Chapter 230

Seeing this, Jiazhang was a little strange, "This...why is Dongxu still waving his hand at the stick?"

"Didn't the stick usually take good care of him?"

"Now that his arm has been healed, does he still feel bad about it?"

"Dongxu, what on earth do you mean?"

Stick is also secretly surprised, what does his father mean by waving his hand?

On the other hand, Wang Ming said, "Is it because you didn't take good care of Brother Dongxu?"

"Brother Dongxu should be able to hear what we are saying, otherwise he would definitely not know that the stick came back."

"He should have been able to hear it before, knowing who took good care of him and who didn't."

After listening to Wang Ming's words, Bang Jian was even more frightened.

He was tired of taking care of his father, so he slapped him or something, and kept cursing.

If his dad could hear it before, he would definitely remember what he did.

That being the case, it is even more impossible to let his father wake up.

He said indignantly: "I was a little unhappy before, and said a few words about my father."

"But I haven't healed his arm yet?"

"He still blames me?"

"If that's the case, then I might as well die."

Seeing that he was angry, Jia Zhang comforted him, "Bang, don't be angry with your father."

"No matter how you say it, he is still your father. Can you not save him?"

"Just treat him properly. If he wakes up and scolds you, grandma will definitely protect you."

Stick is also playing hard to get, he nodded reluctantly and said: "Okay, I'll treat him."

"Who made him my father?"

At this time, Jia Dongxu didn't have much strength to hint to Jia Zhang.

It's still a matter of life.

With the last of his strength, he pointed to his head and waved his hands.

Then he pointed to his left arm and gave a thumbs up.

Jia Zhang also understood this meaning.

"Hey, does your dad's gesture mean to say don't let you fix your head?"

"Give him the other arm first?"

Wang Ming nodded and said: "Well, it should be that Brother Dongxu can't believe in Stick, afraid that he can't heal his head."

"I want him to fix the other arm first."

Mrs. Jia Zhang nodded, "Okay, Banggan, you can treat the other arm first."

But Bang Geng felt that Jia Dongxu already understood that he had murderous intentions, so he didn't dare to let him treat his head.

He hesitated now, not knowing what to do.

If he put needles in his head on purpose, it would be easy for others to see that he wanted to kill his dad on purpose.

So he could only nod and say yes, and began to treat his dad's other arm.

If you want to start, you can only find other opportunities.

Wang Ming hinted at the same thing about BangGong.

However, he felt that it might not be possible to get things done with sticky stems, and Sha Zhu had to be notified about this matter, so that he could kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Using Sha Zhu's hand to do this, if it was exposed, he wouldn't be involved.

At the same time, in order to prevent Jia Zhang from wanting to understand something, he murdered Tianze and Tianyue.

He planned to take the two children away first.

So he greeted Jia Zhang and said that he would take the two children to play with Wan Yun and Teng Yun.

Jia Zhang was quite relieved of him now, and without saying anything, let him take the two children and leave.

Wang Ming went back to the front yard and sat in the yard with Yu Li, playing with the children while waiting for Sha Zhu.

Silly Zhu just went shopping for groceries, and he should be back soon.

Sure enough, after waiting for 5 minutes, Sha Zhu came back with a basket of vegetables.

Wang Ming said to him, "Brother Zhuzi, you are back."

"Let me tell you, Brother Dongxu is about to wake up."

"Now he can move one arm."

"Let Bang Gan treat him again, maybe he can wake up completely."

When Sha Zhu heard the vegetable basket, he was so surprised that he dropped it from his hand.

He never expected such a thing to happen.

Originally, I thought that I would let Bang Geng give Jia Dongxu a ride, but I didn't expect that Jia Dongxu would soon be cured instead.

If Jia Dongxu really woke up, what he had been doing for so long was nothing but fetching water from the bamboo basket.

Yu Li also knew about Wang Ming's plan just now.

So he laughed and said: "I said silly Zhu, are you dumbfounded now?"

"Originally, the daughter-in-law was almost in hand, but the husband is about to wake up now."

"Haven't you been busy all these years?"

Silly Zhu picked up the basket pretending to be calm, and said, "I don't care."

"If Dongxu can really wake up, I'm also happy for him."

"It's not that I can't find a wife, why should I be dumbfounded, cut!"

After speaking, he walked to the middle courtyard and entered Jia's house.

"Auntie, I heard from Wang Ming that Dongxu's arm can move?"

Jiazhang was secretly annoyed, wondering why Wang Ming told Shazhu about this.

What if Shazhu wants to harm Dongxu?
So she said: "I just moved a little bit, and I have to continue the treatment."

"Silly Zhu, you are ready to cook, as long as we are here."

As he spoke, he pushed the silly column out.

Silly Zhu asked puzzledly: "Auntie, what are you doing?"

"I also want to discuss with you to see if we should send Dongxu to the hospital."

"No matter how you put it, it's a blind stick. It's better to let the doctor look at it."

Jia Zhang even said no, then pushed Sha Zhu out of the door and closed the door.

He was afraid that Shazhu would find an opportunity to kill Dongxu on the road.

The current Dongxu is very fragile, and he will be gone if he falls.

And she also felt that other doctors were unreliable, so she had to let the stick come.

Silly Zhu returned home with a troubled look on his face.

He felt that he must have no chance to make a move, and he had to borrow a knife to kill someone.

And he also understands that Banggen has always had objections to Jia Dongxu's eccentricity.

If he could provoke him, maybe Bangjiu would find a way to attack him.

And even if the stick is exposed to do this, it won't affect him.

During lunch, Mrs. Jia Zhang took the meal to Jia Dongxu's side to eat, and never left.

Bang Gon stayed at Sha Zhu's house for dinner, which gave Sha Zhu a chance.

When he and the stick were left in the room, he spoke.

"Bang Ji, it's really you."

"I actually let you cure your father."

Bang Geng smiled wryly, "It's nothing, I'm also a blind cat and a dead mouse."

"I may not be able to cure it later."

Sha Zhu leaned back on the chair and sighed, "Oh, you don't need me to be your stepdad when your father wakes up."

"I can't marry your mother either."

"To be honest, I'm a little sad."

"After all, I like your mother very much, and I also like you children."

"Especially you are awesome, I treat you like my own son."

"But with your father in the future, you may not need me anymore."

"Oh, what a pity, what a pity."

(End of this chapter)

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