Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 212 Meeting an Acquaintance

Chapter 212 Meeting an Acquaintance
Naturally, he wasn't worried about what Yu Haitang and the others would expose.

Now that they are in the same boat, it is not good for everyone to expose this matter.

He said that just to play dumb.

If the two women knew about his acting stupid, they might think of marrying him instead.

But he didn't want to marry them both.

Being a lover is okay, but being a wife is not very reliable.

As an old king, when stealing other people's homes, you have to keep your own home well.

Yu Haitang smiled and said, "Don't worry, we are in the same bed now."

"It's not good for us if our affairs are exposed."

"The key is you, you have to be careful, don't mention our affairs to others."

Wang Ming nodded, "Don't worry, my mouth is very strict."

After the three happily finished their meal, they walked out of the hotel together.

At this moment, two acquaintances on bicycles appeared at the door.

It was Yang Weimin and Li Feng.

Yang Weimin shook his hair and said with a chic smile, "I just said that this bicycle looks familiar."

"I didn't expect it to be the two of you."

"Why did you come out to eat boiled mutton with Lao Wang again?"

Although he had some awkward fights with Yu Haitang at the beginning.

But he later found out that he still liked Yu Haitang and couldn't forget her.

So it didn't take long to fawn on it again.

And Yu Haitang was still a goddess fan, she didn't show anything to him.

But it's not alienated, and I'm usually willing to chat with him.

The two can only be regarded as good friends now.

However, he felt that there was still a chance to go further.

As for Yu Haitang's intimacy with Wang Ming back then, he didn't care too much about it.

Because he found out later that Wang Ming only had the IQ of an eight-year-old child.

And not interested in women.

The two should just hold hands and hug their waists, which is harmless.

And if you treat Wang Ming as a child, then it's nothing.

It doesn't feel cheap.

Yu Haitang will definitely not marry Wang Ming in the future.

He knows Yu Haitang very well, Yu Haitang is proud and cares about face, how could he marry a fool?
So his chances are still great.

Yu Haitang rolled his eyes at him, "Is it okay?"

"Brother Xiaoming is willing to treat us to dinner."

"If you are willing to treat me, then I can also eat with you."

Yang Weimin smiled and said, "Hi, I'm still in school."

"When I work in the future, my monthly salary can be used to treat you to dinner."

Yu Haitang sneered and said, "Come on, you will be poor."

But she was quite interested in Yang Weimin in her heart.

Although this kid is not as handsome as Wang Ming, nor as rich as Wang Ming.

But being able to speak well will please her, and he likes her enough.

At the same time, learning is also very good, and the future is very promising.

She felt that if she got married, it would be a good choice to find Yang Weimin.

At this moment, Li Feng and He Yushui looked at each other silently.

Li Feng looked a little embarrassed, he still likes He Yushui very much.

But he is not as open-minded as Yang Weimin.

He couldn't accept that He Yushui and Wang Ming got too close.

This made him feel very shameless.

If others gossip about He Yushui because of this, he will be very upset.

But there was no way, he was not as rich as Wang Ming, so he couldn't afford He Yushui to eat boiled mutton.

Moreover, they are still brothers and sisters. With such a relationship, it is quite reasonable to treat guests to dinner.

He can't ask people not to eat it, can he?

He and He Yushui are still just classmates now, how can they ask others to do this?
He Yushui is also a little embarrassed, she also has a good impression of Li Feng in her heart.

She could also see that Li Feng was a little concerned about her getting close to Wang Ming.

But now she still couldn't do without Wang Ming, and she had a better impression of Wang Ming.

If Li Feng cared too much, she could only choose to give up.

She didn't explain anything to Li Feng, but just nodded with a smile as a greeting.

Li Feng was secretly dissatisfied, He Yushui was usually very enthusiastic towards him, why is it not so salty now?

He even wondered if He Yushui liked Wang Ming more, because he was afraid that Wang Ming would be unhappy, so he didn't want to talk to him?

Wang Ming greeted the two with a smile, "It's you two?"

"Why did you come here?"

Yang Weimin smiled and said, "I went out for a stroll, I didn't expect to meet you."

"Hey, Haitang, have you finished your homework?"

"I'm almost done writing this."

"When are you free, let's ride a bike and go out to play together?"

Yu Haitang said calmly: "It's almost finished."

"Okay, then let's go out for a ride together."

"Everyone has bicycles anyway."

Wang Ming said excitedly: "Then bring me with you when the time comes, I want to play with you too."

He naturally didn't want Yu Haitang and He Yushui to get too close to other men.

Even if she doesn't get married in the future, she is his lover now after all.

If someone takes advantage of him, isn't that a hat for him?

So he had to supervise this kind of activities going out together.

Li Feng sneered and said, "Old Wang, you don't know how to ride a bicycle, why are you with us?"

"You don't want the rain or Haitang to take you by bike, do you?"

"You old man, what does it look like to let a girl ride a bike for you?"

"Besides, it's brisk and convenient to ride alone. If you bring someone with you, you won't be able to ride fast."

"The person who takes you will definitely not have fun."

"You either learn to ride a bike yourself, or you don't."

"If we really brought you along, we wouldn't have a good time."

Li Feng knew that Wang Ming couldn't ride a bicycle, so he took this matter to make things difficult for him, trying to make him quit.

It would be fine if Wang Ming didn't go.

If Wang Ming insists on going, let him learn to ride a bicycle first.

Anyway, he won't learn it for a while, and it won't affect their friendship with He Yushui and the other two girls.

Wang Ming pretended to be embarrassed, "Well...well, I will start learning to ride a bicycle tomorrow."

"At that time, I will ride a bicycle to play with you, and they will take me without rain."

He also felt that it was almost time to learn to ride a bicycle.

Why not take this opportunity to learn it, it will be much more convenient to go to various places in the future.

Li Feng was secretly proud, thinking that Wang Ming also wanted to save face, and he was ashamed to let the girl ride him with him.

Yu Haitang and He Yushui didn't say much either.

They didn't really want Wang Ming to play with them either.

What if something is exposed?
So everyone agreed to finish the homework within five days, and gather at the entrance of the department store in the morning five days later.

Wang Ming thought that learning how to ride a bicycle in five days was not too outrageous.

Riding a bike does not depend on the brain, as long as you master the balance, it is not too difficult for a fool to ride a bike.

(End of this chapter)

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