Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 213 Yu Li's Acquiescence

Chapter 213 Yu Li's Acquiescence

Then the three of Wang Ming returned to the courtyard.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

Wang Ming and Yu Haitang first went to Yu Li's room to see Wanyun, and then went to Jia's house to see Tianze Tianyue alone.

Then I went home and got ready to rest.

At this time, Yu Li came to wash him up.

While serving him, Yu Li asked, "Where did you go to play this afternoon?"

"Why is the rain with you later?"

"How did you meet?"

Wang Ming said casually, "Just playing in the park."

"Usually, Yushui often goes with us, so she went there to find us."

The three of them had colluded before they came back, that's what they said.

However, Yu Li still looked at Wang Ming suspiciously, "Really?"

"Why do I always feel that Haitang is a little different from before?"

"Tell me the truth, what is the relationship between you and Haitang now?"

"You've got her in bed already, haven't you?"

Wang Ming didn't expect Yu Li to be so sensitive, and he could feel that Haitang was different from before.

Perhaps after what happened today, Yu Haitang has become a little more charming.

He thought that sooner or later he would not be able to hide this from Yu Li, so it would be better to tell the truth.

Anyway, even if she knew it, it didn't matter.

So he confessed: "Okay, I admit it."

"I've got it."

Yu Li was very annoyed when she heard this, pinched Wang Ming's waist and cursed: "You stinky shameless!"

"Didn't I tell you?"

"Don't make Haitang's idea, why don't you listen?"

"It's not enough for you to have me, and you want to harm my sister?"

Wang Ming hugged her in his arms and comforted her, "Don't do this, just listen to my explanation."

"I admit that this is something I wanted to do on my own initiative."

"I really like Haitang, and this girl likes me too."

"I disclosed the matter between me and her to Yushui, and asked Yushui to cooperate with me."

"However, I did this to avoid greater misunderstandings in the future. I had to do this as a last resort."

"Before, I fought on three fronts against Teacher Ran, Yushui, and Haitang."

"There was no relationship at that time, and I could pretend to be ignorant, so I had an affair with the three of them at the same time."

"Even if they are exposed, they have nothing to do. At most, they will stop interacting with me."

"But now I have got Teacher Ran, and he is ready to marry me."

"At this time, if she knows that Yushui Haitang and I still have two legs, how should I explain it?"

"If things get serious, I'll be exposed for being stupid."

"At that time, my relationship with you, Huai Ru Xiao'e and the others had to be suspected, and the child was also in trouble."

"To be on the safe side, I'll get the rainwater first."

"Anyway, she doesn't want to marry me, and she can accept the current situation."

"Such light and dark, the relationship will be very stable."

"The situation on Haitang's side is the same as Yushui's. She also doesn't want to marry me, she just wants to spend my money."

"And she also has deep feelings for me, and wants to maintain a relationship with me by the way."

"Yu Shui and I set up a trap for her, but she got in voluntarily."

"I found out afterwards that there was no fuss, and I'm quite satisfied."

Yu Li could understand after listening to it, and it was reasonable for Wang Ming to do so.

But she was still a little angry, and said: "Really, this girl Haitang is too courageous."

"Dare to do this without getting married, aren't you afraid that you won't get married in the future?"

"Why don't you marry Teacher Ran in the future, and stay with Haitang."

"If she knows that you are not stupid, she will definitely be willing to marry you."

"It would be nice if you two could be together."

Wang Ming smiled and said, "You can rest assured about getting married."

"She's not stupid, she's smart."

"After knowing that there is a certificate issued by the hospital for rainwater, she also got one."

"With this proof in the future, she will definitely be able to marry."

"As for letting me marry her, forget it."

"First of all, I don't think she is suitable to be a wife. I have no intention of marrying her."

"The two of us are only suitable to be lovers."

"And you mustn't tell her that I'm not stupid."

"You should know her quite well. She won't be willing to share her man."

"When I marry her, she will never be grateful to you. Instead, she will hate you because we have an affair."

"If she knows about the two of us, she will never let the two of us see each other again."

"I won't let me see the child again."

"So you have to think about it carefully."

"There's really no need to force the two of us together."

After hearing this, Yu Li nodded secretly. After what Wang Ming said, she also felt that Haitang would not accept her favor if she really did that.

On the contrary, it was because my husband had an affair with his sister, and he felt grudges.

"Oh, forget it, then I won't do anything unnecessary."

"If it's really like that, then what am I planning?"

"Anyway, she has proof, and she will be able to marry in the future."

"As a sister, I have done my best."

"She chose the current path herself, and I don't care about her anymore."

Wang Ming put his arms around her and smiled, "That's right."

"When you get married, the relationship between sisters actually fades away."

"Sooner or later, everyone will have to live their own lives."

"There's no need to sacrifice your own happiness for your sister."

"If you really want to talk, the closest people have to be your man, me, and our family Wanyun."

"There's no reason to give up your man to your sister, right?"

Yu Li rolled her eyes at Wang Ming, and snorted coldly, "Anyway, you don't suffer, and you take advantage of everything."

"I already knew you, a pervert, would never let Haitang go."

Wang Ming took her hand and said with a smile, "It can't be entirely my fault."

"Haitang seduces me so actively, how can I resist?"

"If she didn't want my money, I wouldn't have a chance to get it, would I?"

Yu Li sighed, "Hey, forget it, let's not talk about it."

"I don't care about her business anymore."

"It's just that you have to take it easy in the future, and don't let her conceive a child."

Wang Ming smiled and nodded, "Don't worry."

If he doesn't want a child, he won't have it anyway.

However, if Yu Haitang and He Yushui want to ask him for one in the future, he will be willing to help.

After Yu Li left, Wang Ming turned off the lights and prepared to rest.

But he doesn't need to sleep too much, so he usually spends his nights reading.

And just after two o'clock in the middle of the night, Yu Haitang actually sneaked into his house.

Wang Ming also knew what she was thinking and did not refuse.

It was after four o'clock that Yu Haitang sneaked back while no one was around.

When Yu Li woke up in the middle of the night just now, she found that Yu Haitang hadn't come back.

I didn't see her even when I went to the toilet, so I probably just went to where she went.

I thought that this Haitang was really a little fairy, so I was so anxious?

But Yu Li didn't say much when she heard her back, and continued to pretend to be asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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