Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 227 Time to start

Chapter 227 Time to start
A trace of shock flashed in Wang Ming's eyes, and his heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.

Read that right?The messy tying of the sticks actually made Jia Dongxu move?
Is it really conscious, or is it a neurological reflex?
If Jia Dongxu really woke up, it would be a big trouble.

He was secretly nervous.

Jia Zhang's stick, Shazhu and others were also shocked.

However, after Jia Zhang was shocked, she was delighted, while Sha Zhu and Bang Geng were a little dumbfounded.

Jia Zhang pushed Jia Dongxu excitedly and asked, "Dongxu, are you awake?"

"Are you feeling something?"

However, Jia Dongxu didn't respond. It seems that the blow just now only stimulated Jia Dongxu a little, but didn't wake him up.

Jiazhang was a little disappointed, while Wang Mingbanggen and Shazhu secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

However, Jia Zhang still patted the stick with some excitement and said: "Bang, you really have it."

"My father was moved by you."

"You keep trying and see if he can wake up."

"If your father can wake up, maybe it depends on you."

Stick Cursed secretly in his heart, he didn't want his beast father to wake up.

Originally, it was just a random tie, but unexpectedly, the blind cat ran into a dead mouse, which made his father move.

If I continue like this, I'm afraid I will really wake up.

When he was in a dilemma, Sha Zhu hurriedly said: "Auntie, it's a good thing Dongxu can move a little bit."

"But it's obvious that the stick has not been treated properly, otherwise Dongxu wouldn't have moved just now."

"I still only know a little about BangGou, and I haven't studied that book thoroughly."

"Let him take a look again, don't worry about letting him continue piercing."

He didn't want to let the stick continue to be treated.

What if Jia Dongxu is really cured?
Jia Zhang glanced at him suspiciously, "Sizhu, what do you mean?"

"You don't want Dongxu to wake up, do you?"

"In this way, you go out first, and let the stick continue to treat his father."

She felt that Sha Zhu had malicious intentions, and it might hurt Dong Xu's thoughts.

So I want Sha Zhu to leave first.

Silly Zhu explained with a smile: "Auntie, what you said."

"I'm afraid that I finally got the chance and let you miss it for nothing."

"Since this acupuncture can make Dongxu respond, then we should study it carefully and formulate a strategy."

However, Mrs. Jia Zhang still let him leave first and let them take care of themselves.

Silly Zhu had no choice but to leave first.

At this time, Jia Dongxu listened to their conversation and knew that he had moved just now.

However, he was still unconscious and unable to move at all.

But at this time, he was still secretly crying in his heart.

Originally, he planned to stay still even if he was conscious.

Wait until I can speak and have a certain ability to act, and then tell my mother what I said.

Let her take good care of herself.

However, he didn't expect his body to move uncontrollably.

This is not a good time.

Any one of Wang Ming, Shazhu, Banggen, and Qin Huairu would feel murderous when they saw this kind of scene.

But his mother, Jia Zhang, is still a pig, so she was only wary of Shazhu, not the other three.

Now he was still in danger.

He can only resign himself to fate now, and see if a miracle will happen next.

Jia Zhang ordered Bang Geng to continue the treatment.

But the stick showed a look of embarrassment, and said: "Grandma, I just stabbed it twice just now."

"I don't even know how it got my dad to move."

"I think I'd better read the book for a while, and I'll study it carefully to see how to treat it better."

Jia Zhang pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, no, I think you should just prick it blindly, relying on your feeling."

"Maybe if you treat it well, it won't work. You have to mess around to cure your father."

Stick stem originally wanted to delay the time, but now he had to do it.

But since his grandma said that he could pierce blindly, then he just didn't prick the acupuncture points.

This should have no effect.

Afterwards, the sticks began to pierce randomly, using silver needles to pierce dense grid-shaped points on Jia Dongxu's arm.

Sometimes when a blood vessel is stuck, there will be a lot of blood, at least 50cc.

Jia Dongxu's body was already weak, and he would be even weaker after bleeding so much.

It may even lead to death due to insufficient blood supply.

Seeing this, Wang Ming felt a little relieved.

According to such a treatment method, Jia Dongxu should not be able to wake up.

Bleeding almost to death.

Jiazhang saw that it had no effect and lost a lot of precious blood, so he hurriedly told him to stop.

"Bang, it's not going to work like this."

"Why don't you read the book again and think about it carefully."

"Try to understand how it was tied just now, so that your dad can move."

The stick keeps saying yes, and he needs to understand this very much.

Only in this way can he avoid bringing Jia Dongxu back to life.

At this time, Qin Huairu just came back.

Wang Ming excitedly said to her, "Sister-in-law, do you know?"

"Bang Geng treated Brother Dongxu just now, and it really moved Brother Dongxu."

"If it goes on like this, Brother Dongxu may wake up one day sooner or later."

Qin Huairu's pupils trembled when she heard this, she didn't expect that the acupuncture and moxibustion of the stick would be really effective.

On the surface, Wang Ming congratulated her, but actually hinted at her.

It’s impossible to continue like this, and we must find a way to stop it.

She also pretended to be happy and said: "My God, really?"

"Bang, it's really yours."

But she noticed a wry smile on Banggen's face. It seemed that Banggen was not willing to let Jia Dongxu wake up.

She didn't want to do it herself, it was murder after all.

Can we take advantage of this and let the stick do it?
But it's too cruel to think about it.

No matter how you say it, the stick is her son, and it is too insidious to instigate her son to kill his father.

She was still a little hesitant at this time.

Jia Zhang sighed and said, "Oh, it's just a little movement."

"I didn't move after that, and shed so much blood in vain."

"I think it's better to let the stick to study more, and then stick it after the research."

Qin Huairu also nodded in agreement, "Yes, this matter is of great importance, so we can't be careless."

Jia Dongxu complained secretly, but no miracle happened.

It seemed that he was doomed to escape this catastrophe.

Maybe in the middle of the night tonight someone would sneak up to the bedside, pinch his nose, and suffocate him.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Qin Huairu took the opportunity to wash Wang Ming's feet, and then talked about the previous events.

"Xiao Ming, do you want me to do it?"

"I'm really scared and afraid to do this kind of thing."

"And I don't want BangGiao to do it. He is my son after all."

"I don't think so, it's just a coincidence, he won't wake up."

(End of this chapter)

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