Chapter 223
Wang Ming laughed, very pleased with himself.

"He must be filial to me, he is my son after all."

After hearing this, the three mothers said they were right again and again.

Aunt Yang and her daughter-in-law, who were sitting opposite, sniffed secretly.

I thought that Wang Ming was really stupid.

Although he has learned a lot of knowledge now, he can almost take care of himself, which is much more normal than before.

But the brains are still not very clever, and they don't understand the world and the gains and losses at all.

Just because he became the godfather of Yu Li's children, he wholeheartedly helped raise those two children.

And those two from Qin Huairu's family.

Although the two boys in Xu Damao's family don't need him to raise them, he often feeds them some delicious food.

It can be said that he is closer than Xu Damao's real father.

From their point of view, Wang Ming is really heartless. Why should he have so much money for other people to raise their children?
Do you really expect those children to grow up to be filial?
How nice it is to marry a wife and have children.

So even though Wang Ming is much more normal than before, he is still a fool in their eyes.

Of course, they also wanted to take advantage of Wang Ming.

But because the Yan family and the Jia family were in the way, and Xu Damao defended it everywhere.

The other companies in the courtyard couldn't take advantage of Wang Ming at all.

Their family finally had to give up.

At this time, the stick stem just came back.

Although he has recovered from his stomach problems now, he hasn't grown much in the past few years.

Still less than 1.5 meters.

And because of taking care of Jia Dongxu for a long time, he has been holding a resentment in his stomach.

So he always put on a bad face, as if everyone owed him money.

In fact, Tianze Tianyue has grown up now and doesn't need to be taken care of so much.

It stands to reason that it would be better for Jia Zhang to take care of Jia Dongxu.

Xiaodang can also take care of his two younger siblings at home.

The stick can actually go to school.

But Jia Zhang disagrees, the more she looks at Tianze now, the more she likes it, and the more she looks at the stick, the more she dislikes it.

I feel that going to school is a waste of family money.

It's better to stay at home and work and take care of Jia Dongxu.

And she can have more time to take care of her precious grandson Tianze.

It can be a little easier.

So stick stem is still shouldering the responsibility of taking care of Jia Dongxu.

Even going out to run errands is done by him, and Jia Zhang has a lot of leisure time.

Therefore, the resentment towards Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu deepened in his heart.

But because his family status was too low, he didn't dare to say anything.

Just bury the hatred in my heart.

But just now, he exchanged fifty cents for a book on acupuncture and a box of silver needles from an old beggar.

I heard the old beggar say that if he can learn the medical skills from the book, his future will be limitless.

The dead can be brought back to life.

The stick stem was tempted for a while, so he bought it with money.

He didn't want to use acupuncture to save his father's life.

Instead, he wanted to use his father's body to practice acupuncture.

Even if he can't practice well, he can use the excuse of treatment to stab Jia Dongxu hard.

To relieve him.

Wang Ming also noticed the stick at this time.

Bang Geng held a vegetable basket in one hand, which contained the vegetables he had just bought.

The other hand is holding a book and a rectangular dark red wooden box.

And he clearly saw that the book was called "Acupuncture and Moxibustion Classics".

He wondered, where did this book come from?

So he asked with a smile, "Bang, are you back from grocery shopping?"

"What are you holding in your hand?"

Bang Geng was very polite to Wang Ming, and said with a smile, "It's nothing, Uncle Wang, just picked up a book."

"It seems to be a medical book. I'll go back and study it. Maybe I can cure my father."

Wang Ming stood up, walked over, and took the book from his hand.

He frowned and looked, "Needle...what's the word behind this needle?"

Yu Li went up to have a look, and said, "Acupuncture, is this a book for learning acupuncture?"

"Bang, are you going to stab your father with a needle?"

Sticky said frankly: "My dad hasn't moved for so many years, he's no different from a dead man."

"It doesn't hurt to stab him."

"I thought it would be better to treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor, and see if I can use the medical skills in this book to cure him."

"If it can be cured, what are you afraid of with a few needles?"

"Aunt Yu, don't you?"

Yu Li smiled and nodded, "That's true."

Not enough, but she was secretly worried that this kid, Bang Geng, wanted to kill his father?
She also knew the agreement between Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu.

It should be about ten days before Jia Dongxu turns into a vegetable in two and a half years.

If the stick killed Jia Dongxu accidentally, wouldn't Qin Huairu marry Shazhu in one year?

She has deep feelings for Wang Ming now, and she doesn't want Wang Ming to wear such a green hat.

Wang Ming wasn't too worried about it, anyway, Jia Zhang's bellyband was still in Sha Zhu's place.

He can start the ugly trick at any time.

He was a little worried about the book.

He had heard of "The First and Second Classics of Acupuncture and Moxibustion", which was written by Huang Fumi, the originator of acupuncture and moxibustion.

But the title of this book has an extra word "true".

And the author is also Anonymous, not Huangfu Mi.

Could it be said that it is the work of a miracle doctor.

What if BangGong accidentally learns it and saves Jia Dongxu?
If Jia Dongxu still has the memory before the accident, then he will definitely know that Tianze Tianyue is not his and Qin Huairu's child when he wakes up.

Then it will be troublesome.

Although the probability of such a thing is relatively small.

But Wang Ming was still a little uneasy.

Now Jia Dongxu hardly has much work to do, so he naturally wanted to let Jia Dongxu die peacefully, and he didn't want to make troubles.

So he persuaded Bang Geng: "Bang Geng, is this book a lie?"

"What if you stab brother Dongxu to death with a needle indiscriminately?"

"I think it's better to forget it, don't bother Brother Dongxu, he is pitiful enough."

Bang Geng sighed: "Oh, Uncle Wang, I also feel that there is little hope."

"But my dad is not alive for a few days now."

"Even if the hope is small, I want to try and see if I can bring him back to life."

"I'll discuss this matter with my grandma and mother later to see if they agree."

Wang Ming could not refute this statement.

However, he felt that Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu would not agree to Bang Geng, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

So he nodded and said, "Okay, you should discuss it with your grandma and your mother."

"Listen to them and don't mess around."

"I'll go take a look too."

After speaking, he went back to Jia's house with Banggen.

At this time, Jia Zhang in Jia's family was sitting on the bed making shoes for his grandchildren.

Xiaodang and Tianze Tianyue were playing with Xiaodang on the bed.

Seeing Wang Ming coming, Tianze Tianyue jumped out of bed to greet him.

"Dad, are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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