Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 224 Silly Zhu wants to borrow a knife to kill someone

Chapter 224 Silly Zhu wants to borrow a knife to kill someone

Wang Ming happily picked up the two children.

Tianze and Tianyue look almost the same, with big round eyes, high nose bridge, very cute.

Inherited the handsomeness and beauty of him and Qin Huairu.

One with a crew cut and the other with a watermelon head.

White and tender, all very cute.

Wang Ming kissed their cheeks alone, and said happily, "Missing Dad again?"

"Go to sleep at Dad's house tonight."

"Okay." The two children agreed in unison.

Jia Zhang smiled and praised: "Oh, Xiao Ming, look at how close these two children are to you."

"As soon as I saw you coming, I went looking for you without wearing shoes."

"You are blessed. They will definitely be filial to you in the future."

She and the three mothers all said the same thing, in order to maintain the goodwill between Wang Ming and the child.

So that Wang Ming can continue to raise children for their family.

Wang Ming also said proudly, "That's for sure, they are my children."

"You must kiss me, and you must be filial to me."


Seeing that Wang Ming was still so stupid, Jia Zhang smiled gratifiedly.

She was worried that Wang Ming had learned a lot and would feel that it would be a disadvantage to help their family raise their children.

But seeing that Wang Ming is still so stupid now, she felt relieved.

Wang Ming is short-sighted, no matter how many things he has learned, it is useless.

But at this time she noticed the book and the wooden box in Banggen's hand, and asked, "Banggen, what are you holding in your hand?"

"Where did it come from? Couldn't it be bought with money?"

Stick explained: "No, I picked it up on the road."

After speaking, he gave his grandma the change he had found for grocery shopping.

He himself has some private money, so he dares to spend money on books.

Otherwise, if his grandma found out that he wasted money recklessly, she would definitely beat him up.

Seeing that Banggen didn't waste money, Jiazhang didn't say much about him.

Instead, he asked, "Then what is this book?"

"Is it some useless idle book?"

"You usually don't mess with such useless things for me."

"Would you like to do more housework for the family when you have time?"

Stick stem was angry in his heart, but he didn't show it.

Instead, he said patiently: "Grandma, this is not an idle book."

"This is a medical book on acupuncture and moxibustion. If I can learn it and give my dad a prick with a needle, maybe he can come back to life."

Jiazhang's face turned pale with shock, "What? You want to stab your father with a needle? And you say it's a medical technique?"

"Bullshit! How can you treat a disease with a needle?"

"I think you want to kill your father!"

As he spoke, he was so angry that he slapped a stick on the face.

Tianze and Tianyue trembled in fright, and buried their heads in Wang Ming's chest.

"Father, I'm afraid." Tianyue said in fear.

Wang Ming angrily accused Jia Zhang and said, "Aunt Zhang, what are you doing?"

"It scared Tianze and Tianyue."

"Although the stick is wrong, you can't beat him?"

After hearing this, Jia Zhang apologized again and again, "Oh, I'm not good, I'm not good."

"Scared my baby grandson?"

"It's all because Sticky is ignorant. Am I teaching him?"

Wang Ming said indignantly, "You can't hit people with education."

"It's also kind of sticky, he wants to treat his father."

"Besides, Tianze and Tianyue are scared and feel that you will beat them in the future."

"It can't be like this in the future."

Jia Zhang responded again and again, "Yes, yes, Xiao Ming, you are right."

"I won't be like this in the future."

A ball of anger was simmering in stick stem's heart.

Jia Zhang is not as caring about him as an outsider like Wang Ming.

It's really ridiculous.

But Wang Ming said to him again: "It's great, but you really can't stab your father with needles."

"How can this cure the disease?"

Stick stem sighed secretly, it seemed that there was no other way.

If I had known earlier, it would be better not to tell them, and to stab them secretly.

But he also understands that grandma and younger brothers and sisters are all at home, so it's not convenient for him to do it.

I thought I could just forget it.

Jia Dongxu also breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

He knew that BangGong must have no good intentions. He said it was a cure, but he actually wanted to take revenge on him.

Fortunately, his mother wasn't too stupid, and didn't agree to such a thing as Bang Geng.

But after hearing Wang Ming's persuasion, he was very unwilling.

Wang Ming must have been afraid of an accident, afraid that he would accidentally come back to life, that's why he didn't want to use the stick for acupuncture.

It's not kind of persuasion stick.

Thinking of the bastard Wang Ming, that bitch Qin Huairu, and the two bastards they gave birth to.

Anger was burning in his heart, wishing he could come alive and kill them.

But he also knows his situation, and he will not live for a few days.

In that case, it might as well let a stick prick him a few times.

Maybe a miracle will happen.

And at this moment, Silly Zhu returned to the middle courtyard.

He has also been frowning recently.

Because two and a half years are approaching, Jia Dongxu is still alive.

In this way, Qin Huairu would have to observe mourning for three years after Jia Dongxu died.

He really couldn't wait any longer.

Now he even has the idea of ​​killing Jia Dongxu.

Just pinch his nose for a moment, and it won't take long to kill Jia Dongxu.

Very easy.

At the same time, there will be no evidence left.

After all, Jia Dongxu has been a vegetable for so long, and it is normal to die, and no one will pursue anything.

But he never had time to commit crimes.

He had to go to work, and the four children and Jia Zhang were often at home when he was resting, so he didn't have a chance to do anything.

The most important thing is that he dare not, he is afraid.

That is murder after all.

If found, he would be a murderer, and he would be shot.

But he also didn't want to wait another three years.

So he thought of killing Jia Dongxu with the help of a knife.

Stick is dissatisfied with Jia Dongxu, he knows it.

But it is very unrealistic to really instigate BangGou to kill his father.

What reason did he use to persuade stick stem to do such a thing?

And the stick is not stupid, how much benefit can he gain by killing his father?
Even if it's for freedom, he can wait for a while until his father dies. There's no need to do such extreme things.

And it seems that Sticky is not willing to be his stepfather himself, so naturally he wants to delay until the end of two and a half years, so that his mother can keep his filial piety for three more years.

So persuading Banggen to kill Jia Dongxu is not in the interests of Banggen.

It's hard to convince him.

Therefore, Sha Zhu has been worrying about this matter.

When he walked to the middle courtyard, he happened to hear the movement of Jia's family.

went in.

"Hey, Xiao Ming, are you there too?"

"What's going on here?"

"How did I hear you guys training sticks?"

Wang Ming explained with a smile: "Hey, Banggan took a book and said it was acupuncture."

"I want to treat Brother Dongxu, and I want to save Brother Dongxu."

"But isn't this nonsense?"

"How can there be such a cure?"

After hearing this, Silly Zhu regained his spirits.

Acupuncture is good, if the stick can accidentally stab Jia Dongxu to death, wouldn't that let him succeed?
(End of this chapter)

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