessons for you, right?"

Wang Ming nodded, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Yu Haitang asked, "How is your relationship with Teacher Ran?"

"She treats you so well and gives you free lessons for such a long time. Does she have any thoughts about you?"

Wang Ming looked bewildered, "What does she think of me?"

"Teacher Ran is very good. She is definitely not a bad person."

"You don't have to doubt her."

Seeing that Wang Ming didn't understand what she meant, Yu Haitang didn't say much.

She felt that the relationship between Ran Qiuye and Wang Ming could be used to make a fuss in the future.

Ran Qiuye was so kind to Wang Ming and gave him such long lessons.

Any fool could tell that Ran Qiuye was interested in Wang Ming.

But she didn't care about these before, anyway, she will not marry Wang Ming in the future.

If she plans to marry in the future, she will try to find evidence that Wang Ming and Ran Qiuye are having an affair.

At that time, I will use this matter to break up with Wang Ming.

Wang Ming must have nothing to say, maybe he will feel sorry for her.

(End of this chapter)

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