Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 226 Jia Dongxu moved his arm

Chapter 226 Jia Dongxu moved his arm

Jia Zhang explained with a smile: "This is a medical book picked up by the stick on the road."

"Learning acupuncture."

"If you really learn it, maybe you can cure Dongxu."

Qin Huairu secretly glanced at Wang Ming, feeling a little worried.

Why did BangJiao pick up such a book at this time?

There won't be a real miracle, let stick stem cure his father, right?
If Jia Dongxu really woke up, she and Wang Ming would be in big trouble.

So she said with a smile: "Hey, how can he learn this kind of thing?"

"What if he stabbed Dong Xu to death a few times?"

"Dongxu managed to survive till now, why don't you torment him?"

Jia Zhang said with a smile: "Hey, maybe it's God's will."

"God specially asked Banggen to pick up such a book, maybe he was asked to treat his father's illness."

"Maybe if you prick it casually, Dongxu will be able to come back to life."

"I think it's better to let him try."

Sha Zhu echoed again and again, and said, "That's right, let BangGong have a try."

"Treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, maybe a miracle will happen."

Qin Huairu said with a smile: "I said silly Zhu, do you still want Dongxu to come back to life?"

"Don't you like me? If Dongxu comes back to life, then it's impossible for the two of us to be together."

"You don't mean to want Sticky to put his father to death, do you?"

Silly Zhu smiled and said, "Sister Qin, what are you talking about?"

"I am sincere to you, but I also sincerely want Dongxu to come back to life."

"The beauty of a gentleman's adulthood, if he can really come back to life, then I definitely won't compete with him for you."

Jia Zhang also nodded and said, "That's right, Sha Zhu is not that kind of person."

"Huairu, don't talk nonsense."

"If it wasn't for silly Zhu's reminder, I almost missed the chance to wake up Dongxu."

Qin Huairu was secretly annoyed, thinking that Mrs. Jia and Zhang were really stupid enough to believe even Shazhu's words.

Couldn't she have figured out what silly Zhu was up to?

It's not convenient for her to say anything more at this time.

It wasn't until Wang Ming took Tianze Tianyue out to play and Sha Zhu went to cook again that she sat next to Jia Zhang and talked about it.

"Mom, you should think about it again."

"Don't you know what silly Zhu thinks?"

"Now there are only ten days left in two and a half years."

"Silly Zhu must hope that Dongxu will die in these few days."

"This way he can save two years of waiting."

"He persuaded Banggen to treat Dongxu, just to make Dongxu die sooner."

"Why do you listen to him?"

Jia Zhang sighed: "Oh, I also know what he thinks."

"But I really think it's God's will, and I can't miss this opportunity."

"If you don't do anything, then Dongxu will die sooner or later."

"If you prick it with a stick, maybe you can come back to life."

"Let the stick try."

"Otherwise, when Dong Xu came to me in a dream, saying that I prevented him from waking up, how would I be able to sleep in the future?"

Qin Huairu thought for a while and said, "Then it's better to wait for a few days."

"After ten days, the time will come."

"When the time comes, let Bang Geng treat Dong Xu's illness, and even if he dies, Sha Zhu won't be able to succeed."

"Mom, I actually don't want to marry Sha Zhu."

"If I wait another three years, I might be promoted."

"It won't be a big problem to support a family by then."

"I did this mainly to consider the children's face."

Jia Zhang shook her head and said, "Huairu, mom knows you don't want to marry Shazhu."

"Mom, don't you want Dongxu to come back to life?"

"When Dongxu comes back to life, won't you young couple be together again?"

"I feel like I can't wait, what if it's delayed?"

"I always feel that if Dongxu can wake up, it will be in the next few days."

"Let's try stick sticks on his arms and legs first and see if it works."

"This way nothing will happen to Dongxu."

Qin Huairu felt that Jia Zhang could not be persuaded anymore.

She seemed to have ulterior motives in persuading her further.

Although there is a high probability that the stick can't cure Jia Dongxu, she is always a little uneasy.

Let's take a look at the situation first, and then discuss it with Wang Ming.

If necessary, she felt the need to kill Jia Dongxu.

At this time, Jia Dongxu was extremely weak and had no ability to resist at all.

Even a child can easily kill him.

And without leaving evidence, it is very common for vegetative people to die of asphyxiation.

But she was actually a little scared, this was murder after all.

She didn't want to do it unless it was absolutely necessary.

She nodded and said, "Okay, let BangJiao try."

"But stick, you have to study hard, don't mess with your dad, do you hear me?"

Stick nodded, "Don't worry, Mom, I will study hard."

In this way, stick stem read the book all night.

I watched it again the next morning.

After eating, he finally couldn't bear it any longer, and started to get the needles.

Jia Zhangshi, Wang Ming and several children also watched his performance.

Tianyue looked a little scared, hugged Wang Ming's arm tightly and said, "Father, I'm afraid."

"Brother Zha... that father."

Wang Ming touched her stomach with a smile, and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, your great brother is treating a disease."

After hearing Tianyue's words, Jia Zhang was a little unhappy.

This child's name is Wang Ming, who is even closer than Dong Xu, it's outrageous.

But this is also normal, after all, Wang Ming can speak and move, while Dong Xu is a living dead.

No matter how close the father is, if he cannot communicate with the child, it will inevitably lead to alienation.

The child and Wang Mingqin are normal.

So she was very much looking forward to Dongxu waking up at this time.

In this way, the two children can interact with their real father.

She looked expectantly at the needle stick.

The stick stem has already been pierced several times.

He hasn't learned much at all now, it's all blind.

That is to say, you can basically find the acupoints, but the technique is much worse.

But he was very happy to pretend to be very serious and skilled.

This is an opportunity to take revenge on his beast father, how could he let it go?
After a few needles, all the veins were pierced.

When the needle was pulled out, there was still blood oozing out.

Mrs. Jia Zhang was shocked, but Bang Geng said: "It's nothing, this is a normal phenomenon."

"Just stop the bleeding and you'll be fine."

Jia Dongxu was secretly annoyed, thinking that this stick is really just a blind stick?
Can't really no miracle happen?
Didn't God give him a chance at all?

Although Wang Ming has been teasing the children, he is still very concerned about Jia Dongxu's situation.

Seeing it now, stick stems feel like they are messed up.

This kind of piercing method should not be able to cure Jia Dongxu.

Accidentally breaking a blood vessel, or causing inflammation or something, might hasten Jia Dongxu's death.

It should be nothing to worry about.

However, just 5 minutes later, the stick was pricked with a few more needles.

Jia Dongxu's arm suddenly trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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