Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 208 The Good Sister Outside the Window

Chapter 208 The Good Sister Outside the Window
Yu Haitang nodded and said, "Well, then you should have a good class with Teacher Ran."

"But we are not married yet, and we certainly cannot sleep together openly."

"If you really want to sleep with me, then we have to find a chance to go to your small courtyard over there."

"It's not good in the morning."

"Then wait until after lunch."

"When the time comes, don't take my sister and the others to your house anymore."

"Just say you want to hang out with me."

"I will also find a chance to talk to Yushui, saying that I have left something in my house and I need to go back and get it."

"At that time, the two of us will have a reason to leave."

"That way others won't suspect what we're doing."

"Do you know what I mean?"

Wang Ming nodded, "I know, I'll wait for you to take me out to play after I finish eating."

"If sister-in-law Yu Li and the others want to take their children there for a nap, I'll tell them that I can't take them there because I want to go out to play."

Yu Haitang nodded, "Yes, and even if they ask you to borrow the key there, you can't give it to them."

"Just say that they are afraid of losing things, so they can't let them go by themselves."

Wang Ming nodded and said yes.

Afterwards, Yu Haitang told him again, and finally left his house to go to He Yushui to do homework.

Time soon came to noon.

Yu Haitang felt that it was almost time, so she got up and rummaged through her schoolbag.

Then he pretended to be surprised and said, "Oh, it seems that I didn't bring my math homework."

"The Chinese homework is almost done, and I might have nothing to do in the afternoon."

"Looks like I have to go home this afternoon."

He Yushui laughed secretly, Yu Haitang was so impatient.

It was only the second day that I was ready to act.

She pretended to be surprised and said, "You didn't bring your homework?"

"Okay then, you can go back and write in the afternoon."

"It just so happens that I can't write as fast as you."

"You happen to be waiting for me too."

Yu Haitang smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll save writing for an afternoon and wait for you."

"Come on."

She felt more at ease when she heard that He Yushui was going to make up her homework in the afternoon.

In this case, He Yushui probably didn't care what Wang Ming did.

Of course, even if He Yushui knew that Wang Ming went out with her in the afternoon, it would be fine.

It can be said that she took Wang Ming back home by the way, and the two went out to play and go shopping together.

That's okay, it's reasonable.

The two then went to eat separately.

Yu Haitang waited for Wang Ming in the front yard after eating.

Seeing Wang Ming came back, she smiled and said, "Brother Xiao Ming, let's go, I'll take you out to play."

"It just so happens that I have to go home to pick up my homework. I didn't bring my math homework."

Wang Ming smiled and nodded, "Okay, let's go then, I just finished eating."

Yan Bugui who was sitting on the side quickly asked, "Xiao Ming, are you going out to play?"

"It's a hot day, what are you going to do?"

"What should I do if I have heat stroke?"

"And your sister-in-law Yu Li is planning to take Wan Yun to your house for an afternoon nap."

"You father, don't take care of yourself and play, you have to think about your children?"

Wang Ming showed a sad face, "But I have already made an appointment with Haitang, and we want to go out to play together."

"She only came here once, and I don't usually see her."

Yan Bugui shook his head in disappointment, "Look at you, you are already a father, and you are still so childish."

"However, I can't blame you. After all, you are still a child. It's normal to want to go out with Haitang."

"But you also have to think about your children, you have to take on the responsibility of being a godfather."

"Why don't you give the key to your house to your sister-in-law first."

"Let her take the child to take a nap at noon."

"Or simply ask your sister-in-law to provide a key, so that she can take the child there by herself."

"At that time, you can go out and play casually."

He thought he might as well take this opportunity and get a key.

It will be convenient for their family to occupy the house over there in the future.

Wang Ming refused again and again, "No, I have to bring the key."

"Teacher Ran said that you must be on guard against others."

"This key cannot be given to others casually."

Yan Bugui smiled and said: "Look at what you said, your sister-in-law Yu Li and Wan Yun are outsiders?"

"And didn't you say that too?"

"The house over there is also Wanyun's home, what happened to her taking a nap in the past?"

Yu Haitang was worried that Wang Ming could not speak well of Yan Pugui, so he said, "I said Yan Bo, are you being too impolite?"

"Brother Xiaoming just said it casually. He is not sensible. Do you really take what he said seriously?"

"After all, it's Brother Xiaoming's house over there."

"It is love to let you live, and it is duty not to let you live."

"You can't really think of it as your own home."

"You can't just want to take advantage of Brother Xiao Ming because he is stupid."

"It's not too hot today, and it's not like Wan Yun can't sleep at home."

"There's no need to go to Brother Xiao Ming's house."

Yan Bugui glared at Yu Haitang angrily, thinking why did this girl turn her elbows outward?
In order to protect Wang Ming's interests, even disregarding his own sister?

Or is it that she is interested in Wang Ming and wants to marry Wang Ming in the future.

Don't want their family to take advantage of Wang Ming?

Yu Li was also secretly surprised, she didn't expect Haitang to defend Wang Ming like this.

Even she didn't care.

She could understand why Haitang wanted to take Wang Ming out, she just wanted to spend Wang Ming's money.

But what does it mean not to let her and Wanyun go to sleep?
This shouldn't hinder Haitang, right?
Or did Haitang really fall in love with Wang Ming and didn't want the Yan family to take advantage of him?
Yu Li didn't think much about it, so she smiled and persuaded Yan Pugui, "Dad, Haitang is right."

"After all, it's Xiao Ming's home. If our house is provided with a key for convenience, then it doesn't make sense."

"It's okay, it's not too hot today, let's go another day."

Yan Bugui didn't say much after hearing this.

He just smiled to show that he understood Wang Ming, and told Wang Ming not to misunderstand.

Wang Ming then left the courtyard together in Yu Haitang's car.

Before leaving, Yu Haitang waited in the alley for a while, wanting to see if anyone followed her.

After making sure no one was there, she brought Wang Ming to the small courtyard with peace of mind.

As soon as they entered the room, the two couldn't wait to hug and kiss each other.

And slowly move towards the bed...

Three hours later, Yu Haitang lay on Wang Ming's chest with a happy face.

"Are you happy now?"

"I gave you everything I have, you can't let me down."

"You will be obedient to me in the future, do you understand?"

Wang Ming nodded happily and said, "Does that need to be said?"

"I'll take you to buy a skirt in a while, and then I'll take you to eat roast duck."

Yu Haitang smiled and said, "That's about the same."

However, at this moment, a woman's voice came from outside the window.

"Haitang, what are you doing behind your good sister's back?"

(End of this chapter)

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