Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 209 Choose to Forgive Her

Chapter 209 Choose to Forgive Her

Yu Haitang trembled in fright, sat up quickly, covered her chest, and looked out the window.

He Yushui had already opened the door and came in at this time, with a contemptuous smirk on his face.

Yu Haitang was extremely embarrassed and flustered.

She didn't expect He Yushui to follow, when did she come?

Did He Yushui see all the good things the two of them did just now?
Although He Yushui is her good sister, but now that the matter between her and Wang Ming is exposed, she can't hide the fact that she has been deceiving He Yushui all along.

After all, Wang Ming is He Yushui's brother-in-law. She spent so much money on Wang Ming, He Yushui must be very angry.

I don't know if He Yushui will use this to blackmail her.

Frightened, she pretended to be confused and said, "Yu Shui, why did you come in without knocking?"

He Yushui sneered, "Didn't you say you were going home to get your homework?"

"Why are you here?"

"What are you and Brother Xiao Ming doing?"

"Hmph, she said she was my good sister, but secretly she did this kind of thing without telling me and Brother Xiao Ming."

Yu Haitang quickly explained: "Yu Shui, don't get me wrong."

"Brother Xiaoming and I are just tired from playing, we sleep together for a while, there is nothing to do."

He Yushui snorted coldly, "You've already taken off your clothes, what are you still arguing about?"

After thinking about it, Yu Haitang said, "Okay, since that's the case, then I won't hide anything."

"Yu Shui, in fact, I have fallen in love with Xiao Ming for a long time."

"It's really embarrassing to keep this matter from you."

"We've been together for a while, and it's inevitable that we'll want to do things we shouldn't be doing now."

"Although you are my good sister, I shouldn't hide it from you."

"But this matter is too private after all, and I don't want you to know."

"And I did spend a lot of money from Brother Xiao Ming before, but we are so close, it shouldn't be a problem for me to spend his money, right?"

"Yu Shui, for the sake of being a good sister, you must keep it a secret from me."

"If you expose this matter to us, then you and I will be finished."

He Yushui snorted coldly: "Stop pretending to me here."

"How do you really like Brother Xiaoming? You obviously want to spend his money."

"Besides, you are also greedy for his body, that's why you seduce him to do such a thing."

"But you sure don't want to marry him in the future."

"The reason why you wanted to go to the hospital to issue a certificate yesterday was to facilitate you and him to do this, right?"

"And even if you do it, it won't affect your marriage in the future."


Yu Haitang blushed, she didn't expect He Yushui to see through her thoughts.

She was a little annoyed, she thumped the bed angrily and said, "Then what are you going to do?"

"I admit, I do think so."

"He is a fool after all. If I marry him in the future, I will have to serve him for the rest of my life."

"When I approached him, I really wanted to spend his money."

"Because when I saw him buying clothes for you, I was very envious."

"But then I also had feelings for him, otherwise I definitely wouldn't do this kind of thing with him."

"If you think I took advantage of him, then I'll just compensate him if I make money in the future."

"I have indeed lied to you, and I am not your good sister."

"But there is no enmity between the two of us, right? You won't be holding on to me, are you?"

He Yushui glanced at Wang Ming triumphantly, and said with a smile, "How about brother Ming?"

"I just said, she is not sincere to you."

"What do you propose?"

"Do you want her to lose money?"

Yu Haitang looked at the somewhat disappointed Wang Ming, and said with tears in his eyes, "Brother Xiao Ming, I really lied to you."

"I have no intention of marrying you."

"But it's not that I don't have feelings for you, nor that I just want to cheat you."

"Did you forget that I planned to save you money?"

"I'm not going to eat you up."

"I just want you to buy me some clothes and eat some good meals once in a while."

"I've given you my body now, isn't that enough?"

"I spent your money, and I will return it to you in the future."

"Just forgive me."

"And it's not good for you to spread the news, you might be in trouble too."

Wang Ming sighed and said, "Oh, forget it, Yushui told me before that you were lying to me."

"I didn't quite believe it at first, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Hey, Haitang, actually even if you tell the truth, I wouldn't blame you."

"You have brought me so much happiness that I don't even know how to repay you."

"And I can understand that you look down on me and don't want to marry me."

"It's really nothing."

Yu Haitang was moved after hearing this, and threw herself into Wang Ming's arms and wept bitterly, "Brother Xiao Ming, I'm sorry..."

"I failed you, and I will definitely repay you in the future."

He Yushui watched from the sidelines with a displeased expression on his face.

Unhappily said: "You forgive her so easily?"

"Sure enough, you are a playful man. I wouldn't have helped you if I had known earlier."

Yu Haitang looked at He Yushui in a daze, "Help?"

"Are you... plotting against me?"

She also realized that there was something strange about this matter, otherwise why would He Yushui come here?
And yesterday He Yushui looked for that certificate, was it just to show her?

He Yushui smiled triumphantly, "You just realized it now?"

"That's right, Brother Xiao Ming has already told me what you did to him."

"In order to expose you, I asked Brother Xiaoming to mention sleeping with you yesterday."

"And then deliberately let you see my proof, so that you can be unscrupulous."

"Although you have spent Brother Xiaoming's money, but if you hand over your body to him, he won't be at a disadvantage."

"So let's forget about paying back the money, and I don't care about it with you."

Only then did Yu Haitang realize that Wang Ming had betrayed her and told He Yushui about the relationship between the two.

Otherwise, He Yushui would not know about the two of them.

She was so angry that she pushed Wang Ming away and complained, "You actually betrayed me!"

Wang Ming muttered, "Can you blame me?"

"It's not that you planned to lie to me in the first place."

"I was a little skeptical, that's why I told Yushui about it."

"And now that you've admitted it, are you still ashamed to blame me?"

Yu Haitang thought it was true, if she hadn't lied to Wang Ming, Wang Ming wouldn't have betrayed her.

He Yushui smiled and said, "Haitang, don't be a good boy when you get cheap."

"You actually wanted to be like Wang Ming a long time ago, right?"

"I have fulfilled you too."

Yu Haitang also nodded secretly, thinking that it was indeed the case, and she didn't regret sleeping with Wang Ming either.

But it happened that He Yushui found out about this matter, which can be regarded as being caught.

How is this good?

Wait, just now He Yushui said that Wang Ming was playful, and seemed to be in a hurry.

Could it be that the two of them also...

(End of this chapter)

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